Obama to offer financial aid to Arab world
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 19.05.11, 08:29
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31. Pathetic
Joe ,   Florida, USA   (05.19.11)
I'm really fed up that the President of my country is giving money to people that want to kill us. They gladly take U.S. dollars but they'll still cut heads off and kills as many Jews, Americans, and as many non-muslims as they can get their knives on.
32. When will people realize that b.o. is just
jason white ,   afula, israel   (05.19.11)
doing his job as a jihadist. he is a one man international terrorist organization. he will use American tax money to finance the global jihad. Never in the history of the U.S. has there ever been such an enemy of the country sitting in the Oval office. Too bad the both Houses are afraid to impeach him or to vote against every bill he wants. Too afraid of the race card. So they will let this jihadist destroy all they hold dear and help advance the islamination of the west.
33. dropping former debts? ye-cause they
have been so productive, constructive and helpful in the world agenda they deserve it..... can i puke now?
34. obama aid to arabs
jan ,   usa   (05.19.11)
Put the oxygen mask on yourself before you help others.... Keep the money here!!! Stop sending aid to terrorist countries and cutting help to our seniors and poor and sick , etc. Stand up citizens and put a stop to this disgrace.
35. #16 Phil. On the subject of welfare.
Terry ,   Eilat - Israel   (05.19.11)
I think PM Netanyahu should address the issue of US aid to Israel in his speech to Congress. Israel should politely decline future American financial aid of any kind. I believe many Israelis would agree with me. Almost all of the supposed aid requires Israel to buy American military equipment, it is, in reality, a subsidy to American arms manufacturers. This aid also comes with unacceptable political pressure & is deterimental to our own arms industry. Israel-bashers always bring up this issue but never have much to say about aid to the Arab countries for which America gets nothing in return.
36. Doesn't the US already do this with no return?
William ,   Israel   (05.19.11)
The US provided money for education, employment, and development in many countries in the Arab world, and the Arabs still denounce the US and curse them openly. So the plan is....throw more money at them to "prove" our love?? No thank you. It is amazing to me how blind the West is, especially the Left who don't mind taking money from its own citizens to give others. This is the biggest wealth transfer in human history. Not only does Arab countries take billion through its oil cartel, but now begs for billions for local assistance. Meanwhile, they all face the youth-bubble - angry youth who have been fed decades of hatred and racism, and are unemployed with no real future. Add to that fact that much of the money will be spent by the Arab govts for itself, to China, for goods and services - and China already sucks the US dry with crappy products and interest on debt. Americans should be fuming over this!
37. #2 - and the difference...$$$ leaves US shores to Arab State
William ,   Israel   (05.19.11)
while aid to Israel is almost entirely spent in the US, subsidizing US workers. And with this, Israel has never demonstrated against the US nor attacked its citizens, while Arabs have with regularity.
38. Arabs want National Socialism
Moshe ,   Netanya   (05.19.11)
Under Nasser they had it. Also Syria and Irak have it (Baas party). And even Qatar Al Jazira/BBC wants it, and they may get it. Hitler loved by Arabs even more than Lenin or Stalin. Without WWII Musolini stil be ruling Italy. Nazis were never realy discredited by Arab world.
39. Jiyza Tax
Daromi ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (05.19.11)
Amerikans now paying the Jiyza Tax to the new Caliphate installed in Egypt thanks to Obama. I guess he is counting on the same type of democracy in Egypt as there is in Iraq and Afghanistan, (yeah right.) Hope and Change for the Muslim Brotherhood, but for the Amerikans, it's Jobless and Homeless and your cars sit unused because gas at the pump will cost you a day's salary. Yes, I purposely spelled America with a "k" go figure out the implications for yourself.
40. U.S. aid for democracy
Madeleine ,   Rehovot Israel   (05.19.11)
So as I see it, all some Arab state has to do is declare it's aiming for democracy - maybe have a little rebellio first and get rid of some of its own citizen - take the money and then goodbye democracy, hello Islamic law and anti-west activity. Got the picture.
41. #15 - yes, but only the generosity from individual Americans
William ,   Israel   (05.19.11)
As Americans, you are the most generous from your individual pockets. I believe a record was set recently on the giving from average Americans, probably because of the Haiti earthquake. But what the US govt is doing is nothing short of bribery. They are forcing YOU to donate to a cause that is defunct and has proven not to work in the past. Would you give someone on the corner money from your wallet if you knew they'd spend it on drugs or alcohol? Of course not - you donate to causes you know (or atleast hope) is set up to change lives and help people become more self-sufficient. All the US is doing is creating a population dependent on YOUR tax-dollars because your Petro-Dollars end up in the hands of corrupt leaders. The same thing happens in Gaza. So much aid is flowing into that terrorist enclave that Hamas has ZERO responsibility for its people - the UN takes care of education, healthcare, employment, and fights against Israel. There is a saying in the Talmud (paraphrasing) - give generously to the poor but not so much that you become poor and in turn need the assistance of others.
42. Only the US Congress can stop this madness
Raymond in DC ,   Washington, USA   (05.19.11)
Even before this latest proposed giveaway, Israel's neighbors - Egypt, the PA, Jordan and Lebanon - were collectively getting *more* in aid from the US than was Israel. (Apropos, that aid to Israel is strictly military; they get no financial or economic aid.) I don't know if he has the legal authority to forgive Egyptian debt, but he wouldn't be the first president to do so. Bush 41 did it to encourage Egypt's token participation in Desert Storm in 1991. But unless he intends to shift money from existing authorizations, Obama needs Congress to authorize additional aid. One can only hope they block this, especially as there are no explicit conditions, like expanding religious rights in Egypt, maintaining the peace treaty and gas flow to Israel, etc.
43. How about Democracy in the One-State Mr. Obama?
Nour ,   One-State   (05.19.11)
How about according Arab Palestinians their full human and political rights on their land? Take your money and pay off your national debt! You corrupt the word democracy.
44. #23 - money better spent on reducing oil dependency
William ,   Israel   (05.19.11)
Rather than bribe Arab govts for access to their oil fields, I'd like to see the govt spend the money to end oil dependency so we wouldn't need their damn polluting oil fields. Despite paying record high prices set by this legal cartel, Arabs still insist the US steals their oil. Let them drink it themselves.
sheik rattle & roll ,   USA   (05.19.11)
Don't give aid to any country. We are broke. Our leaders need to get there heads out of there arses and look at reality. Why should the USA give money to people that hate us or despise our policies. We should also not meddle in the affairs of other countries. Let the Israeli and Arabs settle there own differences and abstain from all security resolutions in the future. Then the Israeli and Arabs will respect us as a neutral player.
46. Joe The USA has a debt in the trillions,the unemployment >
Jim Jones ,   USA   (05.19.11)
Unemployment,high taxes,prise of housing reacing the rooftops and no cure in sight.And here is grandiously throwing money to the winds to the ones who will only squandering .Plus the fact they'd be spitting at him when hs back is turned..But I know exactly why he is preparing this latest largess.Anyone with half a brain would know why..Firstly he is the HERO(so he may think) of catching/killing Osama,. Hi is no altruist,just doing anything in preparation for reelected in 2012. END
47. Arabs want US downfall, not their money
Rebecca ,   Modi'in   (05.19.11)
But they'll take all the money Obama can give, because it is leading to America's downfall. I just shake my head at America's simpleness.
48. Obama Aid to Egypt Muslim Brotherhood
7700 ,   DTW USA   (05.19.11)
49. Obama's Aid Offer To Arab
Boris Yasdnilkov ,   Fernandina Beach, US   (05.19.11)
Outrage hell, as an American citizen I am furious with Obama and his stupid policies. The quicker this manianical Islamic sympathizer is out of the presidential office the better off the United States will be. I do not believe that the nation can survive over 5 more years of this type of idiotic management.
50. #43 Arabs corrupt democracy with Muslim Brotherhood.
51. to#7
Jennie ,   Israel/US   (05.19.11)
Great points, Terry ! But more, then that...This president doesn't get the fact, that we are already bankrupt..Americans are being robbed at the gas pumps, over taxed and underpaid for at least as long as he is in power. And our financial aid to PA, Egypt and other Arab countries is spent mostly on terror. And it won't stop, until we say NO. Now It is time for them to plaw and saw on their land, to grow food, livestock, occupy themselves in lifesaving trades like most nations do..Like Israel is doing for over 63 years. This way, they could help us help them...Am I a dreamer ? Israel would help them greatly, if they would give up trying to innihilate the neighbor, G-d himself have given them....O, well....
52. Gdammit to hell! I'm not paying to build up what they tear
Booooooo!!! ,   US Taxpayer   (05.19.11)
down!! Meanwhile, Obama goes begging to Congress to RAISE THE DEBT CEILING so my kids have their futures mortgaged in favor of helping the A R A B S?? Let the A R A B S pay to build up their countries they have T O N S of oil $$$!! This is OutRAGEOUS!! Our country is SO F***ED!
53. Years ago,someone in Al Quaida said....
Malone ,   Hfx   (05.19.11)
....that they would destroy America from within. Well,they got their man in obama....he's doing a fine job of INTENTIONALLY destroying the USA. Can this man not be impeached?
54. #16, already got returned
Danny   (05.19.11)
via the arms purchases Israel is forced to use it on.
55. So Who Are The Oppostion?
Wondering   (05.19.11)
b.H.o. putting the horse before the cart, AGAIN. Does The u.s. Government KNOW who's REALLY getting the funds and what they are being used for? Will there be TRANSPARENCY to track the future funds? Just Wondering?
56. Odumba hasn't the authority
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (05.19.11)
The US House of Representatives are the legal controlling authority of the money that the US spends, not the President. He can offer all kinds of things, but if you want to end this contact your congressman, they have the real authority.
57. Wait a minute! Did Obama support the uprising
Harry Wright ,   UK   (05.19.11)
to install a more hostile government, the Muslim Brotherhood, so he could pay them more jizya to keep the peace (when Mubarak was doing fine enough) and in the process bankrupt the US even more? Incredible! He is really intent on destroying the US. He is the best thing that ever happened to Islam in recent history. That will be his legacy. All his policies are aimed at bringing financial ruin to the US. Will he achieve his final target by the next elections? He is certainly moving full steam ahead.
58. to#15
Jennie ,   Us/Israel   (05.19.11)
America has been showing great generosity and spirit to every corner of the world for generations...In all those years of recorded history, there wasn't almost any known expression of gratitude, loyalty or appreciation from the benefitiary nations, especially the Muslim nations...Judging by the past and current history unfolding, American generosity is inspiring dependency at best and hostility, terror acts at its worst from the benefitiary countries, especially in the ME...Some African nations,who are being threattend by ethnic cleansing deserve our rescue, but those people should be the only exclusion...Wake up, mat...
59. #17 Sue
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (05.19.11)
Madoff took money, most of that has been found and will be returned Obama took trillions, promised to create jobs, whihch still don't exist And the fact of the matters it that money is long gone, never to be seen again What Obama took and is about to take FAR OUTWEIGHS what Mdofff took by thousands of times Go grouse to Obama
60. #19 Mary, Texas
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (05.19.11)
Just another sheep, being shorn and led to the slaughter,, It's no wonder so many countries call the USA "Uncle Sap", you're a prime example
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