The Arabs' Nazi slur
Asaf Romirowsky
Published: 12.11.11, 12:47
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37 Talkbacks for this article
31. When accuse anybody of anything
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (11.13.11)
It is because that is exactly what they are doing. The Baathist Party in Syria and Iraq was modeled on the Nazi regime. The Arabs have the exact same ideology of racism, world domination and genocide of Jews as the Nazis. Every single MUSLIM country in the world has laws that are every bit the equal to South African apartheid laws and most have far worse that SA ever had. The Arab governments routinely imprison, torture, rape and murder their own citizens, or allow their Muslim citizens to do the same to minorities. No anytime the Arabs accuse anybody of anything, they are the guilty party.
32. Nazi movement is alive and doing
Norbus ,   Jerusalem   (11.13.11)
Germany runs on 2 tracks; Mainline made some reparations, claimed regret for atrocities and pretend they are now civilised. FUEV lead Human Rights { For minority ethnic groups except Jews} is Nazi toi the core, Financed by the Foreign ministry in Germany since 1947 and leads a campaign to deligitimise jews and deny them the right to a homeland. Husseini and Arabs are consistent in their Keen attitude to help the Germans finish the Jews; Given half a chance, they will slaughter us. I know, I was raised in Baghdad. Now to cap it all, we have the failed leftists post demise of communism and adoption of Yasser Arafat as 20th Century Jesus and Palestinians as the holy nation. All three camps are against the people G-D chose to bear the burdon of passing a message of humanity, civilisation and morality. We should defend that mission and put paid to the machinations of the heathens
33. berlonski #30 one issue
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (11.13.11)
They're citizens of JORDAN already. So they have the right to vote in their own country, and have a JORDANIAN passport. Do you give the right to vote to illegals in your country? Or German passports? Bet not. Your comparison is just plain wrong.
34. Arab Nazism
chantalle.ezer ,   Frankfurt Germany   (11.13.11)
To give you an example of Arab Nazism in action, as published in the local media: At Heidelberg University Hospital (Surgery): A student from Nablus after reading the patients names asked if they are Jews or not. Being confronted with the incidents just shrugged his shoulders. Language schools are the most convenient venue to enter Schengen-jurisdiction and spread their message. Chantalle Ezer
36. to #30 you kidding, the last Israelis who got
ghostq   (11.14.11)
in the WB allmost got lynched, palis never miss a chanse when it comes to hurting Israelis.
37. #30: Your not so anomalous anomolies
Yitzhak, Israel   (11.14.11)
You are kidding, right? Kurds in Turkey are worse than second class citizens, the Kurds in Iraq faced genocide by gassing by the Arab government led by Saddam Hussein, the Kurds of Syria are repressed as are the Kurds of Iran. The Kurds demand one thing: independence in a free Kurdistan. Tibetans? Here you are also kidding! Their country is occupied and illegally annexed to China, which is suppressing their culture and has sent millions of Chinese settlers to Sino-ize Tibet. Funny, you failed to mention the Turkish occupation of Cyprus and the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara. But, the only issue you seem to care about is Israel. I call that an obsessive double standard.
38. well spotted no. 2
sweeter than honey ,   far away   (11.17.11)
i am informed that the writer, asaf romirowsky, is a phd candidate at king's college, university of london. hannah arendt is de rigeur there, especially amongst the phd's, trust me i know. (or perhaps you're some sort of shill, i'm not).
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