US army chief: Won't let Holocaust happen again
Published: 20.01.12, 18:52
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61. The US were complicit in the last Holocaust
Elias   (01.21.12)
The Americans had knowledge of the genocide of the Jews in late 1942, but shelved the reports. Roosevelt is on record as considering it as a secondary issue to winning the war, as was Churchill - they could have done a lot more to prevent the first Holocaust, the second will never happen.
62. To nr 27 lydia - I don't think white Christian Britons...
Alexander ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (01.21.12)
...originate in Australia. But we Jews originate in Israel. Jews have lived in Israel for the past 4000 years. During 2000 years of exile, there was still a small Jewish community left in Israel while the lion part of the Jewish people lived exiled - all over the Middle East, Minor Asia, the Levant, Mesopotamia (Iraq) where Jews have lived since the Babylonian exile for 2500 years, in Egypt, North Africa, Persia, southern Europe, central Europe - and of course - eastern Europe - that's just happened to be one of many geographical places where exiled Jews have lived for centuries - but by no means our origin. Our origin is right here in Israel. But I doubt that the origins of Britons, Englishmen, Welshmen, Scotsmen and Irishmen can be found in Australia. You've got it all wrong. We don't fear the development - peaceful development of other countries - among them Iran. But we do fear weapons of mass destruction to be used against us and we are against Arab imperialism in the Middle East which is pretty much aiming at killing all Jews, destroying Israel, Arabizing M. East, and pretending they have 'forgotten" that the M. East is the home of dozens of non-Arab nations for thousands of years and today - among them we Jews. We don't need the USA to fight wars for us. USA fought on its own terms and for its own sake in Iraq. In the first Iraq war Bush senior even threatened to shoot down Israeli fighter jets if Israel "dared" to respond to Saddam Hussein's missile attacks on Israel. Instead of pretending that Jews are the roots of all problems, see Israel as a blessing. If you hate us and want us dead - you're an anti-Semite. Sure, you want us dead, but that doesn't make you an anti-Semite right?
63. The General Is An Order Taker Not A Decision Maker
Dan ,   USA   (01.21.12)
An Obama government would lift a hand to stop Israel from being annihilated only after Israel would have to sue for the type of peace that would destroy the Jewish state. Don't trust an Obama government, even though most liberal Americans Jews will vote again for him. They don't care about Israe.
64. holocaust remembered
Stoney ,   USA   (01.21.12)
As a child of holocaust survivors and retired Marine. Israel's worst enemies is not the NYT but liberal Jews. There is a G-d and righteous Gentiles in this country who care about Israel.
65. Reading these talkbacks...
TaylorT ,   Earth   (01.21.12)
...almost makes me think Israelis don't deserve to be saved. Rarely have I come across a more ungrateful, arrogant, and paranoid lot. Are people seriously bringing up the allies not bombing railroad tracks during WWII and expecting to be taken seriously? Some of you are beyond delusional.
66. 60
john Darren ,   cairns-Australia   (01.21.12)
Phil,Lydia in an Arab.We are a multi-cultural country.Unfortunately there are people from the ME whose loyalties are to terrorists in the ME.
67. Do not worry Jaques #48
Maxim ,   ISRAELOAMERICAN   (01.21.12)
I can assure you that the American people will not reelect Obama for another four years.
68. There is an Israel only because the goyim never protected
Al   (01.21.12)
the Jews among them. That is why there is an Israel today. Grow up and never ever trust the goy for your survival and security. When America was a power in WWII they refused to help the Jews, so why would they give a damn today when they are bleeding? They dont, they are playing you to win American Jewish support in the next election. Its called a charm offensive. The American Jew is a dummy with his nose so far up the goys ass, that he cant see the forest for the trees. Do not trust anyone but yourselves. Your lives are only yours to protect. No one will help you but yourselves.
69. Holocaust was America's fault
Ben ,   Israel   (01.21.12)
America was too scared to join Britain fighting Germany even though Britain by itself stood no chance against Germany. If Britain had lost the Battle of Britain in 1940 , America would have made terms with Hitler and left him to rule Europe. Americans are the lowest form of life.
70. Your first time at YNET, #65?
Cameron ,   USA   (01.21.12)
Hey, that's the relative norm around this way. You'll find the audience more bluntly revealing than any of the site's formal postings, guaranteed. From fiery Zionists to daffy Leftists, it's all here, man.
71. To: No. 39
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.21.12)
Of course I can! I am a citizen of both the United States and Israel. Should the day come where I have to choose, I will. That day is not yet upon us. In the meantime, I pay a fortune in taxes to both countries. No free rides; I'm entitled to speak my mind.
72. To: Judge Haddad at No. 33
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.21.12)
First of all, my congratulations to you on the birth of your newest grandchild! My father always said that children are principal, but grandchildren are interest. Try not to spoil the new arrival too much! I believe that at the end of the day, Israel will have to go it alone. We can. We are not looking to endanger any Americans. The issue here is one over which Israel has no control -- Israel has an affirmative obligation to take care of its citizens. That means dealing with Iran's aggression and dogged pursuit of nuclear weapons. We also know that Iran's response to an Israeli military strike will be to attack a United States asset. While Israel would like to avoid that at all costs, it does not in any way change Israel's obligation to its citizens. For example -- the United States declared war upon Japan following the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Germany then promptly declared war upon the United States, and drew the U.S. into war in Europe. Israel has no control over Iran's actions. But Israel will not curl up into a corner and allow Iran to go nuclear. We regret any potential loss of American lives, but that in no way lessens Israel's obligation to see to its own security and safety. Sorry. That's just how it goes. The Jewish people have a very long history of being abandoned by absolutely everyone. We look after ourselves.
73. Speaking of memory, BEN JABO at #46
Cameron ,   USA   (01.21.12)
Tell me, son, do you ever spare a thought for the fate of your old Lebanese allies? You know, the ones Israel ditched out on after almost 20 years of screwing around in S. Lebanon, and left to the tender mercy of Shia knives? Let your thoughts & memories turn in that direction when that "Lebanese Fiasco" ribbon that the govt. just issued arrives for you to pin on.
74. US
Trebor Seveer ,   USA Missouri   (01.21.12)
Please do not hate us because of our weak leadership. We pray it will change soon. For the first time I am ashamed of my government.
75. To: No. 65
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.21.12)
A few comments: 1. We will save ourselves. Unlike Arabs and Moslems, we do not look to you for our salvation. A whole lot of Americans died in both Gulf Wars, in the bombing of the American Embassy in Beirut and in Somalia. Americans continue to die in Afghanistan, Waziristan, Yemen and Libya. How is that OUR fault? 2. Can you spell SIX MILLION JEWS? Do you have a clue as to how many Nobel Prize winners, professors, extraordinary physicians and ordinary people were herded into gas chambers during the Holocaust. Except, of course, for the Jewish nuclear physicisits, chemists and mathematicians who managed to escape Europe and came to the United States and built your nuclear bombs which were dropped on Japan, thus saving at LEAST the lives of two million American servicemen? You BETTER take us seriously. 3. Israel destroyed the OSIRAC reactor in Baghdad ten years before the United States discovered itself embroiled in the Gulf War following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. Think of how many Coalition military personnel did NOT come home in body bags and SHOW A LITTLE GRATITUDE! Would have had quite a different war facing a nuclear Iraq, no? You are the delusional one. What have you ever done for the State of Israel? You are clearly so ignorant that it is hard to take you seriously. Sorry.
76. #73 Lebanon
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (01.21.12)
Israel only got involved in that mess AFTER attacks had been launched from Lebanon against Israel Lebanese factions had been infighting ever since they became independent in the 1940's As far as I know, North Vietnam hadn't attacked America Israel should have done to Lebanon in the last war, what America did to Vietnam, bombed the living daylights out of it with Napalm
77. Back Stabbers
APatriot ,   USA   (01.21.12)
Exactly...Now you know how American patriots feel about AIPAC and all the Israel Firsters that our good friend Israel has infected our government with. Israel...With a friend like you, who needs enemies?
78. Three Cheers!
APatriot ,   USA   (01.21.12)
Spoken like a great American! Sean Hannity would be proud!
79. US or Israel...Cannot belong to both.
APatriot ,   USA   (01.21.12)
3 cheers! Try telling that to the Israel First traitors in the US government such as LIEBERMAN, Levin, Emanuel, Corzine, Bernanke, Feith, Shapiro and the list goes on and on and on.
80. Total BS
APatriot ,   USA   (01.21.12)
The only ones who think other humans are beneath them are the Zionists who claim Biblical superiority over the Goyim (which means cattle). All from a book written and published by a Zionist non Christian which all the Christians blindly buy and follow without questioning. Oy vey!
81. Obama a Muslim-Yeah Right!
David ,   West Palm Beach, FL   (01.21.12)
Why don't all of you people, who think that President Obama, stop listening to Republican and right wing, no nothing, BS. His father may have been Muslim, but he had no contact with him, while growing up. He was raised by his white, Christian mother, and later, by his white Christian grandparents. He goes to church, not mosque. What else does this man need to do??? And as far as being anti-Israel, or anti-Semitic; most of his political advisers are Jewish. So all of you right wing nuts...cut the crap, please. Obama is not going to let Israel go under. Try listening to something other than Fox noise, I mean "news". Fox news listeners h ave been rated as the "most MISINFORMED" news watchers, by independent pollsters.
82. To: No. 79
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.21.12)
Well, let's see. Benedict Arnold. Whittaker Chambers. Alger Hiss. The ENTIRE Walker family. Aldrich Ames. Robert Hanson. The list goes on and on. I've only hit but a scant few of the high notes. Do you REALLY want me to continue? It would take about seven posts. Go crawl back under your rock, you uneducated ass.
83. To: No. 77
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.21.12)
Israel destroyed Iraq's nuclear dreams when it blew up the OSIRAC reactor in Baghdad, much to the dismay of the United States. Of course, ten years later, Iraq invaded Kuwait, and the United States found itself embroiled in the 1991 Gulf War. Think of all the American servicemen and women that did NOT come home in body bags had you been faced with a nuclear Iraq and SHOW A LITTLE GRATITUDE. With a "friend" like the United States, Israel surely doesn't need enemies. Must I remind you that the United States Fifth Fleet sits off Jeddah, protecting the Saudi Arabians? And how does a grateful Saudi nation respond? Why, by reducing production and raising the price of light Arabian crude. What was that you were saying about enemies? You are not a "Patriot." You are an ass.
84. To: No. 80
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.21.12)
1. Goyim does not translate to "cattle." Get yourself a new dictionary. 2. You need to document your sources. Wild accusations do not carry much weight here. In the instant matter -- what "book?" Hint: silly, poorly-inked "books" published by neo-Nazi presses do not carry much weight here, either. You really must strive to do better. 3. You may wish to consider posting to a different website. You are outclassed here. Most of us have actually successfully completed the third grade. I have significant doubts about whether you should have ever been allowed to get past kindergarten.
85. To: No. 81
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.21.12)
How do you account for the fact that Obama spent nine years in an Indonesian Islamic madrassah (among the most radical in the world) and served as president of the Columbia University Islamic Society? Odd, isn't it? And when he develops political aspirations, he joins the most virulently anti-Semitic and Israel-hating church in all of Chicago? The "Reverend" Wright remains Obama's "chief spiritual advisor" to this day. Of course his political advisors are Jewish. Obama doesn't have much a brain; he had to go trawl for some, and went to the most likely place -- the Jewish community. Riddle me all that, David, why don't you?
86. Post 85 is not mine.
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.21.12)
There should be a comma after the second instance of the word ''and'' because the words which follow it form a subordinate clause. I am quite intelligent but I still use capital letters when I want to make a point. I wish I could stop doing it but I have no class. ;(
87. The post at No. 85 is very much mine
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.21.12)
The imposter at No. 86 needs to go back to elementary school and learn grammar. What a classless fool is the imposter at No. 86! Ignorant, too.
88. #85
David   (01.22.12)
Just because he spent time in Indonesia doesn't mean that he went to a madrassa. And as far as his intelligence goes, I'll put him up against ANY of those Republican idiots, ANY DAY! You don't get to be the president of the Harvard Law Review if you have no brain. I suppose that you would rather see an idiot like Rick Perry or Michelle Bachmann as President. Then, not only would Israel, but the U.S. as well, would be in BIG trouble.
89. Dueling Sarahs!
Cameron ,   USA   (01.21.12)
So it's come to this, eh? Sword & pistols at dawn to settle this affair of honor and identity.
90. "Wild accusations do not carry much weight here."
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.22.12)
However it is not a wild accusation that Obama is a Muslim. I totally buy into that.
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