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PA threatens ICC action over settlement plans
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Published: 04.12.12, 23:01
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97 Talkbacks for this article
91. Why should Israel abstain now?
Christian ,   Suomi Finland   (12.05.12)
80-82# Palestinians do not have a sovereign state or permanent borders! Those lands are still disputed lands! And is it so, that your Palestinian dream state - to come? - should be "Judenrein" - even though at the same time Israel has a large Arab population? What are you talking about, even one single terror act can be a warcrime! And I think Palestinian terrorists have made warcrimes also against Palestinians! And the Munich attack was a terror attack - not just an ordinary crime - or do you think that it was just a coincidence that the target was Israels team? Fosfor - say that to Hamas and others same kind of terrorists! Abbas do not want peace - just more row, this shows it clearly! If the Palestinian part acted against Israels will at the UN - why should Israel abstain now? Allways when Israel has offered peace - the Palestinian leaders have said no! I do not think that Israel does just random things - they know very well what is the name of the game - and when the Palestinians and their leaders are really ready for the peace! Try to remember what Hamas and its charter still says about Israel...
92. When would
Elisheva ,   Jerusalem   (12.05.12)
the people of the palestinian Authority, to take responsibility for themselves and to practice democracy, but how can terrorists see their own mistakes, it is much easier to make Israel responsible for everything. How can we negotiate with such people who want our country, Israel and annihilate us as Jews?
93. Occupying land a war crime?
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.05.12)
Wow! Someond better tell the Poles -- they've been occuping East Prussia since the end of World War II. Croatia (then Yugoslavia) has been occupying the Italian province of Istria since the end of the War. And the United States has been illegally occupying 90% of the island of Okinawa since the end of World War II, as well. Oh dear .... so many "war crimes" -- so little time. Judea and Samaria are non-sovereign territories acquired by Israel in the course of fighting a DEFENSIVE war against Jordan. The land is Israel's to settle, retain and even annex. That's coming. Non-sovereign land doesn't belong to anyone, you see. At least not until it is annexed. At that point, it will belong to Israel. Also at that point, the 2.5 million Jordanian citizens illegally resident thereon will be subject to repatriation to Jordan. I'm stocking up on candies already.
94. To: No. 83
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.05.12)
You never did enlighten us as to where you come from. You have variously claimed to come from Jerusalem, Jaffa and Akko -- you regaled us with made-up stories of your mother's "tiny feet." Remember them? I do. Israel acquired Judea and Samaria, which are non-sovereign territories, in the course of fighting a defensive war against Jordan. The territories are Israel's to settle, retain and annex. NOTHING in the international canons prohibit that, and it is most certainly not a "war crime." Terrorism, on the other hand, now, that's a war crime. Israel will have a field day with you violent lot. Assuming it bothers to show up at all. Israel, you see, does not recognize the ICC. It's rulings would have no meaning. Neither, by the way, does the United States. Oh, well. The ersatz "Palestinians" are like the Energizer bunny -- they keep going and going and going -- and heading nowhere. Keep up the really good work. It's so amusing to watch you consume your tails .....
95. To: No. 67
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (12.05.12)
First of all, Israel does not recognize the ICC as having jurisdiction. Neither, for that matter, does the United States. So any pronouncements made by the ICC are irrelevant. Secondly, since Israel is well on the road to annexation of Judea and Samaria -- which will mean the repatriation of the Arabs who squat there illegally -- to Jordan, I'm a little hard-pressed to see where the ersatz "Palestinians" plan to build their fictitious "state." But Israel's actions shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. Israel is doing precisely what it said it would. The ersatz "Palestinians," as is their wont, have painted themselves into a corner. The international community can bitch and moan as much as it likes -- Israel is not subject to their whims. Yes, I know that Obama won the election. Have you taken a look at the Congressional make-up? Who controls the purse strings, Frank?
96. Illegal Settlements in West Bank
Dgaud ,   Saint John, Canada   (12.11.12)
IV Geneva Convention Secction 49 para. 1 & 6 1. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive. 6. The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies. Siince you ask, it's a good question.
97. pa threatens
[email protected] ,   memphis, U.S.A.   (12.22.12)
Evil never ceases to amaze me. "The Lord is about to destroy the philistines" Jeremiah 47:4-5.
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