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Obama: 'Never again' more than empty slogan
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 19.04.12, 23:40
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31. To: No. 7
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (04.20.12)
Mind telling me exactly what war the United States has ever fought for Israel, Idiotann? Americans have been dying for Moslems and Arabs left and right, and to pluck British and French chestnuts out of the fire, but thus far, no American has died for Israel (except, of course, American Jews) and certainly no American has ever died for the sake of the Jewish people. Your ignorance is really astonishing. Predictable, certainly, but astonishing nonetheless.
32. So today he says "Never Again" ....
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (04.20.12)
.... and tomorrow he will promptly go back to bullying Israel to withdraw to indefensible borders. Ah, hypocrisy, thy name is Hussein Obama! Hearing him utter those words, which have an instantaneous and immediate impact upon the Jewish people, made me physicaolly ill. How dare he?
33. Oh, the rhetoric...
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (04.20.12)
As nations, we must do everything we can to prevent and end atrocities in our time. That will be a great comfort to the Green Party in Iran and the people of Darfur. Obama will give Israel every bit as much as he gave them. Still, this should pick up a lot of votes.
34. All mouth !! yap yap yap
Adar ,   London,UK   (04.20.12)
Never again doesn't slogan doesn't mean anything to him. Shabat Shalom Israel Never again Never again Never again
35. Lt.Col Eisner lives by NEVER AGAIN!!
Trevor ,   Modiin Israel   (04.20.12)
And he got hauled accross the coals...that anti-semetic Norwegian got hit with the butt of a rifle...because an Israeli Soldier believes in NEVER AGAIN...How sad most of our leadership says it...but rather beleives in NEVER AGAIN ... ONLY IF WE DONT UPSET THE WORLD
36. Obama : Never again = Noodles : I'm converting to Islam.
Noodles ,   Coney Island   (04.20.12)
37. the world has proven that never again is just an empty sloga
zionist forever   (04.20.12)
The high and minded leaders of the western world have proven time and time again since the war that never again is just an empty slogan by picking and choosing what they are willing to get involved in. In the 70s when Pol Pot murdered over 4 million in Cambodia where were the western politicians and the huge military forces they commanded? Why is it that Saddam Hussain was allowed to gas thousands of Kurds in the 80s without any foreign intervention but in 1990 as soon as he invaded Kuwait and the oil fields were in danger the west formed the largest military coalition since WW2 to deal with a second rate military power? In Libya in 2011 Gaddafi murdered over 1000 civilians and the British & French who have got oil interests in Libya were just begging the UN to give them a mandate to carry out air strikes supposedly to protect the innocent Libyans. In the end they far exceeded their mandate and started to act as air cover for the rebels make sure a post Gaddafi regime appreciated their actions and kept the oil flowing after the war. Assad has been murdering his people for over a year now and nearly 10,000 deaths later what have the great moral politicians done? The EU banned Asma Assad from traveling and shopping in the EU in the hope she would tell her husband to stop as soon as she got a craving to go to the fashion shows and a few other lame sanctions. Obama who is supposedly leader of the free world, commands the worlds only superpower and runs the country that wants to be world policeman. He is in an election year so the last thing he wants is another military venture in a country which does not have any role to play in American political or economic interests. The civilians who call themselves humanitarians are all trying to fly into Israel to create anarchy because its very fashionable to support the palestinian cause which is nothing but a local territorial conflict and war on terror and Israel is not randomly killing palestinians. Assad is killig thousands just next door but Israel is the Middle East cause they all worry about. Its very fashionable to have Holocaust museums in the big American cities and for western politicians to say never again but when it comes down to it if it comes down to it and its either protecting their own political or economic interest v another Holocaust then the high minded politicians would protect their own interests first. Its also a case for Israel's continued existence as a strong Jewish state because if the Jews were the next group to be murdered & persecuted Israeli governments would send soldiers and not make speeches.
38. 7
zionist forever   (04.20.12)
Please tell me which wars America has fought for Israel? War of Independence ? Suez War ? Six Day War ? Yom Kippur War ? Lebanon 1 ? Lebanon 2 ? War on terror ? Oh yes how silly of me America has fought for Israel before remember those Israeli wars fought by America on its behalf like Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afghanistan, Iraqi Freedom. America does like fighting wars for Israel doesn't it?
39. Obama's empty electioneering slogans.
Chaim ,   Israel   (04.20.12)
With the latest revelations that Obama told the Russian administration to wait for major concessions till he bamboozled Americans into reelecting him; Obama should be toast. Any words Obama mouths about supporting Israel are empty electioneeriong slogans or lies.
40. #7. Edithann. You are an appalling person. TATA.
Chaim ,   Israel   (04.20.12)
#7 Edithann. Can't you at least get simple facts correct? America never fought an Israeli war. America has fought many times to protect Arab nations like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. You, Edithann, are an appalling person. TATA.
41. Deeds vs inspiring words
Syd Chaden ,   Palermo Calif USA   (04.20.12)
Obama says "never again". Panetta regrets that the world did not act to save 6 million Jews. But, those statements are made for observance of a specific day, and are not reflected in the deeds of the speakers. Obama has also said that Iran has not decided to build an atomic weapon, a position that the whole world knows is a bad joke. And, Panetta has criticized Israel for not being more friendly to the Muslim countries who would destroy it. Perhaps that was the problem with the Holocaust. Perhaps the Jews were not sufficiently friendly to the people who executed them. Obama wants to keep talking to Iran, because that enables him to delay having to take a truly meaningful stance regarding the Iranian nuclear program. And, it enables him to avoid having to respond to a conflict if Israel preemptively attacks Iran, because it delays such an attack. And, of course, it enables Iran to continue to progress with their nuclear weapon program. It is a much simpler matter to anguish over a Holocaust that has already occurred, than it is to face up to one that is in the offing, but has not yet happened. If one does happen, Obama and Panetta will not even have to write new speeches. They can simply repeat the speeches that they have already made.
42. #27 trail of blood
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (04.20.12)
When will the trail of blood end? Obama supported Ahmadinejad when he raped and murdered the Green Revolution as well as the Saudi troops who massacred innocent protesters in Bahrain. He collaborated with the Brotherhood to bring untold misery to the Egyptian people, and destroyed the most prosperous African country (Libya) so it will be ruled by JIhadists. He has upped the number of indiscriminate drone attacks on Afghanistan and Pakistan, killing hundreds (some say more) civilians. I don't know whether to be flattered that Israelis are at the forefront of trying to stop this trail of blood, or to be shocked that Americans might re-elect this butcher.
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