IAF targets terror cells in Gaza
Ilana Curiel
Published: 08.04.11, 15:07
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31. #29. You're in serious need of a history lesson.
flyingdoc57   (04.08.11)
Get your history right, putz. The "traditional Jewish way" is that of being the 'slaughterees', not the 'slaughterers'. For 5,000 years, momzers like you remained dead silent to the Jewish holocausts and pogroms. Now that we are finally strong enough to defend ourselves, your feathers are all ruffled. Here's a solution for you, genius. Tell your terrorist scum to stop attacking Jews, for once in their miserable lives, and Jews will lay down their weapons tomorrow. But, hey, that's just a fantasy, isn't it? And do you know why? Because the human brain hasn't yet figured out an effective way of dealing with idiots who live by the expression "We love death more than you love life". The closest you can come to dealing with that kind of evil is to kill as many as you can, and hope for the best. If you've got a better solution, let's hear it. And don't give me that tired old horsesh_t about "occupation". There was no "occupation" before 1967, and your buddies were still on the warpath. There hasn't been any occupation of Gaza for many years now, yet your buddies are still firing rockets. The U.S., U.K., Indonesia, Scotland, Russia and the rest aren't occupying any of your buddies' territories, yet they have been (and continue to be) attacked. Why can't you just be honest for a change, and admit that your buddies are evil. Oh, that's right, I almost forgot. The Koran DEMANDS that your ilk lie in order to advance the goal of Islam....Death.
32. #29. You're in serious need of a history lesson (2nd try !)
flyingdoc57   (04.08.11)
Get your history right, putz. The "traditional Jewish way" is that of being the 'slaughterees', not the 'slaughterers'. For 5,000 years, momzers like you remained dead silent to the Jewish holocausts and pogroms. Now that we are finally strong enough to defend ourselves, your feathers are all ruffled. Here's a solution for you, genius. Tell your terrorist scum to stop attacking Jews, for once in their miserable lives, and Jews will lay down their weapons tomorrow. But, hey, that's just a fantasy, isn't it? And do you know why? Because the human brain hasn't yet figured out an effective way of dealing with idiots who live by the expression "We love death more than you love life". The closest you can come to dealing with that kind of evil is to kill as many as you can, and hope for the best. If you've got a better solution, let's hear it. And don't give me that tired old horsesh_t about "occupation". There was no "occupation" before 1967, and your buddies were still on the warpath. There hasn't been any occupation of Gaza for many years now, yet your buddies are still firing rockets. The U.S., U.K., Indonesia, Scotland, Russia and the rest aren't occupying any of your buddies' territories, yet they have been (and continue to be) attacked. Why can't you just be honest for a change, and admit that your buddies are evil. Oh, that's right, I almost forgot. The Koran DEMANDS that your ilk lie in order to advance the goal of Islam....Death.
33. Response to John @ 27
Ben Alofs ,   Bangor, UK   (04.08.11)
If Hamas were to stop trying to kill Jews, Israel would stop fighting back, you claim. Hamas did just that over long periods in the past year. The clearest example of this was the cease-fire agreed in June 2008, which Hamas strictly observed, as acknowledged by Israeli intelligence. By October 2008 the level of violence was at its lowest since the outbreak of the al-Aqsa Intifada in 2000. But in spite of this Israel maintained its siege of the Gaza Strip, which was harming the civilian population. Israel even restricted the area in which Gaza's fishermen were allowed to fish with the obvious intent to cause starvation. In 2006 Hamas made a strategic decision to focus more on political struggle, winning the parliamentary elections. Prime minister elect Haniye and his associates were willing to engage in dialogue. Israel's response in February 2006 was the cynical announcement by Dov Weisglass, Sharon's adviser at the time, to put the Palestinians in Gaza "on a diet". Israel has consistently responded in a hostile way to any conciliatory move from Hamas and its numerous unilateral violations of cease-fires are a matter of record. Hamas leaders continue to repeat that they are willing to accept a two state solution, provided the majority of the Palestinian people accepts this in a referendum. Hamas is the one major Palestinian resistance movement, that has not bowed to the Zionist dictat. True, Hamas as a non-state actor uses terrorist means. It has obviously studied the use of terrorism by Zionist non-state actors in the Mandate days. Hamas has very few tools in its toolbox against the all powerful Israeli army. The only way in which it can remind Israel that it will not accept the siege that harms the Palestinian people of Gaza is by retaliating and deny peace and security to the Israeli population around Gaza. One final remark about Israel's claim that it does not aim to harm the people of Gaza, but that Hamas is cowering behind the civilians. Does Hamas do this when in the middle of the night Israeli jets burst through the sound barrier as they swoop low over Gaza, breaking the windows in buildings and causing terror to thousands of children, who become bedwetters as a result? Does Hamas do this when Israel cruelly denies cancer patients a chance to get treatment in Israel? Does Hamas do this when Israel denies fishermen the right to go out to sea and fish within Gaza's territorial waters? I am not a Hamas groupie and my outlook is very secular indeed. But I have respect for its unyielding determination to keep up the resistance against the colonial might of Israel.
34. To 17
Sam M ,   UK   (04.08.11)
Ben you're carving out quite a reputation for yourself on Ynet as a friday night retard. At least go and read some history on israel and the Jewish people.
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (04.08.11)
I insist that you learn what truth is Although Hamas claimed it had stopped firing, during those supposedly peaceful lulls, other factions that Hamas had claimed it never heard of, continued firing Since everything in Gaza is controlled by Hamas, we know that the Puppeteer was Hamas and the other factions were Hamas' puppets
36. #9 - I was about to ask that of you and your myopia
William ,   Israel   (04.08.11)
you sad little Leftist who tries to demonize one side based simply upon the number of dead. I did notice you neglected to count those Israelis injured (like this 16 year old from an anti-tank missile on his school bus), or the family slaughtered in Itamar, or the Israeli killed outside Hebron shot in cold-blood, or the bus blown up in Jerusalem.... Let's see how operative your "thinking cap" really is: 1) how quiet was Gaza the day before Hamas launched a barrage of rockets onto Israeli civilians? 2) looking just at civilians killed, what is the % of civilians killed in Gaza vs total number, compared to Israeli civilians vs. total number? You'll find more intelligence in that exercise than your tired argument. 87% of Israeli killed were civilians vs. 27% of "Palestinians" killed being civilians. Now I bet your astounded.
37. #17 - it wasn't an unguided qassam
William ,   Israel   (04.08.11)
it was a guided anti-tank weapon that hit the school bus. Atleast get your facts straight if you're trying to make an argument, or do facts get in the way?
38. #17 - according to Goldstone, Israel doesn't target civilian
William ,   Israel   (04.08.11)
and according to Hamas, he is right. Hamas admitted Israel targeted their rocket launching cell and not "shelling civilian areas" as you claim. Last I heard, Hamas also considers all Gazans to be "Khaled Mashaals", as well as Gazans who continually parade in support of Hamas and demand the world honor their democratic choice to elect a terrorist group that waged war on a sovereign neighbor. The only time these groups claim to NOT be Hamas is when they become a target. Sounds like the same thing terrorists are doing with the unilateral, temporary cease-fire to avoid retaliation.
39. #23 - so, bring it to the UN
William ,   Israel   (04.08.11)
no one seems to have a problem with Hamas operating next to civilian areas. So if that doesn't warrant a UNSC meeting to stop Hamas, I don't believe it warrants a posting on YNET. By the way, you seem pretty silent at the 100+ injured and killed Israeli civilians over the past 2 weeks.
40. #29 - I don't believe that's ever been the "Jewish way"
William ,   Israel   (04.08.11)
which is probably why we're plagued with these terrorists for decades. Hafez wiped out the entire city of Hama, Saddam destroyed Shia towns wholesale, the Arab League declared a genocide of Israel and claimed "Jewish blood would run through the streets like a river", etc. In contrast, Israel won the 1967 war in 6 days then publicly offered WB and Gaza in return for peace immediately - despite having the ability to ethnically cleanse Arabs and destroy Dome of the Rock the same day. Israel could have pushed out Arabs in 1948 but instead begged them to stay to help build the State. In 1982, Israel could have destroyed S. Lebanon but chose not to. Same in 2006. And in 2008, they could have exactly a destruction on Gazan 100x worse but chose to painstakingly target only terrorists in a small area of Gaza, drawing kudos from Col. Kemp of NATO. Based on history, I fail to see what "Jewish way" you're referring to, but I sure do see the "Arab way" - kind of like what's happening in Libya right now.
41. John#27
astounded ,   tel aviv   (04.08.11)
Hi John. You seem to imply that 'intention' is more relevant than outcome. Israel aims at Hamas fighters and kills whole families of women, children, grandparents, while Hamas aims at innocent civilians and hits chicken houses. Does that make Israel somehow morally clean? And really, do you seriously believe that Israeli's 'Jewishness' has anything at all to do with all this? Hardly any Israelis have been near a synagogue in their adult lives and the citizens of Israel are about as Jewish today as bacon & eggs. Israelis are hated by Gazans because Israelis keep killing Gazan children, John. It has that effect on people, you know? Let's not pretend it's about Jewishness. Let's be adult here:)
42. Alofs #33 Despicable disassembling to pretend that Hama
Stephen in New York   (04.08.11)
Despicable disassembling to pretend that Hamas would be willing to accept a two-state solution and live in peace along side of Israel if certain conditions were met. Hamas will be satisfied with nothing less than the subjugation and expulsion of the Jews of Israel.
43. #33 - don't you bother to read statements from Hamas???
William ,   Israel   (04.08.11)
Infact, Hamas did not stop attacking Jews, it rather stopped firing rockets at them. Hamas still, by their own admission, planned terrorist attacks and kidnappings of Israelis, as well as, working on building up infrastructure in Gaza and West Bank for future attacks. THEY admitted this, not Israel. Sad that you missed it (or dismissed it because it didn't match your agenda). The only way Israel will stop attacks on Hamas is if Hamas ends its war on Israel and its people - and that includes all planning of attacks and actual attacks. Hamas might not have tools in its toolbox but they use everything they have to exact civilian casualties. Yes, the IDF is well-armed and well-trained, and yet only uses 10% of its capability. That tells you what scum Hamas are. Re: Israel is NOT responsible for terminally ill patients in Gaza. Let them go to Cairo. Yet, Israel does let a great amount of "Palestinians" into Israel for medical treatment to save their lives. One case is the daughter of a Hamas commander - the very same that plans attacks to KILL Israeli daughters. Hmmm. Another case is of a Gazan woman who, upon release, return to the very hospital in Beer Sheva to kill the doctors that saved her life. Gaza has no territorial waters because Gaza is not a sovereign entity, and per Oslo Accords (signed by Arafat), Israel retains the right over sea and air until such sovereignty comes to pass. Add to that the war declared by Hamas on Israel, and the resulting legal wartime blockade, and you have the situation caused by Arab terrorism - nothing less. You might want to ask Hamas if they claim to help Gazans so much, why did they destroy the Erez Industrial Zone which killed many Gazans who worked there and put hundreds more out of work. Seems counter-productive, no?
44. "Hamas accepts 2-State solution"
William ,   Israel   (04.08.11)
you forgot the rest of their statement... Hamas said that in no way will a "Palestinian" State on 1967 lines placate their goal of destroying Israel per Hamas charter and they will continue to fight until ALL of Israel is destroyed and replaced by an Islamic State. Their words, not mine. Glossing over them does not make them disappear, son.
45. to Ben Alofs
John ,   Alaska   (04.09.11)
I've seen pictures of the so-called "open-air prison" of Gaza. Your standard of living is at least equal to that in other Arab countries. Where your standard of living fell from what it was when the Jews lived with you is where you dismantled and destroyed the improvements that the Jews had left you. "Conciliatory move from Hamas." Interesting. Crowing about the day you "liberate" the "settlement" of Haifa doesn't count as conciliatory. Nor does firing rockets and mortars at noncombatants and wounding children. Perhaps you could provide a concrete fact rather than your dubious claim. "Numerous unilateral violations of cease-fires." Also Interesting. If it's a matter of record, please provide EVEN ONE TIME that Israel fired upon Gaza that was not in response to terrorism from Gaza. EVEN ONE. "Willing to accept a two state solution." Okay, by now we both know you are LYING. Hamas has called the PA traitors for even negotiating with "the Zionist entity." The Hamas charter demands the death or expulsion of every Jew from Jordan to the sea. So ... yea. You are a LIAR. One final remark, aside from denying "fishermen" the right to go and smuggle weapons in from the sea. "Does Hamas do this ... " Interesting attempt. It falls flat because Hamas DOES worse. They fire mortars which burst into random parts of Israel, hitting (for example) a kindergarten just about time for parents to be bringing their little ones to school, and causing terror to thousands of children. Okay so the fnal remark: You have not denied - because of course you could not - that Hamas targets noncombatants and hides behind human shields that they are proud to proclaim as such. The fact that you defend people who do this disgusts me, as it would any one. You have accused Israel of unilateral unprovoked military action against Gaza. Since Hamas has already proven you a LIAR about wanting to make peace with Israel, you needn't back up your accusation. It would only be with more taqqiya, after all.
46. to #41 Yes it does
John ,   Alaska   (04.09.11)
Yes. What Hamas is doing is attempted - and sometimes actual - murder. What Israel is doing is fighting back at attempted - and sometimes actual - murderers. Yes, there is a definite moral difference. That you can't see it is astounding. Yes. Hamas has decried members of "the Zionist" entity using prejorative terms for Jews. Israel's Jewishness has _everything_ to do with this. Also, Israelis are hated by Gazans because they are raised from infancy with incitement to kill Jews. Again, that you would not perceive that would also be astounding, were it true. "Let's not pretend it's about Jewishness." Of the Jewish nation. Since the Jews are a family, not simply a religion, the ethnic cleansing the Hamas charter demands is against Jews, whether or not they attend synagogue. But I don't think you needed that explained. From TA you hear more from Hamas than I ever will; so you should already have heard what I have heard from Hamas about how they view the Jews. So you and I, being adults, both know that you are lying about the motivation of Hamas. Get used to being called on it; I think Israel is done letting your people lie about them.
47. #41 ASTOUNDED more like DECEITFUL
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (04.09.11)
It doesn't matter what Hamas hit or didn’t hit, their intent is to kill as many Jews as they can Go to any city on this planet, point a gun, loaded or unloaded at any cop, the net result will be your death, for as far as the cop knows you intend to kill him Tell Hamas in Gaza to stop using their civilians, children included for human shield purposes and most important of all, remove your fighters from school grounds, where they just love to conceal themselves As a matter of fact, your buddy Fahti Hammad brags about it, you too can listen to him, his video is on You tube If you wish to call Hammad liar, you have my express permission to do so
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