Jewish Scene
Iran's Jews: Tolerance or veiled persecution?
Kobi Nahshoni
Published: 27.03.13, 15:21
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31.  29. split: Arab parties hold 11 seats in the Knesset ,...
split ,   US   (03.30.13)
Save your breath and take look at the 'details' below where and how they're represented. The new govrnment is not better if not worst for Arab Israelis - It's clear that not only the Arabs are discriminated against but women too ,...
32. 23 - 9 mile wide concentration camp
split ,   US   (03.30.13)
You're full of crap, a few years ago Israeli government offered them $15 000 per person to move to Israel and guess what, a two or three families showed up at BG, the remaining Jews in Iran showed you a finger ,... Still didn't address and answered my question, how many Arabs should be in Knesset representing their population to match Jewish representation in Ayatollah's Iran?,...
33. #32 Wrong again
Cynthia ,   USA   (03.31.13)
The money was not offered by Israel. It was offered by a Christian and Jewish group and totaled $10,000 per person which is not a lot of money for someone to leave a business and profession behind and start a new life where they do not know the language. They could not leave with their family and may have rejected the money for fear of repercussions to the remaining family members. You cannot get a visa to Israel from Iran. Your little story is bogus. An estimated 80,000 Persian Jews left Iran mostly before the Islamic Revolution without a funding incentive. They were self-motivated to leave. In regard to your drivel about the Knesset, I believe even when there were over 100,000 Jews in Iran, they had only one representative. So I guess you're suggesting Israeli Arabs are over represented. They also have far more rights than Iranian Muslims and there are Christian Israeli Arabs who would be persecuted in Iran.
34. split: I am underwhelmed:
split ,   New York, US   (03.31.13)
The Arab parties in the Knesset are not part of the ruling coalition and neither are Jewish religious parties this time around: such is the fate of small parties in parliamentary systems. The token Jew in the Iranian parliament is not a minister of anything (and too scared to quit). Israel is a real democracy and doing fine.
35. 33 ,...
split ,   US   (04.01.13)
Wow those pure persecuted Jews in Iran own successful businesses that prevent them to join their homies in promised land or maybe just maybe as a descendants of biblical Hebrew they don't see any connection or want nothing to do with the Zionist Khazar nomads running their 'promissed' land today?,... "An estimated 80,000 Persian Jews left Iran mostly before the Islamic Revolution without a funding incentive. They were self-motivated to leave" - Crap!!! Most of them were in Pahlavi's pocket ripping off Iranians of their resources, a V column securing Israeli interests or running SAVAK the most brutal secret police in the Middle East - They were a fear not self-motivated to leave but not before they transferred their loot leaving Iranian banks empty and froze Iranian assets in US by the way convincing other regimes to transfer their assets from US to safer places like Swiss Banks ,... 20% of Arab population in the only democracy in the M. East doesn't have any representation in the ruling coalition, committees or ministerial appointments ,... We know that IDF have a rabbis on their payroll, what about the Muslim Bedouins or Druzes, do they have their mullahs too ? ,... That $10.000 per family member reward was raised to $15.000 with no results. What different does it make if was provided by Israeli government or Christian NGO's ?
36. #35 A strong connection exists
Cynthia ,   USA   (04.02.13)
Israel has one of the largest populations of Persian Jews. Even a peasant like yourself can understand how unwise it would be for Persian Jews living in Iran to show open support for Israel. Your rant about Persian Jews and lack of knowledge regarding how they became successful reflects your feelings of inferiority and ignorance. You have no clue how any of these individuals made a living. But since they left, notice how Iran's economy tanked. Yes, Israel is the only democracy in the ME. There are 12 Arab members in the Knesset and 5-6 Arab parties. They're well represented. The problem is, some representatives care more about the Palestinians than the people they're paid to represent. Yes, I suppose Rabbis in the IDF receive a paycheck. And your point is? The amount was $10,000 and it was not offered by Israel. In addition, it was not a reward. My purpose was to show you don't have your facts straight and therefore, to discredit you. Of course, you do an excellent job of that on your own. LOL!
37. 36 - no clue how any of these individuals made a living
split ,   US   (04.02.13)
Just like in every other bloody regime at the steering wheel, for instance in Stalin's pre WWII Soviet Union or post WWII Soviet Block, needless to say as soon as the dictator kicked the bucket, the regime have changed to better the natives they had to run for their lifes fearing the nation they terrorised screaming that they're the victims,... "But since they left, notice how Iran's economy tanked" - Conveniently omitting the fact that they transferred their loot leaving Iranian banks empty, froze Iranian assets in US and now the sanctions - Despite all this crap unlike you they manage to survive without handouts ,...
38. #37 I'll help you out
Cynthia ,   USA   (04.03.13)
They worked in many fields but were heavily engaged in business and as professionals. The loss for Iran when they left was not only monetary which was their right to take what savings they could, but in talent, knowledge and expertise. The regime has not brought change for the better. That's obvious. The Islamic regime has stripped rights from the people and drained the Iranian economy using Iran's oil resources for the pit of doom multi-billion dollar quest for nuclear power and to fund terror. The Persian Jews did not drain the banks and they have nothing to do with frozen Iranian assets in the US or sanctions. The regime is responsible for that. Many of the same people who protested against the Shah's repressive regime left Iran once they realized there was a new devil in town and life was about to get much worse. You can return to your vegetative state now.
39. As of 2007, Israel is home to just over 47,000 Iranian-born
jdc ,   New York, US   (04.03.13)
I would say Israel has been pretty attractive To Iranian Jews. US even more so at 80,000. Charges of Jews "running" Pahlavi's secret police are sheer paranoid drivel. The Jews never exceeded 1% of Iran's population. Sort of like an elephant complaining of being raped by a mouse. And the Khazar hypothesis on the Jewish origins has been discredited long ago. Learn to live with it: the Jews are ancient, proud, back in the ancestral homeland, doing fine and feeling pretty good.
40. 38 - Keep talkin' ,...
split ,   US   (04.03.13)
There're a zionist ignorants ready to swallow your hook, the sinker and the whole 10' of line ,...
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