Jewish Scene
Rabbi Yosef: Treating gentiles violates Sabbath
Published: 17.05.12, 13:36
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111 Talkbacks for this article
31. To #23 dont have a moral place ..
Oleg   (05.17.12)
to stand on..we hear everyday crap like this coming from Arabs and Muslims ..and none of you speak up against the hate ..opposite--you support difference from you --this idiot Rabbi gets condemned ..and comments here prove that not for you to read us morals
32. to #24... if it stinks it stinks .
Oleg   (05.17.12)
as a Jew I care about technicalities in moral issues as I care about the weather on need to put any spins here...IT SIMPLY STINKS and if its a Jewish law from years ago--it should be shoved into the garbage bin of history..
Israeli 2   (05.17.12)
the talmud and then understand why the Rabbi said what he did. If you disagree with the Talmud which is based on the Torah and if you do not belief in the Torah, then by all means leave ISRAEL. Live somewhere else. Soon, BIBI will not be "king" anymore. The REAL king will instead appear. Know what goyims are. They are "angels" for starters.
34. Rabbi Yosef: treating gentiles violates Sabbath
Elsie. ,   Gush Halav   (05.17.12)
With all due repect, if this article was directed against the Jewish people, all H-ll would break lose, white ,black or blue, we are all the same,cut open and red blood comes out, we all have one heart ,etc etc,well you get the picture.
35. What does the Mishnah say?
michael redbourn ,   Arad Israel   (05.17.12)
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is quoting from the Mishah and not expressing his a personal opinion. The Gemara (Avoda Zara 26a) rules that a Jew may provide medical treatment to an idolater during the week (provided he is paid for his efforts) but not on Shabbat. The Gemara states that the gentile will understand that one may only violate Shabbat for the care of those who are required to observe it. This is also the ruling cited in the Tur and the Shulchan Aruch [22] as well as the Mishna Berura.[23] Many authorities (see the commentary on the Moznaim edition of Hilchot Avodat Kochavim) maintain that it is permitted to treat such people during the week. On the Sabbath, however, one may not perform forbidden labors on their behalf. (See the Mishnah Berurah 330:8, which speaks very critically about physicians who violate the Sabbath laws on behalf of gentiles.) According to these authorities, one would be allowed to treat these gentiles on the Sabbath provided that there was not any forbidden labor involved. Note, however, Rav Kapach, who quotes Yemenite manuscripts of the Mishneh Torah that state "gentile" instead of "idolatress." 46. According to the generally accepted interpretation of Avodah Zarah 26b, the intent is that the non-Jews will understand that the Sabbath is a sacred day for the Jews. Even when they see that the Sabbath laws are violated for the sake of saving a Jew's life, they will accept the rationalization that the Sabbath laws may be violated only on behalf of an individual who observes the Sabbath. Shulchan Aruch HaRav 330:2 and the Mishnah Berurah 330:8 mention that if a physician fears that ill-feeling will be generated by his refusal to care for gentiles, he may deliver their babies, provided that he does not perform labors that are forbidden by the Torah itself.
36. #24 - Incomlete facts
michael redbourn ,   Arad Israel   (05.17.12)
I'm glad that you pointed out that Yosef is quoting Mishnah and not expressing a personal opinion. The Gemara (Avoda Zara 26a) rules that a Jew may provide medical treatment to an idolater during the week (provided he is paid for his efforts) but not on Shabbat. The Gemara states that the gentile will understand that one may only violate Shabbat for the care of those who are required to observe it. This is also the ruling cited in the Tur and the Shulchan Aruch [22] as well as the Mishna Berura.[23] Many authorities (see the commentary on the Moznaim edition of Hilchot Avodat Kochavim) maintain that it is permitted to treat such people during the week. On the Sabbath, however, one may not perform forbidden labors on their behalf. (See the Mishnah Berurah 330:8, which speaks very critically about physicians who violate the Sabbath laws on behalf of gentiles.) According to these authorities, one would be allowed to treat these gentiles on the Sabbath provided that there was not any forbidden labor involved. Note, however, Rav Kapach, who quotes Yemenite manuscripts of the Mishneh Torah that state "gentile" instead of "idolatress." 46. According to the generally accepted interpretation of Avodah Zarah 26b, the intent is that the non-Jews will understand that the Sabbath is a sacred day for the Jews. Even when they see that the Sabbath laws are violated for the sake of saving a Jew's life, they will accept the rationalization that the Sabbath laws may be violated only on behalf of an individual who observes the Sabbath. Shulchan Aruch HaRav 330:2 and the Mishnah Berurah 330:8 mention that if a physician fears that ill-feeling will be generated by his refusal to care for gentiles, he may deliver their babies, provided that he does not perform labors that are forbidden by the Torah itself.
37. All these negative tbs
Ariel Ben Yochanan ,   Kfar Tapuah, Efraim   (05.17.12)
B"H - All these negative tbs on the subject only show how far Klal Israel removed itself from Torah: Not good. There is halacha (Jewish Law) in the world and it is clear by now that Zionism, that is the secular idea of running Israel according to the man-made laws of the nations - is wrong.
38. pakistani IMMAM like!
hot snow ,   tlv   (05.17.12)
39. 24 Susan Interesting post.Thank you.
ORA ,   JERUSALEM   (05.17.12)
40. YNET YEDIOT determind to destroy us
Incitement ,   Jerusalem Israel   (05.17.12)
THere was only one reaslon this article appeared simply blind hatred not only of Judaism but a death wish for Israel. Irresponsible articles like this are only inspired by blind self hate. How many jobs will be lost in tourism because of this article how many friends will we now lose ?
41. ''hold the scalpel together'' ... dude ...
AQ ,   Jerusalem   (05.17.12)
... are you serious?! Low accuracy and very risky! And what if you gotta do manual rectal examination ... you do it together too? OMG ... poor patient!
42. Does he ever think before he speaks?
Vlad   (05.17.12)
Does he understand that he's only feeding Anti-Semites around the world and putting diaspora Jews in more danger?
43. #9: Mr. David, you are very ignorant indeed.
Israeli 2   (05.17.12)
44. Saving a life on the Sabbath
RC ,   USA   (05.17.12)
Just as the Sanhedrin did not understand, some rabbis today still do not understand; By adding the weight of their tradition to the law of God, they bound "heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men's shoulders (Matthew 23:4), Mark 7:7, Matthew 12:6-14, John 7:23-24 and many more.
45. #24 you are only worsening the situation...
PO ,   Ramat Gan, IL   (05.17.12)
... if the Talmud says such a thing maybe the Talmud must be changed. BTW the Talmud is i NO WAY Divine Word, but interpretation of ha-shem will by humans. And humans can be deadly wrong. Rules are NOT important: what is important is HUMANITY. You stupid religious people understand only importance of observing rules, not the damage you made to Jewish people. You are dangerous like Imams, no more no less, or radical Christian people. You are with your ass so sticked in millions of rules that you forget the BIGGEST Torah teaching: "Love your neighbour like you love yourself". And Torah is ha-shem word!
46. Rabbi Josef
Max Friedman ,   Arlington USA   (05.18.12)
Is the rabbi auditioning for a role in "HMS Pinafore" or "Napoleon in Exile"?
47. It would be evil not to treat gentiles on the Sabbath.
Re False Teaching ,   Abroad   (05.18.12)
It would be evil not to treat gentiles and only Jews who are in need of medical treatment on the Sabbath. So there's no need to invent ridiculous means of "getting around" wrong prohibitions. Forbidding treating gentiles on the Sabbath is not true Jewish teaching - seems from this article the Mishnah Berurah contains some opinions and interpretation of Jewish Scripture but departs from Jewish Scripture because the Jewish Bible, (Leviticus, Chapter 19, verse 34), clearly teaches the opposite: "You shall treat the alien who resides with you no differently than the natives born among you. Have the same love for the alien as for yourself". People who approve of allowing repugnant false teaching are probably atheist leftists who expect it to turn people off religion.
48. False versions of Torah
Theopolitical ,   Abroad   (05.18.12)
It would be evil not to treat gentiles and only Jews who are in need of medical treatment on the Sabbath. So there’s no need to invent ridiculous means of “getting around” wrong teaching. Forbidding treating gentiles on the Sabbath is not true Jewish Torah. It seems from the article, the Mishnah Berurah contains some opinions and interpretation of Jewish Scripture that contradicts Jewish Scripture because the Jewish Bible, (Leviticus, Chapter 19,verse 34), clearly teaches the opposite: "You shall treat the alien who resides with you no differently than those born among you. Have the same love for the alien as for yourself". People who allow repugnant false teaching are probably atheist leftists who expect it to turn people off religion.
49. Talmud :You feed the Jewish poor and
J.K. ,   Brooklyn USA   (05.18.12)
gentile poor alike,the same applies in the medical field too,how did the Rambam handle this issue,while being the Doctor of the caliph in Egypt ?.isn't Baba ovadia familiar with the term;Halacha he veein morin kach?.
50. David H. MD # 9
Leah ,   Seattle, USA   (05.18.12)
51. Orthodox MD #15
Leah ,   Seattle, USA   (05.18.12)
Bravo! I am a Jew first which means I do not stand by the suffering of anyone.
52. #44
Leah ,   Seattle, USA   (05.18.12)
Jewish law is not subject to Christian doctrine. Please.
53. Treatment of injured on Sabbath
Ernest Fields ,   USA   (05.18.12)
Reasoning such as this is why the Leaders of the Jews were forcibly removed from Israel by G-D in 70 AD and is why you were sold as slaves and treated as you were for 2000 years. A most unholy form of reasoning.It is also a black mark against your nation. G-D will not allow this reasoning to continue.
54. Looks like the Pharisees & Sadducees are alive and well!
Taz Man ,   USA   (05.18.12)
God doesn't want your sacrifices or your perverted rules; He wants a circumcised heart that loves Him unconditionally and without false pretenses. It is better to serve than to be served! God bless, Israel and His Jerusalem! A Christian Zionist
55. Jesus preached against his type of religious leader!
Jake Stone ,   USA   (05.18.12)
God is only moved by faith, Holy Spirit-filled prayer and a circumcised heart!
56. #6, you are lying
Ferd ,   Tzfat, Israel   (05.18.12)
The gemara says the exact opposite of your claim. It says that it is FORBIDDEN to break shabbat to save a gentile. And so does every single rishon and acharon. So don't make up a story that R Yosef is contradicting a gemara. He knows the gemara and you evidently don't.
57. #1, how is he "in violation of judaism"?
Ferd ,   Tzfat, Israel   (05.18.12)
How can it be "in violation of judaism" to say exactly what the Shulchan Aruch says?
58. #19 is another liar
Ferd ,   Tzfat, Israel   (05.18.12)
The Rambam "allowed medical care on Shabbat for Jew and Gentile"?! I challenge you to cite this Rambam. You can't, because he says the exact opposite.
59. #45, Judaism is defined by the Talmud
Ferd ,   Tzfat, Israel   (05.18.12)
The Talmud and every single authority on Jewish law, right up to the 19th century, were unanimous on this. If you reject them you reject Judaism entirely. It isn't possible to have a Judaism without them.
60. Making Judaism Ugly!
Yakov ,   Tel Aviv   (05.18.12)
As a Physician, for over a quarter of a century, I am shocked, dismayed and saddened, by this statement. Having read the talkbacks, I reject all that rationalize this garbage by Halachic law. To excuse barbarism (ignoring the ill), as a result of a Halachic technicality, is unforgivable. What the Rabbi is saying, is that a technicality supersedes life. We celebrate and keep Shabbat, to honor and respect God's work. Refusing to care, for God's own creation, is unforgivable. This is bad leadership, anti-Jewish, and damaging to the religion and Israel!
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