Yishai: Drafting haredim 'incest, idolatry'
Moran Azulay
Published: 25.06.12, 14:14
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31. Minister Mr. Yishai, with all due respect
incest survivor ,   Israel   (06.25.12)
Sir, it has been a very long time since I have read anything so insensitve, inconsiderate and well Sir...just plain nasty! Clearly you have the good fortune of NEVER having met an incest survivor (yes we exist and yes I am Jewish and Israeli)...because if you had met one of us, I am sure that you would NEVER EVER make such an insensitive and painful set of statements. Serving in the IDF is an honor and privilege Surviving incest is a life long and very painful trauma. I am mightly offended that you would make such a comparison. Sir, please apologize and then please stand down from your disgusting position. Respectfully, An Incest Survivor
32. yishai speaks for the minority of haredi
zionist forever   (06.25.12)
For decades now the haredi have been given the OPTION to serve or not and naturally alot of them have chosen not to serve. Why should they give up three years of their lives so they can go into the army when they could be doing other things, a large percentage of seculars would also chose not to serve if they were given the option. Whilst they may not want to if the law is changed and the haredi are no longer given an option and have to serve then the vast majority would do so without fighting against it. Right now Yishai is speaking for the radical minority who think its insulting to even ask them to serve. These radicals are some of the core Shas voters so like any other politician Yishai has to keep the people who vote for him happy otherwise he risks them voting for somebody else next election.
33. get rid of this parasite.
ralph   (06.25.12)
34. Yishai says it simple & clear for EVERYONE to understand
He brought out the true facts that everyone knows. Even YNet admits that the IDF is filthy with the sin of giluy arayot (immorality): 1) Just the other day, ynet "proudly" posted articles of gay filth in the army 2) many men live with a niddah or 3) even worse with an eishet ish, with women who are not their wives. How can haredim join such an immoral army?
35. @8 the illiterate one is you!
Pinny go get a dictionary and learn Hebrew. and while you are looking up words, also get yourself a self help book which will teach you to be polite and courteous especially when you are being stupid! Go eat crow!
36. Eli Yishai
Ethan Schwartz ,   Eilat, Israel   (06.25.12)
Eli Yishai is an Abomination, an oriental Jew educated in segregated yeshivote of the Askanazim. He has lost his past and has no pride and no future. It is really very sad. It is a disaster for the Jewish people to have leaders who have no pride or knowledge of a past.
37. Cut their free loading and watch them flock to jobs and serv
mea   (06.25.12)
In no other "democracy" --and I use the word lightly when referring to Israel which overall fails at democracy --does a single sector enjoy living like parasites off the rest of the population. That set of circumstances is usually reserved for the retarded or informed. The religious are now like a flea bed of inactivity and lacking any contribution other than voting for continued subsidies. That Israelis allow the state to use their tax money to provide for men to study is absolutely contrary to everything I have observed about the Israelis. It amazes me that in no other bargaining do the Israelis concede anything but here they allow their teats to be suckled by adults. weird, truly weird.
38. Charedi Service
Ralph ,   Rishon le Zion   (06.25.12)
Following on the recent Report on the Carmel Fire, and the present discussions on a replacement for Tal Law. How about incorporating them into the Fire Service, having them learn to be fire fighters. This way they will earn the money they and their yeshivot are getting from the State at the moment, and once they are trained and in the staions, they'll be able to spend the times between call-outs in studying. Thus they will be able to carry out two mitzcahs at the same time, pikuach nefesh and limud torah.
39. Wrong translation!
Look at it   (06.25.12)
Incest is a wrong translation! עבודה זרה, גילוי עריות, ושפיכת דמים Translation is "idol worship, illicit sexual (instead of incest) relations, and bloodshed". It is a well know phrase and there's no another meaning! Actually I could have never imagined of such an ignorance of reporters/translators: they write about Judaism not being able to understand one of most central phrase.
40. Feed a group with a golden spoon, they'll enrage when taken
Avi   (06.25.12)
Give a group everything they wanted. Extra rights, free money in the hundreds of millions both as welfare and finances for their establishments. Give them houses and treat them as superior to everyone else, which sits well with their original ideology, and give them zero responsibilities to replay the state. Eventually when some of those extra rights are taken, or responsibilities are demanded, they'll enrage too and become violent. Give an uneducated person a castle and say he's better than you every day for 60 years. Then if you suddenly ask him to take out the garbage once in a while, he'll go violent and enrage. He's used to the good life and think he's above such work. It's our fault for spoiling that religious community. They should have been made equal from the start.
41. #10 shows how dangerously spoiled we made the Haredim
Avi   (06.25.12)
It's exactly that dogma that threatens our security. It's incredible he's not even alone with this line of thinking, but they will justify it to maintain their unacceptable quality of life. This is our fault. They must realize the sugar daddy years are over. They are equal to everyone else, and deserve only what they work for. God will not help those who don't help themselves. All achievements were made by men taking action. We must educate #10 by force, make him serve, and then find a job.
42. @34 giluy arayot = incest NOT immorality
Jew with Cojones ,   Israel   (06.25.12)
so that's one strike against don't know Hebrew well enough. Secondly, Don't you dare call any soldier of the IDF Filth! A soldier's sexual preference is his or her choice and IS NOT any of your business. Thirdly, how do you know who is in a state of niddah and who isn't? Fourthly, Are you talking about King David and Bathsheva's relationship when you write Eshet Ish? By the way an Eshet Ish = a married woman NOT a woman who is not their wife ... which returns us to the first point you don't know Hebrew well enough to avoid being sold into slavery and you have no idea about Jewish religious concepts. And one more thing ... Every single soldier of the State of Israel's Defense Force is an honorable and noble person for they are the Right Hand of G-d! The IDF is the defense of the State. Respect it! And to the soldiers of the State: Kol HaKavod L'Tzahal!
43. Ynet the comment at 34 slanders the IDF please remove it!
the keepers ,   Jerusalem Zoo   (06.25.12)
44. Leeches and lechers
Daniel ,   Tel Aviv   (06.25.12)
No military service for Haredim but no state financial support either. How many times has YNET reported on Haredim doing deplorable acts? Attacking soldiers attacking police attacking children molesting people assaulting people domestic abuse the list goes on and on. Why we are funding this group is beyond my ken. Who wants them in the military? Lechers at home and Leeches on society Haredim demand more rights and privaleges than anyone else in the country that they don't wish to defend. cut their funding unless they serve. Better still force them to serve in integrated units. Maybe we can learn from each other how to be better people.
45. Yishai belongs to a RELIGIOUS party
Keren ,   IL-BR   (06.25.12)
What does that mean? That means that he is in power to preserve Torah,otherwise ,there is no reason him to be there. I challenge Yishai to PUBLICLY point out WHERE in Torah is written that these yeshiva men are isempt of fighting.WHERE? If he fails,he should be IMPEACHED from Knesset because he is making a mokery of Judaism.A MOCKERY!
46. #34 Haredim are not purer than the rest of Jews!
Keren ,   IL-BR   (06.25.12)
Not at all! Many times the opposite is true. If they were pure,they would defend the precept of Ahavat Israel and be at the side of all Jews. They would not care about many things in order to spread Torah among all Jews and be at their side. The Haredim who defend Yishai are bad,repulsive Jews.A true Jew does not use their fellow men to better themselves. This is awfull! Feh!Fui!
47. the middle of a firefight
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (06.25.12)
with bullets flying....bombs exploding...and limbs being blown off. These guys would have their books out studying. I'm so sure!
48. All the folks attempting to soften this need to go look at:
Jew ,   JewLandia   (06.25.12)
the Talmud Mashechet Yoma IN HEBREW... but even a good translation will do. Fellow TBers immorality is a general category and IS NOT the correct translation of Giluy Arayot. Plain and simple Giluy Arayot is the specific and forbidden sin of incest!
stude ham   (06.25.12)
and yishai and shas have to be removed from all public office.
50. draft the arabs?
avi ,   nyc   (06.25.12)
51. #10 Blasphemy
Raphael ,   Netanya   (06.25.12)
Do you really believe that prayers, study of torah, and following the mitsvoth protected the jewish people from the cossacks and the SS? We would have suffered the same fate at hands of the Arabs if we had relied upon haredim to fight. Or do you mean Kadosh Barehu is a loser, as he did not protect his people?
52. 7
zionist forever   (06.25.12)
For decades haredi have had the LEGAL OPTION to serve or not to serve and naturally many have chosen not to serve. If they were given the option how many seculars would make the same choice, nobody wants to give up three years of their lives but the difference is the haredi were given the option whilst seculars were not. Successive governments have just chosen not to try change the law so its not the fault of the haredi. The majority of haredi who currently chose not to serve were told you got to do it then whilst they may not be happy about the law being changed they would agree to serve without putting up a fight. The people Yishai is sticking up for here are the radical minority and the reason is they are some of the core Shas voters. Its also a fact that a very large percentage of the haredi population have jobs and do not rely on any kind of state support. The ones that don't your not going to change things overnight, its going to take encouragement from the government not condemnation from the secular community because you try and turn them into criminals they will only side with the radical minority. Time for the secular elite to stop treating the haredi like criminals because its their country as well and they are entitled to their own culture and if you want REASONABLE changes like the Tal Law etc thats going to involve treating the haredi like adults not criminals. Its also a fact some of the seculars just hate the haredi because they are haredi, they wear funny clothes, they want to spend their whole time studying Torah and they are not politically correct. Neither side is 100% innocent here and both are creating the friction which is an obstacle to change
53. Yishai and Ashkenazim
Jassi ,   New Delhi, India   (06.25.12)
Just wondering how much of an influence do Arab Jews like Yishai and the guy with the jazzy glasses, Rabbi Ovadia have with the Ashkenazim. My sense is, very little. This is of course the view of an outsider and not a native Israeli
54. #27
Enoch ,   Toronto   (06.25.12)
Most Rabbis are ignorant fools. They have no education beyond a Torah and Talmud. Reading the same books again and again doesn’t make you a “man of god” (whatever that means). Anyone that follows their ridiculous rulings is a double fool. Most of what rabbis want you to practice is just a mechanism to isolate and control you. This is the 21st century, and by now all of their hokus pokus and other black magic should be ridiculed rather than followed
55. Time for divorce from the pious lunatics.There's no way they
tom ,   tel aviv   (06.25.12)
can integrate into our society and keep their repulsive set of beliefs and frankly: they shouldn't have to. Annex Judea& Samaria (right thing to do anyway) and resettle all followers of the Imaginary Friend there. The catch: they'll have to defend it from the Arab usurpers themselves. Could it be done? Maybe...???
56. @42 thank u & Kol HaKavod L'Tzahal! (no exceptions)
57. Rambam didn't study all day
Ari Ben Canaan   (06.25.12)
This is so ridiculous. The Rambam didn't sit around and study all day at the hands of a social welfare service -- he was a full time doctor for G-d's sake and he is one of our greatest sages. Also, the Hasidic in Brooklyn all have regular jobs and still manage to study torah (many are lawyers and doctors). And finally, what's wrong with the hesdar program? That compromise isn't good enough for yishai? If the haredim won't act like Zionist, they shouldn't have a huge say in political and state affairs.
58. THANK YOU YISHAI for saying it out right
and THANK YOU Ynet for publishing it for all to see the truth of the the IDF army
59. @50 go read the draft law of Israel...
Israeli ,   Israel   (06.25.12)
then you will learn and understand and even get an answer to your question!
60. this guy belongs in a mental asylum
chaim.s 54st ,   brooklyn ny   (06.25.12)
this guy belongs in a mental asylum for the criminally insane, and by the way i am chareidi myself
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