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Iran FM: Israeli strike would lead to its demise
Binyamin Tobias
Published: 16.03.12, 09:57
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61. #55, Sarah
PaulZion ,   Israel   (03.16.12)
Hey, Sarah: Thank you for pointing that out. However, it does not change the spirit of my post in no. 53. Your clarification DOES emphasize that the US support of Israel is not because of some selfless altruistic value on their part, but rather because of America's own self interest. I was actually not talking about logistical support of arms and such, although the M16's that the US supplied Israel during the '73 war were crucial for the infantry. I was talking mainly about the diplomatic support and the forging of alliances. I would agree that the US military support, planes, arms artillery etc began in earnest after 1973, but the strategic alignment began after 1956.
62. "Israel so small......"
Bill ,   Bridgeville USA   (03.17.12)
I rather think that is what Goliath once thought.
63. To: Paul at No. 61
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.17.12)
Thanks for your resposne. I would say that U.S. support of Israel varies from administration to administration, but that the American people are solidly behind Israel, as is best demonstrated by the overwhelming support of Israel in the Congress, which is the closest voice the American people have. That said, there is no question that Israel has always had America's back. The reverse varies from administration to administration, but the Obama administration has demonstrated the most anti-Israel bias since Carter's term in the White House. So the "strategic alignment" has always been fungible, and always fueled by who happens to be president of the United States. Do you remember when Israel destroyed the Osirac reactor? Some persons in the U.S. administration were outraged. Bush Sr. leading the party of those who thought that the U.S. should cut all ties with Israel. Iraq, after all, was a U.S. ally, right? Well, ten years down the road, the U.S. found itself going head to head with Iraq in the Gulf War. Would have been quite a different war, wouldn't it, had Iraq been a nuclear power. The U.S. has never publicly thanked Israel for all those American servicemen and women that did NOT come home in body bags, but that's okay. The Jewish people have grown accustomed to saving civilization. It is up to the American people to decide the tenor -- and the content -- of the next U.S. administration. Until then, Israel can take care of itself quite nicely. The American people will be heard come November. That's the best we can hope for.
64. Wars are won
Aaron Banks ,   Goose Island USA   (03.17.12)
Wars are won NOT by the number of soldiers.
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