Refugees no longer in fashion
Guy Bechor
Published: 14.07.11, 21:23
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31. #10 Leon - THANKS for your HISTORY lesson
CK Tan ,   Singapore, Singapore   (07.15.11)
"Most Arabs in the region don't hate Israelis but rather the occupation of Palestine" Love your REVISIONIST history. Cos what you are SAYING is that those Arab WARS against Israel PRIOR to 1967 were all acts of LOVE. I guess for an Arabist APOLOGIST, you feel TOTAL shame and HUMILIATION that the ARABS lost the wars they WAGED against Israel. So here's HOW you can REALLY really really MAKE that period away - WEAR those shoes, CLICK 3 times on the heels and WISH very very very hard. Oh, one last thing - do NOT hold your breath.
32. #14 nadya - guess what? TALK is CHEAP.
CK Tan ,   Singapore, Singapore   (07.15.11)
You OBVIOUSLY did not know about : - the WHINING by the palis that (guess who?) ARAB states FAIL to live up to their AID pledges - the PLEAS by UNRWA to (guess who?) ARAB states to FULFILL their promises of AID - the current US State Dept URGING (guess who?) ARAB states to RESUME aid to the palis Sure,. the Arab League SUPPORTS the pals' bid for statehood at the UN but it is a very DIFFERENT story when it comes to putting MONEY where the mouth is.
Mark from Georgia ,   USA   (07.15.11)
While it's true that all the Arab leaders tries and failed to blame Israel. There still is a residual hatred in the "Arab Street" from 5 decades of indoctrination by all the countries you mentioned. Egypt after Mubarak left, and during the protests, held up signs declaring their hatred of Israel. Calling for the repeal of the peace treaty with Israel. So I think your a bit premature in your assessment. I agree too that the people are bypassing the Arab controlled press and going to the internet. But again the same hatreds they have been taught all their lives exist on the internet. The good thing is the other side of the story is now in their grasp, if they look. No doubt some young Arabs are rejecting the old hatreds, and the leaders recent lying about Israel only helped Israel. Because they could see how they were being manipulated. Nobody likes to be played for a fool. But I've noticed the opposite of what you talked about. It seems the one thing all the protesters, in all the different countries still can agree on, in their hatred of Israel. But whether they really care about the Palestinians anymore is a valid point. Since what happens to the Pals will NOT affect the guy on the street or feed his family. Plus no refugees in all of history have been given so much free money. The Refugees may have become irrelevant. But that is where the old saying is the "Arafat (Pals) never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity". It seems they may do it again with the silly and illegal UN declaration for a state. Without even accepting Israel and their right to exist as a Jewish state.
34. Defund the U.N.R.W.A. and the problem will soon end.
Chaim ,   Israel   (07.15.11)
For decades the U.N.R.W.A., heavily funded by Western suckers, has been "taking care of Palestinian refugees". Meaning it has been doing everything possible to perpetuate the Arab refugee problem. It is the meal ticket to the good life for tens of thousands of highly paid, good for nothing U.N.R.W.A. functionaries. Tens of millions of post WW II refugees in Europe and Asia were comfortably resettled decades ago. All we need to do is defund the worthless U.N.R.W.A. and the problem will soon end.
35. Wishful Thinking
GHook93 ,   Chicago   (07.15.11)
I have no doubt the Arabs and Persians have bigger fish to fry, but they are still unified in their hatred of Israel. I believe on grip the Arab public has is they haven't attacked Israel. It won't be long before the wishful thinking for Egypt and Israel's future becomes a nightmare! You will have a ginormous Arab army at Israel's borders armed with American, NOT Soviet weapons! Scary thought!
36. #2: You want facts and specifics?
Canadian Dude ,   Canada   (07.16.11)
How about this one: The author holds Israel up as a model middle east democracy and boasts of its successful integration between East and West. If you want facts to substantiate this, all you need to do is check the front page and read about the latest wave of Taliban riots in Jerusalem. Yes, peaceful coexistence between rational folks and violent, deluded idiots who think they speak on behalf of divinity has never been better. Don't worry, I'm sure the gentiles will continue sending you billions of dollars in military aid every year for many centuries to come, before they finally realize how many Israelis actually perceive them as farm animals.
37. I wonder whether the refugees are conscious
Raphael ,   Netanya   (07.16.11)
Of what dire straights they are going to face, should their wishes of return be fulfilled: 1) They will lose the bonanza of EU, US ans UN alimonies. 2) They will lose the magic status of resistance movement, and be liable of their own misdeeds 3) Worst: They will have to earn their life blooming the desert with their forehead's sweat.
38. Self Awareness Is the Key
Douglas Fireman ,   Chicago, USA   (07.16.11)
"Arab societies, which are developing self awareness; societies that are finally able to look at themselves internally... 'Self awareness' Is the key. The Palestinian people, for example, have been abused, exploited, and used as human shields by Hamas, so that leadership can accomplish its own narrow minded goals and objectives. The Palestinian people should reflect on 'how' Leadership has wrecked opportunities for the people to live peaceably in the region. Maybe its time to rise up against leadership who have lied to them, cheated them, and who have become their wardens- in effect throwing the key away that could free them from a fanaticism that have wrecked their lives. The Palestinian people could be living in peace with their neighbors, but their dictatorial leaders are calling the shots; playing war games in the region that will get the people no where but in cold graves. These so called leaders have stolen money from their people. They have trampled on the rights of their citizenry; they have killed more Palestinians than they have Jews. Isn't it time for the Palestinian citizens to develop some backbone and rise up against their self-centered, malicious leaders? Leaders who are puppets of Iran whose main goal is to make it difficult for the Palestinian people to ever have the peace they have yearned for. Let there be an Intifada for peace rather than war. "If not now, when?"
i hate something but there is a base in this hate it hurts me with a offensife smell ugly shape it wounded me kill my child or my friend ..it means it hurts my sense my feelings ... sir by thinking may i can change my mind may the carrott rub the stik in my mind ... but feelings will never be changed with thinking AAAAAAAAAAAh thinking of the enemy --iam sorry - -israil is not pure to be such a friend to israilities themselves
40. I hope this is true but the story does not end with it
Shalom Freedman ,   Jerusalem Israel   (07.17.11)
I hope it is true that young Arabs are learning to understand that Israel is not their enemy, and that their real problems are at home. I hope it is true that the present and future generations in the Arab and Islamic countries will at last integrate successfully into a world of tolerance and freedom. I hope. But even if this begins to happen and even if we are left alone this does not solve our problems with the Arabs living within the state of , and within the greater land of Israel. For that we will have to negotiate with some 'other side'. This does not look very possible now. But it is what we have to strive for. In this regard A Jewish state with the smallest possible Arab minority might well be preferable to a larger Jewish state in which the Arab minority is so large as to make Democracy, Freedom and internal peace and well- being possible. In the end our ideal goal must be to have a Jewish state which lives in respect and peace with our neighbors.
41. William / 11
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (07.17.11)
That was a good post but just because #5 is posting from America it does not mean he is an American. I've never known an American with a name like Rafi and I've been around a while.
42. London guy / 26
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (07.17.11)
It may not be Sarah B that posted that. It isn't like her to make spelling mistakes and such. I could claim to be "London guy" or anyone else if I were so inclined. But alas, I am just Eaglebeak.
43. #36 - how is this different from WTO protests in Toronto?
William ,   Israel   (07.17.11)
Canada deems itself a beacon of democracy and diversity, yet you exhibit the same violent protests in your country by fringe groups as the one you cited regarding ultra-orthodox Jews in Jerusalem. All you've proven is that Israel is no different than any other country, with the same types of challenges. Another thing we have in common? During the protests, not one person died, no one was arrested and beaten by paramilitary police, and no one was denied their right to voice their opinion peacefully.
44. #41 - you're right, the closest I can come to Rafi is...
William ,   Israel   (07.18.11)
a Canadian named Raffi who creates children's songs that kids love. The Simpsons had an episode about him once.
45. To: No. 16
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (07.18.11)
First of all, you aren't refugees. You were voluntary quits. You left because your leadership told you to get out of the way while they drove the Jews into the sea. But that didn't happen, did it? It hasn't happened six times, in fact. You, on the other hand, have been displaced persons for sixty-three years. Have you ever stopped to contemplate why it is that no one is willing to give you a home? You've been kicked out of Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia, Kuwait, Oman, Muscat, Bahrain and Abu Dhabi. You are a violent -- and much despised -- lot. You think someone owes you something. No one owes you anything. You are victims of your own stupidity, your own incredible bad decision-making, and your violence and predilection for terrorism. Supplant Israel? Dream on. You'll be dreaming somewhere other than Medinat Israel. You do realize that, don't you? Like all those other countries, we've grown pretty sick to death of you, too. And we will rid ourselves of you.
46. fashion is known to be capricious
romanian-canadian ,   canada   (07.22.11)
true, hatred kept them united, marinated in it as they were. also true that dictators resorted to a safe valve to their politics. but all these are mere methods, yet the unmentioned cause to their hatred is islamic religious education itself, its early and pernicious ways of taking over someone's personality since childhood. when are you guys gonna realize there's no peace with the people who have it in their holy books that jews have to die under muslim hand. makes entering the lion's cage just before lunch, naked, sound like a serene walk in the park. what's the point of having balls military when your own politics, all regarding the palestinians, eats you from within? but the million dollar question here: given some 1.3 billion brainwashed muslims, how do you turn them from suicidal attempts at imposing their religion on others, to citizens who can actually contribute to the welfare of the world? think global, palestinians are just a fraction of all arabs. and can it be done in time, considering muslims are already sharpening their knives while daydreaming at the day they turn nuclear? greetings from canada while we're still around, meant in a very nuclear way.
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