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Has multiculturalism failed?
Roi Simyoni
Published: 26.05.13, 19:26
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31. @6 real dead people DONOT = Fake terror!
32. they r receiving a powerful dose of their own Karma!
make the karma take the karma too bad u didn't figure that out in advance oh silly Europe. But then on the positive side now you don't have to come here to have a fly-tilla just go to your own airports and welcome the Moslems with open arms!
33. Yeah! Fools rush in!
Harry Wright ,   UK   (05.27.13)
Europe opened wide the front door, back door and even the windows to allow in the tidal wave of Islamic immigrants. Back then, “multiculturism” and “pluralism” sounded so wonderful, exotic and noble, everyone was enamoured with it and wanted to jump into it fearlessly and recklessly. BBC and the other liberal media, the academic left and the politicians promoted it with passion and gusto – and they still do. They are downright crazy and/or reckless. It was like a contest to see which country was first past the post as they admitted more and more scum. They have betrayed their countries and their people by promoting this unbridled state-sponsored invasion. A whole generation of educated elite is brainwashed with this lunacy and will continue it. They provide housing and benefits indefinitely. To give an idea (simplistic) in figures - in Sweden (say 5% immigrants), roughly 20 natives support one immigrant. It is projected that in 2030 the figure will be 40%. To make the math easier, I’ll use 50%. That means 2 natives will have to support 1 immigrant. That is MADNESS. By that time, the lazy immigrants will demand the freeness and will rise up if they don’t get it. Why work if you are getting everything for free??? By that time too, the government will be over-run with Islamists and they will be lucky if they get a few token natives. The picture will be totally different from the Sweden we know today.
ADAM ,   CHICAGO   (05.26.13)
35. "Entrenched in their own culture" - Jews have done it too
Justine   (05.26.13)
Jews survived because they resisted assimilation. I don't quite understand how Mazel can now criticize Muslims for being "entrenched in their own tradition" and preferring to "live within their own culture". Religious Jews have done it for centuries and are still doing it. After centuries of life in Poland most Jews still used Yiddish rather than Polish, sent their children to Jewish schools and followed Orthodox Judaism which meant for example that they couldn't share a meal prepared by their non-Jewish neighbors. It's the same for today's Orthodox Jews in North America - they have their own world, their own social circles, their own educational system, etc. Heck...they probably live quite separate lives even in Israel. Why couldn't Muslims do what religious Jews have done for centuries? Again, I'm just talking about preserving one's culture and traditions, not about being violent towards others, not working, etc.
36. Israel's 65,000 Africans
Ron ,   OC US   (05.26.13)
No good will become of these illegals either. Not to mention the thousands of Arab squatters Israel refuses to dispatch. I could go on about the US but they only give me 600 letters on this forum. Our jails are filled with immigrants and the city schools are overflowing. There are a few bright spots but very few.
37. Has multiculturalism failed?
Bertram ,   London, UK   (05.26.13)
No, because it hasn't really been tried. It's not about assimilating this group or that group. Are Haredim assimilated into secular Jewish society? In fact, secular newish life is more similar secular life in non-Jewish communities than it is to life in Mea Shearim. Yet even the majority of devout Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Hindus .....etc. want what everyone wants: decent housing, decent education, decent health care ....etc.for multiculturalism to work you need societies that are profoundly decent and fair with a collective civic consciousness. In that respect, most societies, including the UK, France, Germany, the US and the entire Middle East, have failed. So, let's stop with platitudinous baloney as well as the usual nationalistic racism and bigotry which grace this forum and get down to thinking how we might make our countries better for all who inhabit them.
38. re#1 Same thing can be said about Chasidim....
Cali Cal ,   Los Angeles, USA   (05.26.13)
who the walk around in black wool suits and top hats in the summer???? Why don't these men shave or cut off their idiotic sidelocks??? Why do their wives wear wigs when they have hair of their own?? Why dont they dress like the average American??? Are they assimilating???Its easy to pick on people Sarah, grow up.
39. The new ideology of social engeneering
Tom W ,   USA   (05.27.13)
Our modern era was shaped by two artificial, man made ideology which caused the death of millions and the destruction of most European societies. One was the Nazi ideology, the other was the Communist one: neither had rational foundations, both was borne out of the minds of mad-men. The newest "man-made" societal "re-engineering" ideology is the "Cultural Marxism" - (a Jewish invention, Frankfurt School) - which encompassing "multikultism" "PolCorr. speech, diversity, absolute relativism etc. This is the newest ideology the Western elite embraced and forced upon the people: noncompliance will entail retribution. The Nazis setup Death Camps, the Communist the Gulags, and the new neo-Marxist regimes apply criminal laws against those who resists the re-engineering of the natural order. It's obvious to sound thinking people that this new fad will collapse too but only after the damage is done. This time the damage will be irreversible for the Islamisation and tribalization can not be undone. But mind you, ideology has more power than common sense, there were and there are obsessive zealots who stop at nothing to advance their convoluted creed no matter what. Final observation: While the Western world succumb to "multikultism" the East wont: E. Europe-Russia and Asia of course will reserve their traditional characteristics.
40. #35. Justine: Are you blind? Can't you see?
Tom W ,   USA   (05.27.13)
Jews never and nowhere murdered the host nation's people out of religious fanaticism. Jews never proselytize, never wanted to impose Judaism upon anybody. How dare you compare the peaceful, introvert Jews with the beheading, violent Jihadist Islam which wants to conquer the world. Some people obtuse mindset is mind boggling.
41. #31, Crisis actors, no deaths, no amputees, fake
JMK ,   NYC   (05.27.13)
42. #37 Bertram. Too funny!!!
Harry Wright ,   UK   (05.27.13)
Just change your first sentence to: "Yes, because it hasn't really been tried". That will relieve you of the need to ramble. But do enjoy getting "down to thinking how we might make our countries better for all who inhabit them". Don't up my tax though! I can't pay any more - I'll starve because I don't qualify for benefits. Funny isn't it? We did not have that task before the muslim immigrants arrived. We did not have to put cameras at every street corner, nor curtail our free speech, nor make detours so we don't pass through certain muslim areas, nor have our sleep disturbed by the loud muezzin calls, nor have the likes of Choudary telling us how much he hates us and calling out who should be killed, nor have a bifurcation of Sharia and British law, nor nervously look for a spot in the tube where commuters don't have heavy backpacks. Take all the time in the world. Meanwhile, we'll just have to scrape up all the bodies from the streets and try to douse the fires as best we could and groan in real pain as we watch the cinders of our cars (our one luxury).
43. OMG! This is in a Guardian editorial! You know, that...
Harry Wright ,   UK   (05.27.13)
liberal rag. Regarding the Sweden riots, they continue to speak glowingly about the "enlightened social policy" while peoples' properties went up in flames. "Sweden's centre-right coalition leaders should resist the temptation of undoing decades of enlightened social policy." I wonder if any of them did any 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 year projections on the outcomes to be expected of those reckless policies! But the idea of dumping ton-loads of filth in their backyards sure does appeal to them. It's a pity that those who suffered loss and damage can't force the government to accept liability since it is their "enlightened social policy" which caused their demise.
44. #39 Tom. Good post.
Harry Wright ,   UK   (05.27.13)
And Obama seems to be getting away with it.
45. Why did they move there?
Adam ,   israel   (05.27.13)
If you arent willing to adhere to the values of the country to immigrate to then you shouldnt even move there. European countries have been generous enough to let these people in and give them an opportunity to better their condition in a new place. It is their choice and fault theat they dont take advantage of it. Europe should wake up and see that these people are planning its slow destruction and do something about it. They sohouls have a plan to either assimiliate these people or so send them back to the countries of origin. The young people that grow up in europe havent seen about what the country that their parents came from was like. They complain about no opportunity. They should be send back to their muslim countries to get a real taste about "no opportunity"
46. to Tom W - some people have problem with reading...
Justine   (05.27.13)
I compared one aspect - being entrenched in one's culture. Mazel criticized Muslims for preferring their own culture. I pointed out that they are not the only ones doing that. Religious Jews or the Amish are peaceful - but they are entrenched in their own culture and do not assimilate with the majority. I specifically mentioned that I wasn't talking about the violence aspect, because there Jews and Muslims obviously differ. paragraphs I quoted, he just criticized
47. multiculturalism is another cover for
Daniel ,   TA - IL, formerly eu   (05.27.13)
european antisemitism... the prophets of multiculturalism on the left are also the israel and jewhaters. disguising themselves as tolerant creates thin layer of 'gutmensch-ness', which is just to cover their jewhatred and willingness to import millions of fellow jehating muslims.
48. to #35 jews didn't survive because they resisted
ghostq   (05.27.13)
there wan't any armed strugle, the resisted also known as Getto warsa rebeliation during WW2 failed. and many jews who were killed in WW2 weren't religious, it was enough a chritian with one jewish grandfather to be considered as a jew according to Hitler and his marry gang. there goes your theory out the window.
49. to #37 UK was created by multiculturism,
ghostq   (05.27.13)
Welsch r not lockals, britonian spoken french(yes Richard the "Lion" heart spoke french), and angelos(mix of romans and danes) danish, saxonians (mixof German Gaels and Romans)spoke German Gael. mix it all up you will get English. the Uk islaned is the multicultur of all countries that is y they had round table, and that is how it was formed only 1300 years ago. today the pround minorities want indipendant, the scotish rased their head also the Welsch. it doesn't work multiculturism, there is always people who want back their own true identity.
50. to 48 - don't drink and write ;)
Justine   (05.27.13)
And from the dictionary: Resist: verb (used with object) 1. to withstand, strive against, or oppose: to resist infection; to resist temptation. 2. to withstand the action or effect of: to resist spoilage. 3. to refrain or abstain from, especially with difficulty or reluctance: They couldn't resist the chocolates. Do you see something about armed struggle in those definitions?
51. to #50 it is not mother in law day so I am not drunk
ghostq   (05.27.13)
muslims use resistant as terminology for armed strugle, Hamas use power of resistant all the time also found in Abu Mazen speaches, you mention the dictionary, you forgot some part of the world (palis and shahid sons) don't care for your books. there is only one muslim movment in the world (ironcly exist in Israel) that think the only way to resist is by preaching or mind controlling, they r called "the Hachmeds". the rest muslim movments do not. if what you claim is true religious people sould accept the lockal country dress code, than chritians won't be able to practice theirs in Israel.
52. To: No. 38
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.27.13)
Why do people get their entire bodies tattooed and all manner of body parts pierced? That said -- what about the Amish? They certainly do not dress like the average American, and they certainly make no attempt to assimilate. Those that do are kicked out of the Amish church and shunned for life. The Amish also run a pretty thriving -- and deadly -- mafia on the east coast and in the Midwest. Where is your ire for them? Is that something you reserve exclusively for Jews? And I haven't even started upon the polygamist Mormon enclaves in the West .... does your "multicultural" enthusiasm extend to them and their unusual ways? Or, again, is your hatred and bigotry reserved exclusively for the Jewish people? You're a fraud and a phony and you cannot sustain your puerile arguments. You might want to consider just shutting up.
53. Reactionary fraternity
Bertram ,   London, UK   (05.27.13)
It is a common practice for the nationalist racist right to demonise anyone who dares to disagree. The posts on this forum are no exception. Of course they fail to see that in doing this they place themselves alongside the reactionary Islamists and destroyers of democracy. I have long fanaticised that it would a good idea to place all such purveyors of bigoted hatred, whether Muslim or Jewish, on an island together. They might end up killing each other. Or they will end up agreeing with each other, especially over the oppression of women, gay people, etc. Perhaps then the rest of us can then get on with the difficult task of trying to make a better life without regard to ethnic label or religious adherence.
54. To: No. 37
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.27.13)
Actually, what Moslems seem to want -- certainly in Europe and increasingly so in the United States -- is the opportunity to impose their "culture" on everyone else, free handouts without end and the right to blow up anyone who objects to their despicable way of life. There's no despair and desire for a job -- just laziness and a demand for increased support. Half that money gets channeled back to family overseas. The only thing that you can do, it would seem, to make Western countries better for their Moslem inhabitants is to allow them to intimidate, bully, refuse to learn English, make incessant demands for support, allow them to kill their daughters and sisters in the name of honor and allow them to riot at a moment's notice in case they feel that someone in the HOST country might have insulted the "Prophet." If they want a primitive culture, they have an absolute right to return to the primitive cultures that spawned them. There, they can shout Allahu Akhbar and stab unsuspecting victims to their craven hearts' content. I don't want these people polluting the United States with their filth, and their collusion with known terrorist groups is well documented. They can either fit in, set themselves apart yet law-abiding, or get the hell lost.
55. To: No. 50
Sarah B ,   U.S.A. / Israel   (05.27.13)
Don't be so smug. I wonder just how fluent you are in the poster at No. 48's native language? I deride the illiterate -- but only those that come from countries where the native language is English. By the way -- read the definitions you so studiously copied. Some do apply. Or are you simply shrinking from your despicable Polish heritage by tossing in an entirely irrelevant post? In that, Justine, you have succeeded mightily. Your post is entirely irrelevant. Not the first time, but congratulations anyway. Keep up the mediocre work!
56. to #53 so if your spouse do not agree with you
ghostq   (05.27.13)
do you call your spouse Nazi? just wondering, you can't expect in democratic free press to agree on everything, but than again in the UK there is no democracy or free press, there is barly public opinion sections. "news of the world" verdict can't be held in democratic countries. sadly in the Uk it happened, with good reason.
57. to Sarah B
Justine   (05.27.13)
ghostq comments are sometimes very random, that's why I suspect certain....influences (not that I mind). "By the way -- read the definitions you so studiously copied." "Studiously"? I understand that you've never heard of Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V. Check it out! Never too late to learn a few basic technology tricks. "Some do apply.. " Of course they do, that's why I copied them, duh... " Or are you simply shrinking from your despicable Polish heritage" Carthago delenda est...(talking about irrelevance to the subject)
58. To No. 54
Bertram ,   London, UK   (05.27.13)
You never cease to amaze me, Sarah, with your constant display of ignorance. Your stereotyping of 'Moslems' (glad you persist with the outmoded spelling rather than 'Muslims') puts you in the same league as anti-Semites and racists in general. Re the UK, here's some evidence from a report from the University of Essex (2012) and backed up by the Economic and Social Research Council (2013): 83% of Muslims are proud to be a British citizen, compared to 79% of the general public. • 77% of Muslims strongly identify with Britain while only 50% of the wider population do. • 86.4% of Muslims feel they belong in Britain, slightly more than the 85.9% of Christians. • 82% of Muslims want to live in diverse and mixed neighbourhoods compared to 63% of non-Muslim Britons. • 90% of Pakistanis feel a strong sense of belonging in Britain compared to 84% of white people. Let me preempt your possible response that, of course, Muslims are feel they are integrated in the UK because it is Muslim already! No. Muslims constitute 2.7 million i.e. 4.8 per cent of the population (2011 Census). I know that just like lazy journalists you never like facts to interfere with a good story but your desires cannot always be fulfilled.
59. Ultra-liberal multi-culti apologists like #37
Expat ,   Adelaide   (05.27.13)
who choose to blame the invaded rather than the invader, apparently will never get it, until it is too late. If Britain has too many Bertrams, it is only a matter of time before Sweden's immigration catastrophe would come knocking on its door too. Last week's events may well be a harbinger for what is to come.
60. Multi-culturists ignorance
Vuil ,   Toronto, Canada   (07.25.13)
What the multi-culti crowd fail to understand is that democracy only works in a homogeneous society. In fragmented societies people vote for their racial representative. Most of the multi-culti brigade have never lived in a society with this is the norm and so are naive. This little excerpt from a Spiegel interview with Lee Kuan Yew says it best: SPIEGEL: During your career, you have kept your distance from Western style democracy. Are you still convinced that an authoritarian system is the future for Asia? Mr. Lee: Why should I be against democracy? The British came here, never gave me democracy, except when they were about to leave. But I cannot run my system based on their rules. I have to amend it to fit my people's position. In multiracial societies, you don't vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion. Supposing I'd run their system here, Malays would vote for Muslims, Indians would vote for Indians, Chinese would vote for Chinese. I would have a constant clash in my Parliament which cannot be resolved because the Chinese majority would always overrule them. So I found a formula that changes that...
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