The new wave
Noga Gur-Arieh
Published: 15.05.13, 09:43
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88 Talkbacks for this article
31. Lets start with facts
Jarda ,   Czech Republic   (05.15.13)
In 1922, only 11% of population of Palestine were Jewish. Even so, occupiers decided that Palestine should be a "national homeland" for Jews. Why? Who gave them right to make such decision?
32. The world is afraid of the arob masses who enter
Moshe ,   Usa   (05.15.13)
traditionally non-moooslum nations & cry about how bad Jews treat them in the only democracy in the mid-east. And their fear of arobs is increased because of arob violence in these non-moooslum nations. And many believe the unbelievable because it makes them feel better & some are so stupid & irresponsible that they do not research for facts & in so doing, participate in the harm arobs bring to Israel. Arobs should be exiled.
33. #23: The Almighty made the decision.
Steve   (05.15.13)
That is a fact you are loathe to contemplate.
34. TUTU #19: You make the author's point
Steve   (05.15.13)
Noga Gur-Arieh is a woman. She is not a guy. She is an Israeli. Why do you tell untruths. You make the author's point.
35. It is the citizenship, stupid
Harri ,   EU   (05.15.13)
As much as I admire Jews, as long as Israel blocks Palestinians their right to live in their homeland, the boycotts will grow day by day. You cant have right of return for every Jew who never have lived in Israel, and at the same time block right to citizenship from all the Palestinians who live in Judea and Samaria and the right of return for every Palestinian who's relatives have lived in Israel for centuries. You should show some justice for thePalestinians if you want some justice from the other nations.
36. Jarda #31 Not so fast.
Jake   (05.15.13)
1. In 1914, there were 90,000 Jews in what was to become Mandate Palestine. 45,000 alone lived in Jerusalem, where they had constituted the majority since about 1860. Many thousands of Jews left (or were were forced to leave by the the Ottoman authorities or due to famine) during the WWI years, so that in 1918, only 56,000 remained. 2. The entire population of Palestine counted in 1922 was only 757,182. For much of the 19th century it had stood at about 500,000. The League of Nations Mandate did not envision the establishment of a Jewish National Home by dispossessing the non-Jewish residents, but encouraged "close settlement by Jews on the land, including State lands and waste lands not required for public purposes". 3. It should be noted that in large areas of Bohemia and Moravia, in what is now the Czech Republic, ethnic Germans constituted the majority. These Germans were evicted from post-war Czechoslovakia. If these Germans were to be given the right of return to their former lands, Czechs could potentially become the minority in these areas. Just saying.
37. to #35 Israel is dealing with people ..
Oleg   (05.15.13)
who want to exterminate Israelis..its not about occupation ...its about existence of independent Jewish state. and Arab suffering as result of their desires --does not make Arabs right..Germans had suffered greatly in WWII ..does it mean they were morally right?
38. Jarda , facts
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (05.15.13)
They made a decision , on paper , but NEVER implemented it . What they decided , and implemented , was to give the Golan heights to Syria . Who gave them the right to DO it ? You see Jarda , before writing something , try to know a little bit about it
39. # 31 Jarda
Jason, Ph.D. ,   Charlotte, USA   (05.15.13)
Jarda, first answer directly the point I made in Talkback # 11. Secondly, the Jews, who are the indigenous but expelled people of the Land, began returning to their land en mass starting in the 1890s. (They had made several attempts to do so before that, but were slaughtered.) They did not invade this land; they purchased it from Arab landowners. Jewish takeover of land by force only happened after the Arabs attempted to destroy the Jews by force. I have studied Jewish land settlement in the Land in detail. How much have you studied it? I await your answes.
40. nothing to do with citizenship
to harri 35 ,   San Fran, USA   (05.15.13)
The Palestinians can have a state if they want, tomorrow. All they have to do is end their war to destroy Israel. They were offered a state in 1948, 2000 and 2008, every time, they like the part about getting land, but they can't swallow the bits about making peace! Tell them to give peace a chance, Israel wants peace and will give up large parts of its ancestral homeland for peace, but the peace has to be real. Why is this so hard? They can be citizens of their own state, but for them the price, ending a war that they should never have started, is too high.... Harri, the arabs don't treat their minorities well. And your own continent has not been very nice to the Jews either. A small homeland for Jews is not the biggest problem in the middle east. Appeasing the arab insistence that every country in the middle east be moslem is a problem, and you are silly to support it, because the EU will be next.
41. Harri #35 A 4th generation Arab from Lebanon
Jake   (05.15.13)
whose ancestors allegedly lived in what they now call Palestine, a supposed entity which has never in history been a country in its its own right - has no basis on which to claim right of return to a country that the Arabs had attempted to destroy.. If you are looking for justice, you should be pointing your finger of accusation at the Arab counties who refuse to grant these Arabs citizenship, despite the fact that they waged a war of exermination against Israel in 1948 in the name of the palestinians, and at the request of their leaders. You should also be demanding from these Arab governments full compensation to the Jews whom they expelled and whose property they stole, once again in the name of the palestinians. Much as I admire Europeans, I abhor the despicable hypocrisy and feigned pretensions to morality demonstrated by so many Europeans when it comes to the Arab-Israeli conflict.
42. #4, Hawking didn't base his judgment on his visits
Jake   (05.15.13)
to Israel. He admitted it himself. He was 'convinced' to uphold the boycott by pressure from palestinian academics. It is also apparent that pressure was also exerted by one virulently anti-Israel Marxist academic called Noam Chompsky.
43. BDS will die out
Cipora Julianna Kohn ,   Z   (05.15.13)
israel is getting stronger all the time. she is getting stronger militarily and economically. bds is like fleas on an elephant's hide.
44. To #35
Susan ,   Kfar Saba   (05.15.13)
Actually, most of the so called Pals dont have relatives that have lived here for centuries. Most of their great grandparents immigrated here starting in the 1880s on thru the British Mandate. They came because the Jewish settlers were creating an economy and there were jobs. In the Turkish days it was all part of the Ottomen Empire. They didnt need a visa or a passport to come here. Prior to that the country was almost deserted. There were not a lot of people here and if you dont believe me read Mark Twain's Innocents Abroad. He came in the 19th century and was not impressed. He writes about how desolate and deserted the country was. When the Pals say their ancestors have lived here since "time immemorial" they are lying and they know it. We Jews are actually the indiginous people here. They dont have a state because of their violence and intransigence.
45. to #37 It is not the occupation
Harri ,   EU   (05.15.13)
If you called Judea and Samaria as Palestine, and give it a real autonomy, you could still keep controlling the security issues. And autonomy means an ability to control building on the autonomous area. You should stop building those stupid settlements. They are killing you, because they are killing your moral spine. You cant survive if the whole world including Jews start seeing you as a bunch of thieves. If you try to keep Judea and Samaria and try to round up Palestinians into small cantons, you will lose everything. There cant be Israel without Palestine as long as people still believe in justice.
46. Funny to see a presumptuous hurt ego
twist and turn, like this author. Instead of reconsidering his views he just complains without any evidence that Hawking hasn't checked the facts, hasn't listened to the other side or hasn't even been to Israel. What a pile of presumptuous drek.
47. Why was he invited?
DavidM ,   USA   (05.15.13)
Why was Stephen Hawking invited to Israel in the first place? Given his track record it is no surprise that he chose to boycott after accepting his invitation. This is a tried and true publicity stunt of the Israel haters. Hawking's behavior was as predictable as it was hypocritical.
48. How can he?
Walter ,   Germany   (05.15.13)
That's always fun: How can he criticize Israel when he uses Israeli technology? My question: How can the Israelis criticize the nazis when they use technology and medical knowledge gained by Germany during 1933 and 1945?
49. 'uses Israeli technology to communicate' ,...
split ,   US   (05.16.13)
What's that would you care to be more precise? ,... Last time I remember Intel was US company and there's no secret that Intel is working with Hawking since nineties to provide the technology he needs to express himself ,... The damn thing speaks with an American accent too ;) ,...
50. If he is that important, send
Ansel ,   US   (05.16.13)
someone to officially dialogue with Hawking and find out his reasons -detailed-, and discuss the Israeli point of view. Invite him to talk about it.
51. Hawking and the other boycotters
reuven   (05.16.13)
hate jew3s. IOt's as simple as that. They are part of the vicious New Anti-Semitism. In the not too distant future, people like Hawking will be living as dhimmis...victims of Islamic hatred. To hell with Hawking and nazis like him.
52. Jarda #22
Mickey ,   Sydney, Australia   (05.16.13)
What you fail to understand is that the poll with the 11% result was taken before the British gave 78% of Palestine to a new country now called 'Jordan'. The division of the remaining 22% by the Peel commission and later at the UN, gave approximately 8% to the Jews, only where there was a majority of Jews, and most of the rest to Arab residents of that portion of the geographic area called 'Palesine'.
53. #48
Alex   (05.16.13)
If you think that's the point behind the article I understand your kinds ignorance and bigotry.
54. Stephan Hawking is NOT an important guy
Bluegrass Picker ,   Afula   (05.16.13)
he has never really helped humanity in any identifiable way. Due to his illness, he has become a mem. There is no loss to us if he doesn't enter here. Save the hotel room for a chinese engineer who will help build the Eilat-to-Beersheva Railroad.
55. To #4 in Idiots Paradise.
Austin ,   Canada   (05.16.13)
You are some sort of cretin, typical of the inborn anti-Semitism of nearly ALL goyim. Hawking can speak only at a MAXIMUM of ONE word per minute. I doubt that any really relevant, fact-finding questions could be asked in less than about 2 hours. And who knows truly how fast his present understanding is?? Not you. Not me. And, just think, that he is alive and can communitacte even that fractional amount, is due to Jewish Israeli inventiveness and technology. You dumb cluck.
56. Ken @#10.
Austin ,   Canada   (05.16.13)
Let me whisper a dirty little secret to you, one which actually is well known throughout the world and CERTAINLY by the international politicians- although they ignore it because they like better to hate us. Israel has NO RECOGNISED BORDERS. Israel inly has CEASE-FIRE LINE. Both of the authors of Resolution 242, Lord Caradon and Eugene Rostow, have repeatedly said and published, that they DELIBERATELY did not say return ALL terrirory. This is well known. Cease fire, Armistice lines etc are NOT borders. The BORDERS are to be fixed by peaceful negotiation and recognition between the TWO parties. Also, you should be aware, that by existing, valid, thoroughly endorsed by the Leaguer of Nations, the United States, and the United Nations, All the land (that tiny speck of territory, is rightfully owned by the Jewsih People. LOOK IT UP....dimwit.
57. I did.
God ,   Beyond...   (05.16.13)
yup, i did.
58. Heheh ,...
split ,   US   (05.16.13)
Last time I checked speech synthesis was still US patent ;) ,...
59. Tutu
Charles ,   Petach Tikva   (05.16.13)
And who's to blame for your problems ? Why do we need check points ? You have to blame those terrorists who are the reason for those checkpoints . Do you think that we could not use the money needed for our security for other purposes ? Palestinians from gaza , and Judea Samaria , can marry Israeli "palestinians" , but they are not allowed to settle in Israel . Regarding Bethlehem , tell me why most of the Christians there had to flee ? Youth unemployment ? It's an international problem , certainly amongst the lesser educated .
60. Many of the boycotters are just afraid
Zev ,   Israel   (05.16.13)
If they really wanted to boycott they would not have agreed in the first place. They cancel after they get threats and they are afraid to take any chances. After all what would Israel do if they don't come? Those that do come in spite of the threats are to be commended.
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