Obama's last day in Israel takes him to Yad Vashem, Bethlehem
Ynet, news agencies
Published: 22.03.13, 08:54
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13 Talkbacks for this article
1. OBAMA is Israel's best friend
Keren Il-BR   (03.22.13)
Obama will enter History as the man that brought peace to the Middle East. How inspired is this man! G-D has sent him to deliver hope and justice. I went to see his speech in jerusalem and almost cry of joy. Todah rabah, Mr President. Thank you!
2. home problem chases Obama abroad
observer ,   Egypt   (03.22.13)
Shooting incidents kill 3 Marines at Virginia base. the gunman had fled, all base personnel asked to remain indoors behind locked doors.
3. I think he is greatest actor since Shakespeare's days
Alan ,   SA   (03.22.13)
4. Obama is no messiah. His real agenda needs to be seen.
Steve ,   UK   (03.22.13)
Further to Obama's address to the Israeli youth yesterday, I was privy to a dialogue on Facebook last evening which made me think. One of those involved was a veteran Israeli who had fought in both 1967 and 1973 Arab-Israeli wars, and whose family had suffered in the Holocaust. He told of how the Jews had been duped as to their safety prior to the Holocaust, and then subjected to rejection in the Middle East and a number of Arab-Muslim wars seeking the destruction of the new state of Israel. When the wars had failed, then came the terrorism. After that the methodology changed from calls to drive the Jews into the sea, into the humanitarian/nationalist aspirations of the Palestinians. With a young generation largely unfamiliar with persecution, the Holocaust, and the Arab wars and goals of annihilating their state, Obama sought to take advantage of this ignorance to manipulate them into rising up against their leaders to embrace the Palestinians. Where the youth needed to be educated in the historical factors I've just mentioned, Obama was encouraging them to ignore history. He told the Israelis to put themselves in the place of the Palestinians, as if it was the Israelis, and not the Arabs, who were responsible for continued Palestinian rejection of statehood. It was spin, deceit and delusion of the highest order, from someone who embraces the Arab and Muslim world, and who has supported the Islamists in the Arab Spring. Again designed for duping the Jews in much the same way as they had been prior to the Holocaust. Wisdom, understanding and an ability to see through the Obama plan and what is presented in the media, being essential commodoties.
5. "Here on your ancient land"
A ,   Belgium   (03.22.13)
Well at least Oblabla knows who Israel AND Jerusalem belong to, even if he doesn't have the courage to say it out loud, along with Abbas.
6. #1 not written by me
Keren ,   IL-BR   (03.22.13)
7. First end the occupation of Native American
jason white ,   afula,israel   (03.22.13)
land in the Americas, .Then we can talk about the illegal arab settlement of Jewish land.
8. Challenge your leaders and
ASTRONAUT ,   SC, USA   (03.22.13)
follow ME? Who is this guy: a born-again Martin Luther King, or a self-proclaimed messiah? Either way, he did a good job of tapping into/manipulating the "youthful" minds of Israeli college students; impressionable, eager for "change" that could ultimately lead to their demise.
9. NO to BO
Brod ,   USA   (03.22.13)
Israel should say NO to BO. The latter does not know the Land of Israel. He does not know the GOD of Israel-the GOD of the Bible. He does not even know America. He has buried America under 16.5 Trillion Dollars in National Debts. America is on a pathway of decline under Obama who smooth-talked his way to the WH. It is time America wakes up. It is time Congress wakes up.
10. Impostor #1, you are DISGUSTING !
Chris Rettenmoser ,   Bayerisch Gmain Germ   (03.22.13)
11. Was b.H.o. Given Choice Of Wearing
A kafiya and a Kippa? Most Fitting To Wear A Kippa On The Ordained Day Of Rest , Shabbat! Someone Should Send A Pic to rev. j.wright and l.farikhan? They would be proud of their deciple. Taqiyya/kitman?
12. A tried and true tactic
Robert ,   New Jersey, USA   (03.22.13)
Obama knew he couldn't bamboozle the responsible elders of Israel, only 10% of whom support this impostor. Those with formed brains see through this empty suit. So he used the tactic of bypassing them, going straight to the youth for whom 'coolness' is all it takes to get their devotion. "Divide and conquer!" Watch out. You are dealing with a snake! He will betray you when you least suspect. On that and ONLY that, you can count!
13. #1= imposter/ media spin in article
Colorado ,   USA   (03.22.13)
Poster #1: a moslem trying to be "clever." Hey--yo--#1: you FAILED. Media Spin: What O doesn't accomplish himself, the media (in this case Reuters and AP) do for him--absolute rewrites and reinterpretations of what O actually says, means, and does. They are his surrogates. If people can watch live feed, that's how you'll be able to see everything for yourselves. Agree with #4. The real agenda is that O is trying to harness the immaturity and universal stage of human development of that crowd, and manipulate it for his purposes. Also important is to realize the double-speak O uses. Example regarding Yad Vashem--O says "Nothing could be more powerful..." Sounds good on the surface, but the whole Arab world, and starting now in the West, the denial of the Holocaust is everywhere. O is not saying that the Holocaust was a despicable and horrible act of aggression and genocide, he's just saying the presentation is "powerful."THEN goes on to say that Israel shouldn't say that the State of Israel was created because of the Holocaust, but so the Holocaust never happens again. Analysis: "stop talking about the Holocaust and make 'peace' with the Arabs SO THAT the Holocaust never happens again--i.e., the ball is in Israel's court to stop another Holocaust by being good little boys and girls and followers of O's ideas.
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