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Obama emerges as winner in second debate
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 17.10.12, 08:51
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1. YNet, CNN Does not make Unbiased Polls
david ,   jerusalem   (10.17.12)
Polls by CNN reflect the people they want to poll, and CNN has proven itself to be a very biased source in favor of Obama. To quote their poll results as being some kind of truth is misleading. I watched the debate myself, and it was pretty well a match game.
2. guess again einstein
Kerwood Derby ,   Frostbite Falls   (10.17.12)
While the left cheers President Obama’s second debate performance with the excitement of Chris Matthews on a prom date with The One, the fact remains that this was not just a bad debate for President Obama. It was a disastrous debate for President Obama. He may have achieved firing up the base, but the base had already been fired up by Vice President Joe Biden’s bizarre performance in the vice presidential debate. He may have achieved not looking comatose, but instead he looked angry and puerile. Actually, Obama lost in three major ways. Economy. The first loss is the most obvious. Mitt Romney absolutely dismembered Obama on economics. Obama wasn’t merely outclassed. He was out-leagued. Take, for example, the Romney-Obama exchange on gas drilling. After Obama blathered on about how he’d been great for oil supply (false), Romney gutted him with a single line: The proof of whether a strategy is working or not is what the price is that you're paying at the pump. If you're paying less than you paid a year or two ago, why, then, the strategy is working. But you're paying more. When the president took office, the price of gasoline here in Nassau County was about $1.86 a gallon. Now, it's $4.00 a gallon. Obama’s response was perhaps the worst economic gaffe in modern debate history: Well, think about what the governor -- think about what the governor just said. He said when I took office, the price of gasoline was $1.80, $1.86. Why is that? Because the economy was on the verge of collapse, because we were about to go through the worst recession since the Great Depression, as a consequence of some of the same policies that Governor Romney's now promoting. So, it's conceivable that Governor Romney could bring down gas prices because with his policies, we might be back in that same mess. This is perhaps the dumbest economic argument ever. Obama is essentially arguing that gas prices were low four years ago because low gas prices cratered the economy. He even says that if Romney brings down gas prices, it would crater the economy again. This is pure insanity. The highlight of the debate was Romney’s thorough, two-minute dismantling of the Obama record on the economy after Obama gave a tepid defense of his awful record. Never has the case against Obama been made so eloquently: I think you know better. I think you know that these last four years haven't been so good as the president just described and that you don't feel like you’re confident that the next four years are going to be much better either. I can tell you that if you were to elect President Obama, you know what you're going to get. You're going to get a repeat of the last four years. We just can't afford four more years like the last four years. He said that by now we'd have unemployment at 5.4 percent. The difference between where it is and 5.4 percent is 9 million Americans without work. I wasn't the one that said 5.4 percent. This was the president's plan. Didn't get there. He said he would have by now put forward a plan to reform Medicare and Social Security, because he pointed out they're on the road to bankruptcy. He would reform them. He'd get that done. He hasn't even made a proposal on either one. He said in his first year he'd put out an immigration plan that would deal with our immigration challenges. Didn't even file it. .
3. Romney WON
Maria ,   Chicago   (10.17.12)
I'm a Senior, a woman, Middle Class, happy to pay any and all taxes in accordance with tax code ands I want America to regain the respect of the world------so I will be voting for Romney. Not weak, divisive, apologist liar who lets Hillary Clinton take the rap to save his a$$ over Libya. In the 2nd debate Obama said nothing except topick on Romney and concentrate on women [who are needy and pathetically grateful to Obama for getting them a little of the spotlight!] Thankfully Romney tried [but failed] to get this clown to talk about his RECORD of the last 4 years! Romney WON on substance.
4. The tyrant shows a little moxie...
Noodles ,   Coney Island   (10.17.12)
and the ability to do something besides destroy.
5. Romney won the debate - not Obama.
Israeli 2   (10.17.12)
6. Do Michelle and Ann shop together?
Jake B. ,   Cleveland, OH   (10.17.12)
Sad to see how Americans have traded substance for image as if this was episode #2 of a new reality TV show called "Washington's Got Talent". No matter who wins this election, America looses.
7. Crucial decision
Johannes ,   NORWAY   (10.17.12)
I hope and pray that American Jews do not vote in a self destructive way this time!
8. face the facts ynet readers
yafe nefesh ,   nahariya   (10.17.12)
Obama is going to win this election. The American people are not so stupid as you might be led to believe. They will not elect a mysogynist fundelmentalist fool such as Romney. (for those of you who don't understand - mysogynist means 'woman hater'). Get used to it.
9. what's with you people?
10. Get a REAL Persepctive From Former Obamanites-Not CNN
Grace ,   USA   (10.17.12)
Rather than take liberal CNN's poll's which of course would favor BO~ get a real perspective from people who supported BO last time.
11. Obama what? Romney won!
Adrian   (10.17.12)
Who would better handle the economy? 58% - Romney, 40% - Obama - Who would better handle health care? 49% - Romney, 46% - Obama - Who would better handle taxes? 51% - Romney, 44% - Obama - Who would better handle the deficit? 59% - Romney, 36% - Obama from the same CNN poll.
12. #8 yafe nefesh, wow, your name befits you
Shmaymonet   (10.17.12)
By the way, Romney doesn't hate women. Mormons are allowed to have more than one wife.
13. Liars and actors excel in Pres. Debates
Mike S. ,   Phoenix, USA   (10.17.12)
That's why Romney is doing real good.
14. Ynet would only choose to use
Paul ,   Jerusalem   (10.17.12)
a headline using as authority a CNN poll for one reason. They agree with CNN's bias, anti-Zionism and pro-savage ideology.
15. two comments
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (10.17.12)
When Romney challenged Obama on his reaction to the rape and murder of Ambassador Stevens, Obama had to think what response would sound best and still not be a lie. Before he could respond, moderator Crowley answered Romney with a bald-faced lie, flustering Romney and saving Obama. But winning the debate does not matter. The only thing that matters is how independents vote in swing states. Will they believe Obama when he said he created 5 million jobs? Or will they believe Romney when he said that thanks to Obama another 15 million Americans are on food stamps?
16. Romney clearly won - Obama never answered a question........
I listened to the ,   entire debate and   (10.17.12)
he inored the questions and simply said the same talk points over and over again. A man who can't listen to and answer a simple question can't evaluate problems and fix them. THIS IS WHY Obama can't fix America's problems.
17. Romney was the only person who answered the questions
Sarah ,   Israel   (10.17.12)
If you base who won on who answered the questions, Romney won because Obama never answered a single question. That is a problem because it means his listening brain and problem solving brain was turned off. You can't fix America's problems if you are a robot who just memorizes talking points.
18. Obama won the "Lie Count"
Joe Falk ,   Baltimore, MD   (10.17.12)
Other than that, Romney still looked the most presidential, and made the most sense. Obama has the hardest sell considering highly negative results of his first 4 years in office. But he did kill Osama Bin Laden!;)
19. Obama fantasy rhetoric trumps Romney real world solutions
Thinker ,   World   (10.17.12)
3rd grade level, drug-anesthetized hedonist-parasite ("entitled") zombies too comatose to perceive the real world, much less distinguish fantasy rhetoric from realistic solutions. Only question is: are the sober and realistic thinkers numerous and non-apathetic enough to swing the vote to the real world -- for a change?
20. Most American's watched the ball game
Big bad Jew ,   United States   (10.17.12)
and will vote for Romney as our next President.
21. # 1 David, once upon a time there was a newspaper headline
Big bad Jew ,   United States   (10.17.12)
held up by then, newly elected Truman, which read, in caps, DEWEY WINS.
22. Whatever, america will vote and some
Ben ,   UK/Israel   (10.17.12)
will loose and some will win. Some will be won over by charisma, some by conservatism. Some like a musical basketball player, a fun guy, while others prefer one with sense and not tripping over himself for popularity. But everyone will see during the first year of whoever stays or moves into the White House, if there will be change, or was it all just a pack of lies, meaning business as usual.
23. Obama is very charming, funny, intellegent
Peggy ,   UK   (10.17.12)
and so is Mrs Obama. His Veep is the biggest ditz of all veeps. Romney is conservative, serious and ok, he doesnt have jokes up his sleeve. Mrs Romney seems a nice lady, she hasnt hogged the limelight, so hard so say anything about her, except how great she copes with MS. His running partner Ryan, well he is one good looking guy and also courtious, intellegent and wiped the carpet with Biden. We watch closely in the UK as The USA is a lose ally and basically our cousins. Good Luck America and vote wisely.
24. Funny even CNN's Mod admits Romney was right
Rod ,   Fargo N.Dakota   (10.17.12)
and she was wrong ' CNN moderator Candy Crowley admits Romney ... So he was right in the main, I just think that he picked the wrong word. Moderator Candy Crowley admits Romney correct about Benghazi' 'Just put in browser Candy Crowley admits she was wrong'. As well as Obama
25. Joe Falk #18
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (10.17.12)
Really Obama didn't even kill Bin Laden. He couldn't make a decision and Panetta and Clinton got tired of waiting. They went behind Obama's back and did it and let Obama have the credit. That is why Obama had to be pulled out of a golf game when it was happening. If you look at the group picture of Obama watching the action it looks like they had to scramble to find him a chair. Obama was as surprised as we were.
26. Pure nonsense.
michael Pielet ,   israel   (10.17.12)
Romney smoked him.
27. #8
Andrew Sullivan ,   SAN DIEGO CA   (10.17.12)
You will be eating your words, Yes Americans are not stupid, they made a horrible decision 4 years ago when they elected Obama and now they realize that disaster, he is a fake, no substance and is a puppet of the left wing...goodbye obama
28. Must have watched a different...
Gideon Reader   (10.17.12)
...debate than I did. Even with the extra avidopois supplied by the obviously partisan Ms.Crowley, Obama came across as unprepared and aggressive, in a forlorn hope of defending a tragic(for America) record on every element of his failed so called presidency. He does lie rather well. Even for a polititurd. Romney was cool. Prepared, poised. and in total command of the floor. A "Tag Team" was not what was ordered or allowed. The Frank Luntz focus group member had it correct when he styled Obama's reign as BULLS--T!!!.
29. I must have watch a different debate
Golani ,   Vineland, NJ   (10.17.12)
I must have seen a different debate. Obama was more charged then he was in the first debate, but he was not telling the truth on must topics. He did not explain why he has failed during his first term at completing all or actually any of his promises. Al he can say is that Romney does not tell the truth, however most (not all but most) of Romney's facts are right on. Romney has proven himself time and time again, way beyond what Obama had done before being elected. Excuses such as, "I said that I would end the war in Iraq and I did" are misleading. President Bush gave a time table to end the way, and guess what? Obama met his time table...
30. It was inevitable Obama would win this round
zionist forever   (10.17.12)
Obama is undoubtedly a very talented speaker and after last time it was obvious he was going to be bouncing back with a vengeance and was even willing to play dirty if needed. Romney was actually lucky to hold his own because when Obama is on top form with his speech making taking him on can be very difficult. As for Obama being better that Romney on foreign policy being president give him the advantage because he can say look at my four years of foreign policy. Romney can only say well I don' think you did that great but I will do better if you vote for me. On economic policies people have more confidence in Romney so he has to hope that on election day its going to be domestic policies that matter to the public. The Jews of course care about attitudes towards Israel although Obama could call Israel Americas greatest enemy and he was backing the arabs being given all of Israel as the peace solution and a whole load of idiot US Jews would consider him a visionary and just the man Israel needs because American Jews claim to care about Israel but for the most part its the palestinians whose cause they support most. Now Romney just has to hope Obama hasn't done to much damage to his campaign and then come back fighting in the final debate.
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