'Rioters crossed every possible red line'
Eli Senyor
Published: 24.06.12, 13:49
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53 Talkbacks for this article
31. #27
Madeleine ,   Rehovot Israel   (06.24.12)
So who smashed windows of banks and shops? doubt it was the police. You expect the police to just stand there while they're being spat on and haave any number of objects thrown at them? they are just as human as the next person. The trouble with the social justice movement, or at least their leaders, is that they expect change to happen overnight. They should grow up and look reality in the face.
32. Ms Leef is a Puppet
Rozie   (06.24.12)
She is being paid off by the NGOs of George Soros and she is getting support from disgusting advisors from the US and Europe. She is a disgrace to humanity. These protesters should be arrested and harsh sentences should be imposed upon them. The advisors from outside of israel want to destablize Israel.
33. #27 Woody
Yossi ,   Rehovot   (06.24.12)
Just try to burn tires, just try... We the people of Israel will not let you send this country down the drain. And by the way, I have seen that your "spontaneous" riot was well advertised in Facedbook and other media. So cut the C**P, STOP BARBARY and OBEY THE LAWS
34. Thank you for telling the truth, ynet!
Jael Zebulun ,   Mobile, AL USA   (06.24.12)
These violent protests are the best friend Hamas has. It would be a foolish military mistake to allow riots within whilst Israel is attacked with rockets from without. Thank Adonai, Israel is no fool! Here in the states, about 1/4 of the protesters wore traditional muslim garb, though the 'poster children' were all Americans. No matter who is out front, no matter what they are saying--pay attention ONLY to their actions, not their verbage. Since they staged this to go at the same time as the rockets, they are working very hard against Israel. The best option from a military standpoint would be to revoke citizenship and expell them from the country as an example. This is how you love Israel, and protect her at any and all cost!!
35. honey,
someone ,   TA   (06.24.12)
you live in the USA, don't you? how lucky you are...
36. WAKE UP!
AMERICAN HINDU ,   USA   (06.24.12)
The Muslim Brotherhood is beating war drums next door and your citizens are busy smashing bank fonts? Wake up. Let the police do their other tasks like fighting crime instead of tying them up controlling demonstrations!
37. Ms Leef, where is your handler? He'll bail you out.
Harry Wright ,   UK   (06.24.12)
He is a phone call away and is a billionaire. Your bail is petty cash to him. You'll get a penthouse apartment as soon as you deliver Israel on a platter.
38. daffy leef has no right to protest!
jason white ,   afula,israel   (06.24.12)
She did not do her I.D.F. and is not a citizen that defended her country. She attacks Israel instead. The government should find out who is financing these protests.
39. @38 she's an epileptic & got a medical release from IDF
She couldn't serve because the IDF doesn't draft epileptics. True, True she could have done National Service but she didn't But your comment is way beyond the pail...and actually not relevant. Stay on point.
40. Why were most of them released?
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (06.24.12)
They lock up 15 year old kids for handing out flyers and keep them until all proceedings are completed without any bail, yet a vast majority of violent leftists are let go, I have to wonder why.
41. Connected to Parshat Korach
BB ,   Stroudsburg, USA   (06.24.12)
The Torah reading this week is Korach, someone who had some good points but went about advocating them in the wrong way, challenging authority and causing dissension and attacking the leadership. The earth opened up and swallowed them. Their screams were heard even as the ground sealed up above them. Beware the ego run amok.
42. Bal Tashchit
BB ,   Stroudsburg   (06.24.12)
Bal Tashchit is a basic tenet of Judaism. Obviously their Israeli secular education left them stripped of any working knowledge of their spiritual heritage. Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof is the call for social justice, but Tzedek is written twice to teach that justice must be achieved only through just means, or else your goal is negated by your actions.
43. @40 4 the same reason the right wingers r released
44. Protests in Tel Aviv
Not Surprised ,   USA   (06.24.12)
I really don't see what the big tsimmis is about. Israelis know that in a democratic country, they are free to demonstrate, and that they have greater rights demonstrating in Tel Aviv, than they would have in Cairo, or Damascus. Whereas the demonstrations may have gotten out of hand, I was impressed with the restraint shown by the police. In Chicago, in 1968, at the Democratic National Convention, the cops at that time, were much more brutal.
45. January 2013 prediction
Rachamim ,   Miami, usa   (06.25.12)
Well said. The USAF will join with IAF in disarming Iran, Syria, and assorted jihadist thugs under the leadership of Pres. Romney.
46. Shame on them all, where are their parents???
Vicky ,   Ashkelon Israel   (06.25.12)
For teaching their children that it is alright to act in such a barbaric way? Is that why we send them to University, to learn how to ignore their roots? To become robotic communists. Do they think they would be able to hold protests under such a regime? Why did their parents leave and come to Israel. Someone please explain to me what possible motive is there in destruction?
47. #5 - we're happy to send her to you
William ,   Israel   (06.25.12)
Will you be picking her up yourself or want her shipped to Hebron COD?
48. #6 - "big collasal govt doing what the hell it wants"
William ,   Israel   (06.25.12)
You mean the way the Left did when they had a tight grip on power? There is a reason why the Left lost their mandate from the Israeli public. These protests seem more like a way to sneak the Left back into power while circumventing elections which they can't seem to win these days. Even Mofaz from Kadima joined the coalition readily. Your side will cite that he is a traitor or was bribed, which really shows that these protests are an "anti-Bibi" protest rather than a socio-economic one. The Left in the US did the same thing for 7 years with grassroots uber-Leftist groups and depicting Bush as the biggest evil the world has ever known, even more so than Hitler.
49. #8 - the French admit they went overboard
William ,   Israel   (06.25.12)
and it took decades until the black mark of that power-hungry group which led the revolution was overcome. Coincidentally, the person who led the French Revolution himself was arrested and killed.
50. #9 - how is the Right in Ulpana destroying Israel?
William ,   Israel   (06.25.12)
and by what measurement can you claim they are extreme right-wing? Your ilk decry settlers as violent and racist, when 97% of them are not involved in any violence whatsoever and have relations with their Arab neighbors (though not publicized because its not interested), though they sit on land which was ethnically cleansed and stolen from Jews in 1949 - a war crime. You claim anyone who supports the reclamation of such land to be "extreme right-wingers". My question to you is - what in your mind is a moderate right-winger? I believe you would consider ALL those opposed to Leftist policies to be "extreme right-wingers".
51. #15 - are you suggesting that Israel did the same thing?
William ,   Israel   (06.25.12)
Hard to compare Israel, a country ruled by law, with Greece where the majority do NOT pay their taxes and the corruption within govt and business is so endemic that many in the EU were resistant against giving them membership in the first place. Usually, those who are first to accuse others of an unsubstantiated crime are mostly likely to do it themselves, eh Gregg.
52. #21 - Despite the Trachtenberg Committee
William ,   Israel   (06.25.12)
The Daphna Leef-led group of protesters never agreed to ANYTHING in the report, so why would the govt implement any part of it? The protesters said they would accept nothing less than 100% of their demands implemented - which is retarded from any perspective you look at it. Then they tried to become a political party which was a failure because they proved they had no idea what they really wanted nor a way to get there. Leef's party was nothing more than a group of people with their fists in the air making demands. I wonder - why do you feel entitled to live in a neighborhood where apartments are 1 million NIS? I can't on my salary but I don't make demands to the govt nor construction companies that I deserve it. I live where I can afford and I work to earn more. Again, it sounds like these protests are about lazy, ignorant kids who have a sense of entitlement they don't deserve. How about free child care until age 5? Again - a nice idea but who will pay for it. Oh, sure, let's heavily tax ALL of the wealthy people and give the money to poorer people because they had the sense and ability to work hard and succeed while YOU do not. Sure. that's fair. And while we're at it, let's give everyone cancer because it's unfair that those who are healthy have a decent life while those with cancer do not. and let's shave everyone's hair off next. No reason I should have a receding hairline while others have a nice full head of hair. While changes can be made in society, THIS is not the way to make them. It will not be instantaneous but will take a concerted effort, over 20 or more years, as most internal changes take. If you have a crappy job I suggest you find ways to get a better one. Everyone does that. You just don't want to work for it - and that sucks for you.
53. rioters
raqq ,   Philippibes   (06.28.12)
leftist demagogues..
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