Palestinian insolence
Noah Klieger
Published: 29.07.12, 10:18
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31. #1, #3, #5, #6, #23 (especially #23)
solomon ,   bklyn   (07.29.12)
With apologies to others, I will copy from previous posts of mine and others: The Israeli athletes were killed at the Olympics. It’s a venue that should be separate from politics but isn't. What would have happened if (G-d forbid) American athletes were killed? Would the IOC have a moment of silence (at least)? You betcha! 1. 9/11 was given a moment of silence at the Winter Olympics in 2002. 2. The Bosnians were given a moment of silence at the opening ceremony of an Olympics in the 90s. 3. A few years ago, there was a memorial silence at the Olympics for a competitor who had died in an accident. It was felt that the death of a single Olympian was a matter for grief by all those assembled, sportsmen and women and the general public. These are precedences which you can’t ignore (although you try). And the Munich massacre is one of the only two events that are even connected to the Olympics. This principle applies even more to the commemoration of the terrorist murders of the Israelis at Munich; murders by the very people that congratulate the IOC for not having sixty seconds (!) of silence. It is not a case of thrusting Israel on the rest of the world. Once everyone agrees to participate in games that are supposed bring people of all nations together, that sense of internationality prevails. Israel deserves decent treatment in such a gathering, just as much as any other nation. We want one minute to ponder the biggest and most tragic example of when the "Olympic Spirit" was completely destroyed. If it was any other country in the world, no one would have a problem with it. Not even you. As for the gripe about this being 'forty years ago', you must be children. Forty years is not that long. [#23 im- you’ve posted this before and were answered. If you are going to ignore responses while not bothering to read the posts to which you were referred, why bother posting? Just to ‘show off’ your hatred?]
32. The Olympics
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (07.29.12)
As far as I am concerned, the Olympics have had no credibility since Avery Brundage banned Marty Glickman and Sam Stoller -- two American Jewish runners -- from participating in the 1936 Olympics so as not to offend Adolf Hitler (may his name be cursed through eternity). Both were sure to be gold medal winners. Fast forward to the 1960 Olympics, when Muhammad Ali (then known as Cassius Clay) won a gold medal in boxing. A short time later, he threw his gold medal in the river, claiming that the medal was meaningless in a racist society such as the United States. At the Atlanta Olympic Games, he was presented with a new gold medal, to replace the one he threw away. No one ever presented Marty Glickman or Sam Stoller the gold medals they would surely have won, and would not have discarded. The Olympics have had no credibility since 1936.
33. The jewish pot calling the Arab kettle. Talk about balls.
James   (07.29.12)
34. James # 33
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (07.29.12)
Talking about them is probably all you are able to do however that's not what this article is about. It's about Arab poor sportsmanship and the Olympic committees lack of credibility and ethics. The IOC claims to avoid politics when many of their decisions clearly involve them. They are about as credible a group as the U.N.
PHARAOH   (07.29.12)
36. Palestinians and Jews are the same people
they just have different religions. Outsiders cannot tell the difference between Jews and Palestinians ...they look much the same and have similar temperament. What a shame that religion has come between them
37. Chutzpah?
Avi ,   NYC, USA   (07.30.12)
The Palestinians should support the "one moment of silence" when Israel supports a national remembrance day for its crimes against them. Enough already with the cheap emotional blackmail we exert on the world. Remembrance is good, as long as it does not turn the "rememberer" into a professional victim who can do anything to anyone. This is exactly what Jewish collective memory has done to us.
38. #2. Palestine borders on Oz and Neverland.
Chaim ,   Israel   (07.30.12)
#2. You can fly any flag you want. Sometimes restaurants and car dealerships fly their own promotional flags. Nothing will stop you from flying an Oz flag all over Oz. Palestine borders on Oz and Neverland.
39. #2
Andrew Michaels ,   Montreal Canada   (07.30.12)
No such country as Palestine, never was is or will be finish.
40. #35 pharoah
solomon ,   bklyn   (07.30.12)
Your remark is directed at your people, the "Pals", I'm sure.
41. the palestinian flag is a symbol of british support for zion
zionist forever   (07.30.12)
Palestinian ( post number 2 ) Did you know the flag you want to fly is actually a symbol of British colonialism and support for zionism? The flag design you guys have adopted was designed by Mark Sykes one of the men behind the Sykes Picot agreement in which all pre WW1 promises to the arabs for their support were broken. The Sykes Picot Agreement supported the zionist cause and was responsible for the granting the British a mandate which was created with the intent to oversee the creation of a Jewish homeland. The only reason the British abused that mandate was because they once again needed arab support this time in WW2 and to get that they needed to turn on the Jews. So the flag you want to see raised was designed by a man who supported the zionist cause and part of the brains behind the mandate.
42. Answer to question
Andres Bachrach ,   Kfar saba il.   (07.31.12)
23# to answer your question briefly: till there will be people with questions like yours! Andi mihakfar
43. 2 Oylmpians Barred Due to Racism, but
Netanya ,   Netanya   (07.31.12)
antisemitism is allowed or anti-Israeli actions are not punished and rewarded. Says a lot about the Olympic committee
44. #37 avi
solomon ,   bklyn   (07.31.12)
Again with your fantasies. Please forgive the Jews for defending themselves when [how many?] arab armies invaded in 1948. Please forgive them for defeating [how many?] arab armies in 1967, when there was a massive buildup on their border by enemies who wanted to make good on their threats of pushing the Jews into the sea. Remembrance is good, except the Jews have way too much to remember. You, however, don't remember anything. All you do is make up fairy tales.
45. Olympics
Rasmoses ,   USA   (07.31.12)
Noah, While the death of one human in vain is tragic, and I mean "Human"; this applies to all the innocent children and civilians that are dying due to your extreme right wing government practices in the name of security. why don't you and the others like you leave and let the people that truly belong to the land live in piece (Good Jews/Christians/Muslims).
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