Arab MKs furious at Shin Bet chief
Hassan Shaalan
Published: 08.04.11, 16:50
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31. No service in the I.D.F.,then no right to
jason white ,   afula, israel   (04.08.11)
vote,serve in the knesset or work in government. This is for both Jews and arabs! And also to people convicted of felonies.
32. Nation and citizenship
Bertram ,   London, UK   (04.08.11)
So, those who call themselves Palestinians are enemies of Israel. Well, as a Jew, I had better tell this to my friend who describes herself as an Israeli Palestinian since I do not think she is aware that she is an enemy. As a British citizen who might also see himself as a member of the Jewish nation I might also come under suspicion from those non-Jewish British citizens who reckon the Jews are aiming to dominate the world. A solution to this problem is ensure that all countries are culturally and ethnically pure with a single national ideology. That way - no fifth columns, no enemies within, no cultural or biological pollution. Now, where have I heard that before? .
33. Definitions
Miche Norman ,   Hod Hasharon Israel   (04.08.11)
Zoabi - has it wrong - -it is not Diskin who has defined her as an enemy of the state that pays for her, it is her words and her actions. She is right to see herself as a Palestinian - for what is the difference between a Palestinian of 48 and one of 67 - and the answer is none and nor should there be they are indeed part of the same nation, just like the Jewish inhabitants of Judaea and Samaria are part of our nation. What is racist is her demand tat the Jews be expelled into Israel proper without demanding that Arabs be expelled into Palestine - I am not advocating that - just pointing out the nasty little racist that she is. If she were liberal and a believer in human rights she would be fighting for Jews to be allowed to live as a minority in Palestine just as Arabs are allowed to live in Israel with the same rightsand priviledges
LION OF ZION   (04.08.11)
He is hero with balls.He will fight for Israel and the Jewish nation like a LION Thank G D for LIEBERMAN
35. Fawaz al Quds no 22
JUDAH THE LION   (04.08.11)
Hope more Israeli Arabs to be like you. You are honest Israeli Arab. G D Be WITH YOU
36. #32 Typical Left wing glibness and hypocrisy
Joel ,   Sderot   (04.08.11)
First of all chum there is no "Palestinian Nation" only a gaggle of competing cells, street gangs, and assorted criminal enterprises, all of who have one thing in common: their unyielding commitment to the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel. A legal, name and entity as mandated by UNR 181 in 1948. Are you with me so far whiz kid? Now to the chase: any Israeli citizen that willfully participates in a foreign-led and based endeavor (as some irate Arab MK's claim is their right as members of a free and democratic state— which is total baloney) and that this so called citizen is aware of the fact that the endeavor is hell-bent to do harm to the Jewish Nation, is de facto an enemy of the Jewish State. Capito? BTW Tell your Israeli-(Palestinian) friend if she so loves Eretz, to go sign the loyalty oath then we will see what is what, and who is who.
37. #22: Well Said & Thank You For Your Loyalty
EZ ,   US   (04.08.11)
It goes without say that you "get it". In the US, we dint have this problem because we're a patchwork of different cultures with no true minority. But even so, what makes the US succeed is that we ALL appreciate the rights we have and we are governed by a document, not people( who always must abide by our constitution or face dismissal and/or prison. Israel must become a republic in order to properly put in place what is acceptable to and for it's citizens. If you break with it, your position is clear and punishment or revocation of rights is meted out. In a democracy, mob rule is the soup of the day which destroys progress. You yourself understands the sophisticated disposition go acquire in order to be a full citizen and all of my fellow Israelis must acknowledge your commitment and thank you.
38. shocking!!!!
Phepps, they call me ,   Netanya   (04.08.11)
"[Diskin] was quoted as saying that some in the Israeli-Arab public see themselves as Arabs and Muslims first and Israeli citizens last." Uhh!!...bring the smelling salts!!....
39. Abed, Fawaz, I am proud
Yossef   (04.08.11)
to share this land with you. Nobody has the right to question your legitimacy in Israel. You're home.
40. make the arabs do public service instead of military service
izzie irgun ,   zion   (04.08.11)
if all these arabs are proud to be israelis and support the state, let them start doing public service to support the country. Why should arabs get the benenfits of Israeli democracy but not give back anything to the state.
41. There is a clear difference between treason and ethnicity
Dr. L. Brnd ,   San Diego, USA   (04.08.11)
Zoabi can not claim to be "part of the Palestinian Nation" that rejects the right of her own country to exist as the Jewish State it has defined itself as - and at the same time to claim all the rights and benefits ofa loyal israeli. Can't have it both ways. A patriotic American Jew or a Brit Jew can identify with the Jewish Nation for the simple reason that the State of Israel (or Jewish people) are not similarly commited to destroying the US or UK. A member of the US Congress who proclaimed himself to be one with the "Al Qaidah Nation" would find himself with a one-way plane ticket to Guantanamo - joining several other "Muslim-Americans" who have done the same. America would never tolerate the conduct of Zoabi or Sana during wartime - treason indictments within days. Jane Fonda, an airheaded US actress who pointed an anti-aircraft gun at US planes while visiting Hanoi is still a pariah in the US, no career since and name now a metaphor for confusing free-speech with treason. Zoabi could be the Jane Fonda of Israel, except Shulamit Aloni has that title.
42. I don't understand... he only said what they keep saying
all the time   (04.08.11)
they themselves always say that they are first Palestinians and then Atab and then living in Israel. He only quoted them for god's sake!
43. Izzie Irgun no 40
JUDAH THE LION   (04.08.11)
Agreed with you ONE MILLION PERCENT.
44. Get those bugs off my windshield !!
tom ,   tel aviv   (04.08.11)
45. Fawaz al Quds no 22
STEPHAN ,   YAFFO   (04.08.11)
I was born in Belgium, where there is politicians that exploit the different between Flemish speaker and French speaker, the exact same way. the peoples are not enemies. democracy is not perfect and those politician does not represent the people. they act for themselves, to stay in power and gather more power. if it was up to the Arabs and Jewish people that live here, in 15 min problem is solve. there is place for us all: in al Quds/Yerushalaym. G.d may be with you.
46. Zubie
Hertzel ,   Tveriani   (04.08.11)
I , in the life of me can not understand how this Zubie can talk against the very same democracy that let her do ALL that she does against Israel, even joining our enemies (Marmara) as well as daily attacks on the IDF and the state. And in any Arab country she would be long dead by now.
47. Let El-Sana run for parliament in fictional "Palestine".
Chaim ,   Israel   (04.08.11)
Polls show the vast majority of Israelis believe hostile Arab political parties shouldn't exist. Democracy has no requirment to assist one's enemies. Would America allow an Al Quada Party to run for office. El-Sana can run for parliament in fictional "Palestine". He should have no place in the Knesset.
48. ...............Israelis aboard have no loyalty............
Chris ,   USA   (04.08.11)
Israelis aboard have no loyalty even though born in the USA with American citizenship. Should I provide names?
49. enemy
alexi   (04.08.11)
Talking about enemy, many druse and some bedouin not only are loyal to the state, they care about it like kara. Then you get sana and zoabi who cavort with the enemy on the marmora like tibi did with hezbollah They represent other arabs as well. If they were 100% for israel's downfall and said we love palestine, hate israel, want to see it destroyed and that's it that would be one thing. In the same breath however, they say they want the citizenship of israel, its benefits, its rights and so on. They are enemies of israel in the real definition of the word. Now another enemy is the sly goldstone. He continually says he loves israel. Recall it, he loves israel just as some white racists said they loved some blacks.Goldstone is trying to soften his report by saying he loves israel which he really hates.And his daughter has said the same thing, that his father loves israel. Hanging a christ-like report on israel is not love but hate. Well, the picture is now complete.He contradicts his own report not in a minor way as suggested by his cronies at the UN but in a major way(it would have been a different report) but still maintains it. Of course he says he loves israel,the coward that he is, to try to reduce the hatred towards him which is now uniformly against him. Yishai jumped too soon to extend thanks to goldstone which was not due. Goldstone is a racist against israel much as desmond tutu is, seeing apartheid in israel from south africa. Where israel has black and white, tolerates many disloyal arabs in the state and in no way is an apartheid state, gaza is a good state in goldstone's eyes. Goldstone now needs to be harassed much as demandjuk for the rest of his life. it cannot be that he enjoys leisurely dinners in london with his wife when he has cast the equivalent of a blood in matza libel report against israel that the arab freaks at the UN supported by the desmond stanley dumbbells are only too happy to join. No, danon's inspired civil lawsuit for damages against goldstone is a gem because it has merit and means that goldstone will have to avoid new york and the united states on his rounds. Next discussions with the US who has now concluded that the goldstone report has no merit. More pressure will be applied when a lawsuits are submitted in Israel and in London so that it will fly in his face everywhere that he is. I read that washington post article article . Goldstone is now in trouble because of it. His life will now be a living hell and made worse by him contradicting his report yet sayinghe won't change it. Gillerman would not have said anything if goldstone had not given him some impression. And if goldstone crosses any more lines against israel which is always possible, then other means will be taken and he can read this very carefully to bring him to his senses.
50. God will soon hit this arrogant mouth and silence it !
Jaacov Baumann   (04.08.11)
51. Arab MP's
Michael,Canada ,   Toronto.Canada   (04.08.11)
Diskin is correct,Arab MP's are an enemies.
52. Bravo Diskin
Eran ,   Singapore   (04.08.11)
Why should arabs get the benenfits of Israeli democracy but not give back anything to the state.
53. As if we didn't know that already.
Jewish Warrior   (04.08.11)
Maybe if the Arab MKs don't want to be called enemies, they should stop acting like them. Just a thought.
54. The apartheid state of Israel
ktula ,   USA   (04.08.11)
So asking to be treated as equals resulted in Israelis of Palestinian descent be branded as enemies of the state. That's the sad state of affair in this apartheid state called Israel.
55. Such hypocrites!
Scott ,   USA   (04.08.11)
56. In other words
Danny   (04.08.11)
We want all the benefits of being Israeli with none of the responsibilities and we want the right to slag off the country that gives us all those rights and support countries who we wouldn't dream of living in.
57. You may be part of the "Palestinian" nation...
William ,   Israel   (04.09.11)
but if you show it more loyalty than your own State, then yes, it will be at the expense of Israeli citizenship. After all, Arab MKs placed a lower priority on Israeli citizenship to focus on helping the "Palestinian" nation against the State, and they did this first. Now they're complaining that their seditionist actions have a Hamas complains that targeting civilians with rockets have a consequence.
58. Even Israeli Arabs criticize Balad
William ,   Israel   (04.09.11)
Israeli Arabs are becoming more vocal in their criticism of Balad and their apparent agenda of sedition rather than working for those who voted them into office. So, at the end of the day, Diskin does do much more for Israeli Arabs than does Balad.
59. #24 - though that wouldn't be accurate
William ,   Israel   (04.09.11)
60. #32 - quick question - have you worked against the UK?
William ,   Israel   (04.09.11)
Have you contacted enemies of the UK, such as Al Qaeda? Have you taken part in protests against the majority of UK citizens, such as those by Islamists that demand an Islamic State in the UK and death to the Queen? Have you denied your responsibility as a citizen of the UK and claimed to be part of another nation? I doubt you have, thereby making your comparison simply erroneous. You are part of the Jewish people, but the Jewish people never worked to destroy a State nor a people in any capacity, nor have Jews in the UK banded together to join another nation in destroying the UK. Why not focus on the 5th columns you have growing in the UK - the very same that not only applauded 7/7 but helped support it?
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