Activists to launch flotilla from Gaza to Europe
Ahiya Raved
Published: 09.07.13, 23:44
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27 Talkbacks for this article
1. Gaza goods...?!
yosef, phd ,   usa -israel   (07.10.13)
Just interesting: who the hell is continually sponsoring all these "do gooders" and assorted liberal scum to benefit our "long suffering" palis ?! How the unspeakable abuse by the arabs of any any human values is conveniently and constantly glossed over, while the Jewish "atrocities" are blown out of context and all proportions - so what else is new...
2. Dear Flotsom flo-till-lites....
sailor ,   Israel/USA   (07.10.13)
in September the waters between Gaza and Europe are rough and choppy. May I suggest that you turn your attention to assisting the Syrians, Lebanese and/or Egyptians RIGHT NOW they seriously need your assistance to bring world wide attention to their cause. After you are done in those three countries go and pay attention to Turkey...after all they are next up!
3. Suggest that they sail to Tarsus Syria to raise awareness
The shoul sail to Tarsus in Syria to raise the awareness of the world to the 100,000 civilians murdered and all the foreign intervention there. Surely Syria is a far more important humanitarian crisis
4. Some libtards have way to much time on their hands
Jerome ,   Basalt, Colorado   (07.10.13)
They should actually get an education about what the truth is before performing such an ignorant flottilla!
5. Gaza exports
Aaron ,   Toronto,Canada   (07.10.13)
Gaza is already exporting their national products to the world for close to fifty years,it's called TERRORISM. Enough will your BS.
6. i find it quite amusing and interesting
that NONE OF THESE ACTIVISTS have ever: 1. readied a ship to sail to syria's latakia port and bring much needed humanitarian support to the belligered and killed and tortured civilians and refugees in egypt along borders with lebanon and turkey. 2. readied convoys to sail to turkey with tons of humanitarian support, food, blankets, water, medicine, etc.. to work in the syrian refugee camps located on the turkish and lebanese and jordanian know, the people that were bombed and butchered by bashar assad and are starving. 3. none of them have even raised a single dollar for the above humanitarian and much more serious cause. a bunch of agitator hypocrites hiding behind the facade of humanitarian work. if it wasn't so sad, it would have been laughable.
7. What a great idea. A 1 way trip out of Gaza.
Essie HaKohane ,   USA   (07.10.13)
I suggest they reconstruct enough boats so all gazans could leave on a one way trip to Europe. Istanbul is a great stop. Let erdogan deal with them.
8. #2 Sailor Spot On
However let's not forget Why There Is A Naval Blockade? WHEN ISRAEL HAS PEACE, eradicate jihad mentality And Denounce Violence Then You Can Bring Attention to gazans and their domestic goods!!! Shal
9. Isn't it amazing...
solomon ,   bklyn   (07.10.13)
...that with all the "starvation" we hear about, Gaza has enough food that it wants to and needs to export it? Where did it all come from? A miracle?!
10. If we ever needed more proof...
M. Davison ,   Ra'anana, Israel   (07.10.13)
That the thing the Palestinians are most talented in is shooting themselves in their own feet, here it is. Just the idea of exporting even the few tons of goods the fishing boat pictured can carry exposes the lie of a humanitarian crisis in Gaza. If I were in charge, I'd tell the navy to let them through, but not allow them to return. Let them exhibit their agriculture (which will grow rotten before they reach Europe). Other than tomatoes and cucumbers, they really don't have much to export except Qassams and suicide vests.
11. registration.
lola ,   australia   (07.10.13)
it will take a lot more than 2 months to get that old sinker up to registration levels for international trading. this has been going on for YEARS - first they were going to build a cargo vessel using Palestinian skills - now with 2 months to go - THIS. OH LOL
12. Having the ''worries' of Charly Anderson'
tiki ,   belgium   (07.10.13)
Millions of Syrians, Egyptians, Libanese, Irakees a.o. would trade places with him in a second! These western weirdo's are getting more pathetic by the day.
13. every week..
William ,   London   (07.10.13)
every week 1,138 truckloads of supplies entered Gaza from Israel. An average pickup truck is 25 feet long. That means if you put all the trucks that entered Gaza this week in a straight line, you would need more than 79 football fields to fit them all in. Think Gaza is under siege? Think again.
14. Let it Sail
Claude ,   London UK   (07.10.13)
Let it sail un interrupted. Its hardly worth the effort, It will get a few headlines for 24hrs and then Europe will return to its own concerns of a crumbling economy.
15. Send a flotilla yes!
peter ,   jerusalem   (07.10.13)
From USA to Cuba!
16. These stupid antics really do make me laugh
Tim ,   Brighton   (07.10.13)
I recall a UK Student in one of the earlier Fartilla Attempts being interviewed saying what a wonderful 'summer experience' it was for him This Fartilla is another farcical- charade yet again trying to make political points and gain some media attention by performing these comical theatrics to conjure up arguments that are totally baseless Because each and every Gazan and even the witless UNWRA know that Gaza and Hamas are free to decide on their own future - either to persist with their self declared avowed destruction of Israel or achieve Peace Stability and Economic Prosperity the very second there is a Permanent Cessation of what is still a Hamas Driven de facto State of War So why DOES Hamas persist? Is it to keep their grip on to their power base and control of all revenues total?
17. #13
Those trucks represent 25% of what is actually needed EVERY day, and you know it William!
18. #s 1-15
You are all pathetic! No wonder people don't care for you! I hope the "Gaza Arc" gets lots of publicity so that people will know how Israel beseiges Gazans! Every day TVs are full of what is happening in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Turkey. Gaza is shielded from public knowledge because of who controls the media in the west?
19. Food for export from the "concentration camp" of Gaza??
jrebecca ,   modiin   (07.10.13)
These are the same people who bring rotten goods to Gaza in flotillas. Now they want to take those goods back to Europe? Even if they were fresh, they'd be rotten on arrival in that boat.
20. #18, #17 you are pathetic
solomon ,   bklyn   (07.10.13)
You ignore the reason for the legal blockade. There would be none if Hamas would not be preaching the destruction of Israel and Jews. And if the amount of food brought in was so little, and the people are starving, where is the export food coming from? Pathetic.
21. 18
hohooooo! the boogyman jew controls the media, yep, right! does it control the bbc too????? they don;t report on gaza except for its terrorism and hamas brutality because there is nothing to report, you moron. hamas has full control there. point blank. idiot.
22. 17
what the world knows for sure is the pictures we see coming out of gaza and we see full markets, full to capacity stores and luxury beach hotles, apartments and parks and villas, mercedes cars, etc... what we also see is hamas repression, brutality, killings, and murder and torture of their own citizens that do not tow the line. you are a fool.
23. #20 Solomon
Have I got a fact for you, my boy. The Canadians and Europeans manning the boat are paying the Gazans for their produce. Oye vay!!
24. #21
Yes, when you look at the BBC it is stacked with Pro-Israelis and jewish sympathisers. Do you want me to name names?
25. #22
You fool. 20% of the people in Gaza live the way that you describe. 80% live in poverty, are destitute, starving and need a lot of charity, thanks to you. Remember the jewish quote: "Let's put the Gazans on a diet" Stop spreading your propaganda!
26. #25 More fake quotes
Cynthia ,   USA   (07.10.13)
Israel delivers more than the required essential aid to the Palestinians while the Palestinians reject economic cooperation with Israel. With 60%+ unemployment in Gaza, the Palestinians have the manpower to grow their own food, make their own clothes and products. They'v received enough foreign aid to live like kings. So will this flotilla carry gourmet meals from Roots Restaurant in Gaza and baby couture terror training outfits? What will they carry that's not already being exported?
27. #21, #25, #23 have I got a fact for you...
solomon ,   bklyn   (07.11.13)
...and they are all in my post #20, whose facts you tellingly ignore. The people are starving yet they not only can export, they feel they need to?! If the people are starving, they are doing it to themselves. Again I refer you to post #20, whose facts you tellingly ignore. Yes, name some names, instead of hinting that you know something when you really know nothing. You are a fool.
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