Palestinians to seek UN talks on settlements
Published: 31.12.11, 21:53
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32 Talkbacks for this article
1. Complaining about no recognised borders at Arab insistence .
PETER SM ,   MELBOURNE   (12.31.11)
Typical. They insisted on no recognised borders, then they run to the Arab controlled UN teavesty to complain. They have been doing everything to evade negotiations as per UNSCR 242 because they have been promising their people both states.
2. Arabs insisted on no recognised borders, now they controll
Then they go to the UN which they controll to complain.Typical They have been evading negotiated borders as per UNSCR242 because they have been promising their people they would get it all.
3. Here we go again.
Rodney ,   Cape Town S.A.   (12.31.11)
4. Saudi Arabia should stop settling in Mecca
Dan Kelso   (12.31.11)
Please, the Arabs have no right to tell the Jews they cant live in East Jerusalem. Jerusalem has been the capitol of only Israel. Let the Arabs stop settling in Mecca, Cairo and Damascus.
5. in the -photo
nana   (12.31.11)
what music did he do ?
6. Truce
zivron   (12.31.11)
Accept a truce for a demilitiried Arab state with iron clad Jewish security control .One to One land swap and international Holy Basin Shared Hundred Year Truce.
7. UN-able
Max Merbaum ,   Los Angeles   (12.31.11)
The UN is the Department of Motor Vehicles for the World. We don't know what they really do, but they have a ton of employees, a bit of authority, and they need our money to run.
8. Palestine Israel is the only option now
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay, MN USA   (12.31.11)
...with 5.7 million Jews, and 8.7 million Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel, and outside refugees.
9. Truce
zivron   (12.31.11)
Accept a truce for a demilitiried Arab state with iron clad Jewish security control .One to One land swap and international Holy Basin Shared Hundred Year Truce.
10. Time to shut the worthless UN down. It's become
A JOKE ,   USA   (12.31.11)
11. This mean they give up on getting their state recognized?
Kubrikon ,   NY, USA   (12.31.11)
You can't really pursue multiple issues at the UN simultaneously. This suggests that the whole issue of trying to get the state of Palestine recognized has been abandoned.. I guess they are moving on to the next failed tactic.
12. Boring, boring, yawn, yawn ...
Canadian lawyer ,   Toronto, Canada   (12.31.11)
Message to my Palestinian friends: keep wasting your time on meaningless trivialities. Your chances of ever getting a state of your own are zero.
13. First stop teaching your kids to hate the jews
Observer ,   New York, USA   (01.01.12)
Anyway they go they fail and in the meantime they destroy another generation life. This is another tactic that will not work not on the short or long term. Start to realize that Isael is here to stay forever! Recongnize and Compromise and build better future for your people. Once you make peace the Israelies will be the first to help you build better life. You know it but you hate the Israelies so much that you willing sacrify your next generation to destroy Israel in every mean you have as you always do.
14. building in west bank is legal
yonatan silverman ,   tel aviv israel   (01.01.12)
The Palestinian claim that settlement building in Judea and Samaria and building homes for Jews in E. Jerusalem is illegal is echoed by certain countries in Europe. But the claim is groundless. The late US diplomat Eugene Rostow wrote: The heated question of Israel's settlements in the West Bank during the occupation period should be viewed in this perspective. The British Mandate recognized the right of the Jewish people to "close settlement" in the whole of the Mandated territory. It was provided that local conditions might require Great Britain to "postpone" or "withhold" Jewish settlement in what is now Jordan. This was done in 1922. But the Jewish right of settlement in Palestine west of the Jordan river, that is, in Israel, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, was made unassailable. That right has never been terminated and cannot be terminated except by a recognized peace between Israel and its neighbors. In typical fashion the Palestinians are turning to the UN Security Council in an effort to rewrite history, and create law out of whole cloth but they will achieve nothing. Israel has every right to build in Judea, Samaria and East Jerusalem, and so we will continue to do.
15. Stop already!
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.01.12)
Enough of the incessant ersatz "Palestinian" bleating and hand-wringing. At least when they stop the terrorism and violence long enough to engage in their next-best specialty: whining. The world has moved on, and except for a few lip-service pronouncement from European countries with very large and aggressive Arab and Moslem minorities, everyone has grown tired of the ersatz "Palestinians." One would have thought that the embarrassment at the United Nations this past fall would have taught the ersatz "Palestinians" something, but no, evidently it has not. They are still running around, with beggar's bowl in hand. Short of a consortium of nations invading Israel -- which will never happen -- the ersatz "Palestinians" are plumb out of luck. One does wonder, however, when any of their so-called "leadership" will man up and acknowledge that every behavior in which the ersatz "Palestinians" have engaged for seven decades has acted very much to their detriment. They have only shown themselves to be intransigent; clinging to a dream that toothpaste can be put back into the tube and the world will help them retreat to 1947. No one will. There are actually important issues in the world today, and the international community is sick to death of the incessant whining of the ersatz "Palestinians." They have never taken a single step that might help them achieve co-existence with Israel, and that is because they are not interested in peaceful co-existence with Israel, they are exclusively intent upon supplanting Israel. And that will never happen. Construction in Jerusalem and the West Bank will continue. There is not a damned thing that the ersatz "Palestinians" can do to halt such construction. It would behoove them greatly to stop antagonizing Israel -- but I predict full annexation of Judea and Samaria and the repatriation of all Jordanian citizens in the West Bank to the country of their citizenship or, if they so choose, to Gaza. Ersatz "Palestinian" whining will only hasten that great good day.
stude ham   (01.01.12)
the appeal to the un is by foreign invaders who would have you destroyed.
17. UN can fix anything, like the syrians dying by assad now!
Bunnie Meyer ,   Los Angeles, CA USA   (01.01.12)
18. Lets be factual ....
Joe ,   Newtown USA   (01.01.12)
Giving them territory will NOT bring peace.Palestinians rioted against the Jews in 1929.. 1936.. ...they supported Hitler in WW II before Israel was a State.The area Samaria and Judea were part of the Jewish homeland before the Jews were exited by force from their land., It was occupied in 1948 by Jordan, and LIBERATED by Israel in 1967. These are now LIBERATED territories that were occupied by Jordan and now returned to Israel. Can you build in Egypt, Syria, Jordan...we can and will build in Judea and Samaria our liberated territories.
19. the pals
will be as successful with this as they were in demanding a state which no one in the security counsel or the un has agreed to. too bad loosers.
20. #8 steve LOL
solomon ,   bklyn   (01.01.12)
You an your mantra are a joke. Get used to it.
21. There is NO WEST BANK...except in Paris, france!
Robert Blum ,   New Albany, USA   (01.01.12)
When Trans-Jordan which became Jordan and they illegally annexed Jerusalem as Muslim occupiers, they annexed Israel's eternal Judea and Samaria. Just as the Romans tried to de-Judaize Israel by calling Israel Palestine, and called the Jews "Palestinians", until the Arabs of Jordan began calling themselves "Palestinians" in the late 1960's, so as to de-legitimize Israel and the Jews rights to our G-d given land, which by the way, even their Jew-hating-Qoran teaches, (that our land is Israel). Jerusalem is NOT mentioned in the Qoran, and was only used as a tool to bring passion to the Muslims who fought the crusaders in Jerusalem, thereafter the importance of Jerusalem was dropped by Islam. When Jordan was defeated by Israel in the war of aggression that Jordan started, Israel took back its rightful city of Jerusalem and graciously allowed the Muslims who were living in Jewish owned property to continue living there under the condition that they paid the rightful Jewish owners rent. Arafat demanded of the Muslims to be arrogant and not pay. That is why the Israelis threw them out of those homes. Building in Jerusalem may be a touchy matter, BUT building in Jerusalem is a Jewish right. King David bought the city, regardless of the Mufti's attempts to bulldoze the land and erase and deny our Jewish rights to the land!
22. #14 Ever read the Fourth Geneva Convention?
Elias   (01.01.12)
I thought not. Perhaps you should, especially article 49 which forbids the occupying power from transferring its citizens into the occupied territory. The Palestinians have a good case under International Law, but as usual they will come up against the American moral abuse of their veto, used to circumvent International Law in the interest of Jewish votes.
23. the dfff between a neighborhood and a settlement
velville ,   atlanta ga   (01.01.12)
nothing unless you are fisk, the guardian, the nyt, and the u.n.
24. I wonder when the next elections are
Nour ,   One State   (01.01.12)
Arab citizens of Palestine need housing projects in Yafa, Ramle, Akka, Nazareth, etc
25. When taking the issue to the UN, I suggest the Palestine...
Jehudah Ben-Israel ,   Qatzrin, Israel   (01.01.12)
...Liberation Organization (PLO)'s head to tell the representatives there to check the UN Charter, and specifically to check Article 80 of it. Article 80 of the UN Charter - perhaps you are not aware either - ratifies and enshrines in law the decisions made by the League of Nations back in 1922. Those decisions clearly assign the entire remaining 23% land of "Palestine", from the river to the sea, to be "the national home for the Jewish people" in which Jews may SETTLE anywhere and whenever they wish. Incidentally, the other part of "Palestine", the whole 77% of it, had been handed over already to the Arabs who subsequently changed it from "Palestine" to Jordan, knowing full well the name "Palestine" was an artificial one. Now, that the Jewish people has renamed their part of "Palestine" to Israel and act legally, as has been stated in the San Remo Conference, 1920; the League of Nations decisions, 1922; and the UN Charter, Article 80, 1945; you should explain to the delegates why you can't live by international law; including the UN Charter.
26. When is Israel going to get the guts to tell the world that
MK Esq. ,   Israel   (01.01.12)
so called settlements are LEGAL even according to "International Law". Israeli leaders must get over their dillusion that they can make money off a land deal with the Pals" and do what is right before it is too late. Fight the legal battle and save Israel.
27. Fourth Geneva Convention (#22)
Israel captured West Bank and Gaza in 1967 Six Day War. Jordan had occupied the West Bank and Egypt Gaza as a result of their invasion of Palestine in the 1948 war. The territories were part of the legally established Palestine Mandate, and the Arab states violently rejected the the UN's Partition Resolution in 1947. The territories are not "occupied territories"--they are disputed territories. One may politically object all day long, but there is no legal validity to the claim that Israel is "occupying" territory that belonged to no independent sovereign state immediately before 1948.
28. To: No. 22 -- SECOND ATTEMPT
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.01.12)
Israel acquired Judea and Samaria in the course of fighting a DEFENSIVE war against Jordan. Judea and Samaria were NON-SOVEREIGN territories. They are Israel's to keep, settle and even annex. The West Bank is not "occupied" territory. I suggest you go back and hit the law books again. Either that, or refrain from pontificating upon that of which you clearly know nothing.
29. In making a decision on settlements...
William ,   Israel   (01.01.12)
The UN would be obligated to initiate litigation on the ownership of the land instead of the knee-jerk statement that it's "occupied". This could be in Israel's favor. The UN would be forced to acknowledge their own UNR242 and its authors that stated the land was "disputed", and would have to take into account the decades of Arab land theft and Jordan's illegal annexation and ethnic cleansing. Bet this will fizzle quickly just like Abbas' trip to Turkey to prove Arab land ownership via Ottoman land records when he returned silent and humbled, with nothing.
30. #1 - speaking of Arab border demands
William ,   Israel   (01.01.12)
Arabs INSISTED that within the 1949 Armistice Agreement the terms of the cease-fire be that the 1949 line will not be a border nor be used as a basis for future border discussions. That agreement is binding until Arabs cancel it. If they do, then Israel can annex all the land it wants. If they don't, "Palestinians" are forced to accept whatever they can get via negotiations and Israel's good will, not via the UNSC.
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