Jewish Scene
'Anti-Semitic' Latvian memorial blasted
Published: 04.07.13, 07:36
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1. Utter nonsense
Tomek ,   Poland   (07.04.13)
So the Latvians want to celebrate the expulsions of the Soviet occupiers by their own partisans. This is a proper thing to do because it is a proud moment in the Latvian history. What happened after the Germans took over Latvia is irrelevant.
2. There's no smoke without fire ,...
split ,   US   (07.04.13)
Care to elaborate on Jewish conduct during the Soviet invasion and occupation in 1940-1941 ? ,...
3. #2 Split, you are are something...
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (07.04.13)
The Soviet occupation expelled Latvian Jews en-masse. The initial invasion included mass arrests of Jewish public figures, including community leaders, public figures, and various Zionist movement members - this later spread to arresting pretty much all noteworthy Jews in general, with particular focus on politics that didn't mesh with Communism. And during the June Deportation in the Baltics, Jews experienced a larger expulsion than their proportion to Latvian populace. In short, they were targeted outright by the Soviets. And with all the civic leaders, Rabbis, Members of Parliament, professional and merchant classes of Latvian Jews being on their "merry" way to Soviet concentration camps and gulags in the farthest reaches of Siberia, the remaining Latvian Jews were left ill-prepared to what happened next... the Nazi invasion and the Latvian partisans' cooperation with it. The Jews are not to blame for being hated, Split - get over it already. Attempting to explain away and excuse amoral behavior of this sort is a rather deep form of denial.
4. to #1 The Latvians tag jews as socialists and that poor
ghostq   (07.04.13)
conclution enable Latvians to do what ever they want to jews(including race restriction). but since polisch people look at jews the same, you don't see the difference.
5. # 3 ,...
split ,   US   (07.04.13)
So if there were so many Jews deported to Soviet gulags than where all those persecuted and murdered by Germans came from? By the way any Idea what happen to Latvian kulaks (farmers) and do you know of any Jews among them? Who were the Latvian commies, where did the Soviets get the lists with Latvian intelligentsia and leaders and what happen to them?,... At the time Kaganowich was at the steering wheel of the CHEKA terror apparatus, Matvei Berman and Naftaly Frenkel were the founders of Gulag labor camp system, their buddy Lev Inzhir was the commissar of Soviet Gulag camps transit and administration, Firin, Rappoport, Kogan, Zhuk, commissars of camps and slave labor. Check their roots. For Latvians the Germans were the lesser evil, what and when should they celebrate is their business ,...
6. # 3 ,...
split ,   US   (07.04.13)
There's a book (on line) 'Latvia: Year of Horror' I suggest you to read it instead of running your mouth ,...
7. To Split number 3
Shimon ,   Poleg   (07.04.13)
Many Jews were communists which is a disgrace and a stain on Jewish hstory however the communists were universally evil and despised Jew and gentile alike in fact Polish Anti-semitism which is in fact quite rare was normally stirred up and created by the local communists for example the Bialystok pogrom when my great grandfather lost an eye this was all orchestrated by the communists who uniformally hated everyone! Your hatred of communists is understandable however your reflex anti-semitism is rather sad if I may say as a proud zydowski
8. 2
here you go again with your idiotic rants. the boogyman jew is always on your radar. quit while you're ahead. the same statements, the same rants, the same idiocy time and time again. no one is convinced here, no one pays attention to those stupid remarks. quit while you're ahead and stop convincing us all of how idiotic you are.
9. Soviet memorial in South Netanya
Shimon ,   Poleg   (07.04.13)
I actually jog every evening past this Soviet memorial inaugurated by Putin every evening and think of what the communists did. Quite upsetting
10. Shimon 7 ,...
split ,   US   (07.05.13)
Take a pick at the hint I have provided at 6 - Communism is responsible for at least 65 million deaths in Europe alone, Nazis for around a half of that number, unless Wiesenthal people point out who was the major contributor to it, go after communist criminals as hard as they go after nazis, follow Mr. Plocker's example and take a good look at their own, they should be the last one in line pointing a finger at others ,... I really appreciate the fact you have pointed out that the commies were the instigators of Bialystok pogrom but you should also add who were those commies, that there was no Poland on the map in 1906 and that Bialystok was a part of the Russian Empire, it didn't happen when Poles ruled ,...,7340,L-3342999,00.html
11. To No. 10
Bertram ,   London, UK   (07.05.13)
Antisemitism is a disease. At times it is open, aggressive and murderous. At other times, it is sub-clinical and manifests itself in subtle ways. At the very least, you are a victim of the latter. There is no point in debating numbers. The Nazis had a clear policy from 1942 of exterminating all Jews in a methodical, efficient manner. End of story. The Soviet regime, whatever its viciousness, while at times having Jews in powerful positions, used the infection of old-style East European antisemitism to scapegoat - and murder - them when the regime thought it was necessary. Being communist as such was not relevant.
12. Bertram @ 11 - Hasbara hypocrisy ,...
split ,   US   (07.05.13)
What do you call an extermination by deliberate starving to death of a whole segment of society like the independent farmers that took place in Ukraine 1932-33, Soviet Union, in China, Cambodia, or deliberate deporting a whole nation like the Crimean Taratars to the worst parts of Syberia to get rid of them ,...
13. #12 I fail to see the relevance to Jews.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (07.05.13)
Communism assaulted whole segments of society based on political and economic considerations, and sometimes by utterly paranoid and irrational considerations as well, depending what Stalin's mood was at the time. Jews suffered the same fate as others. The only reason they didn't suffer with the case independent farmers is because they *weren't* independent farmers thanks to Tsarist Russia's old policies of... wait for it... Antisemitism! But they had plenty of other opportunities to be thrown into Gulags along with the others under the Soviet regime.
14. Roman at 13 ,...
split ,   US   (07.06.13)
According to a historical records and V. Putin latest statement during a visit to the Jewish Museum 80 to 85 percent of first Soviet government were Jews. Considering the fact that they constituted around percent of Russian society and occupied key positions in that regime speaks for itself. Considering the fact that they were unwelcome strays that stabbed the host nation in the back by kidnapping their country by imposing communism. Latvians isn't the first people that allowed you to stay under their roof and got stabbed in the back. I can count at least a dozen without checking google. Tsarist Russia's policies? Crap!!! No one ever prevented you in the past and no one prevents you to be a farmer in Americas, Australia or New Zealand today so why don't I see any? As a matter of fact there were a couple attempts by Jews to live of the land and apart from Goyim. In 1928 the Soviet Union set aside a territory of the size of Belgium for Jewish settlement, officially acknowledged as a Jewish national territory a first since ancient times (Birobidzhan) The Jews got a land and after less than a decade of its existence as a Republic failed dismally just like the settlement in Clarion US (Utah) couple decades earlier that lasted less than five years before disappearing into oblivion. Why did the Jews fail where others like Amurians, Chinese, Mormons and other nations before them managed to survive and prosper?,...
15. Bertram @ 11 - "policy from 1942 of exterminating all Jews"
split ,   US   (07.06.13)
How, since a half of the Jews used to live outside Europe?,... Definition of extermination: extinction, complete annihilation ,...
16. Roman at 13 ,...
split ,   US   (07.06.13)
Why can't you survive in your own country like a many other nations, without handouts?,...
17. 15
actually, not correct. half of the jews never lived outside of europe since pre 1939, most of the jewish population in the world were concentrated in eastern europe and to a lesser extent in western europe, much more than in palestine, much more than in the usa. more than a half of the european jewish population was exterminated. out of the jewish european population of 10-11 millions, 6 million were exterminated. today, 7 million live in israel, the same amount in the usa if not less and all over european countries, maybe a few million of jews if not less. you need a heavy doze of historical education my friend. by the way, half the jews never lived outside of europe in 1942. they actually lived in huger numbers in europe than in any other place. and yes, the extermination policies did actually state the extermination of ALL EUROPEAN JEWS. IT WAS IN FACT a plan to exterminate and annihilate all jews but fortunately many sirvived ONLY BECAUSE HITLER WAS DEFEATED AND COULD NOT COMPLETE HS DIABOLIC PLAN. believe me, it would have been a complete 100% ANNIHILATION of jews in europe if the russians and americans had not arrived in time to stop your friend, hitler.
18. @16
what does your answer here in your #16 post HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH WHAT ROMAN WAS POSTING??? your post is just an escape route....customary for an imbecile like yourself who has no answer when confronted with the truth. can't handle it so you resort to off topic posts.
19. 16
oh, i forgot to also mention another site where these great collaboration between lockheed martin and israeli aerospace industries is reviewed regarding israel doing the technology and assembling of the f-35 wings. here it is: ISRAELANDSTUFF.COM i guess reuters, and other web sites are lying too, according to you? take a back seat, boy and know to hang your head in shame for your hatred and antisemitism.
20. seizure again ?
ryddi ,   israel   (07.06.13)
splitUSA & need reply to your rant. heard this antisemitic insinuations innumerous times. any thing else?
21. #5, #6 Looked it up, read it.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (07.07.13)
Here's the thing, though - that book book is full of gross generalizations, and examples. Specific examples. Of Jews who were Communists, which it uses to claim as fact the old staple of the Jew-Communist, of Jewish majorities among Communists... pfeh. No numbers, no facts, largely pictures and claims of "here's a bunch of "Chosen People", or "Most of them were Jews", and so on... And I see it refers to the old adage of Jewish-run media and political influence, blaming Jews for ignoring their history of suffering in WWII, when the actual reality was that, thanks to Soviet occupation and control until the 1990's, history and information for that *entire region* was very much under tight control. The Soviets were very good at manufacturing their own set of facts, after all, be it for Latvia, or Ukraine, or the Gulag system... Jews weren't spared their, either, considering that Soviets actively erased mentions of Jews being sent to Gulags from areas liberated from Nazi Germany (particularly the very partisans they themselves supported earlier), or changed the facts of massacres like Babi Yar to point against Germans when, in fact, the local Ukrainians were largely to blame. As to Jews expelled from Latvia... did I say *all* of them were expelled? No, not even a majority were, but definitely anyone well-off or noteworthy, or in any position of leadership - the Soviets essentially sheared off any semblance of organization and community support among Latvian Jews, much as they tried to do for Latvians in general, but it's noteworthy they sheared off *more* Jews than their proportional part of the populace, not less. As for Kaganowich? Russian Jews remember him as someone who actively purged the Jewish people in the Soviet Union. The Gulag system? It was set up under Stalin with official orders of the USSR's high commission. Were there Jews involved in Running it? Yes, certainly. There were also many *more* Jews forced *into* the Gulags as undesirables or in need of reeducation. The Great Purge didn't magically miss the Jews, nor did subsequent purges. And the Dekulakization, which started in Russia and Ukraine *much* earlier than in Latvia... do you even realize what Kukaks were, in the eyes of the Soviet regime? A master class - well-off peasants, enemies of Communism. But here's the thing... *this* particular socio-economic group did not have many Jews, if at all, across Eastern Europe. Why, you ask? Because Eastern European Antisemitism prevented them from owning and working land, and they lived under travel restrictions for the majority of the 19th century. They were forced into specific social and economic niches, so they simply *weren't* well-off peasants, because of a traditional historic treatment of anti-Semitic hatred against them. And this applied to Latvia and Lithuania as well, as they were part of the Russian Empire at the time. And do you think much changed in the early 20th century, for Jews in those areas? They didn't magically become landowners overnight, so the Soviet regime couldn't cleanse Jewish Kulaks that simply didn't exist.
22. #5, #6 Continued
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (07.07.13)
But let's move back to Latvia, and its close neighbor Lithuania, as they both experienced very similar reactions towards Jews at the time of WWII. Anti-Semitism in Latvia and Lithuania was seen as "not overtly violent, mild by east European standards". still means Jews were second class, and actively disliked by General populace. But some Jews *did* take up Communism at the time - largely among the youths - rebelling against their parents and community, joining Communist movements, even as Soviet communism merely tolerated them at best. The subsequent rise of some of these Communist Jews to positions of power, few as they were, made Jews more noticeable in the eyes of those who were not used to this. Until then, Jewish authority figures, that had actual authority on the *general populace*, in that part of Eastern Europe? Very rare, at best. Look up Undigested Past: The Holocaust in Lithuania. The interesting parts are available in Google Books, particularly about the next part - the source of the Jew-Communist identification. To which I should add additional documents from Latvia itself: The Three Occupations of Latvia 1940-1991 - Soviet Takeovers and their Consequences from the Occupation Museum Foundation of Riga, and additionally: The Hidden And Forbidden History of Latvia Under Soviet And Nazi Occupations 1940-1991. Simply put... Jew-Communists or Jew-Bolsheviks did not exist as some large, easily equivalenced group. Some Jews were Communists, and the vast majority *weren't*. It was propaganda and false expectations, old and new - Going back to Tsarist Russia blaming "The Jews" for the loss of wars and for any other ill available in the state, later featuring heavily in White Russian propaganda against the Red Russia, further directing the populace against Jews in particular. This familiar trope would find ample use by Nazi Germany as well as local Latvians who saw an easy link between traditionally hated and derided group and this particular "crowd wisdom". Germany actively advertised that the Jews were Communists, the lot of them, encouraging Latvians to do Germany's extermination for them, much as they operated in other occupied zones. Latvian historians, though, claim actions against Jews between Soviet and Nazi occupations, and actual direct assistance to the Nazis were minimal, but admit they did find willing accomplices. Other historians note that Latvians weren't quite innocent in the matter, even the earliest time - they *did* identify Jews as The Enemy, at this point. And part of that was because they were unprepared for the shock of seeing Jews in any real position of power - Jews were second-class, largely hated by the populace, the promises of democracy and freedom unfulfilled. So Jews, at the top? A small number, sure, but a *noticeable* one by its very abnormality, and that meshed in well with past sentiments and present propaganda against the Jews as Jew-Communists. In short, Jews did not see unproportional power under communism in Latvia - they simply had some power, period, and not as Jews but as Communists. Latvians, largely unused to the very concept of Jews as authority figures, mixed with past and existing propaganda, saw a non-existent Jew-Communist link. And thus fell into the lap of Nazi Germany and their purposes of Jewish extermination. And for these unfounded, irrational anti-Semitic views, and the actions these views brought, the Latvians *do* share the blame for the mass murder of the Jews of Latvia. Not utter and total blame, and there were certainly numerous Latvians who objected to the atrocities committed against their Jewish citizens, but blame just the same. That's the thing, Split - once you dig deep enough into the fire that brings the smoke, you find the fuel. And the fuel indicates that you may need to do some personal soul-searching about your basic assumptions.
23. roman
just brilliant. you put split in his place. finally and totally. thank you!!!!
24. #16 We survive quite well without them.
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (07.07.13)
Oh, you mean the US military aid funds, which, much like all the other US military aid funds (which are given to many, *many* countries), flow straight back to US-only industries? It's basically a subsidy - a way for the USA to keep allies well and truly tied to itself by more strings, while boosting its own economy via tax funds in non-direct manner. And the funny thing about our military aid (which only exists since the late 80's, by the way), is that quite a bit of it seems to go into military *research* too. Guess who gets dibs on the results of that, Split. Guess who provided some of the hardware for US aircraft, or missile systems, or intelligence data.
25. # 17 ,...
split ,   US   (07.07.13)
You really think you have nailed me this time but you didnn't. - Starting with Russian Empire according to Soldzenitzin's book '200 years together' (part on line) Tsar's regime had no real number of Jews in Russia or in conquered lands like Poland. Most of the secular Jews changed their names and hided their roots, the rest especially those black hatted ortho-freaks ignored the census and lied when caught to avoid being counted, drafted or pay taxes. That was and still is the case today in regard to ortho where ever they're, an inflated in numbers and causes to milk the system and non existent during a national census or draft. In general you're known much better as a back stabbing strays welcoming every invader on your host borders proven by a recorded historyju8st 2 clicks away to prove it on google ,...
26. 24 - flow straight back to US-only industries
split ,   US   (07.07.13)
If this is such a good deal why don't I see any other technologically advanced, business oriented countries lining up to get it. It's not only the military aid to Israel but also to Egypt and Jordan (another 2 billions) to buy you a peace, billions in tax deductible donations, an annual loan guaranties written off every year, donations like your hospitals' emergency rooms, ambulances not to mention political support at any cost including make us a laughing stock, bringing upon our self a hate and isolation ,... Before we 'adopted' the policy of unconditional support for a little bully we didn't have to bribe anyone to be our 'ally', after Suez Canal conflict Eisenhower was the most loved president in ME and Egypt so was the US ,... A hardware for US aircraft, or missile systems? You got to be kiddin' tell me wht do you have that we didn't 25 years ago ,... By the way military aid started in 1968 with the delivery of Phantom jet fighters ,...
27. Roman @ 21, 22 ,...
split ,   US   (07.07.13)
A lot doesn't mean you're right ,... Blaming everything on antisemitism doesn't hold a water since Israel was created. Over 90% of Jews in Eastern Europe were the Orthodox, the one you see today in Israel a lazy schnorrers and scam artists that won't work or serve most you have been bitching about in ynet's talkbacks - Can't have a both ways, pal By the way you're ignoring one but most important fact that no one invited you there or anywhere, you invaded them, you forced your lifestyle and customs upon them and you were the first in line in implementing this bloody system there ,...
28. #26 As for technologies...
Roman ,   Lod, Israel   (07.07.13)
Aviation, missile tech, to name a few. As for what we have that you didn't... aircraft internal electronics that have been better than what you've been providing for decades. UAV's that have been around for more than four decades - Israel was one of the very first pioneers, closely following the USA's earlier, classified developments... to the point of making them right along *with* the USA as of late. Missile technology? We have a functional, multi-tier missile defense system. I believe the people sent from the Pentagon to review the projects in question originally called them impossible. They bit back their words, and provided some ample funding for these projects, when they saw the results. Iron Dome, David's Sling, and in particular the anti-ballistic Arrow, which is essentially a best-in-class system worldwide... yes, considering we succeeded where the infamous Star Wars project failed, I do believe we have something going here. And since USA funding *never* comes without strings, I expect the US either has dibs on some of the technology, or is keen to steer the availability of such systems for its own political ends.
29. 25
intelligent people that are well read and informed DO NOT DO GOOGLE SEARCHES. THEY DO PEER REVIEWED SEARCHES OF EXPERTS IN THE FILED. you, on the other hand do propaganda research and this is why what you claim sounds so idiotic and downright a conspiracy screed. lay off the google. start doing PEER REVIEWED LITERATURE instead. this is where one that is intellectual and knowledgeable goes for their information. they do not read historical screeds by conspiracy theorists calling themselves, dubiously and jokingly, "historians". also, it might be better for you polaks to lay off the booze. laying off the booze may help you think better in future.
30. # 28 - Another hasbara goon ,...
split ,   US   (07.07.13)
More of a step dancing and mudding the pond - In a response to your hasbara crap I have provided a names of inventors and a patent numbers but it doesn't matter to an another ignorant, zio crap peddler start it again like no one ever have challenged or nothing have happen ,... Pathetic ,...
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