The new-old Jew hatred
Giulio Meotti
Published: 22.10.11, 13:00
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116 Talkbacks for this article
91. 89 ,...
split ,   US   (10.23.11)
I'm not aTalmud expert but I can google and read translations ,...
92. Ilan, I am with you (to number 3)
Judd Rusnak ,   Sydney, Australia   (10.24.11)
Ilan, I am with you. Yehuda
93. 58
angel ,   us   (10.24.11)
Christian followers follow 'jesus''a man who has nothing to do with G-d.The NT was put together by the church.
94. Christians and Moslems
RK ,   US   (10.24.11)
If all these anti-Semites among Christians and Muslims believe, respectively, that Jesus walked on water and rose from the dead and that Mohammed ascended to heaven on a horse, then Jews can believe that G. gave them the land of Israel in an unbreakable covenant.
95. We live!
Dr Thomas C Carman ,   Dundee   (10.24.11)
AmYisroel Chai!
96.  #58 lydia
solomon ,   bklyn   (10.24.11)
Who are you talking about? The people you speak of are in your fantasies only. Look at much of Christian and Moslem history if you want to speak of lieing, stealing and murder.
97. need an answer
honestly curious ,   porto   (10.24.11)
ok, fine, jews are the chosen people. so what is the rest of humanity supposed to do? seriously, its not a rhetorical question, i really would like to know.
98. Qura'an never refers to Bani Israel as Jews
observer ,   Egypt   (10.24.11)
Islam is never about race or ethnicity, so Qura'an never called Muslims Bani Ishmael. Strictly, Quraan never called Bani Israel (children of Israel) Jews. when asked them to enter the Holy land, Moses's people "Bani Israel" said to him: there were giant people in the land ( Sura 17:104) and in the next verse "they didn't enter the land", in another Sura; "Moses's people said to him; go with your God to fight, but here we stay". We made, as punishment, Bani Israel dispersed in the planet earth till the Last Day (Judgment Day) when we summon them to Our Judgment (Sura 17:104)
99. God refutes it
observer ,   Egypt   (10.24.11)
God says since they claim that they are chosen ones then ask them to wish to meet their beloved, that is God. If you are so beloved then you'd like to meet Him at the earliest. God says that they will never wish for death. From this it is clear that God does not confirm this concept of chosen people-He refutes it.
100. "Liberal" 'Protestantism Not Mentioned
ExposeTheRacists ,   Jerusalem Israel   (10.24.11)
Needed in this very articulate article was mention of the leaders in the western world of anti Semitism clothed in the garb of "love & caring" Methodists, Episcopalians, Presbyterians Lutheans and other mainstream Protestant Christians lead this hate. Re the head of the Coptic Church in Egypt he is seen on Egyptian TV critcising the former Pope Paul for absolving the Jews of "deicide" It was a mistake says he.
101. To 97: what are non jews supposed to do
Lula ,   Tel aviv   (10.24.11)
What are non-jews supposed to do? First of all, recognize the truth of the torah, and follow the 7 noah laws that were given to all of humanity, before the giving of the torah to the jews. Then ideally work on your midot (character traits) and help jews accomplish mitzvot. And of course, enjoy every moment of G-d's amazing creations.
102. #97
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (10.24.11)
Just follow the teachings of the Jew, Jesus of Nazareth, and you will be fine.
103. God's chosen people
Shmuel ,   Anaheim, CA, USA   (10.24.11)
The talkbacks here are entertaining but miss one essential point - a non-jew can convert to Judaism and then becomes a chosen one. So, there is no need to envy the Jews as one can join them and enjoy all the benefits and obligations.
104. Anti-Semitism=Jealousy, Jealousy and
Don Rosenberg ,   Palatine USA   (10.24.11)
Jealousy, Christians and muslims hate us because they know we are the choosing people and they copied their so-called religions from judaism. The only way to for them to claim they are the chosen, simple, get rid of us Jews. Too bad gentile racists, we are not going away and death to all you anti-semitic morons.
105. Observer
Daniela   (10.24.11)
so you say that according to the Quran, the children of Israel, ( who received the Torah by Moses and did not want to convert to islam ... ) were not the jews! So who are they? The QURAN TALKS ABOUT THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL AS THE JEWS. You need probably some good lessons !
106. #97 honestly
solomon ,   bklyn   (10.24.11)
In my opinion, the least the rest of humanity should do is Leave Us Alone. We have had quite enough of Christian [substitute religion of your choosing] Love, thank you.
107. #98, #99 blindman
solomon ,   bklyn   (10.24.11)
Bnai Israel are the Jews. As Blacks, Negroes, African Americans all referred, at one time or another, to the same group. By twisting semantics, you have reached a new low in grasping at straws. In the same vein: you refer to Allah of the Quran, not the G-d of the Torah. It's ok to do so. It's not ok to ignore the difference.
108. #91 split
solomon ,   bklyn   (10.24.11)
Then you should know enough to read the entire commentary and not to separate sentences to fit your own "misinformed" opinions.
109. #105,107
observer ,   Egypt   (10.25.11)
the mention of a people or tribe whom Merenptah had victoriously smitten--"I.si.ri.ar?"; a granite stele erected by the king Amenhotep III was discovered by Flinders Petrie in 1896 at Thebe, Egypt. The black granite stela primarily commemorates a victory in a campaign against the Libu and Meshwesh Libyans and their Sea People allies, but its final two lines refer to a prior military campaign in Canaan in which Merneptah states that he defeated Ashkelon, Gezer, Yanoam and Isrir "Israel" among others. sign is typically used by the Egyptians to signify nomadic tribes without a fixed city-state, thus implying that ysrỉr "Israel" was the demonym for a seminomadic or rural population. what Exodus from one province of Egypt to another Egyptian province.
110. To #106 that sounded so bitter
John ,   Alaska   (10.25.11)
Tell me, Solomon: How do you intend to be light to people with whom you refuse to interact? Also and more important: I am sad for you that you have suffered so much personally that you respond in this way. Of course, I do not know you and have only said and done good for your people, the Jews. But someone must have hurt you personally, and done so greatly. That makes me very sad.
111. Don't Worry...be Happy!
Taz Man ,   USA   (10.25.11)
To Israel: Don't be dismayed about these sick anti-Semites. I know what the Bible says about God's Chosen: they are eternal. As a true Christian (Zionist), I am moved by God's Holy Spirit to love and support His people--Israel. Be not worried about these evil forces that are, currently, arrayed against you; they will, eventually, lose! I /we have God's promises that can be found in His Holy Word. God bless Israel and His Jerusalem...forever!
112. is Jew or Semite mentioned in the Torah of Moses?
observer ,   Egypt   (10.25.11)
113. #109, #112 blindman
solomon ,   bklyn   (10.25.11)
Once again you pick and choose "facts" to your liking and leave out others. There are differing opinions as to whether Israel is referenced. Many that say it is, state that Israel at the time was more an agrarian society. There is also a dispute as to whether Merentaph campaigned at all, and the Assyrian habit of never recording a defeat is also noted as casting a shadow over the 'truth' of this stela, as the penchant for not recording a defeat may not only be Assyrian, but Egyptian as well. Read post #107 again. Israel and the Israelites are spoken of often, as are the nations of Israel and Judea. Nice tries, but you are running out of straws to grasp.
114. #110 john
solomon ,   bklyn   (10.25.11)
You are right in that it does seem bitter, although most of it was said with what I hoped would be wry humor; it is an old line. I don’t think you will find my other posts bitter, although some might show anger at those who make up stories, lie, and/or twist facts. My concern comes from my background, with my parents being Holocaust Survivors. Very few of the family survived. Anti-semitism has been increasing lately. Jews are again being blamed for things which they obviously have nothing to do with. Others are poo-pooing any reaction to anti-semitism saying we should ignore it. And still others harp on Jews saying we are “chosen” (not understanding what that means) while ignoring Moslem insistence that they are the ‘only’, as well as Christian insistence that the ‘only’ way is through Jesus. All this just 'got to me' at that moment. I do appreciate your genuine concern. I am not a sad or vindictive person; quite the opposite. But the question did bring to my mind the sayings; "We have had quite enough of Christian Love, thank you. " and Tevye's "G-d, next time you choose us, please choose someone else instead." I do appreciate people like yourself, who are our true friends. Thank you.
115. thanks!
jeanette ,   Harrisonburg   (10.26.11)
After reading this artical I would like to thank the Gov.t of Israel for being willing to help those who hate you - sending volunteer teams into Turkey at their time of need. God calls you His Chosen People and so..... you are!
116. The "chosen Jews" & chosen everyone
Edwardx ,   Washington, DC, USA   (10.28.11)
This article reports that European Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht said that “there is indeed a belief - it’s difficult to describe it otherwise - among most Jews that they are right.” In all fairness, we must say that he is correct. Most Jews think they are right, but then so does every other group. Catholics think they have the Truth, Protestants think they have the Truth Muslims think they have the Truth, and so. "Chosenness" is just an excuse for more anti-Semitism. The surprise is that Jews believe "the righteous of all nations shall be saved."
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