Syrian army enters tense port city
News agencies
Published: 27.03.11, 12:38
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13 Talkbacks for this article
1. these arab mobs are even more dangerous than the government
stude ham   (03.27.11)
the US/EU are absolutely insane supporting them like they're now doing in libya.
2. So the spin begins - everyone has a different group to blame
Eric ,   Tel Aviv & NY   (03.27.11)
Assad blames the Palestinians as an excuse to accuse Israel - same old story. Chavez blames the Americans - same old story. Syrians blame Assad of oppression - same old story. Seems the more new there is to the story the more it is the same old story.
3. Do The Leaders Know Better?
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (03.27.11)
What we call dictators...and are...know their people better than the West? They know that only brutal repression is what they understand. Look at Iraq. The people there can't put their differences aside, Iran and al-Qaeda both have followers that murder their own people by the hundreds. While Saddam was a brutal dictator who murdered his people at will, what has replaced him? Is it truly any better? If so How? How many people have been killed since Saddam was removed from power? Compare that number to when he was in power. If he had just opened his weapons to inspection we wouldn't have gone in. In all the region where people are protesting and rioting, what are their goals (Endgame)? All we ever hear or read is some general statements about "freedom" or "democracy", but who is really sitting on the sidelines to assume power? In most countries we have no idea who will run the country after the current "dictators" are removed? So what's the point? With the exception of preventing these guys from getting nukes, why should we care?
4. "humanist" who slaughters his citizens
eddie ,   london UK   (03.27.11)
using Iranian and Hizbollah terror proxies to shoot down Syrian protestors!
5. Chavez is an idiot. Syria has no oil.
Logic ,   Israel   (03.27.11)
6. More Chavez hot air. Too bad it can't power a generator
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (03.27.11)
Uncle Hugo blows so much hydrogen sulphide out his mouth it's simpy too bad all that energy can't be harnessed to solve the world's energy problems. In the meantime, oil prices remain high so dictator scum like Chavez can keep mouthing off. Since Syria is expected to become a net oil importer next year, it's kinda lame to accuse the US of wanting Syria's resources. They don't really have any. Hugo better watch out, because once his Arab dictator buddies are gone, he'll only have Iran and North Korea who will let him kiss their butts...
7. erm... what resources does Syria have?
Danny   (03.27.11)
8. syria civil unrest
assaf ,   tel aviv israel   (03.27.11)
exactly what resources does Syria have that could remotely interest the USA?Chavez needs to watch out he is not next.
9. Blah, blah, blah, or better still, wah, wah, wah.
noa ,   israel   (03.27.11)
10. Will the Lies Never END, Gameshow
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (03.27.11)
It's like which door is the prize behind, how many groups/people have been blamed for Syria's problems. Let's count the doors. Door #1: Israel/ Mossad sent text messages to incite the riots? Really, already the Syrians admitted to sending the text messages from outside the country to avoid arrest. Door #2: Well now it's the Palestinians, who are helping. Door #3: In this article the Assad government is also accusing as we see HERE - "Presidential adviser Bouthaina Shaaban said Qatar-based Sheik Youssef al-Qaradawi had incited Sunnis to revolt with his sermon in Doha on Friday." So Qatar is doing it, I guess. Door #4: Not to be outdone we have foreign leaders jumping into the "blame game". It's the YANKEES according to Hugo Chavez the Venezuelan President??? Why? Well, the Yankees want to steal Syria's Natural Resources of course. So there it is, FOUR REASONS why there are riots and protests in Syria. Did you notice? None of them mention that maybe, just maybe it's the Syrian oppressive government policies!! NO HUMAN RIGHTS groups are running to the UN to condemn or ask for any Resolutions against Syria, are they? The laughable hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife. In fact according to the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, Assad is a HUMANIST, Uh, OK? Yes, he's a caring Medical man.
11. Clown in Chief of the Bolibananian Army ready to fight.
David ,   Bolibanania   (03.27.11)
Chavez, Clown in Chief of the Bolibananian Army ready to fight for his mentor Gadahfi and to help "ideal" democratic yet hereditary leadership like Assad's. MEDIA recall, is what feed those dictators, along with the ruining of the economy of this country).
12. It's the cockroachs in Chavez's brain talking not him.
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (03.27.11)
13. Chavfez Toad Prince of Bolivaristan
Hal ,   Usa   (03.27.11)
The Toad Prince has no clothes and a bad poker hand as well. All of Chavfez's friends are now headed for the junk pile of historical record. Asshead, Ahmadimwit and Khadaffy Dork are but a banana peel away from the abyss. Somehow this is all Israel's fault.
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