Time for a change Mr. Obama
Dan Calic
Published: 05.03.13, 21:31
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68 Talkbacks for this article
31. So Gullible
Mark of Lewiston ,   USA   (03.06.13)
This was "reported" yesterday in a DC blog of some neocons called the Washington Tribune. They are convinced that Obama has secret contacts with Martians and Metaluna and is secretly a Venusian. The "Tribune" makes World Net Daily seem rational.
32. Crazy Old Coot at #6
Ha!   (03.06.13)
First off, this article is nothing but speculation based on speculation from unattributed sources. But second, to dingbat Sarah with her fantasies of Israel winning a war against the US or blackmailing Obama: isn't it time you moved to Israel once and for all? You obviously hate America. And not that he will do it, but all Obama would have to do is instruct his UN ambassador to abstain from Security Council votes and Israel's economy would crumble under a wave of economic sanctions. And yes, he could do that with involving Congress. So don't fall for you own hasbara. America protects Israel, not the other way round.
33. Re: #5 Walter
Dan Calic [writer]   (03.06.13)
Walter, Apparently you missed Mahmoud Abbas's comments, calling Israel a "racist state," when 21% of its citizens are Arab who enjoy all the benefits of citizenship. They own homes, businesses, property, serve in the Knesset and on Israel's Supreme Court. Show me one Arab country where a similar statement can be made about Jews? Second, Abbas is on record saying if he gets a Palestinian state, "there will be no room for a single Jew." So on one hand he calls Israel "racist," yet demands a Jew free state for himself. And you are criticizing Israel? Sounds to me like the one who needs to do some "explaining" is you.
34. @21
Walter ,   Germany   (03.06.13)
That is your interpretation of "Jewish state". Netanyahu has a different one, Peres has also another one and Kahane had something complete different in mind. I guess the real goal is that the Palestinians give up the right of return. But why talk about "Jewish state" and not call a duck a duck? How could Abbas recognize something what is not really defined? Are the USA a "Christian state" and was Spain under Franco more or less Christian? I have no idea how the future Palestine state will be. I guess it will become something like Jordan but with a president instead of a king. Not a democracy but some democratic elements. But this was not the question and is a different topic.
35. #5
k   (03.06.13)
A Jewish state is a state where Jews don't have to suffer the consequences of living in a country such as the generation of your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents built.
36. 5 a democratic state like Arab countries
37. To: No. 31
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.06.13)
And your comments render you absolutely irrelevant. Has that occurred to you? You want to be careful. In these troubled times, the last country on earth that you want to alienate is Israel. We've pulled your chestnuts out of the coals so many times, it's getting to be mundane. You need a new one-trick pony. Obama's getting really, REALLY boring.
38. #27. Is it paranoid to understand "Palestinian" covenants?
Chaim ,   Israel   (03.06.13)
Anyone who reads any "Palestinian" covenants (whether Fatah, Hamas, PLO etc.) will find the destruction of Israel clearly announced as their main goal. It is not paranoid to speak the truth. Nor is it paranoid to understand that "Palestinians" would mass murder us all if they could. That is simply the truth. Nor do "Palestinians" make any attempt to hide it. On the contrary, they should it out proudly all the time.
39. #34 walter
solomon ,   bklyn   (03.06.13)
You answer your own questions. The USA and Spain are Christian states in the same way you say Israel is a Jewish state. You yourself call Spain "more or less Christian." Yet you demand specific definitions of democratic Israel, where democratic states are known to be fuzzy as to who they are. Look at the plethora of political parties and points of view. But yet, while Netanyahu, Peres, and Kahane had different ideas (and no, I don't agree with Kahane), they are all, for better or worse, Jewish. You seem to have your own definition of what "Jewish state" should mean, but your definition is divorced from reality.
40. #34
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (03.06.13)
So the fact that many European countries are Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, etc. States does not seem to enter into your head, but a "Jewish State" does, tell us why you have a problem with the definition. A Jewish State is the homeland of the Jews so that countries like yours can never again imprison and murder Jews for no other reason than their religion and have no place to go. As for 'Palestine' if it ever comes into existence it will be a lot like German in the 1930s and 40s.
41. #5 walter
solomon ,   bklyn   (03.06.13)
A Jewish state is the your definition. And like all states, there are problems that have to be worked out , as in Germany. To couch your question in terms of utopia, ignoring what really goes on in Isreal, and more importantly, ignoring what goes on in the PA and Hamas (read this article for starters), shows you don’t want to hear the answer as it would upset you.
42. 33 - Arab who enjoy all the benefits of citizenship ,...
split ,   US   (03.06.13)
No kiddin' would you like to trade places with them ? ,...
43. To: No. 32
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.06.13)
At the moment, dear, Israel's economy is much, much stronger than that of the United states and is growing at a far greater pace. Israel also sits astride two of the largest natural gas fields ever discovered, with an even larger petroleum field beneath those. You want to be nice to us. We may let you have petroleum and natural gas at way below market prices. I note for the record that the United States spends tens of millions of dollars daily keeping the Fifth Fleet anchored off the coast of Saudi Arabia, protecting the Saudis, and how do the Saudis repay the United States? Why, by jacking up the price of Arabian light crude at every opportunity. Now THAT's gratitude for you, isn't it? Finally -- do keep in mind that it was Israel that destroyed the Osirac reactor in Baghdad (much to the dismay of the United States). Of course, less than a decade later, Iraq invaded Kuwait and the United States found itself immersed in the 1991 Gulf War. It would have been quite a different Gulf War, wouldn't it, had the United States been facing nuclear armed Iraq. Think of all the American servicemen and women who did NOT come home in body bags, thanks to Israel's foresight, and show a considerable amount of respect and a great deal of gratitude. Israel has done far more for the United States than the United States has ever done for Israel. Get an education -- you are woefully ignorant.
44. # 39 solomon, bklyn
BUILD BABY BUILD ,   United States   (03.06.13)
If I may, Spain is Catholic nation and a mass murderer of Jews. The Spanish Inquisition, versus, America being a Protestant Nation whose religion and politics are separated by law. America gave full liberty and freedoms to the Jews and was blessed mightily. Spain, on the other hand, has descended into the bowels of curses for her anti semitism and the murder of 800,000 Jews. As an American, I'm proud of this separation. Shalom.
45. #Reply - We should welcome such a demand from Obama
On the Balcony ,   Akko   (03.06.13)
We should all hope that Obama seeks a time table for removing the settlements. Not to appease the Arabs, establish a Palestinian state, or even because the settlements are a blatant violation of international law, an affront and threat to the peace and security of every other country in the world. But because it will force us to face and deal with the truth: under international law we cannot keep the settlements unless the Palestinian-Arabs agree to it. The settlements are cynical bargaining chips. A timetable for removing the settlements is therefore a time table for negotiations. Every day we delay will reduce our chips instead of increase them. Giving up what is not ours is not a sacrifice, it is an obligation. Except for Israel, every legal opinion and ruling of every international or national legal authority, in the world holds that the settlements are illegal. Many Jewish and Israeli jurists agree. In 1967, the PM of Israel asked legal advisor Theodor Muron about settling the newly occupied territories. Muron’s report concluded that civilian settlement would be in direct violation of the Geneva Convention. (Israel State Archives, 153.8/7921/3A. Legal Opinion no 289-291) The report was ignored. Muron, now an international criminal court judge, still considers settlements illegal. Successive Israeli governments have ignored the law and popularized specious arguments to cloak their illegal creation of “new facts on the ground.” It has failed. All we have done is create a cloak for our enemies who wear it as an excuse to wage jihad against the world. We need to remove that cloak by either removing the settlements unilaterally or establishing peace with the Palestinian-Arabs and keeping some of them. Either way, we should all welcome whatever Obama can do to make this happen.
46. #45. A map proves Judea/Samaria make Israel viable.
Chaim ,   Israel   (03.06.13)
#45. Behind your words, which you believe to be impressive, is the logic of a imbecile. Not only do Judea and Samaria legally belong to Israel. A fact that has been incontrovertibly proven by countless international law experts. Judea and Samaria make Israel viable. Israel would be utterly defenseless, with a 9 mile waist, if we ever give in to the lunatic left.. It is obvious to any child, capable of reading a map, that the Two State Final Solution would destroy Israel within a decade.
47. obama's visit
sue ,   jerusalem   (03.07.13)
stay home. government or no government u r talking to WALLS. (on all sides)
48. Sarah of #43
Cameron ,   USA   (03.06.13)
Rather overkill on the sour rant there, babe. Obama's coming visit is getting to you, eh?
49. #8 Wouldn't a past tense be more accurate
MAP ,   Bnei Brak Israel   (03.07.13)
in your second sentence. Surely it should read "You've always been obnoxious and an arrogant fool." and not as you wrote "You've become obnoxious and an arrogant fool." Just a thought.
50. #23 giora
solomon ,   bklyn   (03.07.13)
Like many others who try to equate Israeli defense with Hamas murder, the"right of return" is not the same as the law of return. The first is from a group that arrived late in history, took over, and became "Palestinian" in the 1960's. The second are those that had a state in the area thousands of years before, have reclaimed it, and given the overwhelming odds against them, deserve it.
51. Obamas Middle East
Alex Plains ,   NY USA   (03.07.13)
Is the middle east more or less stable since Obama became President? The answer is obvious. Obama has been wrong about EVERYTHING.
52. # 46 Chaim sooo right!
BUILD BABY BUILD ,   United States   (03.07.13)
Israel's not giving beans to these maniacs. They can stomp their feet, threaten until the cows come home. Israel owns the land, has the military and too many victories to cont. Thank G-d G-d is on our side. Shalom.
53. # 50 Solomon
BUILD BABY BUILD ,   United States   (03.07.13)
You're well named, as wise as Solomon. Too bad your speaking to a fool. Thank you Sir... Shalom.
54. # 511 Alex Plains, NY USA
BUILD BABY BUILD ,   United States   (03.07.13)
ABSOLUTELY SPOT ON !! And, that was just act !, before he leaves office, he will have become the most hated man in America. His approval ratings have plummeted from 53% to 43% in the last week or so.... You can fool some of the people some of the time......
55. # 39 Solomon, one huge difference
BUILD BABY BUILD ,   United States   (03.07.13)
between Spain, Europe and America. The Spanish, and European's are and were Catholics, America was founded by Protestants who also were persecuted by both Rome and the Kings... like the Jews were persecuted, remember? If not for the Pilgrims insisting on NOT being governed by a King, America too would have followed the same "Church and State" evils that befell them both. Please don't mix both the Catholics ( our enemy ) with the Protestants, our friends and allies who blanketed Jews with the equal liberties and rights under the same laws that unite us, the 10 Commandments, specifically. Shalom.
56. To: No. 48
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.07.13)
Why on earth would anyone care about what a lame duck American president might demand of Israel?
57. To: No. 45
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (03.07.13)
Muron was wrong then, and he is wrong now. The Geneva Convention applies exclusively to nation-states; Judea and Samaria are nonsovereign territories. And the Arabs that reside in Judea and Samaria are not stateless; they are citizens of Jordan.
58.  #46, #57 If I am an imbecile, then are you brain dead?
On the Balcony ,   Akko   (03.08.13)
A much smaller Israel successfully defended itself in the war of independence, in 1967 and again in 1973. Our technological and military superiority over our neighbors has never been greater, so your claims about Israel's viability without the added territory are hollow. Security provisions can be made within the context of a peace treaty between Israel and Palestine – the security fence is one and it might be necessary to continue occupying some areas of Palestine militarily —but not to settle them. Your misconceptions about our supposed legal rights under international law can be cured by simply looking up “Israeli Settlement” and related links on Wikipeida for a start. And look at recent history. Remember when the government decided to dismantle Israeli settlements in the Gaza because, inter alia, they were too expensive to maintain/defend, made it more difficult to carry out military actions if needed and offered no real leverage in peace negotiations. The settlers challenged the government's decision in the Supreme Court and lost. The government won by claiming that the settlers should have known the settlements were temporary because they were built on “belligerent territory'. The Israeli Supreme Court concluded that Judea, Samaria and Gaza are “lands seized during warfare, and are not part of Israel.” So the settlers were forcibly removed. Look up “belligerent territory,” the term used by the Israel government in its argument against the settlers and you will see that when push comes to shove, the Israeli government readily abandons its self-serving propaganda about Israel’s “right” to settle the occupied territories. It’s surely one of the reasons the government has not adopted the Levy Report. Please, get your heads out of .... the sand and start doing some objective research.
59. Sarah 0f #56
Cameron ,   USA   (03.08.13)
Oh cease with that growl. You worry about his "demands" day and night. He has any no. of tools at his disposal to utilize to have you & other Israelis wailing at the sky within the week should he have a mind to. The fat days of having US Presidents automatically swing behind Israeli policy & ME steps really are over.
60. #59. You vastly underestime Israel's strength.
Chaim ,   Israel   (03.08.13)
Israel does not depend on Obama's good will. Israel will thrive long after Obama is nothing but a bitter memory. Nor does Obama represent the wishes of most Americans. Countless polls prove this. You vastly underestimate Israel's strength and resilience. Scare mongering won't work.
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