The Arab refugee swindle
Moshe Dann
Published: 14.06.11, 00:02
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57 Talkbacks for this article
31. refugee swindle
debbie ,   israel   (06.14.11)
Um, Nour, I hate to tell you this, but I don't think a "key" will hold up in a court of law. Our parents and grandparents were kicked out of their homes and businesses in Europe during the Holocaust, and to this day most of them have not seen a single penny from any of it. Also include the art, jewellery, silver, judaica, insurance, bank accounts, and everything els that was stolen from them. See what I mean? Refugees usually get resettled in a few number of years. The fact that this did not happen with the Palis, tells us something, about the Muslem countries, that is very unpleasant.
32. (17) Dan in Melbourne
tiki ,   belgium   (06.14.11)
You are absolutely right.! Jewish refugees came back to their ancient and only Homeland, the Land of Israel with it's capital Jerusalem, JUDEA and Samaria. Arabs, who lived in the Land of Israel and didn't believe the 'BS stories of Arab leaders telling them to "run away from the Jews, still live in Israel. Actually, most of them live a very good life and live in (no, not pityfull appartements or tents), but beautifull villa's. They participate in 'every aspect of Israeli life, from Hi-tech, Healthcare, Media, Shops and even the Army. Their numbers grew from half a million to 1.5 million, so Israel must do something right. It's about time that people like you come to grip with reality, that the ONLY stable and good country for Arabs is Israel. That's why they want it, but when Arabs will take over it will stop to be.
33. @jj
hanna -gaby k   (06.14.11)
"....almost every article on this site has some variation of your talkbacks" well, jj, you are not exactly original in your arguments...heard that millions of times, general phrases about "stolen land"...i bet, you support the khazar theory too, this will round up your profile perfectly
34. @Nour, JJ & Salma
Ben ,   Chutzlaaretz   (06.14.11)
Regardless on rather you agree with Israel's right to exist or rather Jews owned and currently own the land. The fact that "Palestinians" have been used as "tools" by your "loving" Arab hosts (Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq) is irrefutable. That instead of giving you access to jobs, education and citizenship status, you are quarentined in squalor, forced to be poor. For once, on just this fact alone, try to be honest. The only Arab country that has accepted "Palestinians" is Jordan, and Jordan has the distinction of killing more of you than all other nations combined. Clearly the argument you hear about 'You shouldn't have attacked in '48 doesn't matter to you, but you can't deny how you are being treated by your current hosts! Don't you think it is about time you took issue with them instead of us? How many more generations need to be imprisoned in refugee camps for "the cause!" For just one honest second, be truthful to yourself, your family and your future generations. Who'se life is better. Those who did not fight and flee such as the thriving arab commuity in Haifa or those living on UNWRA handouts surrounded by Syrian and Lebanese "police".
35. #33
jj   (06.14.11)
show me my millions of times i said "stolen land".
36. to #2 some else fuault indeed, Israelis
ghostq   (06.14.11)
or jews didn't create the refugees camps, all England made, y do you think the British police building still stand in the middle of the refugee camps, now they made it to UN buildings but they r there. got nothing to do with the bible, just historical fact.
37. to #24 can I use the right of return on arabs
ghostq   (06.14.11)
immigrants in Europe, since they came to Europe I will buy the tickets.
38. To: No. 4
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.14.11)
They left voluntarily. They are not "refugees." They are displaced persons. They cannot come back. Most of them can probably produce a rusty key; it is doubtful that any can produce deeds. Perhaps the real question you should be asking is why no one wants you in their countries? You have been kicked out of Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Abu Dhabi, Oman, Muscat and Kuwait. You aren't even allowed into the Kingdom. You do not have a legal argument to present. People who leave their homes of their own volition do not have a mandated right to return. But if you wish to question legal and moral arguments, take up the question of the nearly one million Jews who were expelled from their homes in Arab and Moslem countries with little more than the clothes on their backs? By the way -- the link is over 6,000 years; may I suggest that you check out the Tel Amarna tablets? They speak of a slave revolt in Egypt and a terrible disaster that befell Pharaoh's troops. Something about a mass drowning.
39. To: No. 24
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.14.11)
You lost six wars. You don't have any rights. You are a vanquished people. That's how it works.
40. To: No. 20
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.14.11)
I would say that the facts are in evidence. Those Arabs that heeded the call to leave in order to make way for the conquering armies who were going to push the Jews into the sea .... remain displaced persons today. Those that did not heed the call are citizens of Israel, with all the rights and privileges of citizenship although not all of the obligations. As the article correctly points out, following the Second World War, there were tens of millions of refugees. All found homes elsewhere. The displaced Arabs who left voluntarily cannot return. There is no right of return. You may wish to ponder why their Arab brethren have left them to fester in camps rather than resettle them, but Israel is hardly to blame for that.
41. What if the Arabs had won the Six Day War?
Jeff ,   St. Petersburg, FL   (06.14.11)
Would the world care about the Jews right of return? Would there even be a peace process? The peace process is a sham and the Arabs need to either fight or shut the f up. You lost the war, this should be terms of surrender. Don't go crying to the UN, let's fight it out and see who wins, then dictate terms of surrender... no peace negotioations.
42. Nour British Museum full of evidence
43. @ghost, no.37
hanna-gaby   (06.14.11)
can the greatgrandchild of a kuwaiti jew buy a ticket and "return", claim compensation , become a citizen?
44. Nouri# 4
Harvey ,   London   (06.14.11)
Of all the displaced people following ww2 , it is only the Palestinians who maintain and wear their refugee status like some badge of honour. 800,000 Jews were kicked out of Arab lands where they had lived albeit as dhimmim for centuries . They were welcomed and absorbed by israel Factually the refugees were created by the arab decision to invade the nascent state within hours of israel declaring its independence in 48 That was your decision to invade and yours alone . We live by our choices and sometimes we pay for them. By what right do you believe you are entitled to a return to the starting line while still espousing israels dismantlement . You and your nation need to take stock of your actions and the disastrous decisions taken by your ersatz leaders
45. #2 "JJ": u started with your conclusion
dante ,   uk   (06.14.11)
on what basis can one say that the Land of Israel is "Arab land"? if one declares at the outset that it is arab land, then one need go no further. but if one actually considers the facts, the facts in which jj is not interested, then, one understands that 1) the only people, in all of human history, who had independent commonwealths encompassing the Land of Israel were the Jews; 2) Muslims derive such rights as they have by conquest only; 3) the Arabs have 22 states; 4) the "palestinians" are not different linguistically, religiously or ethnically from the Arabs in neighbouring states; 5) before political Zionism, there was no such things as a palestinian Arab national identity; 6) the palestinian refugee problem is an artifical problem, created by the Arab countries; 7) a larger number of Jews were forced from Arab countries and absorbed by Israel; and, 8) the rights of the indigenous peoples were determined after WWI, where the Arabs were given trasjordan, as a territory CLOSED TO JEWISH SETTLEMENT --- when one understands this, one understands that the Land of Israel is not "arab land" and that only a hateful and ignorant moron could believe it so.
46. The facts, please
Mike ,   US   (06.14.11)
Who has the ownership to the Land of Israel/a.k.a. Palestine? The people of Canaan (no more), the Philistimlians (the real ones, please), the Hebrews, whose descendants are the today’s Jews, the Husseini Arab clan (the only Arabs who did not come to that land with the advent of Zionism, but lived continuously from the time of the Omar conquest) or may be the swarms of descendants of Yemeni, Egyptian, Syrian, Iraqi etc. etc. Arab job hunters? The interesting FACT is that in the 20s of XX century the highest natural growth of any Arab country was detected in Egypt. The even more interesting FACT is the growth of the Arab population in British Mandate Palestine FOUR TIMES surpassed the growth of the Arab population in Egypt. How’s that? Now, back poor Arab refugees: they are all dead by now. Their grandchildren, all 5 mil of them, if returned to the State of Israel will destroy the Jewish identity of that state. That is not fare for the State of Israel and therefore the Arabs should stay somewhere else. Fare?
47. Response to#38,39 and 40
John R ,   NYC USA   (06.14.11)
As a general rule, right of return is guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights art 13(2). That Declaration was adopted by the UN and Israel in 1948. According to Sir Martin Gilbert, in his 2 part history of Israel, Rabin himself told him that Ben Gurion ordered him to evict about 25% of the Palestinians living in Israel proper in 1948. Ben Gurion feared the Jews during the war of independence had an inability to deal with both external and potential internal enemies. Your characterization of the Palestinians seems to be they just casually decided to move as opposed to they didn't want to be in the middle of a war zone. History is replete with examples of this (including Jews in WWll ) and they are in fact refugees. The general rule I highlighted in my opening line in this case likely does not apply. A recent ruling by the European Court of Human Rights, I believe does apply. The court debated the right of the Greek refugees who were expelled from northern Cyprus in 1974, and five months ago it ruled that due to the time that has passed, it would be wrong to rectify the situation by allowing them to return to their homes and expelling those who currently live in the area." In Israel's case, more than 62 years have passed and in its democracy clearly right of return means the destruction of Israel, an untenable solution. The international community and Israel should provide fair monetary compensation in lieu of right of return. This must be part of an overall peace treaty which also addresses a Palestinian State and a Jerusalem that can incorporate two capitals.
48. Mike #46 you want facts
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (06.15.11)
The fact is according to international laws all the land west of the Jordan River belongs to us for a Jewish National Homeland. That is according to merely the San Remo Conference of 1920, Mandate for Palestine 1922 and the UN Charter of 1945. The Arabs have absolutely not one single legal claim to any of the land. Something nobody in the entire world has ever proven to be wrong.
49. as expected
jj   (06.15.11)
long "too long; didnt read" diatribes about ancient mystical promises of land, a dash of tu quoque, some persecution complex, topped off with an allusion to me being an anti-semite. the award for most off topic response goes to dante in the UK. bravo. see comment above regarding the template talkbacks you guys must have prepared. all this was about was about the authors being honest with the readers and saying what they really mean. simple as this, israel needs to recognise that they are as much to blame as the arab nations for the human waste in the camps and not act in a "how did those guys get there? they should go away" manner. sure, israel was attacked, but it was a war that was inevitable, that israel was well aware would happen and that it was more than happy to take the land that went with it.
50. Re: John R
G. Fränkl   (06.15.11)
What you "believe" does apply is the ONLY conclusive certainty about your usual long nonsense based on spin and innuendo. Sorry, this is the truth and you know it - if not, should.
51. Response to#50
John R ,   NYC USA   (06.15.11)
Please pass your leaned comments to the Syrians and Libyans being driven from their homes from Gov't forces. The same should be said for the Muslims in Kosovo or any current conflict with refugees. As for the Jews who were driven from their homes in WWII and had all their property stolen, the survivors or their progeny should never try to recover their property due to spin and innuendo. The European Court of Human Rights ruling is not even a year old and cannot be universally applied to all cases. The ruling is based on practicality and politics as much as the literal interpretation of the law. I want peace for Israel which cannot be achieved without purchasing right of return. As for the Sir Martin Gilbert reference, he is a world respected historian who I believe and you are obviously an ignoramus.
52. why are Palestinian Arabs exploited?
meira ,   TA   (06.15.11)
Why aren't Palestinian refugees, like all others, under UNHCR? Why, after 60 years, are they the only refugee population that remains and is growing? Why are Palestinian refugees not entitled to human and civil rights in host countries, like Lebanon, Syria? Why are they not offered the opportunity to live normal productive lives?
53. @meira
hanna-gaby k.   (06.15.11)
the plot is to prevent by all means that the palestinian refugees get absorbed by arab states. if "palestinians" get settled and start leading normal lives in arab countries, they won't care about the "return" plot to israel. For the "return"scenario palestinians are artificially kept in the status of refugees and constant misery. Immigrants of palestinian descent who live in canada, usa or europe do not want to "return".
54. Falicies
mo ,   ynot yericho   (06.15.11)
Arab language has no "p" sound, yaba not papa .. must be a yourpeon plot you could hardly name a county with a letter you ain't got...
55. #4-Read true history, not your muslim
Don Rosenberg ,   Palatine USA   (06.15.11)
propaganda. You arabs have 22 countries and jordan, your pal...... state formed in 1948. Being racist and selfish, you muslims need to help your own and stop using us Jews as your scapegoat for your incompetent leaders. All of us can live in peace, once you respect us Jews, if you ever can.
56. The Arab refugee swindle
H.TAMMIMI ,   Saudi Arabia   (06.16.11)
I agree with the writer.
57. on #2
joel ,   usa   (06.20.11)
you lost the 1967 war with egypt, jordan and lebanon/syria, so you lost your land to israel as their "spoils" of war, ok? you can get them back if you win a war against israel, but these arb palestinians are just simply lazy contented with dole outs and alms from other countries!
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