Libya under major attack; US fires cruise missiles
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Published: 20.03.11, 03:49
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46 Talkbacks for this article
31. 28 Tayfun, Turkey, Istanbul: Nostradamus does indicate there
Rivkah   (03.20.11)
will be an invasion of Southern Europe by the Muslims and this could be the provocation for that.
32. U.S must stop fighting Moslems' wars for them with our Tax $
Ghazafi and his followers are killing other Arab Moslems of their own country. If Ghazafi loses power and the oppossition groups take over they will be the ones killing Ghazafi's followers. two groups of Arab murderes fighting each other, each wishing to gain power and killing the members of the other group. Obama is just wasting American people's taxes for defending one Fascist group against another.
33. Is Saudi Arabian oil money used for this war againt Libya or
U.S taxpayers?   (03.20.11)
34. Where can we get the Midnight Express
Habib Seliman ,   New York, USA   (03.20.11)
Where can we get the Midnight Express hash you have been smoking? The Turkish - Syrian border? Better stock up cause we heard they're running low in anti-diarrhea medication in Damascus.
35. Obama sticks his neck out
Michael ,   California, USA   (03.20.11)
Who is he doing it for? I will bet Israeli public opinion doesn't understand and will continue spitting out venom on Obama just because of his middle name. Want to take up my bet anyone? Let's just count at the end of the day tomorrow (yours today in Israel) how many people on this board will dare to say a good word for Obama. Yes, you fifth wheel Americans can also be counted.
36. Finally, thankfully, taking down a tyrant
Mark Jeffery Koch ,   Cherry Hill, NJ USA   (03.20.11)
At long last the world is standing up to an Arab dictator, a brutal, oppressive psychopath who has funded terrorism around the world and who has been responsible for the deaths of untold thousands. The "Free" world cannot remain free if it remains silent and blind to brutality, genocide, and murderous thugs like Ghadaffi. Here's hoping a cruise missile finds its way to Ghadaffi's tent soon.
37. 35 Obama sticks his neck out...
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (03.20.11)
Why didn't he stick it out for Sudan, Somalia and the people wanting freedom in Iran? There is nothing good to say about the man. It has nothing to do with his name or his color. I don't like socialists and I don't like left wing liberals.
38. # 28
Habib Seliman ,   New York, USA   (03.20.11)
My comment # 34 was directed to # 28 Mr. Tayfun from Istanbul.
39. Three weeks ago obumma could have used 50 Delta Force troops
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (03.20.11)
with surface to air missiles to take out kaduglylies planes and the country would be free, but no, dingbat boy had to waste three weeks while kadugly brought in african mercenaries and took back almost all the land. There is nothing obumma cannot fail at.
40. Nostradamus
Michael ,   California, USA   (03.20.11)
NOSTRADAMUS, THE most famous astrologer who ever lived, was born in France in 1503 and published his barely scrutable collection of prophecies, The Centuries, in 1555. Each four-line verse (or "quatrain") purported to foretell world events far into the future, and ever since Nostradamus' time devotees have claimed his work accurately predicted wars, natural disasters and the rise and fall of empires. Yet it's plain to see that Nostradamus couched his "prophetic" verses in language so obscure that the words can be, and have been, interpreted to mean almost anything. What's more, the interpreting is always done after the fact, with the benefit of hindsight, and with the concerted aim of proving the relevance of a given passage to an actual event. If the aftermaths of past world catastrophes are any indication, we can expect to see a bumper crop of arcane tracts in the coming weeks and months purporting to show beyond a doubt that Nostradamus foresaw the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks of September 11, 2001. In fact, thanks to the efforts of anonymous Internet pranksters, the he-told-you-sos have already begun. "Spooky" quatrains allegedly foretelling the events of 9/11 with incredible specificity were circulating online within hours of the first jetliner crash in New York City — completely bogus quatrains, as it turned out. It wasn't a question of whether or not they accurately predicted anything; Nostradamus simply didn't write them. New York, the 'City of God'??? The first quatrain to hit email inboxes on 9/11 contained the prediction that a "great thunder" would be heard in the "City of God": "In the City of God there will be a great thunder, Two brothers torn apart by Chaos, while the fortress endures, the great leader will succumb", The third big war will begin when the big city is burning" - Nostradamus 1654 Let the interpreting begin! Assuming "the City of God" is New York City, then the "two brothers torn apart by Chaos" must be the fallen towers of the Word Trade Center. The "fortress" is clearly the Pentagon, the "great leader" succumbing to Chaos must be the United States of America, and "the third big war" can only mean World War III. Spooky, right? (From:
41. Sarkozy: 100 X better than Saddam-lover Jacques Chirac!
Rafi ,   US   (03.20.11)
42. honor of Libya is not to kill its own people
observer ,   Egypt   (03.20.11)
43. 40 Michael, California, USA: Nostradamus was under the awful
Rivkah   (03.20.11)
political system of the Inquisition, so he had to mask his writings carefully to keep from being burned to death for heresy. It is easier to see what is coming (future events) from Scriptures than from Nostradamus, for sure. But the Prophets also had to write obscurely to stay alive. Often, the metaphor of a city was used in Scriptures to protect the writer from retribution. Nostradamus' writings are easier to understand after an event has happened. But it is pretty obvious that Geneva being swallowed up by a positive ray machine can be seen as the black hole that will be formed by the proton (positive ion) smasher generator located near Geneva now. Also, another factor in Nostradamus, Scripture prophecy and ELS Torah Code predictions must be considered: YHWH's mercy. He can delay or avert events when His people who are called by His name repent and He shows them mercy. Jonah warned Ninevah that it would be destroyed in 40 days. That destruction was delayed 40 years. Edgar Cayce was told the North/South Pole shift and earth changes would occur before 2000. That has been delayed. That does not make the prophet or seer wrong. It makes God merciful when He chooses to be.
44. #43 Rachel, The sun is shining
Michael ,   California, USA   (03.20.11)
There is a finite probability for anything to happen, or not to happen, even for sun not to shine tomorrow. Probability studies are a branch of Statistics, correct? Let me postulate: it is your choice, believe in g or in Statistics. Based on measurable events I choose to believe in Statistics. The probability that there is no YHWH is as high as the probability the sun will shine tomorrow. This is based on the confirmed fact that the sun has been shining, apparently, for 13.7 billion years and that YHWH did nothing measurable for just as long. So, I believe, if you see the sun shine, it's a sign there is no YHWH. Still, anything can happen. Like Copernicus who published under the Inquisition, or Charles Darwin who almost didn't publish anything at all. Go ahead with publishing your forecasts, it will probably (Statistically speaking) be as interesting as those of Nostradamus.
45. the 'right war.....
tiki ,   belgium   (03.20.11)
When you hear the EU 'leaders 'legitimizing their "War on Libya " in the name of "Protecting the innocent people of Libya", one feels like nauseating about so much hypocresy. Many people have the same urge as was shown in many talkshows on sunday morning. It's about saving the skin of certain Politicians & Oil.
46. Bunnie 39
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (03.20.11)
Hi Bunnie, It's his first real job. He still has his training wheels on.
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