Israeli extremists' victory
Randa Haidar
Published: 10.01.13, 18:42
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31. To: Judge Haddad at No. 29
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.11.13)
I think that the Arabs are incapable of an honored peace with Israel. We had one that lasted for thirty years with Egypt -- but it was a cold peace, and it served Egypt's needs far more than it served Israel's. Basically, the Egyptians promised no more war in exchange for American aid -- Sadat was smart enough to realize that the road to Washington went through Jerusalem, so he signed a peace treaty with Israel -- and paid for it with his life. Jordan's treaty with Israel is a cold peace as well. The trend in the Arab and Moslem world is not toward democracy, but rather toward fundamentalist Islam and increasingly tyrannical regimes. There is no trend toward ecumenism in the Arab and Moslem world -- just ask the Christians, Zoroastrians and animists who live under tyrannical Arab and Moslem rule. The ersatz "Palestinians" are not now, and have never been, interested in peaceful co-existence with Israel. They are interested exclusively in supplanting Israel, and the more desperate the economic situation in the ersatz "Palestine" Authority, the more their eyes turn toward Israel and its infrastructure, thriving economy and modernism -- but not to learn from Israel; merely to take it over. They have never repudiated their charters which call for the destruction of the State of Israel and the extermination and/or expulsion of the Jewish people. Look at the hellhole that is Gaza -- their lives were worsened by the 15,000 missiles that they fired into Israel, but did they stop to consider that? No. The only reason that they haven't resumed the missiles is because Israel gave them a sound thrashing just a few months ago -- but as soon as they have managed to regroup and rearm, the missiles will fly again. Judge, I have told you on several occasions that anti-Semitism has not gone away -- if anything, it has gotten worse -- but instead of pogroms and gas chambers, it has taken the form of a concerted attack on that most tangible evidence that the Jewish people are alive and well -- the State of Israel. It is ironically amusing to observe the European countries which are largely Judenrein scramble desperately to find a suitable target to blame for their economic woes. What, no Jews left to blame? Okay, let's blame Israel. If only there weren't a State of Israel, the Arabs and the Moslems will be happy, and their numerous internecine conflicts will magically disappear, oil will flow cheaply and all will be right with the world. Yeah, right. It's actually the other way around. Stop giving aid to the Arab and Moslem states, force them to give up their sponsorship of global terror, reduce their stranglehold on Western and Eastern economies by taking their oil -- and peace and stability will be restored. The best way to deal with a scorpion is to kill it. That may be a politically incorrect statement, but it happens to be the truth.
32. To Mr Spy Guy, you need a reality check
Yosi ,   Gilo-Jerusalem   (01.11.13)
Israel needs to live by neighborhood rules? What, allow arabs to kill us and rape our woman & children? We are arrogant? So, trying to protect ourselves is arrogant? You are one silly boy. And you are right, bullies are usually beaten in the end. This is what has happened & will happen to the arab bullies around here. The only invaders are the "arabs" that came from 50 some odd nationalities and ethnicities to harrass Jews. As Goliath quoted that, to paraphrase, watch us spiral into oblivion, so shall you and all your ilk.
33. #28, Greater and mighter people than you tried it before
Jake   (01.11.13)
The mighty Roman Empire, the Babylonians , the Assyrians - all sent the Jews into Exile. But while the Jews are back in their Homeland, all these Empires and nations have vanished into History. We Jews are like ancient homing pidgeons. We ALWAYS remember our beloved Land, we remain faithful to it throught the millenia, and we return to it, no matter how long the exile. P.S. "Nuclear weapons are only good for committing suicide", is not actually the wisest piece of advice, coming from the only country in the world that has actually used nuclear weapons.
34. We hear the same all the time
Arad ,   Arad   (01.11.13)
I have heard over a 1000 times its is the last time for peace, that only a left gov. and talking would bring estability, but all the time at the end what bring us moments of peace is a good dam idf opertaion. Oslo is a long time dead, more over with the unilateral move of the PA in the UN, only force and facts in the ground are what change the curse of history, just like the security barrier decrease the israelis deads, the negev fence border stopped the economic illegal "refugee" and the drug traffic etc. Israel needs a leader of real action, not a guy ruling fot the foreing press so we look like peaceful naive sheeps ready to be slaugther (thats the only way how jews are acceptable for most people)
35. Peace with an arab state is not worth the papper is signed
Arad ,   Arad   (01.11.13)
Just is what is going to happen with egypt in the future, the cold "peace" would be over, the same will happen in jordan, another arab spring and then kick out the dynasty from arabia, and imagine in what situation would be now is the barak and olmert ofers to asad would have taken place and give up the golan, a worthless peace of papper and much more attacks in th north
36. Israel is the restored Tibet of the middle east...
bandoo ,   il   (01.12.13)
37. Israeli extremism
Syd Chaden ,   Palermo Calif USA   (01.12.13)
Apparently, there are those who consider dedication to Israel's survival to be extremist. Those critics glorify compromise. Since the Muslim World shouts "Death to the Jews" and calls for the destruction of Israel, what is the compromise that the critics advocate? Death to some of the Jews, instead of all of the Jews? Destruction of just Haifa, and not Tel Aviv? The critics will all say that the foregoing is an unfair example of the compromise that they seek. I think that it is a fair example, but I have suggestions for compromise. How about, the Mullahs issue Fatwas against attacks on Israel, and the attacks stop, and Israel stops retaliating? How about, all Muslim countries end their state of war against Israel, and recognize Israel and its right to exist, and Israel ends its state of war against all Muslim countries and recognizes them and their right to exist? The compromisers won't like those examples, because they require the Muslim countries to do something positive toward Israel, and the compromisers know that they won't, because the hatred toward Jews and Israel is embedded in the Islamic faith. So, the compromisers will just continue to criticize Israel.
38. Totally new aproaching of ME peace.
Istvan ,   BUDAPEST HUNGARY   (01.12.13)
Instead of political debates, conflicts and wars : 1. Dig a canal from the Red Sea through Arava area to the Dead sea. 2.Create huge desalinasation plants in Eilat and Aqaba.3. Make 100000 km2 irrigated and fertile agricultural land in Jordan. 4. The mideast conflict is automaticly solved.
39. To luiz Haddad ,no matter how nice your approach
George Haddad ,   Lebanon/Canada   (01.12.13)
will be ,you still a scorpion in thier eyes. It was better if you leave some of your blessing to your homeland country.
40. Syd Chaden ,what an obscured moron !
Sami ,   Lebanon   (01.13.13)
"the hatred toward Jews and Israel is embedded in the Islamic faith."!!?? The only places where Jews lived in peace throughout the history were among Arabs in Arab countries till the creation of Israel and not among other co called civilized nations were jewish pogrom after pogrom took place. Go and do some history reading before embarrassing yourself and posting your crap rubbish.
41. Sarah B ,you are full of hot air.instead of bothering
Sami ,   Lebanon   (01.13.13)
with the remembrance of 2000 years history , just remember the recent one that Hezbollah taught you and your arrogance very well.For God sake land to the Earth a weak up from your haunting dreams .
42. To: No. 40
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.13.13)
So, you consider the dhimmi taxes that Jews were forced to pay in their Arab and Islamic homelands to be "living in peace?" And there was no shortage of anti-Jewish laws in those same Arab and Islamic lands. Plenty of discrimination; I assure you. But there is no denying that Jews were persecuted pillar to post in Arab and Islamic lands once the modern State of Israel was established. One million Jews found themselves unceremoniously expelled and dispossessed. Is that your idea of "enlightened Islamic tolerance?" Take your rubbish and crap on a hike, asshole. We know all about Arabs and Moslems. You're a bunch of primitive and backward idiots. Hey -- how's life in Lebanon since you drove all of the Jews out? History would seem to indicate you haven't done all that well. Stop patting yourself on the back, and please do remember that it was Israel that saved you from complete and total annihilation. Show some respect. And for heaven's sake, read some history before posting rubbish!
43. To: No. 39
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.13.13)
Were it not for Israel, there would not be a single Christian alive in Lebanon today. Please do keep that in mind as you spout your venom.
44. The Samson option
Jonah ,   London   (01.13.13)
Interesting to watch a gung ho I-firster threaten the world with suicide bombing. You might like to reflect that Samson pulled the palace down in order to defeat his enemies and save his people - while what you're suggesting is you'd blow up the entire world, which would destroy your "people" as well. That's actually pretty hilarious.
45. Sami @40, you can lie to yourself, but you cannot lie to us.
leo ,   usa   (01.13.13)
46. To: No. 44
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.13.13)
Your reading comprehension leaves a great deal to be desired. I said that the Jews will never go into exile again, and will do what it takes to ensure it. The world should be put on notice that it had better stop pressuring Israel to make ridiculous territorial concessions. I doubt that the international community is willing to engage in a shooting conflict with Israel, but should they actually be so stupid as to think they will emerge victorious against Israel, they need to guess again and understand the lengths to which Israel will go to ensure that our land -- ALL OUR LAND -- remains ours. If we go -- so do you. Do you find that hilarious, too? Well then, laugh yourself to death.
47. To No. 42 Sarah B
Bertram ,   London, UK   (01.13.13)
Just like other demagogues you are a dangerous individual. That is because rather than propagating outright lies (from which you are not immune) your utterances often contain truths, but truths which are then spun out of all proportion. That way, you can not only convince others but also convince yourself. Let us take the case of the 'dhimmi' situation of Jews. Quite rightly, we would condemn the rulers of those countries where such laws prevailed. However, you then lump this together with the Inquisition, ethnic cleansing, and the Holocaust. A moderately well-read child would know that the situation of the Jews in Islamic Spain, for example, was qualitatively different from what happened following the Catholic reconquest. I doubt that you would even wish to be convinced of this since without the existence of rampant antisemitism life would be meaningless for you.
48. To: No. 47
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.13.13)
Oh, but you are so wrong. I defy you to name one country whose actions are put under a microscope to the degree to which Israel's actions are. Just one. I am neither a demagogue, nor am I dangerous. I simply speak the truth. And I have a very good knowledge of what has happened to the Jewish people in exile. It isn't pretty. In fact, it is quite despicable and disgraceful. So, the Jewish people choose never to go into exile again. We also choose to exact a heavy payment from those that would have us do precisely that. Bertram, if my comments have offended you, I am heartily sorry. But I am the child of Jewish concentration camp survivors, and you are not. That has formed the basis to my approach. If yours has stemmed from something different, that is perfectly alright. But my parents' experience has formed my life. And current events have proven that that which formed their existence (such as it was) has not disappeared. I wish to exact a vengeance, should the international community wish to revisit it. I'm sorry if you consider that unusual or even insane. It is neither. I am simply saying that that which the world wishes to visit upon the Jewish people will be visited upon them, in spades. There is no shortage of people with similar backgrounds who are in full agreement with me. If that offends you, too bad. We are not (with apologies to Dylan Thomas) going quietly into that good night. Ever again. Do you blame us? We can offer centuries of proof as to why your words are completely meaningless. What can you offer, except similarly meaningless utterances? Ah, that's what I thought. Nothing. Nothing. We are here to stay, Bertram. Whether you like it or not. And if we cannot stay -- neither will you. How simple is that?
49. To No.46
Bertram ,   London, UK   (01.13.13)
"your reading comprehension leaves a great deal to be desired." Does it really? A touch of amnesia here, I think. You said at 27: "... if push should ever come to shove, we will unleash our formidable nuclear arsenal and take as much of the world WITH US..." (my caps). Re No. 44 - case rests.
50. Sarah B of America
Sarah B ,   Tel Aviv/London   (01.13.13)
You still don't get it do you love. Nobody is asking for the Jews of Israel to go into exile again. All most people on Planet Earth want, is that Israelis withdraw behind the greenline of 1967 so that the Palestinians can have a state and themechanisms for the radicalisation of young men to fly aircraft into buildings is removed. The vast majority of us have realised that we cannot win the war against Islamic fundamentalism without a Palestinian State. One day hopefully soon yu will realise this, until then everyone will merely understand you to be delusional at best, racist at worse
51. To No. 48.
Bertram ,   London, UK   (01.13.13)
No, you are quite right, I am not the child of camp survivors. I also have no wish to belittle the impact which this has had upon you. I am sure this has framed your thinking and your feelings. I do, however, know a number of individuals who are second-generation survivors, including a close family member. The do not all hold your views. I also know the names of hundreds of my distant relatives who perished in the camps. Survival of the Jewish people is important to me, too. The question is: survival as what? As a vengeful nation and to hell with others? We can annihilate others - but we cannot ultimately control the actions of others. We can, however, control our own actions. We are morally autonomous. If you do not want us to live like that then we are simply biologically determined, fated to survive or die according to the 'law of the jungle'. Not for me, I am afraid.
52. To: No. 49
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.13.13)
Very, very good. That is my statement, and I stand by it. Do you have a problem? Too bad. Perhaps your time would be best spent encouraging your government to stop meddling in Israeli affairs. Wasn't it your country that took Jews so newly liberated from concentration camps and promptly put them in new concentration in Cyprus? Wasn't it? Wasn't it your country that argued forcefully against the bombing of trains leading to the extermination camps because the preservation of Ultra was paramount? The British have been serial murderers for a long time, particularly in the serial murder of Jews. I'm not all that sure that you have a right to comment on what the Jews and the State of Israel do. For heaven's sake, history abounds with bloodthirsty Brits. Is this an argument you really wish to make, Bertram? I'll trash you, but you're more than welcome to try.
53. Sarah B ,even if 70% of jews agree with you , wich is
Sami ,   Lebanon   (01.13.13)
doubtful ,this do not give you the right to speak in the name of Jewish people. Don’t you agree you use a lot the word "we the Jewish”. Bertram 47 was right; the life without anti-Semitism and Holocaust symphony is meaningless for you. All you can is spitting and vomiting poison, nothing more, and remember the history repeat itself very often to Jews. Once a while in the history somebody will arise somewhere to put the Jewish arrogance and self over estimation in place.
54. To: No. 53
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (01.13.13)
Unlike some of the flotsam and jetsam that spew forth on these threads, I have not forgotten history. What's your issue, that you refer to "Jewish arrogance?" What's the matter? Jealous? Too bad for you. You should be a bit more circumspect. It wouldn't take much at all for Israel to make the Litani its new northern border, and don't you ever forget it. Go spit and vomit somewhere else.
55. No 54 Nasrallah plan to take Galile is ready in
Sami ,   Lebanon   (01.14.13)
case you dare to mess with Lebanon any more. Israeli soldiers use to joke about the weakness of Lebanon and circulate a humor "To invade Lebanon the IDF military orchestra is more than enough" something gone for your good memory. Bullying around with the pre-emptive military actions and threats toward surrounding countries (Iraq, Syria in the past ,Sudan lately, Iran , Lebanon on daily basis ..etc ) even your arrogance reach US ,country without its support you cease to exist . Honey the time isn't at your side .Soon you will become a burden as parasite country for the American Tax payers.The political reality dictates you to surround yourself with more and more fances to live as usual in your lovely getto.
56. #55 Sami
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (01.14.13)
We are not afraid of Hezbollah or Nasrallah or any other fascist Arab. You couldn't take a loaf of bread from Israel and you know it. One more 'victory' for Hezbollah like their last one and they won't be alive and that they know too. Arabs can't even defeat other Arabs because they are cowards, liars, and thieves instead of soldiers.
57. To No. 52
Bertram ,   London, UK   (01.14.13)
By all means stand by your statement, but decide which is the accurate one - the one at 27 or 46? And yes, the UK has committed some dreadful crimes, especially in its imperialist role and its attitude towards Zionist activities before the establishment of the state of Israel. I won't argue with you there. Next, if the UK argued forcefully against the bombing of trains leading to the extermination camps (though Churchill argued in favour) the United States also argued against it. Finally, I know that only you and those who agree with you have the sole right to comment on Jewish and Israeli issues. Since I am only Jewish and not Israeli - and do not agree with you - I have no such right. Glad you have taught me the meaning democracy.
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