Abbas meets J Street reps in Ramallah
Elior Levy
Published: 08.05.11, 23:52
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39 Talkbacks for this article
31. The boaders of Israel are:
Moshe ,   Netanya   (05.09.11)
After Arab atach in 1967 and we won the war inspite king Husein, Nasser, and Assad claiming everywhere that they will kill all Jews (I have recording where the king Hussein says it to Nasser). We won and gave Eastern Erez Israel to Hussein, and the 1967 boarders were established later in June, 1967 ending with peace agreement with Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. They all signed it.
32. A meeting between two anti-Israel bodies: Hamas-Fatah union
Steve ,   CT, USA   (05.09.11)
and J Street. With friends like these, who needs enemies.
33. #1 borders
Beverly L ,   Toronto, Canada   (05.09.11)
As explained, the "1967" borders are actually the 1948 armistice line, which was drawn on a small map with a crayon and so some of the demarcations are unclear. The one area that is always omitted is the fact tha the holy sites were supposed to be open to all, but Jordan never complied with that term. After the 1967 war Israel conquered all of the land to the Jordan and including the Sinai. Israel started the process of ceding some of the territory it captured as part of the Oslo Accords and subsequent agreements even though neither Arafat nor his successor Abbas have complied with their terms under these agreements. So after over 40 years since the 1967 war and in the absence of a peace agreement, there are Jewish communities living in the greater Jerusalem area and other areas outside the armistice line.
34. #27 observer - PROVE it !
CK Tan ,   Singapore, Singapore   (05.09.11)
REVEAL all Israeli OFFICIAL documents that formally RECOGNISE the 1967 lines as the country's PERMANENT borders.
35. Might as well, they work for you Abbas
William ,   Israel   (05.09.11)
36. What is Ben Ami's opinion on ethnic cleansing?
William ,   Israel   (05.09.11)
Both now (after a Palestine State is establsihed) and in 1948 from West Bank and Gaza which "Palestinians" claim as their own and as "occupied".
37. #24 - according to Intl Law, we're NOT occupiers
William ,   Israel   (05.09.11)
1) The land that settlements sit on was ethnically cleansed of Jews by the Arabs in 1948 - this is a war crime and has never been addressed. 2) The land that "Palestinians" claim as their own has never been governed by them nor owned (outside of sparse private ownership) by them. 3) The land Israel conquered in 1967 due to constant terrorism eminating from it can be legally annexed into israel. However, it was offered many times for peace and was rejected because it would require an end to aggression against Israel. To this day, the "palestinians" have not given up the idea of destroying Israel. 4) Voting on a State and having one created are two different things. The war declared on Israel by hamas has not been rescinded and as such, invading a "palestinian" State is legal per Intl law (just as the Gaza blockade) under terms of war. It's when you leave Intl law to follow the "court of public opinion" when opinions like your's make sense.
38. #26 - you cannot pick and choose history
William ,   Israel   (05.09.11)
Yes, UNR181 declared borders of Israel, as an opinion not binding in Intl law. Israel accepted it, Arabs rejected it and launched a war they lost. UNR194 then declared a cease-fire (with new borders), yet Jordan illegally annexed and ethnically cleansed the West Bank which, under Balfour Delcaration, accepted in League of nations and not contested in UN, is part of Israel. Since 1949, despite a cease-fire, Arabs still attacked Israel and led cross-borders raids that killed Israelis, in the same fashion as the Fogel family which was slaughtered in their sleep. UNR242 stated without contest that 1967 ceasefire lines will NOT be borders of a future State because they are indefensible. That hasn't changed. What borders will israel prefer? They won the wars and they demand the security which Arabs have not offered ever, so - whatever borders israel wants, I would imagine.
39. #26 BEN ALOFS 2ND TRY !!!
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (05.09.11)
The legal borders were defined by the UN Partition Plan, which the Arabs chose to ignore, preferring to attack Israel instead, in the vain hope they would have more land after the war ended, than they had before How dare you make claims about "Legal Borders", when you have consistently violated the legalities of the situation The Rhodes Armistice Agreement, also known as the "Greenline" aka/ "pre-67" were violated in each instance by your brothers, '56,'67 & '73 I have asked you several times to answer a few easy questions, which prove your entitlement, to-date; I have been unable to extract a response One more time, RSVP Palestine is yours ? Supply some proof, just answer a few easy questions to prove your claim & make yourself believable Name its kings or rulers. What are their achievements? What did you Ancient Flag look like? Where can one find any records where in the name of the country of Palestine or its people are mentioned, it’s not in the Koran? What Archaeological sites can one name? Where can one find the recorded history of these people? Whom did they conquer or were conquered by? Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or even now, leaves no room for misunderstanding? Can anyone name at least Five Palestinian leaders before Arafat? Since there is no such recognized country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?
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