Netanyahu gambled, we'll pay
Sima Kadmon
Published: 08.11.12, 11:05
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61. You're looking at a different reason!
Avouskila ,   South America   (11.08.12)
Lets say that really what is p...y off Bibi, is more his inabilty to follow Obama "bear-trap" strategy that brought both 2008 and 2012 victories. He is not privy to the various logarythms that a bunch of NYSE billionaires have created for the two elections. If you follow the Market place you'll learn pretty well the tools used by the various groups around Obama for the past 8years. If I may take liberty, I think Obama is the first exemple of how to take any man/woman and make her or him a president, without being a James Bond. Israel has nothing to worry from President (?!) Obama: the whole farce played with poor Mitt Romney so that he'll beileves he had a slight chance to get to the White House, was what I call a "Bear Trap", whereby you build an environment of good news (and the 'shares' are bought at that time), and then you slang at the poor Bullish buyer (Romney), with hurried Democrats to come to the polls to rescue the falling 'shares'. It was played to the T, the sleeping beauty(again Romney) just bought the story of the Bear Trap. President Obama will go on on watching his beloved Basketball Games, and will rush to the Golf Courses, while the group is meddling the business.
62. The Real Obama
Moshe ,   New York, USA   (11.08.12)
Sorry, folks, but Obama is not the ogre you think he is. If he were, would he have: 1. Expended so much diplomatic capital to form a anti-Iran coalition, have every federal agency think up ways to sanction Iran, have the CIA cooperate w/ Mossad in Iran, increase US-Israeli cooperation on computer viruses aimed at Iran's nuclear facilities, etc? 2. Increased military cooperation w/Israel to unprecedented levels? 3. Have such close personal ties to US Jews that he holds Passover Seders w/ his family and Jewish staff members. No, Obama doesn't hate Israel or Jews; he hates Bibi and the Likud.
63. To: No. 41
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.08.12)
Friendship? What kind of a "friend" bullies its most loyal and dependable ally -- certainly in the Middle East, and quite likely in the world? What kind of a "friend" demands that Israel make endless concessions and accept endless preconditions from a terrorist rabble that isn't in the least bit interested in peace? Obama is bad for the United States (did you happen to see how many points the Stock Market fell with the news of his re-election?) and he is very definitely pursuing a private Islamist agenda while bullying Israel. Well, Israel will not be bullied, and if Obama has a problem with that -- too bad. Israel's policies are made in Jerusalem, not Washington D.C. Do keep that in mind.
64. ABC News article summarizes the anti-Netanyahu accusation
Jake   (11.08.12)
"He never said so publicly, but the widely held assumption was that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu supported Mitt Romney on his quest for the presidency". ASSUMPTION: Netanyahu supported Mitt Romney on his quest for the presidency. FACT: He never said so publicly.
65. #52, No one can confirm the anti-Netanyahu allegation
Jake   (11.08.12)
because it's simply not true. There is no quote in which Netanyahu publicly stated a preference in the US election, because such a quote does not exist. As confirmed by US news media outlets, Netanyahu never stated his preference publicly. It is only a widely held assumption that he preferred Romney. But then the question begs itself, whom did Obama root for in the last election, when Tzippi, Netanyahu, and Lieberman were running.
66. #62 Moshe, You are living in a dream world
Jake   (11.08.12)
1. The international anti-Iran sanctions were implemented because of Netanyahu's determination, specifically, the international fear that he did indeed have a credible military option that he was prepared to use. Without Netanyahu's intense lobbying, there would have been no sanctions on Iran. 2. Obama significantly pared down the military cooperation that had been originally scheduled in the recent joint military exercises. Current US aid levels to Israel were fixed during the Bush administration. Obama's planned slashing of defense spending will mean that the aid package to Israel will be up first on the chopping block, as the most of the aid goes directly US military purchases. By contrast, the billions that the US spends in aid for Islamic countries will be largely unaffected, as it is moslty developmental aid, not US military hardware. 3. Obama couldn't care less about US Jews, beyond securing the assistance of his Democratic allies in his reelection, and neutralizing those skeptics who potentially would stand in his way. Now that he has been reelected, he will forget you even exist. By the way, if you look at the photos of the Obamas at the last Passover Seder, it's pretty obvious from the expression on their faces that they would rather have been anywhere else but there.
67. To: No. 62
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.09.12)
1. He'd do anything to buy time for the Iranians to continue their enrichment, even at the cost of additional sanctions -- it makes him appear to be tough on Iran when in reality, he is anything but. As to the computer malware -- don't kid yourself. The United States had nothing to do with it. It's been all Israel, and Israel would never dream of sharing that degree of sophisticated computer technology with the United States -- certainly not while it is led by someone with a clear Islamist agenda. And why has he dragged his feet on declaring Hezbollah a terrorist organization? Because he doesn't want to offend Iran, that's why. 2. What, a few drills? The United States has had far more drills with Saudi Arabia and the Emirates. 3. He was buying the Jewish vote. Looks like he bought yours -- more fool you.
68. Moshe#62, you've just strenghten my thesis
Avouskila ,   South America   (11.08.12)
He is not the man we think he is. He is just a creation of a bunch of Chicago bilionaires made their money in Stock Exchanges with some Logarythms. The whole things, 2008 and 2012 are farces to..well, morality is the question not legality. The story has to be told yet about these two elections. He, President Obama is just figurehead....not the real mojo. Unfortunately.
69. shimon
jak ,   pbg florida   (11.09.12)
Aha, the mark of a GREAT steersman!
70. Emotional Obama
Ron ,   Melbourne, Australia   (11.09.12)
Obviously the author or the left does not think much of Obama. I must admit I concur but in a different way :). What is the assertion - That Obama makes decision on an emotional level. 'You messed with me I will mess with You' (Clint Eastwood side). That is typical of the Left mentality - 'counter-revolutionist' label placed on people and the violence normally follows. It could be that the left is right and Obama is controlled by emotions and not analysis/logic/etc - fits the bill if you ask me. But then Netanyahu actions are irrelevant as he (Netanyahu) is not on the 'correct side' in any case. Remember what preceded what - Obama Cairo Speech ,etc - was before Netanyahu 'actions' long long ago. Obama did not need the Netanyahu excuse. He behaved like the left always behave - a bull in a china shop totally convinced that he/she has superior knowledge and superior intentions (everyone else is evil , wrong or simply too stupid to appreciate). The Left is big on these 'punishment' , emotions, etc . That is they do not see an issue of him bowing in front of the Saudi King - an enlightened soul :) - give us a break - If you are trying to preempt Obama misbehavior by suddenly blaming on Netanyahu - what happened in Cairo ? - Is Obama this shallow ?? So emotional ? - Should a person so emotional and shallow have access to the launching of Nuclear Weapons - that is truly scary.
71. so good
bill ,   canada   (11.09.12)
what great news; israel is no ally to america; your petty leaders are rightfully shunned; Obama will now force peace down your throats; enjoy
72. #3 Moses...
Ben Ze'ev ,   Panama City Panama   (11.09.12)
Moses, go and lead your people elsewhere, qualify in the school of common-sense, and then wiire in again.
73. # 43, Will see if Obama has guts.
Other X   (11.09.12)
74. Does Israel need the US
Chloe ,   Phoenix, AZ   (11.09.12)
I think not. This is very prophetic. Israel will stand alone in the End Times so that when she is attacked the world will know that is G-d who is protecting her. Just like the wars she's had in the past.
75. To: No. 71
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.09.12)
Force peace down our throats? Yes, of course. Us, and our vast nuclear arsenal. Enjoy.
76. To: Chloe at No. 74
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.09.12)
Israel -- and the Jewish people -- have learned through our very painful history not to trust anyone but ourselves and not to count on anyone but ourselves. We can, and will, pull down the temple walls if we have to. And we won't be going alone. We'll take a significant portion of the world with us and we will render the balance uninhabitable for the next 100,000 years. The world deserves no less.
77. Sima, get a life
...not even worth the time to read...
78. Netanyahu gambled, we'll pay
Stephen Clark ,   Washington, D.C.   (11.09.12)
This American has certainly reached his own breaking point! Out of immense respect and affection for my Jewish friends and fellow citizens and with understanding of Israel's plight, I have steadfastly supported Israel and long resisted calls from fellow progressives to join their criticism of Israel. That is now over. By interfering with the American election and trying to foist a race-baiting, misogynistic, xenophobic, plutocratic, anti-gay president upon us in our own country without irrespective of any consequences for any of us, Benjamin Netanyahu has forfeited all support from this American for as long as he remains in power. American elections are for Americans, not Likud, and the American military exists to serve America, not Likud. As one who was in the streets opposing the American war in Iraq before it ever began, I can assure you that I will do all that I can as an American citizen and political activist to stop any use of American force in Iran until I see regime change in Israel.
79. TV ads in Florida say otherwise
Stephen Clark ,   washington   (11.09.12)
The anti-Obama television ads run by Netanyahu's political strategist in Florida say otherwise. This American now opposes any use of American force in Iran until there is some regime change in Israel.
80. To: No. 79
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.09.12)
There won't be a regime change in Israel -- if anything, it will grow more conservative. Israel has always assumed it would have to go it alone. No one really cares what you think. You're growing just as irrelevant as the United States.
81. To: No. 78
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (11.09.12)
Israeli elections are for Israelis, not Americans. What right did Obama have to insert himself with vocal support for Tziporah Livni? And why cannot Israel return the favor? Here's a news flash: Israel will make sure that Iran never becomes a nuclear power, much to Obama's dismay. And when Iran retaliates against an American interest -- likely a U.S. naval vessel in the Gulf -- don't come crying to us. You cannot say we didn't warn you. Israel saved your bacon by taking out the nuclear reactor in Baghdad, thus ending Saddam Hussein's dreams of becoming a nuclear power. The United States responded by issuing massive sanctions against Israel. Of course, around a decade later, the United States found itself enmeshed in a Gulf War. Think of all the American servicemen and women that did NOT return home in body bags, and show a little respect and a great deal of gratitude. When Iraq fired SCUDs into Israel as a result of America's coming to the rescue of Kuwait, the United States' response was to tie Israel's hands and warn Israel not to retaliate. Suck it up, is basically what the United States told Israel. Well, the worm has turned, and when Iran retaliates against the United States (being far too cowardly to challenge Israel), guess what Israel's response will be? We'll tell you to suck it up -- at least until there is a regime change in the United States. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? What goes around, comes around. Remember that.
82. Bibi is the only one with b
Jo ,   VA-USA   (11.09.12)
So is everyone expected to roll over because Obama say's so. We live in a sad and scary world.
83. America is rapidly becoming irrelevant anyway
YomTov ,   Lod   (11.09.12)
When the US dollar collapses - probably in 2013, the american economy will implode. The 3 billion aid that they give us will become worthless overnight. Bibi understands this. Leftists do not
84. #71 "Israel's petty leader" said nothing against Obama
Jake   (11.09.12)
This is a made-up allegation, unsubtantiated by any quote or hard evidence. The truth is, most Israelis favored Romney. Most likely, Netanyahu did too The difference, is he made no public statement about his preference. But then again, the usual suspects who seek to do Israel harm have never relied on truth or facts when looking for an excuse to exact "revenge" on Israel.
STORMY ,   NJUSA   (11.09.12)
86. Leftist Bologna!
Isabella1709 ,   Tampa USA   (11.09.12)
Obama showed Bibi disrespect from the beginning of his 1st term. He is a nasty, vendictive ass and no amount of cultural education will stick to him, raised and speeped in Marxist idealogy. So blaming Bibi for preferring an old friend and colleague over the campaigner in chief that hates Israel is an outrage.
87. Look to yourselves rather to the US
SML ,   Massachusetts USA   (11.10.12)
Much better for the US to have Obama than the right-wing-pandering flip-flopping Romney. He couldn't even carry his small home town in this election. Massachusetts is glad to have been rid of him twice, once after his term as Governor and again this time around. Israel would do better to give some serious thought to how it will deal with the growing number of Haredim who before too long will constitute a majority of the non-Arab population. Then what? They won't fight, they don't mix, the don't contribute and they demean women. Meanwhile Bibi panders to these ultras. Israel is the only Westernized country where any two Jews cannot marry without the permission of an ultra-Orthodox Rabbi. Explain that one, folks.
88. Netanyahu gambled, we'll pay
Emile Tubiana ,   USA   (11.10.12)
That's your opinion. A leader must stand up for what he believes, including the right to gamble. In fact, Netanyahu was very prudent until now, but he has to be firm. There is no one who can speak in front of the US Congress or the UN like he does.
89. Our deepest apologies...
rheina ,   USA   (11.10.12)
Our apologies, we have been attempting to focus on restoring balance to our economy, revitalizing our workforce and determine how best to reduce the debt that we have acquired by jumping into every single squabble in the world for the past century or so. It's kept our focus on home a bit more than on Israel or the Middle East. Every once in awhile, I believe that our country is entitled to focus on its own problems first, as opposed to everyone else's. Frankly, the everyday American really doesn't even register Israel as amongst our top 25 concerns. By an extraordinary majority, Americans support Israel and are determined to support Israel, however that does not mean that we will agree to every single request, opinion of the government or action. We are allowed to disagree. If you have such significant issues with us, perhaps it is time that Israel stand on her own. Or maybe the entire world could spend a few years standing on their own without requesting money and aid and military support, which we give over and over and over and over and over. We feed the world while children in our own country starve. We give medical support, diplomatic aid, extraordinary amounts of money and time and American lives to aid the ENTIRE WORLD when everyone comes calling. And everyone does come calling at one time or another. We give and give and give while our own people are not cared for as they should be, we borrow money so that we can afford our needs because we give so much to others for their needs. At no single time can we please everyone. For every bit of praise, their is an equal amount of displeasure, and unfortunately, hatred. America tries. We are not perfect. We make mistakes. We elect the wrong people, leaders insert their personal opinions into issues that should be entirely about the nation's welfare, not their emotions. There is a constant demand for more, always, and a constant stream of anger and hatred and questions about why we did this and not that or helped here, not there, or didn't give enough or did too much when we came when requested. Constantly, over and over and over. We try. We are a deeply divided country, but we stand united about our support for Israel. Most would be surprised at just how united we are on that subject. We might not always agree on the exact methods, but the good intent does prevail. This hatred and arrogance and prejudice and retaliation etc. that so many of you speak of genuinely is not felt, discussed or seen here. It simply doesn't exist in the reality of the everyday American. We try. I'm sorry that it's not good enough, that we cannot please everyone & that we cannot make everything right. We try. Our deepest apologies if that is not always enough, but we will continue to try. Even when doing so earns us more hatred and retaliation and killing from those that oppose those we help, or those that are angered and believe that we didn't do enough. Peace to you.
BEN JABO (MACHAL) ,   ISRAEL   (11.10.12)
Obama stacked the cards against Netanyahu when Obama took office for his first term as President "Back to the '67 Borders"
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