Strike? Never say never
Giora Eiland
Published: 14.06.11, 12:24
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31. To: No. 28
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.14.11)
Ex-General, what kind of a 1991 Gulf War do you think the U.S. would have had if Israel had not taken out Iraq's nuclear reactor ten years earlier? Think of all the American servicemen and women who did not come home in body bags thanks to Israel, and show a little respect.
32. The American presidents also were not
Chris Rettenmoser ,   Bayerisch Gmain Germ   (06.14.11)
in support of Israels strikes at the reactors of Iraq and Syria, but they very well accepted it, as did the vast majority of the American people... Israel is the only country under the gun of Irans nuke program and Israel must deliver the first blow...after having done so, the American president, even when his name is Hussein Obama will be forced to take sides and to join the gamble... Of course it is a gamble, but with no other options left, it has to be taken, as it will determine the future of the state of Israel. There MUST NOT be a sword of Damocles hanging over the head of everyone living in the Jewish state.
33. Possibility of threat is always good
SE ,   Boston, USA   (06.14.11)
Leaving the possibility of an Israeli or US strike against the Iranians is always a good thing. The threat of a strike forces Iran to divert some of its resources to its defensive capabilities instead of arming terrorists in the region and pouring all of their resources into nuclear weapons technology.
34. 'ejhad's breakdown.
Beary White ,   Norway   (06.15.11)
Iran will soon have the bomb, for sure. The only way to handle this dangerous situation is to get all the other gulf-states AND USA, to agree to a unified attack on Irans nuclear sites. When the iranian priesthood sees the attack coming, 'ehjad' will be removed, and the nuclear sites must be dismantled.Then what should mr 'ehjad' do, except realize his situation and be prepared to be removed from his throne. Either as a martyr (hoax) or leave for Pakistan, which is a country specially designed for islamist.
35. Sure, But...
Dan ,   US   (06.15.11)
I agree but here are few facts that can make things clearer: the Iranian regime is a fanatic but not insane if israel were to slightly modify it's outlook and say to the Mullahs" one Missile you MFO and the entire country will be erased off the map" it will certainly get thier attention. the second point is, Iran doesn't really have an air force (for all intensive purposes) they do have a navy however and quiet a few slightly modified Scud D and E which could be easily intercepted 500 feet abov gound inside the Iranina air space. (it amazing what modern interceptors can do today) no one should loose any sleep over thier Navy as well. but i agree that the side effects of the stike are more damaging than the exchange itself.
36. Would be the ultimate throw of the dice
Cameron ,   USA   (06.15.11)
Even if it were operationally feasible for Israel to pull off by it's lonesome, and that's a big question mark, Israel risks truly jeopardizing it's alliance with the US by trying to undertake such a move. Trust me, the US populace has zero taste for Israeli moves that would require the US to open up yet another war front, and to finish what Israel started. Don't let your fears turn into our grim burden to bear. Remember well that friendship & alliance with the US also hang in the balance with this strike option. Tread ever so cautiously.
37. #28 general "issue" aka GI....
rob ,   Orangevale USA   (06.15.11)
Israel is a 'little dog of Obama" Perhaps. A little pit bull with nuclear weapons ,and the national sworn determination to NEVER be told to march to their death again, or accept the threat of annihilation. The people of the USA, in massive numbers, have the ability to make it very unwise to try anything harmful to Israel, and the ability to rid ourselves of such vermin as this lying anti Semite president in a mere 4 years. A blink of the eye in middle east terms. It doesn't bode well for you, those that want Israels demise. I pray to the one God, every night for Israels survival and prosperity, and so do millions of us across the globe whether or our government allows it / likes it or not. Mine does. I, and millions of others will die for the state of Israel. We are sick of the Islamist plague, and soon again it will be crushed for centuries. Shalom. Rob
38. To: No. 36
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (06.15.11)
Cameron, six million Jews filed passively into gas chambers while the world looked on and did not care a whit. How much do you think we care about world opinion? There may be no more pogroms, dear, but please do not translate that as a re-thinking of good old-fashioned Jew hatred. It's still there, and the only difference it's found a prominent focus. The State of Israel. But nothing has changed. Israel has never required anyone of any persuasion to die for its sake. Would the same could be said for Arabs, eh? Frankly, the United States is far bigger than Israel, but the U.S. military sucks. Israel is far better. You'd only get in our way. Back off; let us finish the job. We're actually good at it.
39. Dan #35
Brod ,   USA   (06.15.11)
You are wrong. Islamist-Jihadist Fanatics are insane people. Islamist-Jihadist fanatics destroyed the Twin Towers on 9/11. They were the suicide bombers that murdered Israelis. They are insane and brainwashed by their Luciferian god that teaches them to hate and kill Jews and Judeo-Christians.
40. #36 Cameron, you sound more like the O-Dog, than Congress.
Noodles ,   Coney Island   (06.15.11)
41. Ey Iran
Shahkhy ,   Ezrail   (06.15.11)
Few facts that everyone chooses to ignore or the Israeli gov chooses to show muscles but no fists are jabbed... Iran will not attack Israel and vice versa. The first fact is that Iran never ever in her long and rich history had any problems or friction up until Khomeini came to power. Khomeini's entrance to Iran could have been prevented by either France, U.S or the Brits but ushered Khomeini anyways, knowing he is a fundamentalist and a radical. The only reason that the West let Khomeini in to Iran was one reason and only one reason "Arab spring" which has gotten even to Syria (who'd believe). Yes, my dear friends, the west has gotten Khomeini in to show Islam in the most vicious way (that it is) to the world in a country that was turned European by the Americans. The Islamic republic will fall, the question is, when will the Arabs realize that politics and religion don't mix and the religious figures should sit where they belong and not force people to do things they don't want to do. The moral of all this is to liberate Islam to a new generation with a real judicial system not the "sharria".
42. US will lose all influence in the Mideast !.
Arn. ,   Sweden.   (06.15.11)
This is because The Saudis presieve that the US is not doing enuff against Iran. So - What the US accept or not has no importance. An Israeli Military strike against Iran will therefore have the support of Saudiarabia. The Israeli Jets will not target the Iranian Nuclear facilities, but Her offensive Missile capability. The Nuclear facilities will be taken out after that, not before, and for this Nuces must be used, because of the long time given the Iranians to protect them. Arn.Seden.
43. Do Say Never
Cyrus Saify ,   Great Falls, VA. U.S   (06.15.11)
You repeat the same dogmatic language of PM Natanyahu. Dagan has taken a realist position. His revelation is to prevent such dangerous rhetoric’s (the military calls it psychological warfare) escalate to destructive levels by both Israel and Iran. The answer to all four questions is negative. Otherwise neither Israel nor the U.S. would have waged psychological warfare or waited this long to take actions against the Islamic Republic. The Islamic Republic of Iran has been developing its nuclear knowhow to reach a stage where it will be a turnkey away from deciding to develop nuclear weapons, however in a region where it finds itself encircled by the U.S, a nuclear power Pakistan and Israel, it seeks to guarantee the continuance of its theocratic dictatorship existence through the defensive capability of nuclear weapons and the power these weapons project. The mullah’s are religious fanatics but not suicidal maniacs.
44. to# 38
K.O.   (06.15.11)
the only job you'll end up is to speed up of the end of Israel nothing more nothing less. no chance that Israel won against Iran or even delay its program. good day
45. to# 38
K.O.   (06.15.11)
Your arrogance and your vindictive tone is useless, they are not the posts on this forum who will decide the future. the reality is that the U.S. has decided to play deterrence against Iran, as the USSR. almost all experts agree on this. and other countries around the world have nothing to do with iran. Saudi Arabia (the regim) may try to collaborate with Israel, but its people will prevent him like in : Yemen, Egypt Bahrain, Tunisia .......... if the Saudi people learn that the regime flirts with israel, 's just mean the end of the reign of Sauds, therefore this assumption is unfounded
46. #38 Sarah B
Albrecht Klein ,   Germany   (06.15.11)
A preemptive nuclear strike by Israel is a political no-go and everything else won't stop Iran. Sorry.
47. K.O. 44
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (06.15.11)
Iran couldn't even defeat Iraq so what makes you think they are so tough? I wouldn't put to much faith in a country whose leader wears a diaper on his head.
48. Albrecht #46
Brod ,   USA   (06.15.11)
You seem scared of Iran. Do you think Israel would take a second Holocaust like a sitting duck? Forget it. Israel will defend itself before being incinerated by the fanatical Ayatollahs' nuke. Who cares what the world of AntiSemites says. AntiSemites persecuted and ravaged Jews and Judeo-Christians for 1260 years from 538 AD 1798 during the Dark Ages. And they wiped off 6 millions Jews in WWII as they herded them to the gas chambers and death camps during the Holocaust. And millions of Judeo-Christian Americans lost their lives to defend freedom, rescue humanity and put an end to evil and tyranny in Europe that destroyed 6 million Jews in WWII. The fanatics in Iran think they can dominate the world with their nukes. Their Armageddon tools may well bring their own destruction. The world would thank Israel the day after, as Entebbe and when Israel obliterated Islamist-Jihadist tyrants'- Saddam and Assad nuke. The Free world needs to understand that nuke in the hands of fanatical Islamist-Jihadists MUST NEVER be tolerated.
49. #48 Brod
Albrecht Klein ,   Germany   (06.15.11)
Iran is a big country - far too big for small IDF (at least for a conventional attack). So what would you exactly suggest - a preemptive nuclear strike? Come on. This is a political no-go and you know that.
50. Albretch #49
Brod ,   USA   (06.15.11)
Iran big country? Size does not matter. In 1967, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq ganged to wipe off tiny Israel. Tiny Israel defeated the combined armies of these Arab countries in 6 days! You are concerned about political-no-go? If it is between survival and annihilation, there is no such thing as political-no-go. Israel does not even need to resort to non-conventional war. It could neutralize the Ayatallahs' armies just as it did to the combined Arab armies in 1967.
51. to# 38
K.O.   (06.15.11)
Polls always gives israel as the first threat to global security far before the Iran and North Korea or Pakistan, forget it, the world will never tell you thank you! the world will rather place you under embargo
52. TO # 38
K.O.   (06.15.11)
the glorious day that you expect, "the day after" will never come. for the simple reason that Israel has no really capability against iran end point. even the Americans can not do much, then isarel even less. do you know a certain gentleman dagan??
53. #50 Brod
Albrecht Klein ,   Germany   (06.16.11)
The USA and their allies are at war with Afghanistan since 2001 and with Iraq since 2003 - and have achieved exactly nothing. And tiny Israel wants to engage with Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas etc.? Come on, you must be kidding. If you don't want to nuke all your neighbours (and/or the rest of the world), you should calm down a little.
54. on #7, inan
joel ,   usa   (06.20.11)
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