The emperor has no clothes
Shimon Shiffer
Published: 11.06.13, 20:03
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53 Talkbacks for this article
1. After reading the authors thoughts....
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (06.11.13)
on Livni I'm wondering if his last name should have two t's instead of two f's.
2. I have a gesture for you
Steve ,   SF   (06.11.13)
To the author and the Arabs alike it involves a raised middle finger.
3. Livni is like the child...
dr harry ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (06.11.13)
in the back seat of a car, blurting out every 5 minutes,"Are we there YET!!!!. Livni, are you done yet!!! You Leftist seem more loyal to Abbas. Why aren't you all bitching about Abbas's continuous refusal to take a step forward. Why is it always Israel??? BECAUSE HE NEVER WILL. You are the one with no clothes.
4. Even more gestures ? Seroiusly ? C'mon !
2Mad ,   גולה בצרפת   (06.11.13)
What about building freezes, releasing over 1000 thugs for Gilad Shalit, supplying them with petrol, electricity, water and food ? And for what ? Kassams, murders, arsons and stone throwing ? Only gesture left to do is: left hand on biceps, right fist on eye level, third digit straight. But again, world is so right - we never gave them what they deserve - so I'm not holding my breath...
5. She should have known in advance
Michael ,   Haifa   (06.11.13)
...that anything run by Netanyahu is most likely to be fraudulent
6. Livni is a disaster for Israel.
Reuven   (06.11.13)
She shouldn't be negotiating for anything and she shouldn't be Justice Minister. We need a Justice Mi9nister that will clip the self-assumed powers of the leftist Supreme Court. And if Bogey now supports releasing terrorists, I'm deeply disappointed in him.
7. Anyone that still thinks the PA wants peace is ignorant!
Michael Redbourn ,   Arad   (06.11.13)
Just today the PA was insisting on the right of return of millions of Arabs to Israel proper. Plus the release of prisoners etc etc etc No recognition of a Jewish State etc etc etc.
8. so what has shiffer's heros done for israel
jeff   (06.11.13)
barak and olmert withdrew and we got rockets and death,d eath and terror of many israelis. US, EU and nato guarantees are worthless. Abbas speaks in doubletalk taking shiffer to the cleaners. In spite of the evicence, shiffer is blind like he would be to hitler killing jews in gas chambers. There is no end to weak weak jews like haber, levy and shiffer along with livni and peres. These are weak weak people. The arabs are honest about one thing. They want israel out period. That is it.
9. how long can you fool people into thinking you are a
ralph   (06.11.13)
respectable news organization. you are very close to going over the edge like haaretz.
David ,   New York, NY   (06.11.13)
One can justifiably list the many defects in the make-up of both Livni and Bibi but certainly neither one of them would be called "stupid." And so it's insulting to their intelligence to not realize their extreme cynicism in joining forces: she, simply her eternal ambition to be a part of a ruling coalition, really almost any coalition, he, brining her on as the last piece of the mosaic needed to form a coalition. AND NOTHING MORE! Was this not glaringly obvious from day one? Betach!
11. anyone who thinks abbas is interested in peace is a fraud
Scott ,   Ramat Gan, Israel   (06.11.13)
12. 3
zionist forever   (06.12.13)
Livni is starting to sound like she belongs in Meretz with her attitude of make gestures and agree to any demand Abbas makes. Like the rest of the left the peace process is the new god and we must worship it. Ever since joining Kadima she has gradually shifted further and further left and has tantrums whenever she doesn't get her own way. Out of all the female party leaders I am not sure who is the worst Livni, Shelly or Gal-On.
13. Get on with it!
Ed ,   USA   (06.12.13)
This govt was formed for one reason, to reign in the excess privileges of the ultra Orthodox. Get this done so the govt can then dissolve over any other reason (peace, Iran, budget) and let's see a new coalition formed.
14. Is this a Purimspiel?
michael Pielet ,   israel   (06.12.13)
bibi is capitulating to pressure from Obama. Tsipi is a disgrace. No peace with arab terrorists, today or tomorrow.
15. Tsipi is not leaving
Robert Haymond ,   Teko'a, Israel   (06.12.13)
and has no intention of leaving government. The socalled integrity which the author (falsely) assigns Tsipi and the ensuing confrontations and decision points which the author has created in order to write this ridiculous piece does not exist. Tsipi was running, and always has been, in the aforenamed "Tsipi Livni:" party. There is no thought of integrity on her part and, in fact, she is nothing more than a political mechanism without a stance and without an identifiable political ideal. I think my view is obvious enough. Everyone saw through her when she formed her political party. She joined the coalition at Bibi's request in order to strengthen his own hand in deliberations with Jewish home and Yesh Atid. In fact, she is not needed and it would be to our benefit were she to quit but she won't: She loves her little bit of power and fame just so. Like so many Israeli politicians, she was much better when she was an active member of the military.
16. Please go Livni
Wise Saba ,   Western Negev   (06.12.13)
The sooner the better for Israel.
17. Useful Idiots
Avraham ,   USA   (06.12.13)
Stalin referred to Jewish Communists as Useful Idiots, we now have Israelis serving the same purpose for the Pals.
18. Tzipi the opportunist can not see fraud
Ilan   (06.12.13)
Peres and Livni are just two narcissistic fools that prefer to be famous but useful tools rather than standing on principle. I'm as ashamed at Netanyahu for associating them as for Peres and Livni's cynical regard of the public.
19. Peace is illusion if you don't believe in it
C2 ,   Aus   (06.12.13)
Can anyone tell what is the end of the game ?! Is peace achievable or not So if not achievable what is the answer is it endless hostility where both people are suffering endlessly Or what about sharing the land and resources and respect each other .
20. Benny, France
Hollywood personality Jamie Foxx’s comment at the Soul Train Awards: “Thank God, and our lord and savior, Barack Obama!” The same for Livni.
21. Tzipi and Lieberman is a strong duo.
Miron ,   USA   (06.12.13)
But they lack practical use. Their natural strength is aggression. Given present time situation it's absolutely crtiical they channel energies into building African refugee camps in Sinai. This is undertaking for the next few decades that will redefine Middle East. Unless Israel fully realises her powers to defend and protect those who have nothing, she will be denied by looters sponsored by international Anti - Semitic institutions. The people of Africa must know that Israel is the safe heavens they can stream to and find safe home where they can put their energies to own future. Camps in Sinai is a project Israel is procrastinated on for the past 40 years. Livni and Lieberman will go down in history as frauds unless they accomplish task waiting for them like the brik waited for a hand on the ground.
22. #19. Let's share Jordan. It occupies 80% of Jewish Homeland.
Chaim ,   Israel   (06.12.13)
Sure let's share the land. Let's share Jordan. It occupies nearly 80% of the Jewish Homeland.
23. and she has no brain !
MICHEL ,   ASHKELON   (06.12.13)
24. You err -
Arn. ,   Sweden.   (06.12.13)
- its Livni and Kerry who are the ones withouth clothes. !. Arn.
25. I wrote from day one
arne ,   chicag usa   (06.12.13)
that her being head of a negocating team was a joke--bibi calls all the shots as it should be. she wanted a job and she got one.she's a nice lady and if she's not happy then let her go home and bake cookies.
26. #22 Chaim, put on your own clothes please.
On the Balcony ,   Akko/NY/Kyiv   (06.12.13)
Sorry to uncover you but the simple fact is that the British, the Mandate and the international community never intended Jordan to be used for or by us (Jews) as part of the Jewish Homeland. This is made perfectly clear in the Mandate (article 25), the Churchill white paper published before the Mandate became effective and the League of Nation’s almost immediate creation of Transjorden. Not only was Jordan never intended to be a part of the Jewish Homeland , the Jewish Homeland was originally not intended to become either exclusively Jewish or an independent sovereign state. You forget that extremely important little clause of the Balfour Clause which was incorporated in the Mandate and explicitly puts the protection of Palestinian-Arab civil rights before the creation of the Jewish Homeland. QUOTE “it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.” UNQUOTE. I don’t care what myths you choose to dress yourself in but others should at least know that your claims are naked fabrications.
27. #26. Eugene Rostow versus fictional, anonymous poseur!
Chaim ,   Israel   (06.13.13)
#26. Gosh, we have a dilemna. On the one hand, world renowned legal experts such as Eugene Rostow and the drafters of U.N. Resolution 242 and Professor David M. Phillips have incontrovertibly proven Israel owns Judea and Samaria. On the other hand, a ridiculous fictional, anonymous poseur maintains Israel does not own our more than 3,500 year old ancestral heartland. Real world leading law experts versus a ridiculous poseur. Who should we believe? DUH!!!!
28. Having politicians like Livni goes to show, that one cannot
tom ,   tel aviv   (06.13.13)
depend on ethnicity (Jewish) to guarantee loyalty towards our self interests: stupidity trumps that!
29. #27 Don’t believe me, look it up yourself
On the Balcony ,   Akko/NY/Kyiv   (06.13.13)
Chaim, as you know, international law is not produced by the academic arguments of individual lawyers, not by Rostow, not by Stone and certainly not by me. International law is a product of the practices and agreements between nations and the organizations that they have created for that purpose. In this context, you can verify for yourself that the UN GA, SG, SC, the ICJ and ICRC, the High Parties of the Geneva Convention and the nations of the world, including the U.S and EU, have all declared that the settlements are a “flagrant violation” of international law (e.g.,UNSCR465). It’s not my opinion. It’s current law. Your claims about Jordan and the Mandate are just as easily refuted by facts. The League of Nations’ approval of the Palestinian Mandate was given after Churchill’s White Paper was published clarifying the nature and scope of the Jewish homeland to be created. The White Paper and Mandate clearly show that there was no intention to create a sovereign Jewish State, that territory east of the Jordan river was not intended to become part of the Jewish homeland (See Art.25 of the Mandate), and that the creation of a Jewish Homeland was subordinate to protecting “the rights and position” of Palestinian-Arabs (See Mandate Article 6). Drafts of the White Paper were circulated for comment before its publication. Weizmann, writing on behalf of the Zionist Organization, approved the White Paper’s policies. Again, I don’t ask anyone to simply believe me – copies of the original documents are easily found on the web. Now Chaim, where is that “incontrovertible proof” that you keep harping on? Please produce it for Wikipedia because apparently no one else is aware of it’s existence, not even Israel which still thinks the territories are “disputed.
30. #28 Livni deserves -and has our support
On the Balcony ,   Akko/NY/Kyiv   (06.13.13)
The majority of current MKs were elected on platforms which embraced a two-peoples, two states approach to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Established borders, an end to moral and legal ambiguities and pragmatic uncertainties are in everyone's best interest. You challenge the loyalty of fellow Jews who disagree with you. I challenge the sanity of those who wish to subjugate or dispossess over a million people.
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