Jewish Scene
Report: Dutch anti-Semitism widespread
Published: 21.03.13, 13:21
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47 Talkbacks for this article
31. European Anti-Semitism
Syd Chaden ,   Palermo Calif USA   (03.22.13)
Europe is simply reverting to its traditional anti-Semitism. Ironically, Europe is faced with a similar bias. Population forecasts indicate that European countries will have Muslim majorities within 20 years, at which time the Islamic doctrine of "death to infidels" will prevail. And so, the Dutch may hate their hearts out now, but their turn will come. Karma.
32. bluegrass picker.
Gabriel ,   Leiden, netherlands.   (03.22.13)
The Netherlands you speak of includes most of modern day Belgium and was never owned by the Spanish but had a feudal overlord in the Spanish king in his capacity as count oh holland, duke of brabant etc. The Habsburgs renounced their claim to what became the Dutch republic in 1648 , so when the forces of bluegrass picker from afula liberate the country from liberal democracy (the role of the queen is largely ceremonial) who will you give it to? Do you really want, in this day and age, to define legitimacy in terms of medieval feudal inheritance? As for legitimacy btw, the constitution names the house of orange nassau (how on earth did you come up with armguard?!) as the legitimate ruling house. Dont be ridiculous. The dutch and european media can be one sided and hypocrite, yes, influencing people although never to the extend this article suggests, at least in the netherlands . Keep combatting that, so do I, but keep it in the realm of the believable.
33. 16 ,...
split ,   US   (03.22.13)
Try to note a fact that your worn out accusation of antisemitism doesn't work anymore it brings a smirk on someone's face that's all - It's your conduct (stupid) that we can see in real time in color and almost smell.
34. 19
you are despicable. to paint a whole people with such a brush. if you hate your origin, i suggest you convert and live outside of your religion.
35. Dutch Police generally Disgusting
Zechariah   (03.22.13)
During WW2 many Dutch risked their lives to save Jews and the Dutch have the largest number per capita of Righteous Gentiles.But the Authoritarian Structures were derived from Severe AntiSemites.The Dutch Police used their Superficially Polite Relations with the Jews to Trick them into Reporting for Transport En Masse to Extermination.In Sebrinica Cowardice amongst the Dutch Peace Keepers allowed Mass murder and Torture by Fascistic Serbian Units .The Jews in this Tribal Universe need increase their Deterrant Capacity and Homeland Defence even for those Arabs who are likethe Righteous Amongst the Nations.
36. is that so?
Berk ,   Amsterdam, Holland   (03.22.13)
Muslims and Africans suffer much more from racism in Holland.
37. 16 alexander
trying to talk to a hateful pig will never make headways here. hateful pigs' world revolves around hate, disappointment in their lives, the rejection of others, loneliness and self disappointment, not to mention poor self esteem and severe self hate which the pigs always project on to others. to sum it up, it's like talking to a dead empty wall of hate. you can't change it even if you put a hole in it. the pig's hate will consume him, envelope him in misery and especially when the pig realizes that all this hate made the hated one strong, resolute and successful. it's called jealousy. muslim have been suffering from this feeling against jews for milenia. so do the pigs suffer from it, unfortunately. one can't discuss anything with brain dead individuals. they are devoid of any intelligence and reason. the pig will always remain a pig. hameed aboughaze, iranian hameed aboughaze
38. 16
split doesn't hate only israeli jews. he hates all jews regardless of where they reside. hate will destroy him. just watch him self consume. the other day, to prove a point about why he hates jews everywhere, he offered a google article which no other responder could find. to prove his point, he posted his response and wrote that he ACTUALLY WENT NAEXT DOOR AND ASK HIS FREIND FOR HIS COMPUTER TO SEE IF THE ARTICLE CAN BE FOUND ON HIS FRIEND'S COMPUTER. he actually went out of his house, left his own house and went to a neighbor to just prove a point. that same evening, split, trying harder to prove that the google article does exist, WROTE TO HIS FRIEND IN GERMANY, IN GERMANY!!!!! TO SEE IF THAT FRIEND CAN FIND THE ARTICLE IN GOOGLE. now, you tell me, WHO WOULD BE SO NUTS AS TO LEAVE HIS HOME AND CALL SOMEONE IN GERMANY TO PROVE A POINT??????????????????????????????????????????????????? only a hateful fanatic! only an idiot who is so consumed with hate and antisemitism can actually take extra time out of his schedule to leave his home and call germany to prove why he hates. when i saw all his e-mails yesterday, i had to laugh. i would never ever walk outside of my home to my neighbor to prove a point? who is insane enough to do this? only the haters. split, you are hopeless and absolutely ridiculous. hameed aboughaze, iranian
39. Avi @ 19 ,...
split ,   US   (03.22.13)
I'm looking for fishing partner ,...
40. #16 split - avi is right; you're wrong
solomon ,   bklyn   (03.23.13)
as usual. Your posts are easily seen through crap.
41. People Standing Against Apartheid Are Not Anti-Semitic
World Citizen ,   the world   (03.23.13)
Don't confuse the two. Don't blame others for pointing out the nature of your state. To solve your problem change the nature of your state. Otherwise retreat into your walled fortress and remain locked in a world of religious fundamentalism and self-righteous paranoia.
42. #41 world
solomon ,   bklyn   (03.23.13)
You are the one who is confused. Arabs in Israel vote and are represented in the government. They go to the same hospitals as Jews to be treated by the same Jewish and arab doctors and nurses. The PA has said their country will be judenrein. Hamas wants to kill all the Jews. Which side is apartheid? Where is there world of religious fundamentalism? (Hint; it ain't the Jews). Your problem is that you have locked yourself in your walled fortress of paranoia, listening to others while keeping your eyes and ears tightly closed to reality. Enjoy your fairy tales; the rest of us deal with reality.
43. Solomon Ever Heard Of The West Bank?
World Citizen ,   the world   (03.23.13)
You know the place with separate roads for Jews and Palestinians, separate buses and checkpoints for Palestinians, plus the apartheid wall separating Palestinians from their families and farms? The place where Jews have swimming pools and Palestinians can barely find potable water to drink? The place where they bulldoze the homes of the indigenous population (Palestinians) to make room for American or Russian or Indian or Peruvian "Jews" that don't have one drop of Israelite blood in them? The place where settlers beat up Palestinian children and their escorts on the way to school? The place where Palestinian workers get beaten by Jewish teenage thugs for being Palestinian? Have you heard of that Israel? If not you need to take a look around because the rest of the world has been watching it for some time now and we don't like what we see.
44. #43 That's just garbage
Jake   (03.24.13)
You have clearly never been to Israel anywhere in the vicinity. There is no such thing as a road for "Jewish only" traffic. Every single road in Israel OR the territories that Jews are allowed to use, Arabs are allowed to use also. Not the same for PA roads though, which Jews cannot use. Moreover, Arabs tend to live in spacious villas, while Jews are crammed into cramped apartment buildings. If there are people in the Middle East who don't have access to potable water, it sure ain't the palestinians! Is there any end to your arrogance and falsehoods and bad posts?
45. #19 "Avi", spoken like a dyed-in-the-wool Self Hater
Jake   (03.24.13)
It didn't occur to you that a lot of the gentiles who hated Jews, stopped hating Jews after getting to know some.
46. 43.
Birdi ,   Israel   (03.24.13)
You dont like what you see? then dont look & stop your moronic lies about how the Palestinians are treated here in Israel. You have never visited never mind lived in Israel & your garbage filled post proves it.
47. Are ethnic Dutch different from those still there?
R Narz ,   Toronto   (03.25.13)
I have never been to Holland, though I have been to Germany. My knowledge of Dutch people is confined to those who arrived in Canada as immigrants. I would really really find it hard to criticize any of these people not even one. Of all the groups arriving, the Dutch seem to make the most effort to fit in, to be polite and so forth. Thus this article comes as a bit of a surprise to me; but hey a lot of the people I know have been here 40 years and are much removed from present day Holland.
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