'Gilad was not tortured'
Elior Levy
Published: 20.10.11, 12:04
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43 Talkbacks for this article
31. To Samer
Dara ,   Gadera, Israel   (10.20.11)
Amazing how little the life of Palestinians mean to you, while the life of a single Jewish person is so valuable. If this is your victory, you can have it. Just keep in mind that it's the Palestinians who made the lives of Jews more valuable in the eyes of the entire world. Laugh all you want, but it seems to me, that the lack of value for Palestinian life is something you should be crying about.
32. #10: What land "back"?
Susan ,   DC, USA   (10.20.11)
Arabs who LEFT Israel did so on their own & at the behest of the Arab Higher Committee - 60%. The 40% who stayed are now Israeli citizens & have "their land". Israel even let back in at least 100,000 Arabs to reunite families. Everyone else was compensated for what they left - even tho' no Arab country has ever done the same for Jews that they THREW OUT. If "the land" means so much to you, why aren't you clamoring at JORDAN who has 5/6th of what used to be the Mandate? You aren't fooling anyone! Stop parroting the lies of terrorists (such as "14,00 civilians dead" when that's not the truth, either, or that Jews DON'T come from Israel) & then maybe peace will have a chance.
33. for how long israel will last
ibrahim ,   palestine   (10.20.11)
every thing has an end , israel state has an end too , a state exist on blood , killing innocent people , stealing lands , doing all bad things will not last for ever , the whole world aganist israel , and we have seen this in UN .
34. Ibrahim, when was the beginning?
Amy ,   off rt 40, Israel   (10.20.11)
Ibrahim, the Palestinian exercise will have an end, too. Though it just started, what, 100 years ago? Even stretching it, tops, 200 years ago? The people of Israel are recorded in history for over 3,000 years, and others have tried before you but they haven't ended us yet. Even though your people occupied this land and established settlements on our land, we're willing to cede some of it to you. We're willing to allow you to live here in peace. You're the ones who occupied us, you're the ones who showed up in our land, and you're the ones who will pass out of history, like all the others who conquered our land and tried to occupy us or run us out or destroy us ... and we will still be here. History does repeat itself. Over and over.
35. Not Really
The R ,   Melbourne, Australia   (10.21.11)
Gilad will tell the truth when he is ready...
36. #10 how about the 1 million jewish refugees kicked out of ar
rachel ,   usa   (10.21.11)
arab countries ?they want their land back .....
37. #33 stop rewriting history you ignoramus
rachel ,   usa   (10.21.11)
38. lies lies lies
Jacqui ,   Toronto Canada   (10.21.11)
I totally agree with you. You couldn't have said it better. My first thoughts seeing them go home was how fat and jovial they were. On the other hand Galid looked too terrible. He was very skinny and grey. My heart goes out to his family. I don't want to even think how he was cared for.
39. dear ibrahim
maggio ,   Italy   (10.21.11)
dear, the answer to your question is: ... Israel will last forever! the only thing that won't have an end in this world is the palestinian wall of lies. but we are used to it. stole of land? well, it's relly an Israeli anorexic stole of land... when I see the atlas, Israel looks like an ant compared to the Islamic world which looks like 30 whales. how many land to you want again? you are never satisfied.
40. And as we all know
Emma ,   London   (10.21.11)
Hamas are the purveyors of truth and justice and their word should be taken as the gospel truth!
41. No 33
Emma ,   London   (10.21.11)
So by your definition any 'Palestinian' state, a state built on murder, terrorism and lies (the rewritting of history) is not going to last at all even if it does get started.
42. Gilad
Daniel ,   UK   (10.22.11)
If he wasn't tortured or starved methinks why did he look like a skelleton and so weak when he arrived all exhausted and VERY FRAIL.On the other spectrum the bloody terrorists in israeli jails came out as BIG FAT (pigs) ..Kuntar and the rest should have been treated the same way as Gilad was. A pity Israel spends money and effort to keep these bastards well fed, speding it on them through the Jewish Israeli's TAXES.. Why is that ..Before I leave:Thar disgraceful interview by the Egyptian woman was disgusting to view..All was in aid to promote themselves when in effect i Gilad was not released through their efffort ,but by many important Western diplomats.. (NOT BY SOLELY THE DAMNED EGYPTIANS.. The poor fellow couls hardly breathe unnecessary interview ..( but then they are all one & the same under their skin) Typical Arab/muslims..
43. Gilad should write a book!
Anna Jacobsoon ,   USA   (10.23.11)
It'd be nice if Gilad wrote a book about the torture he went through during his captivity. Since we cannot believe a word that comes out of the mouth of these barbarious soul-less monsters!
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