Obama isn't good enough
Shoula Romano Horing
Published: 26.12.11, 10:12
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51 Talkbacks for this article
31. #15; Both Gingrich and Romney more qualified than Obama
Zipi ,   BatYam, Israel   (12.26.11)
You are very naive. The author did not mention Ron Paul. He is anti everybody. But Gingrich and Romney are very qualified candidates. Obama was a neighborhood organizer and a state legislator but Romeny headed several corporations, headed the Olympics and was a governor and graduated with honors from Harvrad from his Law school and MBA at the same time . Gingrich was the leader of Congress and during his time there was a balanced budget and great economy. He wrote 23 books, 13 became best seller. What are the great achievments of Obama? Before and as a president?
32. #27.David: Israel was created from the ashes
Tom ,   USA   (12.26.11)
Israel was created not from terrorism but from the ashes of the ovens at Auschwitz. America is not responsible for the fate of Israel: we, us Jews are responsible for it and we must do our utmost to defeat the Leftist-Islamofascist alliance whose leader is the Kenyan. Facts: during the most critical hours of our nascent State when the Arab Legion of Sir John Glubb (British) attacked the Holocaust survivors, the US did not help us. Yeah, -- the horror! -- it was Stalin who provided the armament for victory. We do know who are our friends and who are our enemies. Obamao is Not on our side, nor are his Court Jews.
33. #27 DAOUD
BEN JABO ,   ISR EL   (12.26.11)
Palestinian Land? When was there an Independent State named Palestine, define the time period, who ruled it, where was the Capital City, where can we see some coins they minted for themselves ? Define its boundaries! I'll give you the honor to be the first to answer, nobody else has been able to How about explaining why Palestine, Jerusalem or Al Aqsa aren't mentioned in the Quran ? Roman's ruled, so did OttomanTurks, Brits also, never any Palestinian's Courage would be to your stop trying to steal what you never, ever had in the first place
34. Mr Sheik send us your IRS number so we can see if U pay tax
Alan ,   SA   (12.26.11)
35. To no. 29- Classic Leftist Rant
Henry ,   Charleston,WV   (12.26.11)
This is another example of the classic leftist tactic of personally attacking the messenger rather than the substance of the message. The geographic location of the messenger does not make the message less correct. There are a multitude of personal reasons why MS. Horing may live in Kansas City none of which are relevant to her message Your talkback is the real joke as it it fails to address a single substantive part of her article.
36. #29 stop attacking the messenger
Ari ,   Chicago, USA   (12.26.11)
The facts show that Obama was not the best friend of Israel. Israel is in a horrible neighborhood of lunatic Islamists who hate Israel but also the US. The war will be imposed on Israel by the Lunatics not by Israel or the US. The US under Obama lost its influence in the MIddle East. Obama's betrayal of Mubarak destroyed any trust in Obama by moderate Arabs and Israel. . Iran became stronger and this is why there willl be wars. When US and Israel perceived to be weak, wars occur in the ME
37. Barrack Obama
Anne M ,   Red Deer Canada   (12.26.11)
Barrack Obama's biggest problem is his arrogance. He considers himself the Fourth best president the US has ever had (incredible)!! He has been no friend to anyone, except the Chicago Mob, and his friends from Chicago. We in Canada are very concerned that he might get a second term, because the Americans are so dumbed down.
38. Mitt & Newt Bad For USA
DTorres ,   NYC, USA   (12.26.11)
Just because Mitt & Newt have made pro Israel noises in public, doesn't make them good for Israel. Mitt made his money by taking over companies and then firing the workers, sending their jobs overseas. Newt walked out on a cancer ridden wife, because she was sick and wasn't young or pretty enough for him. Ron Paul doesn't feel Israel is worth the bother. The only option might be Obama and I don't really like Obama, as I think he caves in too quickly to the Right. Obama could have broken up the thieving banks and did not. Mitt & Newt will do anything to get elected, they may not necessarily feel the way they are saying they feel. Their past history shows them to be men of little honor, depth, character.
39. nothing left to destroy
chantalle.ezer ,   Frankfurt Germany   (12.26.11)
Why a second term? He humiliated the military by calling Panetta in as Minister of Defense, withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan in a very critical period of time. He and Geithner were more devastating for the US economy than Kathrina and Fukushima. He alienated his closest allies in the Middle East, e.g. Israel, Saudi-Arabia. In Europe his words are not even noticed anymore. His appeasement policy supported actively radical Islamic groups and any kind of anti-Jewish sentiments. He will foresake Israel just to complete his reign of devastation. C. Ezer
40. Barry Soetoro born in Africa holidaying on Hawai`i
Poppo III   (12.27.11)
Has managed to destroy many scores of alliances for America, some iretrievably...
41. U.S. POS(T)ERS
Frank-el ,   Seattle USA   (12.27.11)
Are you American posters or posers? Jee, I thought Americans were supposed ot elect Presidents that acted in the best interest of their own country, not select somebody because of their allegiance to another. In my days that kind of thinking was called treason. The abject ignorance of this approach is astounding. All Catholics should vote for the candidate who best supports the Vatican (a state as well). Chinese Americans should select a candiadate who supports China. Etc, etc. etc. Ask not what your country can do for you...ask what you can do for Israel!!! So you people want a Manchurian candidiate that will bow to another country rather than serve their own? Absolutely sickening. p.s. in their next election Israelis must vote in the candidate who best supports the USA...this should be the prime selection criteria. I'll be glad to write the article for YNet on who they must chose.
42. Where does Horing get her facts?
GeoffP ,   Sebastopol, CA   (12.27.11)
This opinion piece is pure nonsense. Perhaps Ms. Horing should listen to Obama's speech before the Union of Reform Jews, or better yet, read the following YNet article: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4162698,00.html
43. To: No. 42
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.27.11)
Yes, we've all heard the inspiring fund-raising speeches that Obama has delivered. We have also witnessed his actual deeds in office, much of which have been blatant efforts to tie Israel's hands, and to bully Israel into "negotiating" with terrorist elements bent on Israel's destruction. What is wrong with you? Do you not recognize that Israel is the most loyal ally that the United States has? Forget Europe; they've done nothing for the U.S. except initiate circumstances in which millions and millions of Americans have died. Same goes for the Arab and Moslem nations. Four thousand five hundred dead Americans in Iraq. An equal number dead in Afghanistan and Waziristan. An entire U.S. naval fleet sitting off the coast of Saudi Arabia, ready to protect Saudi oil interests. And for what? So that they can cut production and jack up the prices? Hey -- those Saudi princes have to have their palaces; can't deny them that .... even at the expense of United States homeowners who would like to be able to afford home heating oil. Oh, Saudi Arabia -- there's a valuable and grateful "ally" for you, wouldn't you say? You, sir, are a consummate fool. If the best that you can do to buttress your stupid comments is to post a link to an Obama campaign speech -- designed exclusively to attract Jewish money -- than you need to shut up, wake up and smell the coffee. Obama is no friend of Israel. Obama is exclusively a friend of Obama, and has an extremely suspect agenda, especially as concerns Middle Eastern affairs. That's what you get when you put a Moslem in the White House.
44. Obama is only spending $4.3 million for a 17 day vacation.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (12.27.11)
In Hawaii. Nancy Pelosi is paying $10,000.00 dollars a night for a room in Hawaii. Why do we pay these idiots to represent us anyways........?????? It sounds like hey are representing themselves rather well. At our expense.
45. To No. 43
GeoffP ,   Sebastopol, CA   (12.27.11)
Obama essentially gave the same speech last May to AIPAC, not what anyone would call a fund raising friend of his. He also was Israel's true friend at the UN in NOT supporting the Palestinian ridiculous play for statehood, rather than negotiate directly with Israel on a solution that follows what Obama consistently states secures Israel's ability to defend itself. His policies have been quite consistent with Bush 1 and 2, as well as Clinton with respect to starting at 1967 borders with land swaps to eventually achieve a two state solution (i don't think the Palestinians actually want to find a solution at this time). Those in the "know" regarding Israel's military strength state outright that under Obama, Israel has received more military aid than ever before, not to mention Obama's ongoing leadership to squeeze "our" nemesis Iran. Stay tuned as Obama will win in 2012 by a landslide..with much support from the US Jewish community.
46. O-BA--MA--
salamon ,   jerusalem   (12.27.11)
iam her child i have one mama it is israil but why the woman need many baba to me -- i cry --o -ba-- ma--
47. To: No. 45
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.27.11)
Obama Israel's true friend at the United Nations? Oh, I don't think so. I think his support of Israel stemmed exclusively from his desire not to see Congress yank funding from the United Nations. Which is exactly what would have happened. Obama is no friend of Israel, and most Jews in the United States are coming around to that realization. And you can forget about a return to indefensible 1967 borders. That just is not going to happen, Moslem in the White House or not.
48. Obama the Islamist
Prof B ,   NYC, USA   (12.27.11)
Obama's very first action as Prez was to go to Muslim countries and APOLOGIZE for American political philosophies, ie. being friendly to Israel. In making these visits, and making them his FIRST PRIORITY, he let the Muslim world know that he would help them in any way possible in their quest to destroy Israel and exterminate not merely Jews, but Xian supporters of Israel. Let us not forget that altho Obama claims to be a Xian and even attends church, he was raised in Muslim schools and attended mosque. This is a typical Islamist ploy to fool the world. I have personally witnessed Muslims who admitted belonging to Hamas try to hide the fact of their Muslim terrorist ties by attending church while in the US and even sending their children to Catholic school. I was able to do this because I was their neighbor and also a Census worker. As such, I got to go into their homes and see how they truly lived. And I'm not talking about 1 mere family, but scores of them living in northern NJ.
49. Right on...
Tuvia Schertzman,MD ,   Betar Ilit, Israel   (12.31.11)
Face the facts. The US is changed. They do not want us as allies. Maybe they do not want allies at all.
50. Oded on Obama
Yael ,   Dallas, USA   (01.11.12)
This is such BS it drives me crazy. You either have amnesia or you are just stupid. Bush is the one who brought disaster on America; Obama is only fixing it. If you think that being an ally of Israel is letting her do what she wants and violate others' human rights on a regular basis - you are wrong. Israel needs to behave like it expects others to behave with her. Treating Palestinians as anything but equal brings disasters and Obama should not be the one supporting it; nobody should. The best help anyone can give Israel is to force it to sign an honest piece agreement and create two states living side-by-side in peace; just as Hertzel believed and Ben Gurion said many years back.
51. Steven Wilson from Alaska
Yael ,   Dallas, USA   (01.11.12)
Those are only true if you get your news from Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann who never let the facts/truth bother them when lying about any democrat. You have no proof for these allegations and you just spew them out irresponsibly to trash Obama. There is no way this is true neither is the one about Nancy Pelosi. You are not paying for Obama's vacations; don't flatter yourself. Reagan your hero, raised taxes 12 times (that's right) TWELVE times; Obama hasn't yet raised any taxes on anybody so get your facts straight first.
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