Diskin: Swap deals bad for Israel
Ilana Curiel
Published: 26.10.11, 13:19
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25 Talkbacks for this article
1. No More Concessions
Joe Tango ,   USA   (10.26.11)
No more appeasement, No more Silent Settlement Building Freezes no more Appeasement. No to 8 mile wide borders No to giving up Jerusalem and Jewish Religious sites in Judea and Samaria No more giving up Settlements
2. PA does NOT know peace
Brod ,   USA   (10.26.11)
The exchange of prisoners was not proportional. Until Israel has excellent measures to counter Islamist-Jihadist terrorism, Diskin's concern may be valid. However, his proposal of 'peace' with the 'PA' is wrong. Peace to the PA means the destruction or eiimination of Israel from the region. Their Charter, Maps and School Textbooks declare their evil intention. The dark forces do not know peace because of Islam. Diskin should view Pat Condell's commentary in Youtube entitled "The great Palestinian Lie." There are two ways to deter Islamist-Jihadist terrorism. First, is to impose capital punishment for murderers, terrorists and killers. Second, is to set up a strong Counter-Terrorism Unit modeled after the legendary 101 under Arik Sharon in the 1950s. The Land of Israel-Judea and Samaria belongs to the Nation of Israel since ancient time. It is GOD-GIVEN and GOD-RESTORED to the Nation of Israel. Israel must defend every inch of the Land of Israel. It does not matter what the dark forces-the Islamist-Jihadists and AntiSemites of the world say. In the End Time GOD will put an end to the dark forces and their Luciferian gods.
3. ist dagan now diskiin
mohson   (10.26.11)
dagan was a good mossad chief and diskin was OK at shin bet. But since they left, what comes from them is stupid. Peace talks with the palestinians has been a waste of time since oslo and nothing they sign is worth one cent. they are rotten to the core. The coming 2 big wars will see lots of arab casualties and the rest will flee to jordan.
4. End all talks with P.A. terrorists.
Chaim ,   Israel   (10.26.11)
Until the Oslo Disaster, Israel had the firm, dignified and sane policy of refusing to talk with those who seek our destruction. Thus Israel refused to talk to the PLO and PA. In those days, terror acts were rare and severely punished. Israel had much more self respect and was far more respected by the world at large. Rather than ransom captives, Israel rescued our captives. Since Israel began talking to the terrorist P.A.; Israel has been punished by skyrocketing incidents of terror, rockets on our cities and towns, vastly increased murder and maining of our civilians, plunging self respect and respect from other nations. Israel must return to the policy of refusing to talk to terrorists.. End all talks with the terrorist P.A. Israel has nothing to gain and everything to lose by the phony, dangerous "peace talks".
5. Let's Get Real
Rafael ,   Yerushalayim, Israel   (10.26.11)
So Israel should just go on making concessions indefinitely in order to maintain the impression of hope? Grow up, this isn't about hope and feeling good all over, it's about surviving. The Palestinians deserve zero statehood.
6. Abu Mazen is your last opportunity for Peace.
Salma ,   Palestine   (10.26.11)
the day Mahmoud Abbas leaves, The two-state solution will die.
7. this is interesting to observe...
Krzysztof ,   Warsaw, Poland   (10.26.11)
so many talkbackers thinking they are in a position to lecture someone who was the Shin Bet chief for many years. I think it is unpopular now but Diskin is right.
8. #5 is Right!
Taz Man ,   USA   (10.26.11)
9. Who is paying these left-wing former officials to spout?
Jake ,   USA   (10.26.11)
10. Why thank you, Captain Foresight!
One   (10.26.11)
what would should have done....
11. #6 please answer
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (10.26.11)
Abbas has outlined his two state solution: an ethnically pure Arab state where it is illegal for Jews to visit and a second "binational state" that allows unlimited Arab immigration and forbids Jewish immigration. Considering that this means all Jews will eventually be dead, please explain why we want Abbas' solution?
12. Shouldn't we keep in mind the nature of the foundation of...
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (10.26.11)
...a true accommodation between Arab and Jew, between the Muslim-Arab world and the nation-state of the Jewish people, Israel, before we proceed with our nearly obsessive eagerness to be critical of Israel...?? Historically, "Palestine", since the beginning of the 20th century, was considered the geographic name of the territory that presently is occupied by Jordan-Israel-WestBank-Gaza. This indeed was the "Palestine" to which the Balfour Declaration, 1917, referred as the future "national home for the Jewish people". The San Remo Conference, 1920, viewed the Balfrour Declaration as important enough to have included all of it in its decision, thus incorporating it in the corpus dubbed 'international law'. The British, contrary to the San Remo Conference handed over 77% of "Palestine", 1921, to the Muslim-Arabs; a territory that today is ruled by them and called Jordan. The League of Nations, 1922, accepted the new reality and reduced "Palestine" that was legally to be the "national home for the Jewish people" to present day Israel-WestBank-Gaza, some 23% of original "Palestine". Yet, despite this reality in which the Jewish people has given away its legal right to 77% of the territory, it, through its nation-state of Israel, has agreed to negotiate peace based on UN Security Council Resolution, 242, 1967. 242, of course, passed unanimously and has been accepted by all relevant parties to the conflict, has been the basis for all peace talks to date. Yet, 242, it must be noted, does not call for the establishment of an additional state in the region, Palestinian Arab or otherwise, nor does 242 even make use of concepts such as "Palestinians" or a "Palestinian state". Perhaps, if peace loving people simply adhered to 242, as is, peace would be attainable. Refusing to do so taints the intentions of those who claim they are eager to achieve peace; indeed, such refusal makes one wonders, what is the true goal of such people, within and without the region...??!!
13. Ja ja, donĀ“t make it me laugh, the only solution is that you
Paul ,   Raanana   (10.26.11)
Stay out of Israel or Palestina
14. Libya has oil, Syria doesn't
Rami of Nazareth ,   Israel   (10.26.11)
This is why the west interfered in Libya, but not Syria. Has nothing to do with human rights or protecting the innocents
15. screw hamas
spencer ,   motor city - Israel   (10.26.11)
i dont care if they are weak or strong. We allways will be able to outsmart and whip their butts.We should never abandoned are kids. Gilad is home and i know we won and i dont care what scared israeli's think or dim witted arabs think. Gilad, Gilad I know you are worth more than 1000 arabs. We won.
16. Diskin the Dope . You can't make peace
DT ,   TA Israel   (10.26.11)
if the other party does not accept your existence and wants your demise and won't talk.
17. to# 6
18. #6, you are almost correct
Jake ,   USA   (10.26.11)
Abu Mazen is Israel's last opportunity for "peace", which by his own definition means continued war.
19. #7
Israel Israeli ,   Tel Aviv   (10.26.11)
Most Talkbackers were against the release of the terrorists, but Diskin opens his mouth only after the terrorists are released. If Diskin is so great, why did he not condemn Noam and Tzvi Shalit when they attacked Netanyahu for not succumbing to Hamas demands?
20. Answer to #19
Krzysztof ,   Warsaw, Poland   (10.26.11)
I'm rather talking about a tone. It is ok to express the disagreement. But the tone of many talkbackers sounds as if they were in Shin Bet for longer than its chief and now they appear to be much better informed about a situation and just suited to lecture this man. Btw, personally I also had very strong reservations regarding this "swap", but okay let's say fine that Gilad is home now. But going back to your question. I think "condemning" Gilad's parents in public, was not appropriate. I think it's understandable that his parents had special role and that their interest is not always the same as the interest of state.
21. #11: #6 does NOT want a two state solution
Israeli 2   (10.26.11)
either. She wants a one state solution like her friend Nour. The one state meaning: One palestinian state instead of Israel. Diskin's talk = politics and the same money supplied to him as to all the leftists. Overthrow of the current government.
22. # 150
Birdi ,   Israel & proud of it   (10.26.11)
Kudos to you Spencer, well said.
23. #6. R.I.P. Fictional Palestine.
Chaim ,   Israel   (10.26.11)
#6 Salma. Remember all those boastful posts you wrote about the emergence of Palestine in September? Regular readers certainly do. September is long gone and Palestine is as fictonal as ever. Abbas will also soon be gone. Israel grows stronger and richer every year and is about to become a major energy power. R.I.P. Fictional Palestine.
24. # 22
Birdi ,   Israel   (10.26.11)
ooppss, that should read #15.
25. the schalit swap:
romanian-canadian ,   canada   (10.28.11)
militarily: a disaster humanly: priceless
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