EU to transfer funds to PA
Elior Levy and Reuters
Published: 06.05.11, 23:58
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61. #58 - Fortunately there are more level-headed Canadians
Charles ,   Paris, FRANCE   (05.06.11)
Canada just put the Conservatives into the driver's seat, so people like you will be marginalised. Now THAT's a G-dsend!
62. "Marches like this show reconciliation is successful"
William ,   Israel   (05.06.11)
No it doesn't. Compromising on issues and coming together to deal with daily problems of "Palestinians" is what shows it's successful. If getting people to come out and protest is the "success" bar you set for yourselves, then you're basically successful at everything you do because you idiots march any time for anybody. What I think is "unsuccessful" about the unity govt? The immediate bickering over who will give the announcement, and vastly different positions on key issues such as peace and recognition of Israel. No marriages end on the honeymoon, they end when things get tough.
63. One would guess there is no economic recession in EU
William ,   Israel   (05.06.11)
the way money is being thrown towards the "Palestinians", one would think its the Internet boom again in the EU. Although, I wonder what Portugal thinks about this Pally bail-out when the EU can't agree on bailing out a country in their own union.
64. #12 - mis-use of the word "embezzle"
William ,   Israel   (05.06.11)
which simply shows you aren't sure of your own argument. Israel did not embezzle the funds (which means to steal through hidden means), they withheld the funds. It isn't theft because under Oslo Accords, the PA must adhere to certain agreements to be considered a party to the Accord which in turn allows for tax transfers to take place and given to the PA from Israel. Now with Hamas in the govt, calling for the destruction of Israel and listed as a terror org by the US and EU, Israel cannot under Intl Law, pass on these tax revenues because it would violate the law that forbids the funding of terror groups. Israel was very clear in its actions. They stated they were withholding the funds (not stealing them, not using them) until it can be guaranteed that the terrorist Hamas group will not benefit from said funds - per Intl Law. "what Israel has done is a crime in civilized countries" US and EU has done the same to many other countries, including Iran and Libya where they are considering giving the stolen funds to rebel groups. Where is your racist condemnation now?
65. #33 - EU sends more funds to ALL Arabs
William ,   Israel   (05.06.11)
that far eclipses those the US provides to Israel. Here's the point you are avoiding... The funds given to the PA from EU leaves Europe and is NOT monitored in how it is used. It's a wealth transfer, plain and simple. The funds given to Israel by US never leave the US, and are spent in the military industry which employs, directly and indirectly, millions of Americans. They call this a stimulus package. Now, basic ECON 101 - which situation aids the local economy and which destroys the value of the local economy (of the donor)?
66. 53 a mind in pieces for sure
Freedom Fighter   (05.06.11)
Your pal Ahmed, who can hardly read even though he lives in a desert kingdom with a shameful, national literacy rate of 30%, that is predicated on an economic strategy of unfettered, unregulated and ruinously priced fossil fuel exports are the root cause of the current American economic nightmare. Give Ahmed the keys to a fifth gen fighter? think not. I wouldn't even trust him with my kid's bicycle or skates for that matter. Now let's discuss the good old boys, the real patriots of America who go along with this international price fixing scheme, and gladly add their inflated costs, and scandalous, robber baron profits, while paying hardly any corporate income taxes, and just routinely gouge and screw their fellow, citizens. So far as I know, no Torah toting oilmen around these here parts. But wait— there is relief for your spittle stained lips...soon Israel will be a net NG exploiter. Drop us a line when that happens and we will be happy to review your application for early release from debtors prison and or the rehab program that the judge assigned you to chill in. In the meantime suggest you stay away from fancy sports cars and such and stick to being a washed up hate peddler.
67. 54
anton ,   istanbul turkey   (05.06.11)
marvyn seems like you didint get my drift as you did same mistake again whenever one criticize israel you people find sometin about their country, their past to justify your own action is this moral? i accept my countries wrongdoings even thou to me it was not genocide i would glady apologize armenians for their loss in that diffucult times would you apologize pals for israels crimes? i think you wouldnt...
68. Harold / 59
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast. USA   (05.06.11)
They smile because they are making the world a better place. The people they are dealing with don't want peace and can't even manage peace among themselves.
69. The gelt... its always about the gelt...
the temple money changers just moved their little operation to Europe and north africa after the Romans' caliga squashed the temple priesthood. It looks like the shylocks have come home... and they have a name.
70. #43 - Israel doesn't receive loans, they receive guarantees
William ,   Israel   (05.07.11)
Like a father who guarantees a loan for their child when they take student loans. The father doesn't pay for them, they just guarantee them. Same here. The US guarantees loans but Israel has always paid them full. Big difference, and yet another factual point that you purposely ignore.
71. Israel
michael Pielet ,   boca raton, Israel   (05.07.11)
Israel's obligation is to protect its citizens and its soldiers. It would be outrageous to transfer funds to enemies fatah-hamas. There are better uses for the monies.
72. EU to Israel...please keep funding Fatah.
Spencer ,   Israel   (05.07.11)
So now the EIU is supporting terrorism......yes, that's right. If they are funding Fatah, an organisation that has just formed an alliance with Hamas, a terrorist organisation that has the declared goal of wiping Israel off the map, then they ARE funding terrorism and the ask Israel to continue to fund thgis alliance. I have a three word answer for the EU....GO TO HELL!
73. Oh man! Ashton is sooooo good and sweet and kind.
Harry Wright ,   UK   (05.07.11)
She is God's gift to the Fatah and Hamas. She is making sure the terrorists are fully remunerated for indolence or their part-time jobs in the gov't service so they can continue their full time occupation as terrorists, jihadists and Jew haters in the "resistance". There will be no peace for Israel as long as the EU continues supporting her terrorist neighbours. Hamas should be paid with Ashton's salary.
74. Jizya from the EU is to be sent to the Pals.
Harry Wright ,   UK   (05.07.11)
Ashton is the chief tax collector on behalf of the EU. All non-muslims must pay up or else. Europe has been paying it for what... 65years? Nothing new nor surprising. They are accustomed to paying it. They pay it internally too, to support their muslim immigrants. Old habits are hard to break. That goes for the US too. I should not think there is any problem with the European economy if they have no trouble coming up with the jizya. Britainistan is truly gone through. I can't find any article or photos of the wonderful mock funeral for UBL on BBC news website. Nice placards too, "Islam will dominate the world" and "Sharia is coming". Cameron will be first in line to pay the jizya to Ashton and the first to endorse the Pals state.
75. She was born a coalminer's daughter . . .
Shaul ,   Sheboygan   (05.07.11)
But TONY BLAIR was largely responsible for her gaining the title of 'Baroness Ashton of Upholland' She's wormed her way further up line of Important People and now all those from other countries that have to deal with her are still waiting for her to do something right. Rather a lot like 'Fergie Duchess of Wales.'
76. To: No. 53
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.07.11)
1. You should not be offering to give up a piece of your so-called "mind." You do not have enough for yourself. 2. Lamborghini. 3. We all know the extent of your ignorance. You do not have to keep proving it with witless posts.
GLENN ,   YUCAIPA,USA   (05.07.11)
78. I doubt the people of my country would like to see
Aldo ,   Milano, Italy   (05.07.11)
their money go to sustain terrorist organisations, yet the European Union is doing just that.
79. #48 Doug OPENS his mouth & removes all DOUBT
CK Tan ,   Singapore, Singapore   (05.07.11)
(retry) Thanks for the LAUGHS. If Doug has BOTHERED to stick his HEAD out of the sand, he would have known that the "signed agreement" REQUIRES the money to be used for NON-TERROR purposes. Under this so-called "unity" govt, the PA has NOT publicly reaffirmed this commitment which UNDERSCORES the "signed agreement" Can't wait to see Doug's NEXT "open mouth first, don't think" KEYSTONE COPS episode.
80. Anton
Jorge ,   Israel/USA/Argentina   (05.07.11)
Then apologize for all Gul and Erdogan talking Sh...T about Israel and the Jews.
81. #53 - not AIPAC, but Israeli Military based on agreement
William ,   Israel   (05.07.11)
Based on agreement between the US and Israeli military industries, Israel has (often) first right of refusal for new technologies and strong input on who can purchase these technologies based on the power balance in the region. In return, Israel not only aids in the development of many parts of the US arsenal through licensing of Israeli technology but also stymies their own industry based on US strategy, including being told to whom they can sell technologies. It's very fair, and in return, America doesn't upset the balance of power which could be detrimental to - as several Congressmen have said - America's only true ally through thick and thin. This is all public knowledge. How you can ignore it and spin this as a theft of US money, while the US dumps billions in the bottomless pit of Arab States and the UN, is beyond me. Luckily, according to polling, only about 17% share your screwed up interpretation in the US.
82. #48 - it's the same agreement the PA broke many times
William ,   Israel   (05.07.11)
and based on Intl law....these monies CANNOT be handed over to the PA if said money could end up in the hands of Hamas, a terrorist entity which has been cited as such by both the US and EU. "Apartheid walls" - yes, we're keeping out the people who wish to kill us based on our ethnic background. So, it is the wall which pushes back the racist apartheid "neighbor" next door. "killing thousands and thousands and thousands of civilians" - I'll let you provide the numbers and proof, but you might want to reflect on Hamas' admission that more than 1000 killed in Cast Lead were indeed Hamas terrorists and not civilians as originally claimed. Good luck with that.
83. #49 - according to Bernackie....
William ,   Israel   (05.07.11)
ALL of the US foreign aid is about 1% of the entire US Govt budget. And from that, aid to Israel is about 1% of that....ALL spent in the US. So, while you cry about losing homes and closing fire stations, you might want to reflect on those families who's homes were saved because the aid to Israel saved those jobs of those Americans all across the country. Considering that aid to Israel is less than the bonuses handed out to execs at Bear-Sterns....AFTER they accepted Obama's bail out money, you seem to be barking up the wrong tree...again you twit.
84. #49 - US aid doesn't create enemies....
William ,   Israel   (05.07.11)
except when you prop up the Saudi Regime and piss off Saudi citizens. It's US actions around the world that make you enemies, like invading Iraq when it was clear Iran was the problem all along. It wasn't Israel who blew up your diplomat giving out Fulbright scholarships, it was the "Palestinians" who took that honor...the same dregs you support. and finally - you know this but choose to ignore it....based upon the agreement of US aid, Israel is blocked from competing in several product categories of their military industry, and must adhere to the US global strategy. Based on this, Israel was not able to sell China AWACS planes because the US was concerned for Taiwan. Israel scrapped the deal. If that hurts your industry, then cancel handouts and let us build up our industry and sell to China. No problem.
85. #52 - re: split - He's worried about a guy losing his house
William ,   Israel   (05.07.11)
but forgets the sub-prime mortgage debacle was initiated by the Democrats under Clinton who wanted everyone to have the "American Dream" and pressured banks to loan to just about anyone without money down or background checks. Joe didn't lose his house because of aid to Israel. Joe lost his house because he bought a house he couldn't afford once the balloon rate kicked in, tripling his mortgage payments, in an economy that went sour. Israel had US aid in 1999, and at that time, unemployment was 2.3% and every kid with a domain name was a millionaire. Simple scientific method says - Israeli aid is not the issue
86. #58 - I hope EU continues to "outflank" Israel
William ,   Israel   (05.07.11)
and we'll continue to collect the millions in "taxes"...and spend it on helping civilians attacked by Arab terrorists and to shore up Israeli defenses against Arab war crimes. No problem. Egypt can open Rafah, she can also be responsible for any weapons going into Gaza. The best part? Gazans who have wanted to leave Gaza for good can now, and with this new dependency on Egypt, Israel can now end the water, electricity, and fuel shipments into the terror entity for good. As you said - GO Egypt!
87. Israel thanks the EU
Ypip ,   Canada   (05.07.11)
88. 58-your a couch with incredible interest charges
Ypip ,   Canada   (05.07.11)
89. to Sarah B 55
john Darren ,   cairns-Australia   (05.07.11)
Hi Sarah, do you think that Bibi will weaken and NOT annex Judea and Samaria. Will the Obama admin put the screws in and make it impossible to annex Judea and Samaria? Please answer-I'm having doubts about Bibi and Barak. Cheers.
90. I love you dear peace partner
Ehud Baraq ,   Western El Quds   (05.07.11)
Don't worry, as always, we will put your interests before that of the Jews... Love ya, kisses, your Ehud.
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