Gaza flotilla losing momentum
Ynet reporters
Published: 27.06.11, 08:06
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11 Talkbacks for this article
1. Couldos to the Foreign Ministry
a ,   hinatan   (06.27.11)
and good-bye to the press fairy tales about the international isolation
2. US Neutrality Act - Red Herring
Mark ben Josuf ,   USA   (06.27.11)
Under the US Neutrality Act, the President can proscribe travel and trade to and with Israel by Americans. The Palestinian territories, however are not a state recognized by the USA and as such, make the entire act irrelevant to the Flotilla. Obama has not proscribed travel or trade with Israel and has no authority under the act to say anything about Gaza since it is not a state. Will the Americans sail? Unknown at present. Would Americans be in violation of American law? Doubtful, certainly not the US Neutrality Act.
3. towards the end of Holocaust ...
to the media   (06.27.11)
all european media asked: how could the jews not defend themselves? how could they be victims. now the hypocritical world journalists ask: how dare they defend themselves? how do they refuse to return into the gas chambers? the world and some jews can't concive jewish existance which doesn't include jews as victims. this is disturbing...
4. #2 Mark BJ - Reality time
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (06.27.11)
Obama will do anything he damn well feels like doing, as he proved by going to war against Libya and maintaining the state of war despite the War Powers Act, in violation of the Law & Congress Obama thinks of himself as the Emperor of the World, above all laws
5. If this loss of participating boats kees up
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (06.27.11)
the end result will be an individual madly paddling for Gaza in a Kayak
6. #2 - Disputed areas are not a sovereign nation
William ,   Israel   (06.27.11)
but under existing conventions, whether you choose to side with those outlining the obligations under occupation, or choose to side with those supporting Israel's right to the disputed lands due to the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Jews and the illegal attacks on Israel by Arabs, the same thing is clear.... Israel legally has the jurisdiction over said disputed areas until recognized annexation or sovereignty. Because Gaza is ruled by a terror group who has declared war on Israel, Americans are in a double-pinch.... 1) the flotilla can be described as aid to Hamas, both materially and politically, which under US is illegal (to aid a terrorist org). 2) because they declared war on Israel, Americans are forbidden from helping them as it places the US in a biased position against an ally.
7. Bravo Greece
Bill ,   Greece   (06.27.11)
Bravo Greece. Turkey is playing a game with this issue and everybody is familiar with. As far as Syria if Turkey supports the Sunni brotherhood, Ankara wins, if she still supports the Assad regime she still wins. Turkey plays the same game it did in World War II. They liked the Nazis and supported them with volunteers but they sided with everybody. Only the last two months declared war on Germany. Takkiye . They will never change. Now they want a weaker Israel in the area in order to complete their Ottoman Imperial dreams. It is up to Israel to see how events will lead at the end. Turkey will never change.
8. Good for Greece!
Bad assed Jew. ,   United States   (06.27.11)
this cheap drama at sea will peter out before they leave port. Some people will do anything to avoid getting a job.
9. Israel: Democracy Killer
Linda J ,   Seattle, WA, USA   (06.27.11)
So Israel and its big bro USA can blackmail and threaten other states into doing their bidding. This will only cause more people to see their hypocrisy. Real democracy means freedom of association and speech. Thanks Flotilla folks and the people of Palestine for NEVER giving up.
10. Ben Jabo & William
Mark ben Josuf ,   USA   (06.28.11)
BJ - Seems Congress is confused, as usual. They voted against the Libya op and then for funding it. William - The "aid & comfort" charge won't happen. If it did, they would have to venue shop a lot for a judge who would not throw it out. Precisely because Gaza is not sovereign is why the other law cannot apply. Taking letters to non-Hamas members of the civilian population also is not aid to Hamas. Israelis can call the flotilla almost anything. But meeting an objective standard for the US courts is a horse of an entirely different color. Again, lots of forum shopping would be needed for a judge and jury. And jury nullification would be the likely outcome anyway, given the ages and religions and past histories of those charged.
11. #10 Mark BJ
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (06.28.11)
Congress is confused, so what's new about that, what's that tid bit supposed to be, a revelation from on high ? Virtually all of the residents of Gaza are in Hamas or associated with it, they have no choice That’s why they allowed Hamas to fire their rockets within the environs of their Homes, Schools, Mosques & Hospitals, either being participants in hostile acts or accessories before and after the act, making them as guilty as their fighters Getting the matter on the Courts Calendar will take considerable time, subject to objections from both sides, who would most probably ask for a change of venue or judge, if t neither suits them Meanwhile, the boat is stuck in port, pending adjudication, is it not ? Meanwhile, the Flotilla is having ships drop out on a fairly consistent basis At the rate it will wind up as one person in a Kayak, paddling furiously I have a great idea, you man the Kayak Anyhow, I don’t know why you’re so concerned; you never were able to answer the questions that would have proven the land belonged to you
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