Yishai: IDF doesn't want haredim
Moran Azulay
Published: 18.02.13, 18:19
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31. #27 agreed
israel israeli ,   tel aviv   (02.18.13)
a practical solution.
32. #22 - Haredim commit hilul Hashem, same as eating pork
Brian Cohen ,   Judean Peoples Front   (02.18.13)
There is no difference between eating pork and lashon harah - both are sins. In fact, pork eating is probably less of a sin since it is against Hashem while lashon harah is against both G-d and your fellow Jew. Fork-tongued excuse makers for the haredim like to blab about "pork eaters" and pretend that Torah Jews do not serve in the IDF. They do. In large numbers. In fact, I live in an area with one of the highest percentages of both combat soldiers and officers - most of them Torah observant Jew. If you love the haredim so much, then tell them to get real jobs and stop living off the backs of the pork eaters. Never in Jewish history did rabbis tell tens of thousands of Jews that they are suddenlly all talmidim chachamim worthy of a life of Torah studay. It's fools like you who fail to convince us that every haredi shmendrik is NOT a Torah scholar and should be out supporting a) his family and b) the real Torah scholars. Shame on you. Shame on the greedy rabbis who pervert Torah study in the name of money (because the more scholars, the more money they get - so suddenly Joe Shlemiel is a chacham).
33. Besides,Mr.Boor...
Keren ,   IL-BR   (02.18.13)
If haredim receive stipends for their studies,every other Jew in this country must also recieve. Actually,for those to whom Torah is important ,these donĀ“t need stipends. Let haredim ask for Tzedakah in Israel as it is their habit in Diaspora,or better yet,let them WORK for a living! Actually,haredim should learn to share Torah graciously,with love to all Israel and not keep Torah only to them ,and to those who wear like them,as they do. Torah means nothing the way these people hold it.Torah is practice and Torah is beautiful.These people use and make Torah UGLY and full of HATE! Shame on you!
34. 9
zionist forever   (02.18.13)
If your taking about forcing these people to do national service whose wants matter most the secular haredi hating public or the IDF? The IDF doesn't want the haredi because they don't need them for manpower and it will cost the army an absolute fortune to create new units etc and draft thousand of hredi. Drafting them might even be bad for the security of the country. An army needs expensive equipment and as there is only a limited supply of money you have to decide whats the best way to spend it, if you were a general what would you prefer a new fighter jet or Iron Dome battery or a new haredi ? So whose wishes should matter most the general public or the army that needs to fight the wars?
35. Haredim & Army
Enoch ,   Toronto   (02.18.13)
If there are more 18 year old than the Army needs, for example if the Army could use only 90% of these kids, then there should be a draft lottery, and everyone, including the Haredim must participate. Those not selected have to serve in a national service.
36. #22 Who asked them to ?
Haim ,   TA   (02.19.13)
They are doing mitzvot for all of Israel? So who asked them to do this excactly ? Eating pork? Sorry love but im a vegetarian. They are nothing but a bunch of lazy parasites that contribute nothing to this country. They seem to have more time on their hands than they know what to do with. It has been proven time after time that they invent false registers for yeshivot just to illegaly obtain more money out of the goverment which is our hard earned tax money. How strange abroad they work and study, only here in Israel they know they can get away with it. There are rules in a democratic country if they dont like it they are free to leave, i will personally arrange the flights to Tehran for them.
37. Contribute?
Ben ,   USA   (02.19.13)
Why do these talkbackers keep saying that haredim have to contribute and not just take? That is a huge fallacy. If anything the wars are won because of the merits of the haredim who learn and daven for the safety of the Jews living in Israel and around the world. So maybe the question should be; when will YOU contribute.
38. He forgets. Haredim are Israeli.
Adi ,   Zurich   (02.19.13)
He forgets. Haredim are Israeli
39. Armies do more than fight
Andrew P ,   Alexandria VA   (02.19.13)
OK. The IDF doesn't want Haredim as combat soldiers. I can get that. But armies do things like construction and logistics as well. The Haredim are certainly capable of these tasks.
40. Mass Attack on Israel
Zechariah   (02.20.13)
In the event of a mass attack on Israeli the Haredim better be trained way beyond Hatzollah .
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