Why does the world target Israel?
Kasim Hafeez
Published: 20.02.13, 20:41
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91. Hitler said it well
Moshe ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (02.22.13)
They hate the Jews because we gave the world morality, and they would rather be barbarians. No matter what the israelis do or don't do, the world will still condemn us. The terrorist organization called the PLO was founded in 1964, before Israel "occupied" the West Bank. Jews have been reviled for thousands of years. We have been expelled at one point or another from Portugal, Spain, England, many of the German principalities, Vienna, Russia, most of the Middle East, the state of Tennesse (1864). We have been subject to pogroms and blood libels in most of the European countries. Jews were burned at the stake in Mexico and Brazil as well. (Anyone can Google this and see for themselves.) After the Holocaust, when most of the western "civilized" world looked the other way as Jews were once again killed, it was no longer fashionable to openly hate Jews. The regular Jew hatred changed into hatred and condemnation of Israel. Those who wish to live in the dark, really don't like the guy who holds up a torch!
92. To: No. 88
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (02.22.13)
What right do the ersatz "Palestinians" have to kill Jews and steal from them? Must I remind you that the whole premise to the so-called ridiculous concept of ersatz "Palestinian" "refugees" is based on your so-called "leadership's" promise of first right of plunder of Jewish homes and property just as soon as the "conquering Arab armies" drove the Jews into the sea? That was back in 1947. But enough ersatz "Palestinians" salivated at the prospect, and left voluntarily. Well, the "conquering Arab armies" didn't quite live up to their billing, did they? But that does not mean that you don't have to suffer the consequences of your really bad decisions. And if you think that Israel is committing "crimes," I would truly LOVE to read what you have to say about over seven decades of unremitting ersatz "Palestinian" terror, visited against Jews in both the State of Israel and in the Diaspora. I would purely LOVE to read what you have to say about suicide bombers. I would truly LOVE to read what you have to say about the massacre of schoolchildren at Ma'alot. I would purely LOVE to read what you have to say about what the ersatz "Palestinians" did at the 1972 Munich Olympics. And the murder of five members of the Fogel family -- three of them children -- I'd love to read what you have to say about THAT. There's more. Much, much, more. The Arab-Israeli conflict has NOTHING to do with being the Chosen People. It has to do with the fact that the ersatz "Palestinians" have been defeated in six wars in which they were the protagonists or the motivating force. It has to do with the fact that the ersatz "Palestinians" have engaged in decades of revolting acts of terror. It has to do with the fact that there have been two intifadas. YOU NEVER LEARN. Well, you are going to have to start learning some very, VERY hard lessons -- at your expense. Not hours. Should have taken the deal in 1947. But you didn't. And the rest, as they say, is history. You are delusional to think that you will ever dislodge Israel. Your are doubly delusional to think that we are interested in a faux "peace" with terrorist mongrels. Move on. Your day in the sun is over. At this point, you're down to embarrassing yourselves. Have you noticed that while you get a lot of lip service, no one is giving you any cash? Now, why do you suppose that is?
93. Harri 86
alsky ,   toronto   (02.22.13)
if the 'Palestinians" wanted peace, they would have it a long time ago. Islam has bloody borders ! not just with Israel. Sorry for you that you cannot see through leftist European media.
94. #90 alsky
Rau   (02.22.13)
The percentage is growing and not limited to muslim only. It's time that you treat other people nicely and practice the true jewish value .
95. Israel
Dwight Osborne ,   Elon, USA   (02.22.13)
No, Larry, Israel will continue to exist solely because Israel is God's chosen people and for no other reason.
96. Stupid question, THEY ARE JEW HATERS
Jorge   (02.22.13)
and will do everything posible to destroy the Jewish State, unfortunately with the help of leftist and anarchist Jews
97. To: No. 86
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (02.22.13)
The core issue is very much anti-Semitism. The ersatz "Palestinians" have figured out how to feed off the world's hatred of Jews. The ersatz "Palestinians" have more than basic rights. They have what they wanted -- autonomy. What have they done with it? Incited wars. Engaged in over seven decades of unremitting terror against the Jewish people, both in Israel and in the Diaspora. They wanted autonomy; they have it. Did that stop them from engaging in vicious acts of terror? No. Suicide bombings? No. Intifadas? No. They are not interested in peaceful coexistence with Israel. They could have had that any time since 1947. They have chosen war, violence, terror -- and have lost. It's time for them to realize that change must come from them -- not from Israel. I have absolutely no interest in learning to live with people who wish to destroy the State of Israel and exterminate or expel the Jewish people. Our strength, by the way, is very definitely in wisdom. Blissfully for us, however, it is also in arms. When exactly do you think the ersatz "Palestinians" should be held accountable for their stupid decisions; their devotion to terror; their absolute enamoration of violence? Why should the Jewish people and the State of Israel be made to pay for decades of ersatz "Palestinian" violence, terror and intransigence? They have made their choices, haven't they? They are accountable for the results of that intransigence. You cannot, Harri, put toothpaste back into the tube. The ersatz "Palestinians" have a long and remarkably undistinguished record of doling the absolutely worst thing whenever an opportunity presented itself. They have to live with their poor choices. That is just the way of the world. There is a limit to the number of bites at the apple that terrorist scum can claim. The ersatz "Palestinians" are fresh out of options. Time for them to ply their violence somewhere else. Jordan or Gaza. But very, very, definitely not Israel and very, very, definitely not a third ersatz "Palestinian" state. Were it not for the fact that they are combatting Jews, the world would have consigned them to the rubbish heap of history a very long time ago. You are a European, and you need to come to terms with your despicable past as it concerns the Jewish people. Good luck with that one.
98. To # 96 You are wrong!
Stan ,   Israel   (02.22.13)
Its because decent people don't like to see the weak being oppressed. Example 1 the 25 year boycott of South Africa. Example 2 the beginning of a boycott of Israel to force her to negotiate a state for the Pals.
99. # 92 & 97 - ad nauseam
Konrad ,   Warsaw   (02.22.13)
Dear Sarah B., You start your # 92 talk-back with the statement: "The core issue is very much anti-Semitism". And then you go on repeating 8 times your self-invented term ‘ersatz-Palestinians’. The same goes for # 97 – ‘ersatz-Palestinians’ appear there 7 times. Allow me to remind you that repeating words/phrases over and over is not enough to make them meaningful – except, perhaps, in some children’s games. Or in Goebbels’ type propaganda. The fact that you are evidently proud of the term does not make it less empty. Considering the number of such repetitions in your two short texts it becomes apparent that in your case the core issue is very much anti-Palestinism. An expression of hatred hidden behind quasi-legal ramblings re ‘non-sovereignty’ and some such things.
100. why israel's always charged
Richard E Sherwin ,   herzliyah   (02.22.13)
simply the accusers dont care about liberty self determination freedom or anything but jewhating. and this has been going on publically since the 1970s at least. here in israel, and with their initial help, abroad also. so what's new, and why the question?
101. To: No. 99
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (02.22.13)
The only real Palestinians are the Jews. That is evident from census records going back to Ottoman times, in which Arabs were always identified as "Arab" or "Bedouin," and the appellation "Palestinian" was reserved exclusively for Jews. The ersatz "Palestiians" co-opted that identity from the Jews. They are trying to sell the world using a stolen identity and an invented history -- and it looks like you fell for it. I guess you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
102. #91 Moshe
Herr Adolph ,   New York USA   (02.22.13)
You 'Chosen' people gave the world morality?? Most of you wouldn't recognize it if you tripped over it. As an a American , I take umbrage with the Lavon Affair, the USS Liberty and The Pollard spy case among others. Your early leaders were criminals, e.g. Menachem Begin ... Bombing of the King David Hotel... 93 dead, and the attack on Dier Yassim wiping out a peaceful village of innocent, peaceful people ..men women and children. You feed at the trough of our foreign aid while continuing to spy on us. You detailed many acts and pogroms committed worldwide against Juden over the centuries . Have you ever once asked yourself, why these things have been done against you if you are so moral and upright. Perhaps there is another explanation.
103. To: No. 102
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (02.22.13)
1. The USS LIBERTY was a signals interceptor sent off the coast of Israel at the direction of former president Lyndon Johnson when it became evident that Israel was going to hand the Arabs a really bad beating. The vessel was tasked with intercepting Israeli military communications and immediately passing the content of those communications to the Jordanian and Syrian military high commands, at a time when Israel was engaged in a war against both Jordan and Syria. That is why the USS LIBERTY was blown out of the water. I defy you to name one country that would have acted differently. 2. The bombing of the King David Hotel did not target civilians, but rather the British military high command in Palestine. Moreover, warning was given comfortably in advance. It is not our fault that the British chose to ignore the warning. 3. The myth of Deir Yassin has been debunked long ago. I suggest you do a little research. That said, Deir Yassin sat astride the road to Jerusalem, and the villagers used to attack convoys which were attempting to relieve the siege of Jerusalem. The villagers would then run down to the roadway and pilfer and scavenge the bodies of the dead Jews. "Innocent, peaceful people" -- hardly. But you should do a little research. 4. You clearly have no concept of how U.S. foreign aid to Israel is structured. A small amount takes the form of interest-bearing cash loans. Only two countries have a perfect repayment record. Finland is one. Israel is the other. A somewhat larger amount takes the form of military credits, which must be spent in the United States. The contracts all carry back-end provisions which require Israel to make available to the American manufacturers all improvements made by Israel. These improvements have been legion, and have always been shared. By far and away the largest amount of U.S. foreign aid to Israel takes the form of joint-venture investment capital. These joint ventures have produced, among other things, cellular telephone technology, advancements in information technology and incredible advancements in medicine. I bet you didn't know that seventy percent of all chemotherapy protocols in use throughout the world today were developed in Israel. I bet you didn't know that better than half of the Intel chips in your computer were designed and developed in Israel. I bet you didn't know that the mobile phone you doubtless carry was born out of a joint venture between an Israeli IT company and Motorola. So, we aren't exactly "feeding at the trough." On the other hand, you might want to ask yourself what benefit the United States derives from all the money it has poured into the likes of Pakistan (oh, wait! Didn't they harbor bin Laden for ten years?), Egypt, Jordan, all of black Africa, Central America, Latin America, and all those former Soviet republics. How about the Saudis? The United States Fifth Fleet is berthed off the coast of Saudi, protecting them, and how do they repay the United States? By jacking up the price of light Arabian crude at every opportunity. Actually -- you telegraphed your sentiments by the name you chose with which to sign your post. You're a pretty poor excuse for a human being. You're also an idiot and a rabid anti-Semite. There is no other explanation for the likes of you. Go wallow away in your trough of ignorance.
104. I'm so proud
Nanners ,   The D   (02.22.13)
Hi Sally sunshine!!
105. To N 7, Sarah B
Luiz F Haddad ,   Niteroi, Brazil   (02.22.13)
Dear Mr's Sarah B. I must repeat. We, true Christians, do endorse Israel and do repeal all lies and aggressions against her. Judaism, for us, is the first part of our religion. Hence, I hope you see Jesus Christ, at least, as an enlightened man. He is not guilty for the awful crimes committed in His name during many centuries. His doctrine means Love among peoples and toward our same God. Salutes.
106. Sarah B / No. 103
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (02.22.13)
That wan a great post.
107. Its not anti-semitic to condemn Israeli policy
Ben ,   Gloucester, UK   (02.22.13)
To be sure, I agree with much of what is said in this article. I condemn the human rights abuses which are overly routine throughout the Arab world. I condemn those Arab states who call for the destruction of Israel. And I praise Israel's commitment to democracy and free speech. That said; there is something to condemn in Israel's policy towards the Palestinians. Israeli casualties pale in comparison to the Palestinian civilians killed in Israeli military operations. The blockade of Gaza prevents the legitimate aspects of Palestinian polity from being able to offer its citizens any future as a peaceable neighbour and trading partner for Israel. And Israel's knee-jerk reaction to Palestine's legitimate application to the UN shows its leadership lack a real commitment to a two-state solution. Let's be clear about this; Hamas is an awful organisation, guilty of war crimes and anti-semitism which Israel has a right to defend itself against. But current Israeli policy only serves to bolster its support in Palestine and provide a recruiting poster for it. Cries of anti-semitism whenever Israel is criticised are immature and irresponsible. Israeli's must be willing to enter a fair and level-headed debate to ensure their own security and to accommodate the legitimate demands of the Palestinians for statehood.
108. Israel
Susan Rakes ,   Virginia   (02.22.13)
I would just like to say thank you on behalf of Israel and No, I am not Jewish but I love Israel's people dearly. As a Christ Follower I love all people but I have to tell you that I hate Islam for what it is, a Satanic totalitarian ideology that is so evil in nature. I am also glad that you pointed out that there are real stories of human suffering and genocide in this world, yet they continue to demonize Israel. Kinda like calling the kettle black isn't it? I again humbly thank you for your timely article. May I quote you? God bless you! :)
109. Rau 94
alsky ,   Toronto   (02.22.13)
The percentage is not growing. If anything, people can see the true face of Islam. all one needs to do is open their eyes. I do "" treat other people nicely "". Standing up for Israel does not make me a bad person. Try again !
110. #37
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (02.22.13)
You are welcome. We help are that ask. It wasn't the first time that we aided Turkey though I hope that you never need any help again - but if you do - we will be there again. Just like we helped Haiti, Japan, the United States and many others. That is our racist nature showing again.
111. #7 Sarah B.
DavidR ,   USA   (02.22.13)
You are so very intelligent on so many subjects and I follow your posts with great satisfaction. But, you are far from perfect. You don't know your own Torah. If you did you would not speak so abruptly about HaShem not having a Son. For example, He called Israel His firstborn Son. Putting that argument aside Sarah, I agree with you about the christian teaching. They are ignorant of who the True Mashiach is. If you would spend as much time in Torah and the Apostilic Scriptures as you do law and other interests, you would discover the true Mashiach and would change your rhetoric. However, no doubt you will kick me to the curb or dump me into the same trash can that you do the christians. That is sad for you.
112. to#15
exUK ,   Tel Aviv   (02.22.13)
Israel is not perfect.No country is! In Israel proper we have over 20% Arab citizens who will prefer to live in freedom as opposed to following restrictions in Arab countries.We have every religion and race ,all able to live and pray as they choose.We have Arabs and Ethiopians in parliament.Tell me which Arab country allows this freedom? As for the "West Bank" this was in 1967 part of Jordan,which attacked Israsel at same time as Egypt and Syria.Occupation is the result of Israel not allowing itself to be wiped out.There are many difficulties,but most are caused by actions of Arab population,suicide bombings etc.That is why Israel built the barrier and has checkpoints.Prior to the 2 intifadas,and prior to rejecting all peace moves and land offers,there were thousands of West Bank and Gaza Arabs coming in to Israel to work each day.Now,even as the company Sodastream employs many hundreds of Arabs across the line,the stupid BDS faction are attempting to close it down,thus denying the local Arabs a fair days work for a fair day's pay.Amen
113. Would you rather get at Israsel than consider
exUK ,   Tel Aviv   (02.22.13)
how to stop the Syrian Massacre? Israel is not perfect but has no apartheid.We have Arabs (over 20%) Ethiopeans,africans phillipinos and all raves and religions,able to pray how they want and express themselves.Show me one Arab country that has this freedom. Incidentally,the USA has its original inhabitants in "reservations" as the country was "taken " by the "Americans"Also Jews were in this place over 2000 years ago long before Mohammed "appeared" on a winged horse.? The West Bank was Jordan before Jordan attacked Israel in 1967.Israel reunified Jerusalem,its holy city,yet everyone is free ton worship as they wish.Jordan destroyed many religious places whilst uder its control.But,you see,there is a good relationship with Jordan.There doesn't seem to be a hope of this with PLO and Hamas as they just want to destroy Israel.Any step towards peace is thus seen as only a stepping stone by Israel SAD!
114. To #97, Sarah
Harri ,   EU   (02.22.13)
Dear Sarah, Looks like the core issue is definitely antisemitism for you, but you know nothing about people, if you think that it is antisemitism for rest of us. For rest of us it is the far too long and painful occupying policies. For me the Jewish part is very positive, but the rude occupying part is much too disturbing. You think that you are only ones who have suffered, but you are wrong. We had our wars, and communism was occupying huge part of the Europe, but we got rid of it and though we hated communism, we don't hate the communist people. They learned their lessons, and so will eventually learn Israelis and Palestinians. You will never get rid of Palestinians. They will have their State where they live, or they will have the citizenship of Israel, if they don't get their own state. It is the way these things have always ended up in history sooner or later. You cant transfer millions of Palestinians to Jordan. They will live and grow among you for centuries and the human history tells us that they will eventually have their civil rights, sooner or later. There is no other state with millions of inhabitants without citizenship, and its time for you to follow the suit. Have a nice life and good relations with your neighbors.
115. # 98 Idiot
BUILD BABY BUILD ,   United States   (02.23.13)
116. May G-d bless you Turkish Girl
BUILD BABY BUILD ,   United States   (02.23.13)
Your words touched my heart. Shalom.
117. # 98 Idiot
BUILD BABY BUILD ,   United States   (02.23.13)
118. Boycotts aren't real danger. Appeasement is.
Chaim ,   Israel   (02.23.13)
Boycotts are temporary. Suicide is permanent. While our enemies have only oil to offer the world, Israel has technology, medicine, and much more. Israel is even set to become a major energy power too. The real danger to Israel is the lunatic left which is panting to cede our ancestral heartland and trim Israel's waist to a suicidal 9 miles. Virtually all Israel's problems stem directly from lunatic leftist retreats from our lands.
119. Why does Israeli govt. hide proof Judea/Samaria are ours?
Chaim ,   Israel   (02.23.13)
Countless international law experts, including Eugene Rostow, author of U.N. Resolution 242, have incontrovertibly proven Judea and Samaria belongs to Israel. Even the terrorist P.A. can't rationally debate this. They refuse M.K. Danny Ayalon's challenge to a public debate. Why does Israel's government hide the proof? Nothing could be easier than serving it on the U.N., E.U,, all world governments, media, NGOs and religious organizations. It wouldn't convince our enemies, of course. However, it would greatly strengthen Israel's position, encourage our friends and expose our foes as the evil racists they are.
120. To: No. 111
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (02.23.13)
Eretz Israel (the land of Israel) is Ha'Shem's first born son. It's figurative. Christians considering Christ to be the "son" of G-d is literal. Therein the difference. By the way -- Ha'Shem doesn't need a literal son. Such a notion erodes the most essential concept of Judaism -- monotheism. Ha'Shem is not three-in-one oil.
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