Palestinian boy claims police beat him
Omri Efraim
Published: 03.03.11, 18:44
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31. Some observations
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.04.11)
"I have been arrested in the past but that's no reason to hit my boy." The apple does not fall far from the tree. "The father added that his son had not been throwing stones on the day he was beaten." Criminal activity is criminal activity. If you engage in it, you are subject to arrest at any time; not necessarily when in the act of committing the offense. That said, how does the father know what his son was doing? Was he there? One has to wonder if an eleven year old juvenile delinquent with five prior encounters with the law is capable of telling the truth. My guess would be "no." "The officers that beat him have no brains and no limits. They say Israel is democratic, but law and democracy don't protect us." It is up to him as the accuser to prove that the police did not act appropriately. For all we know, this boy got into a fight with another boy earlier in the day, and rather than lose face by admitting he was beaten up, he threw rocks, got caught, and used the ensuing questioning by the police to concoct a story that the police were responsible for his injuries. Except that we know that the boy's father was present at all times during police questioning, and we also know that had the police roughed up the juvenile delinquent in the streets, there would have been other sources either to confirm or deny. There were none. "M.'s mother says he has nightmares 'that police knock on our door and take the children away.'" Excuse me, but this eleven year old thug has had five -- FIVE -- prior encounters with the law. He's a sociopath. Sociopaths do not get nightmares. "Jerusalem Police stated in response, 'The minor was caught red-handed throwing stones, and was interrogated in the presence of his father. During the interrogation he felt poorly and was released to receive medical treatment.'" Seems pretty straightforward to me. I wonder how much the family of this juvenile delinquent is being paid to participate in this bad ACRI-Pallywood production.
32. Jake @2
04.03.2011   (03.04.11)
You're a sorry-state. Leave the arab thugs to do whatever they like (regardless of age) against a Jew. What a pitiful silly B you are. I'd scare the hell out of that boy so hard, he'd start to wonder if he really was alive! As for his delinquint parents, a hard thump wouldn't do them any harm. Go for it!
33. Sarah @ 10
04.03.11   (03.04.11)
Spot on Sarah B. I couldn't have said it better myself. The more I read the more I question if I am still on Planet Earth. I wonder if we are supposed to leave this world the way we came in..... not knowing anything???
34. Jane Czech Republic
JUDAH THE LION   (03.04.11)
Oh yes we know how you were treating the Jews in your Country during the WW2 and even before that..Look at you own country or at any other countries including the so called the EUROPEAN,when the police were hitting people with their batons.Keep your anti Jewish to yourself. European not innocent but they can be ruthless & vicious,without any moral
35. Stone throwing is attempted murder.
Jules   (03.04.11)
A bullet of 9 grams flying at 200 meters per second has kinetic energy similar to a stone of 1 kilogram thrown at a car approaching at 60 kilometers per hour. Kids must attend school, not throw stones. Attempted murder is an extremely serious crime.
36. To: No. 21
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.04.11)
You are describing perfectly the activities of Egypt's SSI when they raid Imbaba looking for criminal children. You are fooling no one. And you make some gross and very wrong assertions. Israelis are tried in civilian courts because they are Israeli. Arabs, Jews, Druze -- it does not matter. West Bank Arabs are tried in military courts because civilian courts have no jurisdiction. The reason that West Bank Arab children are considered adults at 16 is because that has always been the standard in the West Bank, under Jordanian rule and even now, under the PA administrative rule. Had you bothered to research the issue properly, you would have discovered that Israeli Arabs and Israeli Jews, subject to Israeli law and the Israeli courts, are treated identically. The West Bank Arabs are NOT citizens of Israel, and thus Israeli law does not extend to them. A West Bank Arab is subject to very different laws than an Israeli Arab, yet you do not mention this. You are trying to stir up trouble where none exists. You are deliberately seeking to convey the impression that there are significant differences between the treatment of Arabs and the treatment of Jews, but that is simply not the case. You carefully fail to mention that the difference depends upon whether the accused is an Israeli citizen or a Jordanian citizen resident in the West Bank. Religion and ethnicity have absolutely nothing to do with it. You were being intellectually dishonest. Fortunately, you are not very intellectual, so the "arguments" you present are embarrassingly easy to counter. Better luck next time. Try Al Jazeera if it's a sympathetic ear you are after.
37. To: No. 33
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.04.11)
Scary, isn't it?
38. no 30
Jane,Israeli justice is recognised by the whole world as fair.Look at the Arabs & Muslims world justice.You will l never get a fair justice from their courts.
39. #30 Jane's COMICAL gibberish
CK Tan ,   Singapore, Singapore   (03.04.11)
Her OMISSIONS of context and PROOF aside, Jane's RANT - that Israel either do NOT punish or mete out LIGHT penalty for the deaths of palis - is LAUGHABLE. Cos she does NOT dare to look at the OTHER side - the palis do NOT punish anyone who harm or KILL Israelis. She is SCARED to reveal that the palis in fact BESTOW national HONOUR - naming streets, square, etc - to some of those MURDERERS. And she calls Jews crazy? My toes are LAUGHING.
40. To: No. 30
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.04.11)
You are a miserable liar. Do you know what you are doing? I will tell you. You are -- for reasons of your own, but I suppose hatred of Jews plays a not inconsiderable role -- projecting upon Jews the PRECISE BEHAVIOR OF THE CZECHS TOWARD THE JEWS. I'd say that you were merely trying to assuage your conscience, but you are clearly a psychopath, so you have no conscience. Now, to the legal side. Do not assume facts not in evidence. The unsubstantiated claims of an eleven year old boy who has had FIVE -- count them, FIVE -- run-ins with the law for hurling rocks is NOT credible. His father, also known to Israeli security services, is NOT credible. In your zealotry to attack Jews (and your accusations are beyond absurd), you fail to proffer a scintilla of proof. Jane, you are truly demented. Get some help; you are in desperate need of psychiatric intervention.
41. # 39
Birdi ,   Israel   (03.04.11)
Poor Jane really doesnt know what its all about hence her pathetic rant. Poor girl has been brainwashed.
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (03.04.11)
The harsh reality is that despite your long, windy post, you haven't seen any of what you're talking about, have you ? Yet, you have the gall to pretend you're initmate with the facts We went through this about a week aga, same brat was the focus of the discussion When I requested that you supply the Israeli laws that you claim to be quoting,, in the end you ran for the hills I'm supplying the link to that discussion so that one and all can see that you are fabricating the information,7340,L-4035104,00.html
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (03.04.11)
Which will be his own death, when he throws a stone at someone who feels threatened that his own death is imminent His father won’t have time to run home and bring the little momser’s Identity Card; it’ll be of no use, other than to identify the remains of the corpse The death and injuries he seeks to inflict will have boomerranged back to him And of course NON-OBSERVER will not be on hand to NON-OBSERVE Since NON-OBSERVER never saw any of what transpired in the first place, he just likes to cite Laws that he’s never able to produce when he’s asked for them When the family receives friends and neighbors at their mourning tent, adorned with photos of this little terrorist, as they're passing out sweets to their guests, they will proclaim he was a good boy, he drank his milk, listened to his parents and elders, threw stones exactly as he had been instructed to do Be assured of one thing NON-OBSERVER will make a NON-VISIT to console the family
44. He's already had 5 prior arrests
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (03.04.11)
This terrorist is more familiar with the insides of the Police Station than the police are No need for him to take a taxi, he gets free rides in Police cars
45. To Sarah B # 28
Ameridane ,   Aarhus, Denmark   (03.04.11)
It's a bit difficult to be a Danish emigrant in Denmark, but no I am reffering to the 400.000 emigrants to a country with a population of 5 millions. Denmark, being quite a quiet country has never in its long history had so much violence in within. Thanks to the opressed in their own countries that turned into opressors when they arrived here. There is a case right now in the Folketinget (Danish parliament) about some Palestinians kids, born in Denmark that were refused Danish citizenship, but most of them have already criminal records etc , hence the refusal.
46. Palestinians kids in Denmark
Denmark are welcome to take more Palestinians kids to Denmark and give them Danish citizenship.
47. Video Staged by B'Tselem
Aron S. ,   Lancaster, USA (now)   (03.04.11) has evidence that this video and the entire incident was staged by a B'Tselem operative. Indeed - Pallywood. Haven't these fools ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?
48. To: Ameridane at No. 45
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.04.11)
The phrase should have read "or the children of Arabs, and Danish emigrants to Denmark specifically." "Arabs" should have been plural and a comma placed after the word. I apologize for not having made myself clear. I am not surprised. The Moslems and Arabs that have emigrated to Europe are not interested in becoming Europeans or in integrating themselves into the fabric of the society in their new homes. They seem to have a penchant for violence (one does wonder why; they are scarcely being oppressed in their new homes) and appear to be determined to impose their way of life on the local population. We know that they have behaved quite badly in a number of countries, and physical attacks in response presumed "attacks" on their faith and/or their "prophet" are not uncommon. You are in better shape than many countries, including the United States, where one is a citizen by virtue of having being born in the country. You state that the "Palestinian" children who were born in Denmark have been refused Danish citizenship because of criminal behavior and activity. Good. I wish other countries would take Denmark's lead, and not bestow citizenship even to those who are born locally until it can be determined beyond any shadow of a doubt that they are worthy to have European citizenship bestowed upon them. Specifically, Sweden and Norway come to mind. England's problem is already in its third and fourth generation. Perhaps a loyalty oath, defining proscribed behaviors, is in order. If one takes an oath and breaches the terms and conditions of the oath, they are subject to deportation for the violation. Stern measures must be undertaken, or Europe will be lost. Bernard Lewis, a highly-regarded expert on Islam, has said that if present circumstances continue, Europe will be predominantly Moslem by the end of the twenty-first century. With all the turmoil throughout the Arab and Moslem world, I would hope that the countries of Western Europe do not take pity on the millions that will be seeking to emigrate to Europe. As the circumstances that you relate in your post (which is not exclusive to Denmark) adequately demonstrate, the emigres seem to come under false pretenses. Let them build their Caliphate elsewhere; Europe already has a culture which it wishes to maintain. No Arabs and/or Moslems need apply.
49. What this kid needs is a new set of shoes
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (03.04.11)
One consisting of a specially made, to his size, Oregon boot It will slow him down a bit the next time he throws stones and tries to avoid capture Quite a few styles to pick from let him choose what he likes the best
50. to 40 -Sarah B
john Darren ,   cairns-Australia   (03.05.11)
You said it so well-I totally agree with all your comments today. JD-Cairns AUSTRALIA.
51. Was he even throwing stones? It's not clear
Ali ,   UK   (03.05.11)
And even if he was? I don't think anything justifies the infliction of severe injuries on prisoners in police custody - even discounting the fact that this is an 11 year old kid!! Come on, people; even if you think the kid is lying, this allegation is extremely serious and deserves attention.
52. #36 is answer to #42
53. #51 Ali - He had already been arrested 5X
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (03.05.11)
The rock thrower had been instructed to claim brutality, any bruises were the result of his father hitting him for failing to kill a Jew This is so similar to the Mohammed Al Durah fraud, that it's almost funny Eleven years old kid, where his parents, I know about his father he was also in trouble with the police, along with some of his brothers A real snake's nest Other than the kid's allegations, did anyone see any blows being struck ? Regarding the doctors testimony, the testified in accordance with the instructions they had been given These false allegation has gotten more than enough attention, too much Time would have better spent sending this brat to a Juvenile facility for rehabilitation One day he’s going to kill someone or get killed, he flat out, must stop throwing the rocks You're a late arrival, this story has been going on for weeks
54. #51 Ali
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (03.05.11)
It's quite clear, here's a link to the first story, take your time, you have a lot to read,7340,L-4035104,00.html
55. To Ali.
Birdi ,   Israel   (03.06.11)
Ali, a few days ago you said I was "alright" We dont "think this kid is lying" we know this kid is lying. Ali, our police would never hit,injure or abuse an 11 year old pallie kid in custody. I agree, this is a very serious allegation & yes it deserves attention,which it will get. It will come to light that this kid & his father are pathological liars. If & when I find a link about this case, I will post it here for you. Please try not to believe every story you hear from Pallywood.Try hard to have an open mind.
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