Is Israel losing the battle?
Steve Rubin
Published: 05.01.12, 18:25
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103 Talkbacks for this article
61. #42
solomon ,   bklyn   (01.07.12)
AIPAC lobbies both sides of Congress as many, many groups do. And money does not vote; people do. You show your ignorance of the political system in the US. Also your prejudice.
62. self protection
zivron   (01.07.12)
What israel is doing is for long term survival not idealistic utopias that lead to appalling dystopia long term will rarely be popular with the dreamy youth .The young jews want to be popular with their non jewish lovers and friendsso take up the defense of the less powerful But if the PALESTINIANS and ISLAMISTS get the power they will attempt to obliterate the jews of israel and hit jews globally as well even or especially the peaceniks,
63. Hahahaha @ # 7
Sandra ,   OntatrioCanada   (01.07.12)
You really believe this :DDDDD
64. #57 Mr. Pinhead (aka split)
solomon ,   bklyn   (01.07.12)
Jewish State is the sign on the door. Unlike the states with Moslem State as their sign on the door, Israel does accomodate others; other religions, nationalities, etc. But those are facts, and you always ignore them so why stop now? Strange how you were answered as far as other states declaring a religion as part of their name, but you say nothing. Actually, not so strange.
65. Tired defending Israel
Rhonda ,   Chicago, Illinois   (01.07.12)
This 56 year old American Jew Is NOT tired of defending Israel. I do not always understand political decisions she makes but I have no illusions about the complexity on the ground there. I have a real issue with American Jews who feel that they "own" the place when they've never been there or talked first hand with any Israelis and yet dictate what she should do. I think it's very important to ask questions, "how come Israel is doing this?" or "from the US this doesn't make sense." But to get high and mighty just because you ship some money over there, I don't think this is right. When I was there, what I kept thinking is that it is these Jews who paid for the progress of this little beleaguered country with their blood while we sit elsewhere and change the channel when we get bored or "tired." She's young and in a neighborhood that permits no mistakes. I believe in asking questions and they can be hard questions but when I start wanting to give her orders- that's the day I should make Aliya or put on the Tzahal uniform to defend her.
66. Defending Israel
BK ,   USA   (01.07.12)
Israel has to defend itself in the court of public opinion to a world which elects the butchers of SYRIA to sit on a human rights committee of UNESCO? It's a lost cause.
67. Hasbara
Manny Fresh ,   Tel Aviv   (01.07.12)
Amazing! We need more Michael Orens to counter the growing anti-Israel propaganda on US campuses.
68. #65: Calm down dear
Sarah B. ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.07.12)
No one in America is "giving Israel orders." What Americans are doing is expressing their opinions. Opinions based on what they believe is best for the US, or best for Israel, or best for those oppressed in Israel, or best for the Jewish people as a whole, or best for stability in the region, or best for world peace, etc., etc. Any of the former (or any combination of the former) may be at play in how people view events. It all comes down to how different people have different perspectives about what is important. Get it? Again, Americans are not telling Israelis what to do, they are simply saying that if Israel does something (or does not do something) it will correspondingly affect (either strengthen or lessen) their support of Israel. This is how all nations and people act. The US is not Israel's sugar daddy. As an example, many in America are tired of the last decade of war. Hence, they want to explore all possible options to persuade Iran to keep their nuclear program peaceful without having to resort to military action. Thus, if Israeli leaders refuse to be flexible in how they address Iran, many in America will want to lessen their support of Israel. Another example. Many in America believe there is plenty of blame to go around in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. They are tired of Israelis who believe that only they are the victim (especially considering Isarel is the most powerful nation in the Middle East, the only nuclear power, and currently occupying land it could only dream of possessing in 1948.) Thus, if Israel does not do what needs to be done to make peace with the Palestinians, many in America will choose to lessen their support of Israel.
69. #2-3. Judea/Samaria are integral to Israel.
Chaim ,   Israel   (01.07.12)
#2-3. Judea and Samaria are as integral to Israel as Tel Aviv. They are not settlements to "lose". Judea and Samaria have belonged to Jews for more than 3,500 years whereas Tel Aviv is barely a century old. Not only are Judea and Samaria an integral part of Israel, they are vital for Israel's survival, as a cursory glance at a map instantly proves. Countless legal experts have incontrovertibly proven Judea and Samaria legally belong to Israel. No real friend of Israel would urge us to cede the very heart of our sole, tiny Homeland.
70. Response to#4
John R ,   NYC USA   (01.07.12)
Only the last offer was close to a 1 to 1 land swap but what was being swapped? Israel kept the Western aquifer which is the Palestinian's main source of water. They currently have to buy that water from Israel. Israel diverts almost all that water to Israel proper. Part of what Israel was giving up was barren Negev desert. The settlements they keep have been designated (over forty years) as violating the 4th Geneva Convention in 9 UNSC resolutions which under art 25 of the UN Charter are binding. In 2004, 15 of 15 sitting Judges on the ICJ including the US Judge who was a former Jewish concentration camp survivor ruled that the settlements violated the 4th Geneva Convention. Your offer of peace would legalize Israel's illegal behavior and deprive the Palestinians ,who are land locked , of water. Would you make that deal?
71. Gee I wonder why? Jews hear what Israelis say.
Josh   (01.07.12)
The ongoing religious teachings and the man on the street in Tel Aviv can see why this is only getting worse. So much anti Amercian sentiments and the wat against "ouitsiders" headed up by fanmatics as well as secular in Israel will continue. Its over. Israel just doesn't see the train coming down the tracks. For every attack against americans there is reaction and a louder voice that is reaching the level of a freight train.
72. #52 you are kidding right?
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (01.07.12)
I can show you a lot more than one. Starting with the UK, Greece, Costa Rica, Malta, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sri Lanka, and 56 Muslim countries as well all have state religions and all claim to be democracies. You are a moron.
73. Inaccurate screed
Shalom Freedman ,   Jerusalem Israel   (01.07.12)
The writer of this article has not been following the Republican Presidential race. Nor is he aware of the polls in regard to Israel's sustained popularity among the American population. His talk about a 'strong Palestinian narrative' indicates he himself is probably a dupe in this regard. There is a great problem on the campuses and with the overwhelmingly very Left American faculty especially in Humanities and Social Sciences. There is also a problem with the Islamic students. But on the whole Israel's position is strong.
74. Gregg, if you were living in Israel
AbeBird ,   Belgium   (01.07.12)
You would have speaking differentely.
75. #71. Josh:Enough of Pax Americana!
Tom ,   USA   (01.08.12)
America having enjoyed post WWII. economic, political and military success --which is now past history -- morphed into an unwanted Messianic temple, a "Shining city on a hill" crap. (Reagan). American "emissaries" -- official and private - scouring the planet offering "advices", scolding "uppity, disobedient" nations provoking general outrage everywhere. Have you forgotten the "Yankee go home" signs? which were ubiquitous not too long ago. T. Friedman N.Y.Times "disciplining" Israel, P. Krugman set his site on Hungary for her independent drive, Hillary issues warnings, threats, ... but only towards perceived weak, small nations. If Putin says boo! -- the posturing stops.
76. Kiruv organizations may be a model..
Veni-Vidi-Agati ,   USA   (01.08.12)
Kiruv organizations such as Chabad send people on permanent assignments to have them perform their organizations' goals. Israel could use a similar model to send permanent representatives to college campuses to present Israel's point of view and counter the Arab propaganda and falsehoods. Israel's representatives could learn who the important reporters are and provide them with Israel's side of the story.
77. 64 - states with Moslem State as their sign on the door ,...
split ,   US   (01.08.12)
Name one !!! Another point they don't call themselves or demand to be recognised as a democracy I'm a Christian - Can I marry a Jewish woman in Israel ? Can I get Israeli citizenship let's say after few years of working there paying taxes and legal residency like in US ? Can I buy a property there ?
78. 72 -
split ,   US   (01.08.12)
Let start with Finland it's a Republic of Finland not Finnish Sate - Greece it's a Hellenic Republic not a Greek State - Denmark it's a Kingdom of Denmark not Danish State, etc, etc, BTW post # 56 is mine ,...
79. #30 Mark, I am a research scientist too
Yossef   (01.08.12)
I decided to come to Israel 10 years ago, I chose to become an israeli, what I am now. And I don't share your opinion. You see, to be a research scientist doesn't mean anything, neither you're smart neither you're dumb !
80. americans overwhelmingly support Israel
Michael   (01.08.12)
The anti Israel campus left is laughed at by the majority of students who also laugh at the radical lefts anti American and anti capitalist agenda. Note how Obama pretends to be pro Israel because he can't win the vote of non Jewish Americans with his real anti Israel agenda. And the Republicans fall over themselves proving how pro Israel they are because the non Jews in the Republican party are so pro Israel. Israel needs to simply stand up for herself and ignore the left as the powerless fools they are
81. To Chaim
Dean ,   Ottawa Canada   (01.08.12)
If the West Bank is Israel, then give the Pals the right to vote in Israeli elections.
82. #77 split
solomon ,   bklyn   (01.08.12)
1. The Islamic republic of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Mauritania. (from post #54 Tom, who has already given you an answer.) 2. Two non-Jews can marry. A Jew and non-Jew cannot marry in Israel; they would get married outside of Israel. Upon your return you would then be accepted as both married and citizens. Many Israelis have this problem too. 3. Naturalization:

A person 18 years of age or older may acquire Israeli nationality by naturalization if he meets these criteria: (1) is currently in Israel, (2) has been in Israel for 3 of the 5 preceding years, (3) intends to settle in the country (4) has some knowledge of Hebrew (former Palestinian citizens are exempt from this provision), (5) renounces any and all foreign nationalities, and (6) takes an oath of loyalty to the State of Israel. Completion of all of the above requirements is not essential in all instances, however, as the Minister of the Interior at his discretion has the power (for a special reason) to waive requirements (1), (2),(4), and (5) above.
83. #78 split
solomon ,   bklyn   (01.08.12)
The countries you mention have state religions. See post #54 Tom.
84. 82 - Thanks !!! Just like in 3 - Reich ,...
split ,   US   (01.08.12)
A Jew and non-Jew cannot marry in Israel; they would get married outside of Israel ,... Some Germans had to go to Poland or to other neighboring countries to marry a Jew ,...
85. #41
Harold ,   USA   (01.08.12)
Ask twenty percent of Americans who are unemployed or under employed you'll find I am right. The problem here is that Israel is backed by the US Congress who are getting money from AIPAC.
86. the real problem is American Jews
avi ,   nyc   (01.08.12)
the problem is not Israeli policies, but rather the non Orthodox American Jews are progressively getting less Jewish. Its their level of Jewish commitment that has vanished. Fewer and fewer have any "Temple" affiliation, or even the most rudimentary knowledge of judaism. Intermarriage rates are at an all time high, Non Orthodox Jews are more likely to have a gentile kid than one who visits Israel. Sadly, 50 years ago even atheistic Jews were Jewishly committed.
87. #85. Harold: And Pakistan + the others?
Tom ,   USA   (01.08.12)
Anti Israeli crap, stirred up by the Leftist Obamao-bots. Nobody is protesting he money given to Pakistan, Egypt and an array of other other vassal states. Only Israel is your problem? How AIPAC is paying Congress? Tell us smart a* how? And where AIPAC- money comes from? You leftist Obamao worshipers regurgitate the same crap over and over. How about Soros, Sanders, Katzenberg, Steve Bings etc. money for the Kenyan? It's OK?
88. American Jewish support
Tuvia Schertzman,md ,   Betar Ilit   (01.08.12)
Maybe we don't need their support. Maybe they need our support. Based on the level of antisemitism in the US American Jews should watch their backs.
89. Rubin is wrong
Brod ,   USA   (01.08.12)
Steve Rubin does not know what he is talking about. The fact is Judeo-Christian America and Congress support Israel. It is the Islamist-Jihadists, AntiSemites and atheist Leftists/Pagans that have a problem with Israel. This is because these dark forces are led by a Luciferian god that is in conflict with tthe GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-the Creator of the Heavens and Universe-the GOD of the Bible. Israel should stand tall, strong, united and resolute in defending itself against the unrelenting assaults of the dark forces. Judea and Samaria-the Land of Israel-Israel's liberated historic homeland is GOD-GIVEN and GOD-RESTORED to the Nation of Israel as a Fulfilment of GOD'S Everlasting Covenant with Israel. Israel must protect and defend every inch of its Land of Israel from the Islamist-Jihadist and Papist-AntiSemite usurpers that have been unrelenting in usurping the Land of Israel from the Nation of Israel the past two thousand years.
90. #84 split
solomon ,   bklyn   (01.08.12)
In Nazi Germany a returning Jew would have been killed. Your 'comparison' shows your desperation to prove yourself 'right'. You of course never mention all the other posts, including mine, that prove you wrong on all other counts. Don't bother. You have again proved your dogged denial of facts. Thanks!
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