What about the Arabs?
Yitzhak Tesler
Published: 16.05.12, 10:53
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44 Talkbacks for this article
1. London is right the harideem are biggest threat to Israel
Haim ,   TA   (05.16.12)
They are milking this country dry, while contributing nothing. About time these lazy parasites got off their holy backsides , did a honest days work and serve in the IDF and stop inflickinting their fanatical life style on secular people, Yaron London is 100% correct and has the courage to say what a lot of people think despite the violent threats made by the charideem. Seperate state from religion.
2. well, Mr Tesler....
Bluegrass Pciker ,   Afula   (05.16.12)
Mr London may be ojectivel right or wrong..... but he's only repeating sentiments that a LARGE PLURALITY of Israelis think are true. And you know, sometimes when we see smoke, it's because there ACTUALLY IS a fire. So maybe a risk-averse hareidi would think about how he can clean up his own community's act, before the Magav does it....
3. Bingo: If Londron wrote about Arabs the same way
Ilan   (05.16.12)
He would be charged with racial incitement. Not that Arabs are any more or less of a race than Hareidim, but because the Law is an ass, and there is a loop hole when the minority in question is one you can legitimately incite against.
4. Weak reply
Sherlock Holmes ,   London England   (05.16.12)
As a Haredi writer I am disappointed that there isn't a better and fuller response. Why compare employment among Haredi men with Arab women? Either compare men to men or women to women. Why try to transfer hatred to Israeli Arabs, who accept the State of Israel? Every point London makes applies only to the extreme fringe of Haredi society and can be refuted, although Tesler has not done so.
5. Great Response !
JM ,   Israel   (05.16.12)
6. No logic
Observer ,   Israel.   (05.16.12)
You say that 42% of haredi men work whereas only 20 % of Arab women work Surely you should at least be comparing the figure for haredi men and Arab men that work.
V.N.   (05.16.12)
Who's calling for the murder of who? Yaron London is calling for the murder of hareidim! Yaron's FINAL SOLUTION: the "shrinking of their society" This was how Hitler started off. This must be absolutely clear, please!!! I don't think we should criticize people who want to avoid the rising of a second Hitler. Yaron London must most definately be stopped.
8. Murder among secular takes place at alarming rate
except they call it abortion!
9. just now read the Yair London article
tiki ,   belgium   (05.16.12)
Conclusion: He would have a been a good tool in Josef Goebbels propaganda machine. What a shamefull piece of garbage. He should be fired & brought to justice for these comments. These leftist journalists/commentators think they can allow themselves everything (in the name of 'free speech). It's absolutely discusting!
10. Herr
Mihai-Robert Soran ,   EU   (05.16.12)
get any other financial, social, economic or political subventions from the state as others who aren't haredim, in the same situation. No exceptions and no exemptions for this very much asocial community. That's all.
11. The Hareidim are a blessing for Israel.
Reuven   (05.16.12)
They have many children. More Jews!
12. Racist Y London would not have the guts to write about Arabs
Anna   (05.16.12)
like he wrote about haredim. He'd have to hide for life. Shame on this self-hating Jewish racist and shame on Ynet for posting his disgusting article.
13. & He has a his own nitely "hate" TV Prgrm
MediaHatePrograms ,   Jerusalem Israel   (05.16.12)
London has for years along with an even worse of his ilk Motty Kirshenbaum had their own nightly hate everything Jewish program for years at the expensive of the Israeli taxpayer and no one dares to challenge their racism. To those challenging the statitsics most Haredi Women do work , The more you hate all things Jewish Haredim religious Jews Settlers tradition you will be made into an Israeli media star ala Lapid London & Kirshebbaum to name but a few.
14. Who is the self-hater here, Anna?
Lions of Zion ,   Do Not Slumber   (05.16.12)
#12 Self-hating? To me a self-hater would be someone that is not prepared to defend his brothers and sisters in these dire times. A self-hater would be someone that attacks Jewish schoolgirls and Jewish women on buses. A self-hater would be someone that spat on the soil that so generously feeds and nourish him; the great Zionist state of Israel. That is a self-hater Anna. So no, shame on you and all dodgers and freeloaders whether they be Haredim, Arab or Christian or atheist etc.
15. true only if they serve and work
mary ,   israel   (05.16.12)
16. A Man of Many Masks
Joe ,   Israel   (05.16.12)
London has another forum-Channel 10, where his masks slip and we can catch a glimpse of the real London.Basically, he has a deeply rooted antipathy towards religion.His attitude towards modern orthodoxy is at best tolerant and although small in stature, he is an intellectual bully posing as the spokesman for the silent majority.
17. 9
J.Gedalov ,   israel   (05.16.12)
Reply to your comment:" These leftist journalists/commentators think they can allow themselves everything"... yes, they are allow by social and civil liberties laws.
18. #1 is that so?
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (05.16.12)
Please, be a little bit clearer. Since Haredim are the biggest threat, do you support what Mohamed Merah did to the "lazy parasite" Haredim Yonatan, Aryeh, Gavriel and Miriam? I mean, Merah didn't just talk, he come up with a way to eliminate what you see as a threat.
19. Not a very convincing argument . . .
Shalom Hartman   (05.16.12)
Hareidim shouldn't be compared to arabs. There are far more convincing arguments.
20. @1 & 2 you did not address the question asked.
rebecca ,   Modiin   (05.16.12)
Like any politician you both went off at a tangent to make your own point, ignoring the question in this article.Why is it ok to discriminate against Haradim but not Arabs, on the same grounds?
21. Not to derail the subject...
Gabriel ,   Leiden, Netherlands   (05.16.12)
But the Arabs even object to national service within their own sector??? In other words: 'We can't be bothered to look after our own in even the most basic way possible, for only a couple of years of our lives, at least not if we can summon up enough public (and global) outrage to let those rotten Jews do it for us. At their own costs of course'. Sometimes, just sometimes, there is just no apt description for the moral degeneracy seen in some sectors of society. Guess which sectors..... Why some people are systematically lacking in sense of empathy or loving care, but so driven to excel in naked savagery will probably forever be beyond me, but thankfully I do not really regard this as a handicap.
22. Lions #14 Just because
ME   (05.16.12)
It's not sensational and not news for ynet to report the almost-daily spitting and other attacks on haredi children by secular or arabs. Start reading real news to get true facts instead of mimicking some one time issue that happened who knows how long ago.
23. Haredim and disloyal Arabs
Alex   (05.16.12)
Hardcore Haredim and disloyal (to the State of Israel) Arabs are no better than eachother. Israel needs to force all of its citizens to a pledge of loyalty to a secular Jewish democracy. All who refuses should be stripped of their citizenships, no matter if they're Haredi or Arab.
24. Question
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.16.12)
Would I be guilty of a crime were I to place a $100,000 bounty on Mr. London's head? I mean -- really -- if he is such a big fan of Islamofascist terrorism and their ersatz "Palestinian" cronies, he should be thrilled, right? I can tack on an additional zero, if need, be, should anyone be interest. Two zeroes, in fact. Well, Mr. London can now play in the yard of the people he supports. Let's see how much he likes it.
25. Yikes! Racists to the right. Racists to the left!
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (05.16.12)
Somebody should lock Tesler and London in the same room. Fighting racist crap with more racist crap? Ynet should have passed on both op-eds, which were both poorly written, poorly argued, and clearly racist. Tesler should know that although they make up 20% of the population, they do NOT get 20% of the taxes in this country. Tesler should see if they actually get back 100% of the taxes they pay. I doubt it. Read my lips. I'm a "settler" from the territories, and yes, Israel has a huge discrimination problem. The haredim and the Arabs also have their own problems of not being integrated, and that's another part of the problem. Hey Ynet...want me to write an op-ed about it?
26. Actually........
Mike Carmel ,   Rishon le Zion   (05.16.12)
......there could be some benefit to Israel if the haredim continue not to recognize the state and agree not to vote in the elections. That way they won't achieve parliamentary power appropriate to their demographic.
27. # 20
Observer ,   Rangoon, Burma.   (05.16.12)
If you dont know the answer to your question then all the explanations in the world wont help one iota
28. Shut already up, all of you defenders of things religious!
tom ,   tel aviv   (05.16.12)
Where is my right to a civil wedding?! Where is my right to a civil burial?! Where is my right to public transport 24-7?! This is supposedly a free, democratic AND enlightened society. No , it is not the likes of London, that "hate" religion, it is the religion's hate of anything/everyone different that prompts us, to finally shout out loud: Enough with your blackmail & humbug! Stay in the 7-th or 2-nd Century for all I care, but let the remaining majority thrive as we deem right. All you can do is post signs by enrances to Mea Shearim/Bnei Brak: "Do not feed the locals" - that's in case I'll ever want to do anthropological studies PS. comparing to Arabs or Innuits makes no sense: just like small kids pointing out: "Mommy, Yossi stole apples as well"- so what?!
Jerry ,   The Netherlands   (05.16.12)
30. Replace "Haredi" with "Jew" and you have Der Sturmer.
Chaim ,   Israel   (05.16.12)
The author makes some good points. London's despicable column easily meets the definition of hate literature. Replace "Haredi" with the word "Jew" and you have a standard Der Sturmer article.
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