Judaism under attack
Manfred Gerstenfeld
Published: 08.10.11, 18:50
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58 Talkbacks for this article
31. Circumcision
Ed Codish ,   Pardessiya, Israel   (10.09.11)
For Jarda: There is a midrash (Rabbinic writing) that addresses your concern. It is written that God decided to leave the world imperfect so that man could complete the work of creation and so share in the merit of creation. One imperfection left for man to correct was the foreskin of male Jews.
32. If the God made our world imperfect
Jarda ,   Czech Republic   (10.09.11)
how can we know that for example Talmud, Old Testament or Quran are perfect. Maybe God made them imperfect as well. He wanted that people finalize them by themselves. Maybe Pastafarians are right.
33. Asymilate, blend in or get the hell out ,...
split ,   US   (10.09.11)
If someone invided you to his home to give you a shelter dont re-arange his furniture and impose your custums ,...
34. europe against jews
daniel mostrel ,   Paris   (10.09.11)
the truth is that all the religious freedom obtained by european jewry is now questionable for different reasons among them amtisemitism or anti islam purpose and received indirectly by the jews; without kosher food and brit mila we will be obliged to leave these countries ; good for aliya
35. #33 Agreed
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (10.09.11)
In 1885, Jews ethnically cleansed by Arabs in Yemen moved to the ruins of City of David and built Shiloah Village. They welcomed Arab immigrants who moved in during the British occupation in the 1920s. In 1936, while the British soldiers stood by, their Arab neighbors ethnically cleansed them from their homes. Condemn the violent invaders and we will be on the way to peace.
36. @23
Uzi ,   Netherlands   (10.09.11)
Unfortunately, that statement is utter bullshit. Every national government has the right to determine what it will or will not allow. don't like it? too bad. Move to Israel i'd say.
37. #32 Jarda
David ,   America   (10.09.11)
Of the three you mentioned, only the "Old Testament" as you call it is perfect. Actually it is the Tanach! However, I know I am talking to myself. Y-Net never prints my talkbacks because they are the truth and not politically correct. YHVH also judges cowards.
38. Also in San Francisco - but
Isaac Storm   (10.09.11)
Also in San Francisco they tried to ban circumcision, but Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law banning the ban.
Frank-ell ,   Seattle USA   (10.09.11)
Did it occur to the author that perhaps non-Jews also get circumcisions? That medical opinions against it have noting to do with religion? That just maybe all things in our world aren't centered on the narcissistically arrogant view that you are the center of the universe? Is there some genetic trait that invokes this "anti-semite" reflex that is also connected to the "hatred" relex (see post #8 ad naseum)? Get on a plane if you want your boys circumcised if it's outlawed where you live. Use the democratic process to keep it legal. Run your own farms. Whatever. And leave the Dutch alone, they are extremely tolerant people who sufferered more than most in defense of the Jews. I'm sure the haters above will find exceptions (they always do) but it's yet another example of you alientating friends if you don't get all the candy you want.
40. #37
Jarda ,   Czech Republic   (10.09.11)
OK, but how do you know it? Is anything perfect in our imperfect world?
41. #36 uzi
solomon ,   bklyn   (10.09.11)
And every democratic government (actually the correct term is ‘republican’ government) should decide based on what the people want...both the majority AND the minority. A true ‘democratic’ government will only concern itself with the majority, by definition. This second seems to be what you prefer. (Look it up.)
42. There is a simple solution
Vlad   (10.09.11)
43. @41
Uzi ,   Netherlands   (10.09.11)
all true, yet that doesn't change the fact that dutch lawmakers are not going to be swayed by the argument that they have no 'right' to change national laws because G-d commanded us to do this or that, followed by the astoundingly arrogant remark that it doesn't matter wether or not they like it. The person I replied to in my remark did say exactly this, actually.
44. circumcision
bernice ,   chicago   (10.10.11)
Wait till the Moslems object...
45. dishonesty
Gary ,   NZ   (10.09.11)
Doctors in NZ started persuading parents not circumcise their sons in the 1960s. Before that circumcision was universal. In the 1960s there were no Muslims in NZ and only a few hundred Jews. The movement against circumcision had nothing to do with antisemitism or anti Islam. Gerstenfeld is dishonest to ignore the valid arguments against circumcision and to ascribe everything to antisemitism. What a self-centered selfish jerk.
46. #40 Jarda
David ,   America   (10.09.11)
Yes, there is something perfect. His Word is perfect. We know it by faith. We try it and it works. If it doesn't work for you then your faith is imperfect but His Word remains perfect. Try obeying His Written Word. His Written Torah. When we step forward in obedience we experience His blessings in our life.
47. #42 Vlad
David ,   America   (10.09.11)
That option doesn't work for everyone. Some of us who share the faith of Avraham are denied citizenship because we don't have a paper proving our Jewishness. You will say, convert. I cannot convert without having my freedom of religion revoked. I must denounce my Mashiach and join a Jewish sect when all Written Torah requires is a commitment to Written Torah and its Author, YHVH! I am a Jew but I believe as a Messianic, so, I am denied my rights by the Nation of Israel. I remain faithful and hope in His Promises. I will one day return to Eretz Israel. To the Golan Heights, my home!
48. to N° 10
Yehudi europi   (10.09.11)
Exactly. The supreme cort decided. What's anti Semitic with that judgement. It's good that a convert to Judaism rights should be respected and the London Jewish school shouldn't discriminate against him on halalahic principles.
49. #43 uzi
solomon ,   bklyn   (10.09.11)
I understand. My argument rests on medical evidence.
50. European enmity to Jews
Leonard Rome ,   Deland, Florida, USA   (10.09.11)
The problem can be answered easily by demands made by Jews in the parliaments of the offending countries. Limiting religious practices is limiting the freedom of citizens tp worship their God freely. That is unconstitutional in most western countries and is therefore the single most effective defense against these efforts because it makes these attacks illegal. Pursuing these effenses in the courts is the strongest defense against them. Thank you.
51. Painful?
Warren ,   New York, new york   (10.10.11)
Find me one circumcised person who remembers any pain. What's painful is seeing an uncircumcised penis
52. Pastafarians? #32
sammy ,   canterbury UK   (10.10.11)
pastafarians? is that spaghetti eating caraibeans people? or do you mean Rastafarians? rastafarians copied their philosophy from judaism, you moron! Afar and Issar, the 2 regions where the descendants of Solomon and Sheba settled, present day ethiopia and erithrea...
53. @27
Gabriel ,   Leiden, Netherlands   (10.10.11)
spoken from your vantage point of jerusalem, having ofcourse an extensive personal working knowledge of the european mindset. 'Inherently opposed to anything jewish'? As part of natural law? Keep it real. Most europeans are anti-israel because they are misinformed, that's it. And I really have a hard time believing that any biblical story is the revelation of any reality.
54. What's painful...
Hugh7 ,   Porirua, New Zealand   (10.10.11)
#51 And you complain about prejudice? If it's painful for you, look somewhere else. These measures have no more than their face value - to prevent cruelty to children and guard their human rights - including THEIR freedom of religion - but the vast majority of circumcision is not Jewish, and in the USA, not religious. The health "benefits" are bogus or exaggerated and were concocted after it was already customary for dubious sexual reasons.
55. The writing is on the wall for the European Jews
Flavio ,   Sao Paulo, SP   (10.10.11)
I'm a Diaspora Jew myself, born and raised in Brazil, with roots here, elderçy parents, young kids, work etc etc - but I would not hesitate to leave, if the conditions here were the same described in the article. Yes, I would not hesitate and I would do my best in tryng to convince all my relatives to come with me. We, among all human beings, cannot afford the luxury of forgetting the lessons from a few generations ago - and this is especially true in Europe. I understand many Jews are married to Gentiles husbands or wives, and for the non-Jewish couple it is more difficult to leave; nevertheless, what are really the options????
56. Norway and circumcision
iselin ,   Oslo, Norway   (10.10.11)
Young Muslim men interviewed on the street in Oslo right after the Ombudsman made his proposal were almost unanimous in their agreement. All those in street clothing who spoke Norwegian agreed, while only a couple of people in traditional dress (who needed an interpreter) disagreed. The clear message: Leave babies alone and let us decide for ourselves. The penile cancer rate is almost nil in Scandinavia, while it is much higher in the US, with close to universal circumcision for men who are now adults. Cleanliness goes a long way!
57. civilized circumcision ceremony
yushl ,   Yerushalaim,Yisroel   (10.11.11)
Hi Brother Haim, (#22) You recently submitted an ironic paradoxical oxymoronic allegation. Here is a copy/paste from your correspondence: "Circumcision is nothing but mutualting [sic] a baby for some barbaric medevil [sic] religious belief. " Hi Brother Michael, California You echoed Brother Haim’s opinion when you wrote “To me, circumcision is barbaric ritual. totally unnecessary, but should be freely available to anyone in a hospital if they want to pay for it.” The barbarians DID NOT, and still do not circumcise. Also, even the most cynical scholars of ancient Jewish texts and sources admit that the tradition is significantly older than the dawn of the middle ages. While ancient civilizations wantonly murdered men, woman and children among their own nations and annihilated communities of alien cultures, they prohibited circumcision, often as a capital crime which by definition is punishable by death. For millenia, Jews have circumcised healthy males on the eighth day after their birth. They did not do so for health purposes any more than Christians play with bunny rabbits in April or Hindus revere cattle or soldiers and police in uniform salute their national flag during renditions of the national anthem. These were and still are traditions or religious ceremonies that transcended health considerations. The efforts to prohibit circumcision have often been supported by Jews remote from the commitments of their forefathers and embarrassed by the traditions of our Jewish heritage. For decades the notorious Bolsheviks prohibited the ceremony of circumcision. The Jewish section of the communist party was entrusted with the responsibility and authority to deal with violators. During the same era Jews who were mournfully sure that the Nazis would murder the infant would perform the sacred ritual with no intention of providing the newborn with any medical advantage. Until the period of World War Two, American Jews of all persuasions clung to three/four rituals which identified them as Jews, not observant Jews but Jews. 1.Pesach Seder. 2.Mezuzah. 3.Bris, circumcision. and /4.Bar Mitzva. Non observant clergy encouraged their parishioners to have circumcision performed by a medical doctor in a hospital on a date earlier than the 8th day. No available evidence supports the thesis that hospital or early circumcisions are safer. Quite the contrary. Many Jewish doctors would not allow a urologist to circumcise a newborn if and when a mohel is available. These congregational leaders’ agenda was not medical. It was to excavate a chasm within Judaism and divide our persecuted, spiritually impoverished, decimated nation by creating a new nation which boasts the same ancestors as the observant Jews but rejects the authority of the Code of Jewish Law, our religious constitution. No secular civil law forces parents to circumcise a male newborn. Similarly, a medically safe procedure which has been practiced for thousands of years should not be the subject of hostile legislation. Four adult men held me down when I was 7 years old so that the nurse could give me the polio vaccine. It would be an outrage and a crime if the law prohibited my parents from having me vaccinated without my (adult) consent. Take it or leave it but do not attack it.
58. #57
iselin ,   Oslo, Norway   (10.12.11)
Do I really have to point out that a vaccination cannot be compared with circumcision? That should be a no-brainer. A few days after a vaccination, there isn't even a dot on the arm (or thigh). There is no permanent change in appearance of that arm (or thigh). CIrcumcision involves removal of several square centimeters of skin (even in a baby), a lot more pain and bleeding, and a radical change in appearance. It is also irreversible, which is the main reason why it is viewed in many places as something that the owner of the penis involved should be the only one to decide if he wants it or not. Personal freedom is more important and basic than retreating into the "freedom of religion" and "anyone who tries to prohibit this is an anti-semite" defense. It just isn't so. Any male would be free to be circumcised when he wants, after he reaches a minimum age, just as if he wanted a tattoo.
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