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White House denies Pollard appeal
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Published: 10.04.12, 01:16
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82 Talkbacks for this article
61. Vanunu was spying and sending secrets
Barbara ,   Haifa Israel   (04.10.12)
out of Israel, imprisoned and now living in Israel and not allowed to leave, which means he is still a prisoner. Spying is a serious crime - on both sides.
62. #55, #56 silly
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (04.10.12)
You can say anything, even if it isn't true. The problem is that then facts slap you in the face and you look plain silly #56: explain why Michael Schwartz and Peter Lee were never imprisoned. #44: Mohamad Reza Alavi got 15 months. Abdul Kader Helmy got 4 years. Hassan Abu-Jihad got 10 years.
63. #33
Patlippe ,   US   (04.10.12)
You kidding i hope? everyone now is antisemitic?. I wonder what Israel will do if they spot a spy who already released thousand of defense blueprint to another country. When US supported Israel with 36 veto's why you didn't call Obama's administration Antisemitic? Cut us some slake please ! Everyone is evil in this world except Israel....Right...
64. It isn't fair
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (04.10.12)
Pollard who spied for Israel is locked up. The Crew of the USS Liberty, which spied on Israel for the USA, is allowed to roam around, free as birds
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (04.10.12)
Pollard is in jail, because he spied on the USA USS Liberty crew are out there, free as birds because they spied for the USA Both spied, didn't they?
66. #56 Philippe
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (04.10.12)
All things being equal, Pollard spied on the USA, the USS Liberty spied FOR the USA Both were guilty of espionage
Pollard was a spy.Pollard got caught .Pollards' punishment is disproportional i.e. compared to other spies. Every country spies on other countries ,including the US which has spies everywhere. This is normal Israel is no different in this regard. Pollard has served his time.It is time to let him live the short time he has left as a free man .Enough with the hateful vindictive fury directed against him.Time for some humanity and compassion.
68. #61 You compare encarceration to not leaving country?
AB ,   TheRock   (04.10.12)
Where's your head? Besides, US & Israel are 'allies' Vanunu gave the info to enemies. Big difference there too.
69. Oh quit gnashing your teeth, BEN JABO
Cameron ,   USA   (04.10.12)
Pollard & the USS Liberty? Both a done deal. Obama correctly stepped on this Israeli fixation -- the matter is laid to rest. Now, back to more valid, pressing concerns like nukes & rockets, if you will.
70. The only explanation I have for this....
AB ,   TheRock   (04.10.12)
is that G-d needs to use antisemites like Obama to remind us that we are Jews and different. Because unfortunately, some of us try and forget that. It is a great privilege to be a Jew and to have been given the Torah, the shabbat etc. - without which we would have long ago disappeared. והיא שעמדה לאבותינו ולנו
71. Do you really think ANY president would pardon him...
mark   (04.10.12)
ESPECIALLY in an election year? Headlines would read "President Pardons Traitor Responsible for Countless Deaths."
72. U.S. CRUELTY to Pollard SHOCKED Even the Europeans
Linda Rivera ,   New York, USA   (04.10.12)
THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT RESOLUTION ON JONATHAN POLLARD September 16, 1993 The European Parliament, 1. noting that Jonathan Pollard, then of the US Navy, was convicted in 1985 of passing classified information to Israel concerning the military activities of Iraq, Syria and other Middle Eastern nations, 2. noting also that the information dealt with the chemical, biological and nuclear arms build- up in these countries and that Pollard considered he had a moral duty to warn Israel of the developing massive threat to its security and to the lives of its people, 3. whereas Pollard has expressed remorse for his action, 4. whereas Pollard, who was not accused of treason, or of intending to harm the US, pleaded guilty under a plea bargain, and was thus convicted and sentenced, without a full trial, to life imprisonment, despite the Government's promise not to seek such a penalty, 5. noting that the sentence imposed on Pollard was grossly disproportionate to those imposed on others by US courts for supplying information to a friendly power (normally from two to four years), 6. shocked that most of Pollard's eight years in prison should have been spent in solitary confinement and underground, 7. astonished that Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, described by one of his Under-Secretaries for Defense as having had 'an almost visceral dislike of Israel', should have sent a message to the trial judge, one hour before the sentencing hearing, asking for the stiffest possible sentence commensurate with Pollard's 'treasonous' (sic) behavior, 8. noting however that Mr. Weinberger stated recently that he thought it was time that Mr. Pollard should be released; aware that Christian and Jewish organizations throughout the world have pleaded for the harsh sentence of life imprisonment to be commuted and that Judge Steve Williams wrote, in a dissenting opinion to an appellate court finding, that 'the government's conduct in this case resulted in a 'complete miscarriage of justice', 1. Urges the US Administration to commute Pollard's sentence to one of time served and to release him immediately; 2. Calls on EPC to intercede with the US government with this end in view; 3. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, EPC and the Government of the United States. Voted almost unanimously on 16th September 1993. See Also: * Euro-Parliament Adopts British MEP's Motion Urging Pollard Release * U.S. City and State Resolutions * The Calls for Pollard's Release Page
73. Pollard plea for release
Ed Rukab ,   Jacksonville. U.S.   (04.10.12)
Well, Israel took plenty of time to release Vanunu and rearrested him and restricted his freedom.
74. Pollard's "SIN": He Permitted Israel to Act in its DEFENSE
Linda Rivera ,   New York, USA   (04.10.12)
September 26, 2001 Terror in the U.S. and the Jonathan Pollard case By Larry Dub, WorldNetDaily "... thanks to Jonathan Pollard, Israel was ready with gas masks and sealed rooms when Iraq attacked her during the Gulf War... The usual sentence for spying for an ally is 2-4 years... Indeed, the Government's own Victim Impact Statement (VIS), which was submitted to the court prior to sentencing indicated that Pollard's greatest "sin" was that by giving Israel vital security information which permitted the Jewish state to act in its own defense, he had made Israel "too strong" and thus angered America's "moderate" Arab allies..."
David ,   Shiloh Israel   (04.10.12)
If it's true that many US Jews encourage their government to keep Pollard locked up, to prove their own loyalty to the US, then they are more trapped then Pollard! Like it or not, Jews are also known as the Children of Israel. While they may have 'adopted' national parents, their 'core' alleigance must be directed towards Israel, if they care about their true identity. Pollard may be guilty of espionage against his adopted nation, but he is no traitor to himself. However, for any Jew not to care about a brother committed to the Children of Israel, is the real crime. Pollard is mainly guilty of bringing into question a Jew's inner identity, obviously that really hurts!
76. What does Shimon Peres Know?
Joe sombrero ,   USA   (04.10.12)
What did you expect from Peres in my opinion just theory sabotaged him being released. In my opinion and this is just a opinion just theory I think that Peres works for the US.  I never did trust Peres who was if i remember correctly Pollards handler. Read Barry Chamish and his theories on Peres and Rabin. Peres is in my opinion is more interested in his fame and in his medal  than he is about Pollard. He is too close to the Americans in my opinion. It makes you wonder if he is released what type of things Pollard might know about Peres. 
77. to #59 mike
Lila ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (04.10.12)
So the fact that a black Naval officer who spied for Saudi Arabia only got a dishonorable discharge and no jail time, and a man of Chinese descent who spied for China for 10 years, only got a three month jail sentence, while Pollard who spied for Israel and was charged with ONE COUNT of passing classified information to a non-enemy country got life in prison - that's equal justice? You are also a racist!
78. #21 you are an idiot, #26 you are correct
John Doe ,   New York   (04.10.12)
Did anyone read J. Pollard's biography? Judging byt he remarks many of you have made, extolling J. Pollard to te level of a hero, probably very few. While I sympathize with the cause and do agree that he has served longer than other spies, he was also a different kind of spy. While he may have regret over his past misdeeds and there may be a mitzvah of pidyon shevuyim, however, I feel the whole story from its inception until now is a huge chillul Hashem. Please read his biography and your attitude will assume a more neutral, rather than patriotic, tone. Could United States be hiding something behind closed curtains - it probably is - in fact - United States is not better than Soviet Union - I have lived in both so for me to know - it is only a facade. For those who oppose the release of J. Pollard - you are cruel. For those who extol J. Pollard to the level of a hero - you are ignorant. For those who vote for B. Obama - you are idiots.
79. #69 Cameron
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (04.10.12)
Hopefully after November, Obama will also be a "done deal", maybe as soon as June, when his prize "Obamacare" is consigned to its rightfull place in the trash heap There's room for you too!!
80. #71 mark - Headline should read
BEN JABO ,   ISRAEL   (04.10.12)
Pollard received the same treatment that the crew of the USS Liberty received, both free to go about their business USS Liberty spied on Israel, with the consent and connivance of USA Pollards spied on the USA, doing exactly what the USA did
81. #76 a wild theory
If you accuse Peres, you'd have to accuse Barak, and then explain why despite his corruption, record of failures and no popular support, is always is in a position of power. And then you might say that the NGOs are financed and run by the US to bypass Israeli democracy. Then, some people might be crazy enough to say that the US has infiltrated the IDF officer corps by getting Barak to appoint "the good guys" and giving their wives positions in the NGOs. Your theory is too wild to be believed.
82. #72 Rivera from New Dork
Rob ,   Orangevale, U.S.A.   (04.10.12)
Rivera; "U.S. CRUELTY to Pollard SHOCKED Even the Europeans!" No! Not that! Oh my! Even in New Dork, anybody with a brain knows that if the Europeans hate what we do with our spies, or anything else we do, it's obviously the right choice. Maybe you should move to Angola, and worry about something tangible. Perhaps you could visit Pollard in his cell. You are nothing to him, so I doubt he would even see you, unless you brought money for his commissary. I'm sure you would be thrilled by the experience. You are a foolish mouthpiece for Europe. Don't let the door hit you in your brain housing group on the way out. Cry me a river(a) Shalom Israel, Rob
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