'Jonathan Pollard tried to spy for Australia'
Published: 20.09.11, 00:28
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31. Blood Libel, plain and simple
moriah ,   sacramento   (09.20.11)
Are you all so naive? Did you ever ask yourself WHY NOW? Why release this information now? Murderers get less time than Jonathan Pollard got. He didn't kill anyone! America is the Traitor. It's an Arabist White house as much as the State Depart. is.
32. @ 30
Sheik rattle & roll ,   USA   (09.20.11)
You are out of touch with reality. Most American Jews have as much connection to Israel as a expat Martian to Mars. Pollard betrayed his country and is being treated according to American law. He will never be released. If Israel supports Pollard they should do so quietly because of the simple fact that the US is Israel's only true friend as the upcoming UN VOTE on Palestine will show. So a word to the wise will be stop trying to open an old wound.
33. untill there is a change in US administrations or ...
Galutia ,   SELAH   (09.20.11)
end of his sentence ,Pollard will remain a pawn the US will play in manipulating israel for concessions.
34. Double standard
Ben Martin   (09.21.11)
Where is Eric cantor and Rick perry and the other GOP pro israel guys? Or do they get a pass because embarrassing Obama is the only agenda here?
35. Disinformation has been the weapon of choice of US
David Turner ,   Richmond, USA   (09.21.11)
government bureaucrats to cover-up their pro-Arab, anti-Jewish agenda. From Weinberger, Reagan's self-conscious, two generations removed non-Jew to the traditionally pro-Arab Dept's of State and Justice, whenever a serious effort to free Pollard is in the wind privileged press agents receive reminders or "new" assertions regarding the hapless hostage. Very likely Pollard is being raised in response to a deal floated involving his release as part of compromises with the Palestinians. Anti-Jewish elements within the government do not want to lose their most effective weapon of influence over the Jewish state.
36. Why is Pollard still in jail?
Roger ,   USA   (09.21.11)
Pollard is still in jail for only one reason. Israeli Jews were so arrogant, so full of self-righteousness, so full of self-entitlement that they made Pollard a citizen of Israel after he got caught spying for Israel. Israel's actions were unforgivable, and Pollard is paying the price.
37. Can anyone tell me...
Vlad   (09.21.11)
Why Australia would need classified US documents relating to the Mideast?
38. Those who want to be fooled are fooled easily!
Hanna ,   Haifa   (09.21.11)
Isn't it clear that if he had really admitted trying to spy for Australia or any other country he would have been indicted for it? Why would this misterious "Lidya" hide this info from her superiors until now? If she was really "assigned to the Pollard case" it was probably in order to bring more information for his indictment. So why did she hide it? Why wasn't it used against him THEN? Why now? If it is true, why was he indicted for only one count - "spying for an ally without intent to harm the US"? (Punishable by maximum 10 years according to the US law, and in practice 2 to 4 years.) All the other crap that we hear was nothing but unsubstanciated rumors the FBI would "release" to the media through their "reliable" journalists or through this sort of "Lidyas". If you check the timing, it was always when hopes were rising for Pollard's release in exchange for Israel's new concessions. One has to be either a total fool or a vicious person to grab this obvious lie! Apparently they hold us all for fools and many among us are.
39. Why is he still in jail? Simple!
Hanna ,   Haifa   (09.21.11)
Because he knows too much not of the US defense secrets (these are all much too old for much too long) but about the crimes of the US administration of that time. Do you remember the time? Or history wasn't one of your favorite subjects? It was the time of the Iran-Iraq war, and the Congress voted for the US taking a neutral position in that war. But Vice-President Bush deceived the Congress (and maybe also President) to not only help Iraq with military intelligence and battle plans but also to help Saddam actually build chemical weapons. This is why in 1991 President Bush was so sure Saddam HAD the WMD - he KNEW it was there, he supervised their creation. It was Bechtel corporation that was building it and got a lot of bucks for it, and Bush was a part of it, as well as the BS Weinberger. Ask Donald Ramsfeld, he knows. Therefore they were all so interested in keeping Pollard away from an open trial - they knew that if there is a trial and Pollard opens his mouth, it would be they who would go to prison for life rather than Pollard. Don't be fools, study your facts, don't expect media to bring them to you.
40. Usual anti Semitic BS
Saul ,   Flordia, US   (09.21.11)
The usual hate filled blood libels against a gentle elderly man who is guilty of nothing except not being a self-hating Jew. Pollard did not give anything to Israel, that it was not already entitled to, but denied by the dishonest and treacherous American government. Israel has paid blood for what it has done for America, and this is what she gets in return? Most of Obama's funds came from Jewish donors, but you won't find any gratitude from him as persecutes this man. Its time we pulled the plug on him .
41. Why is Eric Cantor not kicking Obama's butt on this?
Saul ,   Florda, US   (09.21.11)
It is his duty to bring Obama to justice for persecuting an old Jew. If he fails, he is a traitor and a disgrace.
42. #40-41 REALLY?
Frank-el ,   Seattle USA   (09.22.11)
Are you actually saying that Israel is "entitled" to classified US intellegence, including the US's Radio-Signal Notations manual which detailed the its global electronic surveillance network which that traitor pig Pollard sold to Israel? Why not just give the keys to the CIA, NSA, FBI, etc. to the Mossad since you (obstensibly an American), thinks Israel is "entitled" to it? The stratospheric arrogance of such statements regarding such one-way "entitlement" is simply unbelievable. I think I'm "entitled" to your bank accound information and passwords...please post here for all of us please!
43. #41 - Why knock President Obama?
dorothy friend ,   tel aviv   (09.22.11)
Your beloved second President Bush didn't pardon him either. Doesn't that tell you something? Both about Mr. Pollard and President Bush?
44. #40 &41
Maya ,   Chicago, IL   (09.22.11)
So putting a criminal in prison makes you anti-semetic? On that note, I would like to mention that Gilad Shalit has been in terrorist captivity while you are lobbying for the release of Pollard (a criminal).
45. Interesting. But why ...
John ,   Alaska   (09.23.11)
Why are we finding out about this now? Over the past 25 years, the US could have saved itself some controversy by producing this. If this is factually correct and not distorted, why wait so long to produce this information?
46. To #37 Vlad - Answer: they wouldn't
John ,   Alaska   (09.23.11)
But the US has no allies in the Mid-East proper that are a plausible contact for Pollard. It is possible, perhaps even likely, that Australia was the closest or country that was both plausible and willing to lie about Mr Pollard for the current presidential administration.
47. Re #32 No. Never be silent about truth.
John ,   Alaska   (09.23.11)
If Israel does not support Mr Pollard, then they should say so openly. If Israel does support Mr Pollard, then they should say so openly. But the ONLY thing Israel or any other person or group should never do with the truth is hide it. Integrity is always more important than political expediency.
48. Got what he deserved, bravo to US courts
Aaron ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (09.30.11)
He was sentanced according to the law of the United States, noone can say that the punishment was too harsh, he was lucky that the treason charge was dropped. As for unreasonable punishment, there are plenty of spies that spied for friendly nations in jail, just need to check the facts. He will be where he belongs until his punishment is served.
49. to 19
Jennie ,   Israel/US   (10.02.11)
Nice of you too, to crawl out and join the hunt.. You know nothing about the truth of this case, other then what you made up or have been "fed".. The guy, gave up his life for Israel...And you are waisting your time and your good name by bashing him, before you read some more reliable sources or facts.. Yours is a disgusting post, Talula...Shame on You !
50. Inappropriate advocacy
Edward ,   Boston USA   (03.07.12)
It is entirely understandable that Israel agitate, if it wishes, for Pollard's release. He's their spy. It is entirely inappropriate for American Jewish organizations to do so. And certainly not in my name. We are American...Jews. He spied on America.
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