Iran blames Israel for Stuxnet worm
Associated Press
Published: 16.04.11, 17:29
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61. #59 Split, careful, you're exposing your anti-Semitism
Phil ,   Ireland   (04.17.11)
Throughout history, Jews have been blamed for a multitude of the world's problems and expelled from various places but to continue this blame exposes your identity as a true Jew hater. By the way, name one Arab born and educated in the state of Palestine who has been awarded a Noble Prize. Oops sorry - there never has been a state of Palestine. So that's that then.
62. #61; Phil, his name is Wes Sesniack
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (04.17.11)
I may have the spelling wrong with the last name. Another poster had some dealings with him. The story according to the poster, was Wes began sending him antisemitic posts to his email, since he has it on all his talkback posts. Then Wes changed his email address (to avoid the other posters response). But recently just began doing it again. But if you read his post #56, I did get him to go to a video called "Really cool facts about Israel". His response as you can see is outrage. His response is a false narrative. He responds to my quote of "what has any Arab country done to help mankind in the last 100 years", with NOTHING. Then talks about things that happened 1000 years ago, Even including items that happened thousands of years before Islam ever existed., So basically I blew him out of the water. The original point was his attack on Israel, and that Israel really hasn't done anything helpful, but the video puts that idea to shame, he knows it. That was his attempt to respond. But why 165 Jewish people have won the Nobel prize, whiles Arabs have won only 4, in the 100+ years. This despite the fact that Muslims make 1 out of 5 people on the planet, while Jewish people only make up only 1 out of every 1000. But this shouldn't count in Wes Sesniack book because they not from Israel So his response, none were from Israel a country only 60 years old. Now he responds, going back over 4000 years, to look for Arab/Muslim accomplishments, what laughable hypocrisy.. Considering that Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, etc never existed back then. But for Wes the use of a double standard is typical. He feigns outrage at being referred to as antisemitic, like most, he's afraid to admit it, or like the Vampire just cannot see his reflection in a mirror. But everybody...almost...who read his posts, have always come to same conclusion as you. He is just a garden variety antisemitic fool.
63. #62 Thanks Mark
Phil ,   Ireland   (04.18.11)
Like all of the anti-Israel posters, this guy eventually falls into the trap of turning his comments into his real ideology of Jew hatred.
64. 61 ,...
split ,   US   (04.18.11)
"Throughout history, Jews have been blamed for a multitude of the world's problems and expelled from various places" If I was a Jew I would ask myself why instead pointing finger at others.
65. #64 Ask why? Simple
Phil ,   Ireland   (04.18.11)
It's the same reason why you hate Jews. Ask yourself.
66. Nobel prize and research.
Michael ,   California, USA   (04.18.11)
For doing the work, research grants are needed, which are almost non-existent in Israel. Brilliant graduate students are also needed, and this is even harder to come by than money. Israeli students do military service after their high school years, which means wasting the intellectually most creative years of their lives. They catch up later to some degree, but never fully, and the void is reflected on Israeli research at the top. The Stuxnet invention is not of a caliber that belongs to the class of Nobel Prize awards. For one, it is a technical gimmick, not a pure invention. Secondly, it works on monitoring the performance of a system, it is not an invention of the system itself. And thirdly, while it works on disabling the production of a destructive weapon, it is destructive in itself; it is not contributing to items serving wellbeing.
67. #64, The reason of the hatred
Mike ,   The Netherlands   (04.18.11)
The Jews are hated because they are guilty for being........jewish. Please, don't ask us, you should know this.
68. 65 - It's the same reason why you hate Jews
split ,   US   (04.19.11)
You mean all those nations on every Continent since the beginning of time hated Jews because they were Jews ? Asking a challenging questions do constitutes hate or anti-semitism and give you a reason to call me a Jew-hater ? You're devaluating real hate and anti-semitism, no wonder that more and more people respond with a smirk on their faces every time they hear this term ,...
69. #68 Oh Yes
Phil ,   Ireland   (04.19.11)
It is obvious from your talkbacks that you are a Jew hater. You say Jews should ask themselves why so much of the world's problems have been blamed on them. No rational person would ask such a stupid question. Any objective observer would come to the conclusion that this blame is irrational. There is no evidence whatsoever to support blame against Jews. It is simply hatred of a people. I don't know anybody who have a smirk on their faces about that. If I did, I would have nothing to do with them. If you do, then that is more evidence of your Jew hatred. I can see why people call you a well balanced person - you have a chip on both shoulders.
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