PM: Israel aims to offset PA's UN bid
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 15.06.11, 01:23
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1. nurit gertz and lieberman
alexi   (06.15.11)
gertz has seen wikileaks cables showing the americans hope lieberman disappears from the fm so that he would not block american peace efforts. Dutch and norweigans say he makes no friends with his blunt irritating talk. Haaretz of course is all to happy to let sarid sanitize olmert, the worst pm in israel's history, but makes huge efforts to villify strong minded israelis. the dutch and norweigans are supposed to defend israel- don't make puke over these 2 gutless countries who have trouble controlling a riot in their suburbs. And clinton and 2 state is munich dressed up and is worthless. Grappel will be released by egypt because they fear liberman , landau and yaalon. They would not release him if livni, peres and haaretz were at the controls. weinstein would be hurting israel's fighting ability if he indicts lieberman and he should only do so if he is sure of getting a conviction. In the meantime, olmert needs to go to jail for years for his corruption and weinstein should focus on his trial.
2. Let hope the Palestinians have the same success as the Zios
Sass ,   Australia   (06.15.11)
did in 1948
3. Never ever the "palestinian project"will succed
Keren ,   IL-BR   (06.15.11)
It will not succed because its premises are wrong. What the UN members must understand is that better money will be spent by moving these people to live among their own ,in genuinaly arab lands-namely Arabia,and that they must transform THEIR place into a viable place for them to live,and not ours. The premisses are wrong because what drive this people is the destructive will of theirs to keep attached to us without belonging to us. This land does not belong to them.Some of them ancestors might have lived in it,but that does not make this land theirs. The correct premise is that a true and better future awaits them when they understand that organically-so to speak-their project is displaced. The narrative of this matter must change and the root of this problem must be exposed,which is that this is a fabricated conflict made by backward arab nations who refuse to live in the way they are meant to, but insist in ,pathologicaly, keep destructively attached to us.
4. it will never happen
Palestinian   (06.15.11)
Palestine can accept democratic Israel (for all who come from Russia, Ethiopia, Europeans from East or West, or wherever fthey come from) so peace can be for all. shalom
5. A "taste of having their way"?
Todd ,   Vancouver, Canada   (06.15.11)
There is something incredibly callous and hypocritical about this statement coming from a person whose country was practically founded upon such a principle.
6. What Netanyahoo says is just not true
Li ,   USA   (06.15.11)
There have been many high level Palestinians willing to accept the state of Israel. Even Abbas said prominently that Israelis could call their state whatever they want, Jewish, Zionist, whatever they like. Transcripts of negotiating sessions have shown that the Palestinians have negotiated in good faith while the Israelis have not.
7. Come on Ynet, get on the ball....this is good stuff...
Edithann ,   USA   (06.15.11)
Especially the part about Palestinians""getting a taste of having their way, they'll fall in love with it and will never agree to any compromise again." ...Mustent let the Palestinians feel what Israel and Jews's not Tamudic... Priceless, just priceless....Jews can't help being's in their DNA..... TATA
Ussishkin ,   Tel Aviv Israel   (06.15.11)
but resumption of talks
11. Palestine on paper is the most they'll ever get....
Noodles ,   Coney Island   (06.15.11)
12. What is peace? cessation of againstness...
The coach... ,   USA   (06.15.11)
Can Israel ever get that from the Arabs? Hell No! So why kid yourselves with a peace process. There will only be peace when Israel Kicks the crap out of those swore to destroy her. I say Israel pick your border and say to any arabs who might fall into Israel's borders, "like it or leave" And use those defensible borders to kick some ass ever time they give you an excuse. And each time take a bit more of the spoils of war. Peace is won and the whole world knows it.
13. To No. 2
Mabsurfing ,   Caracas, Venezuela   (06.15.11)
The palestinians had their chance in 1948 as the israelies did. The difference is that the palestinian just say no to the option to have a country, they just wanted all the land; 6 arab countries told the palestinians to go out form their houses and to wait and see how they will through all the jews into the sea, well is obvious that did not happened but instead, those countries let those palestinians be refugies and did not accept them as their own (again, after telling them to go to their countries). Gaza and the west bank were offcialy parts of Egypt and Jordan respectively, so the palestinians resigned to the possibility of a palestiniain state. Today they want a palestinian state after 60 years without reaching anything through force, which they still do. So there are many lessons to learn here, one of them is that the palestinians lost their chance because they wanted, because of their proud and the proud of the arab nations; another is that with force you do not achive anything, other one, and the most important is that ISRAEL IS HERE TO STAY; other one is that you need to learn some history before writing what you did, and I there are many more but I can not give you lessons of history and life, there are some things you and the palestinians need to learn by themselves.
14. Israel aims to offset pas un bid.
Elsie. ,   Gush halav   (06.15.11)
Bibi ,by speaking this way, he is demonstrating an arrogance that can be quite frightening,
15. UN Created Israel
Peter Morris ,   New Zealand   (06.15.11)
Some would say a flawed process. However if creating Israel was a good idea then the logic is that the UN and only the Un can create Palestine. Even though New Zealand has a Jewish Prime Minister its almost certain New Zealand will adhere to its policy of supporting two state solution and the UN. So don't include NZ in the 30.
16. Bibi is right. Obama gave them a taste of
Harry Wright ,   UK   (06.15.11)
getting their own way with settlements which made them feel that Obama will get them what they wanted. They sat back and waited and waited and waited thinking that Obama would screw Israel and give them what they wanted. Well he tried and thoroughly humiliated Bibi with his bullying - he and his sidekick Shrillary. The rest is history. If they get a state without negotiations they will simply sit back just as they sat back with Obama. Bibi's words have captured the scene PERFECTLY.
17. #8, you are aware which side is refusing to talk right?
Danny   (06.15.11)
18. #15, when did the UN create Israel?
Danny   (06.15.11)
Because in 1947 the GA passed a non-binding resolution recommending partition - which by your logic also "created" Palestine - which the Arabs rejected.
19. #6 The UN resolution was very explicit
Frank ,   USA   (06.15.11)
1. Jewish state, 1 Palestinian Arab. The Jews accepted it while the Arabs rejected. The conflict is not about land, territories, or refugees. It is about the Arab pride. A strong, rich, democratic Jewish Israel does nothing for the backward Arab regimes and their terrorist offshoots except showing what and who they are. Therefore they hate it so much and are so obsessed with it.
20. #15. Dont get carried away with your PMs
Dan ,   USA   (06.15.11)
Jewishness. 1. His dad was not Jewish. 2. His wife is not Jewish. 3. His kids are not Jewish.
21. To No. 15 - Read what I wrote on line No. 13
Mabsurfing ,   Caracas, Venezuela   (06.15.11)
22. #3
Sam ,   ME   (06.15.11)
Where are your grandparents from? where were they born? let me guess Poland? You go back. Plaestinains are going no where. Wake up darling there is no God no body gave you this land. So palestinans just like to live in misery just to annoy the jews? is this what you are saying? they weren't living there for the last 2 thousand years before jews decided to come in. I really advise you to go see a doctor.
23. #15 - you're not invited
jonathan ,   london/ israel   (06.15.11)
24. Palestinians no 4
JUDAH THE LION   (06.15.11)
Jews are coming back to their land after 2000 years in exile
25. netanyahu.
justice for all ,   world/planet earth   (06.15.11)
if netanyahu goes on to block a palestinian state, then the palestinians will never recognize the zionist entity of "israel" as a jewish/zionist state. love can not come one side/party only. for something, something has to come in return. only the sun rises for nothing/for free! otherwise you are a parasite and an egoist and an obstacle to peace yourself.
26. #5; Todd, BACK TO THE BOOKS
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (06.15.11)
Well not really Todd, Try something unusual...apparently for history. We know that the Jewish people have had a constant presence on the land for 3500 years. They made a request in 1890 for the rebirth of their country. The world agreed (Balfour Declaration 1917). The world came up with the Partition Plan, it created TWO countries. One Jewish, and a new Arab country. The Jewish people accepted it , the Arabs rejected it and went to War.They lost. So where is the similarity? None exists? So when you write: "incredibly callous and hypocritical...from a person whose country was practically founded upon such a principle." Not only is that statement false, with no basis in history, in reveals a substantial ignorance of history.
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