Opinion  Ron Ben-Yishai
US arrogant and unreliable
Ron Ben-Yishai
Published: 20.08.13, 19:39
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31. arrogant and unreliable
rm ,   Amsterdam NL   (08.21.13)
hmmm the name of another country comes to mind.....located in the Middle East...small ......now what was the name......
32. #29 - policing the world is a thankless and
spyguy ,   seattle   (08.21.13)
an ultimately useless venture. The world does NOT want to be policed and trying to police the world only wastes US resources and wealth. As for someone replacing the US in the foolish quest, there is no one with any power that will do it. China has also learned over the last 5000 years that trying to have an empire is costly and useless. It is cheaper to just buy what they need. I suspect that Russia has also learned that empires are a fools quest. As for any enemies coming to America, that is not going to happen. that is why we have those two big moats, everyone in the US has their own automatic weapons and the US has nuclear bombs. The US can easily live in isolated peace just as it did for almost 200 years before WW2. You are on your own.
33. Nr 32. Foolishness again !
Arn. ,   Sweden.   (08.21.13)
I Quote - The world does NOT want to be policed Comment - No Criminal want to be Policed, and surely Germany would not have wanted it either. Further - As for someone replacing the US in the foolish quest, there is no one with any power that will do it. Comment - EU togheter with Yemen and Saudiarabia on the One hand, and, Japan and China on the Other will do it. Read the Book of Ezekiel chapter 38-39., You have The Merchants of Tarsis with Saba and Dedan. (,EU and YTemen and Saudiarabia on the One hand and, Gog and Magog/Japan and China on the Other). Further - As for any enemies coming to America, that is not going to happen. Comment - Read the Vision of George Washington, and you will se it. Further - The US can easily live in isolated peace just as it did for almost 200 years before WW2. You are on your own. spyguy , seattle (08.21.13) Comment On Your Own it was as - You made your Bed. Arn.Sweden.
34. # 15 re: # 10
BUILD BABY BUILD !!! ,   United States   (08.21.13)
Too late everyone knows this is a lunatic. Muslim I presume? KEEP BUILDING !!!!
35. # 32 LOL who will police the police?
BUILD BABY BUILD !!! ,   United States   (08.21.13)
America under obama is a disaster. It amazes me he hasn't been impeached. He really did execute 'hope and changed' in the ME didn't he? How many of his beloved Muslims have died since he's been in office? Can't think of one positive 'change he's made unless, it is that he changed his underwear. KEEP BUILDING !!!
36. Democracy includes human Rights
Zechariah   (08.21.13)
Don't follow a Mob to do evil is a Biblical Insight that democracy includes the obligation to Human Rights.The Nazi Party had 42% of the vote and was the Most Popular Party in Germany so Democracy as a Lynch Mob is capable of Barbarism,The USA Founding Fathers were fearful of Populism so as a Balance they had the Senate the House of Representatives voting Two years after the Presidential Election and The Electral College plus the Power of Impeachment of a President.Egypt is in a Tradgic and difficult Time and Heavy Food and Water Subsidies are Justified .
37. # 10 Earth to Taylor
BUILD BABY BUILD !!! ,   United States   (08.21.13)
The pals can't make peace with one another, how do you expect any one else to do what these 'brothers' cannot? PA vs. Hamas two terrorists organizations, a two headed snake famous for terror, throwing opponents off roof tops, They, like their Muslim 'brothers' seem only expert at murdering one another... What's with that?re: your foolish 'idea' of 'making peace with the pal dogs'....how about after Israel ends the charade called 'talks' and Annexes Everything in Israel... the pals be forced finally to leave Israel and take up residency in Gaza, or Arabia? Right now, the world chuckles as you barbarians wipe each other out. Keep up the good work and, don't worry about Israel or the pals, Israel will make sure they have no land, say or power in Israel Damn, your dumb. KEEP BUILDING BABY !!!!
38. # 25 Congratulations to your guy obama
BUILD BABY BUILD !!! ,   United States   (08.21.13)
obama's bankrupted America, made enemies wherever he went, send fellow idiots to do his bidding and is laughed to scorn by everyone he's really showed those Muslims how to commit peace err, I mean piles of other dead Muslims. We should thank him like Bush Jr did 'your doing a hell of a job blackie." KEEP BUILDING !!!!
39. Yes, let's talk about arrogance
Kim ,   UK   (08.21.13)
How about the arrogance of a tiny little nation that has only survived thanks to the largesse of the US yet whose citizens constantly whinge about the same? Mind-boggling. Here's the bottom line: the US is the only nation keeping Israel from being 100% isolated. If the US withdrawals support from you, then there will soon be resolutions at the United Nations Security Council to impose sanctions on Israel. Following this will be indictments from the ICC. Most of the world is chomping at the bit to get various international organisations to punish Israel for its crimes and the only one stopping them is the US. A rational (non-arrogant) nation in this position would thank its lucky stars for the US. But what do the pro-Israelis in these talkbacks do? You guessed it! They constantly complain about the US. You people are like some adult son who lives in his mom's basement and instead of working relies on his mom to feed and clothe him. Then, of course, he blames all his troubles on his mom for "holding him back." As a young, immature nation, Israel of course is having its growing pains. But the world is quickly losing patience.
40. #31. Lebanon, of course, whose failure of a president
A ,   Belgium   (08.21.13)
blames Israel even when a den of terrorist rats attacks Nasrallah and HIS terrorist den of rats. Yep, pretty damn arrogant indeed!
41. All Israel's most glorious deeds were done in "isolation"..
Chaim ,   Israel   (08.21.13)
Israel must never rely on anyone except ourselves to look after our interests. All Israel's most glorious deeds were done in "isolation". Who helped us win our War of Independence? Who helped us win the Six Days War? Who helped us carry out Entebble? The answer of course is "nobody". Israel needs to rely on her own strength and virtue. We need not fear "isolation". We need to form alliances based on our strength. Not pathetic leftist submission. This is always true but it has never been more true than today. America, under Obama, has become the laughingstock of the world.
42. #32 America was attacked in 2001
A ,   Belgium   (08.21.13)
and not even the "two big moats" were able to stop the moslem enemies from attacking America from within. And it's very comforting knowing "everyone in the US has their own automatic weapons", I'd be scared to send my kids to school or to the shopping mall or to the movies, knowing that some good American wants to exercise his freedom to bear arms, just like a real cowboy, and blow some kids away. And since you claim that America can live in isolated peace "almost 200 years before WW2", let's check out some of that "isolated peace" after 1741 (and these are foreign conflicts and don't count American domestic conflicts): 1801-5 First Barbary War, 1806-1810, skirmishes against Mexico, War of 1812 against England, 1815, Second Barbary War, Algiers,1831-32 Malvinas/Falkland Islands, 1832 Attack on Quallah Battoo, Indonesia, 1846-48 Mexican-American War, 1864- Naval battle of Shimonoseki, Japan, and now let's skip a bunch of other conflicts and stop with WW1, 1917-18. So where is this isolationism you claim that America can live by? Seems they have a bad habit of sticking their fingers into places they don't really belong, just like you stick your nose into places it doesn't belong
43. America needs to lead, not quit
Mark Jeffery Koch ,   Cherry Hill, NJ USA   (08.21.13)
It would be a very bad mistake to withdraw our military aid to Egypt. Russia would like nothing better than to replace the United States as the number one supporter of the largest and most important Arab country in the Middle East. It's not the Egyptian generals that are burning down Coptic Christian churches, but it is the Islamists, who if left unchecked, would turned Egypt into a totalitarian Islamic State like Iran and abrogate the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty. Our government is turning a blind eye as Syria uses chemical weapons against its own citizens and sends planes to bomb its own cities to rubble, resembling cities bombed in World War II. We stood in the background proudly leading from behind in Libya and allowed that country to become a failed State where weapons are turning up in Gaza and the Sinai and in the hands of Islamists seeking to overthrow the governments in Egypt and Jordan. The last thing the world needs now is for America to turn its back on Egypt. Our government should never have embraced the Moslem Brotherhood, an organization that is dedicated to forming an Islamic State and is vehemently antisemitic and would turn Egypt into another Iran. They would have done everything they could to empower Hamas, which is an offshoot of the Brotherhood, as is Al Queda. The current administration in Washington seems to have a problem identifying who our friends and enemies in the world are and especially the Middle East, and as the sole superpower in the world if we continue to want to either lead from behind or not lead at all the Mideast is going to descend into chaos and if and when that happens the Islamists will rule the day and that will never be good for America, Israel, or for anyone who values freedom and liberty. The generals may have been brutal in their crackdown but as far as America and Israel's best interests are concerned the lesser of the two evils is clearly the generals. Let's hope the administration in Washington realizes this before it's too late and we lose the Middle East forever.
44. A # 42
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (08.21.13)
Spyguy is full of hot air. It is almost impossible to legally own an automatic weapon here. The cost and red tape is tremendous if you can get permission. There has never been a crime commited with a legally owned automatic weapon here. Obama has no problem allowing Eric Holder to run assault style weapons to Mexican drug lords but heaven forbid an honest citizen wants to own one. If I had children to send to school or shopping malls, or movies I would want them to live in a society where honest people are allowed to carry and use guns to protect themselves and others from those who could care less about laws or other people. Gun laws and restrictions tend to make it easier for criminals to operate because they don't give a flying fig about laws and restrictions. We have totally outlawed drugs and look how that has worked out. We have made it lucrative for criminals to deal them and created more crime. The carnage in Mexico is a direct result of our so called war on drugs. Our metal thefts and much of our crime is a result of the "drug free workplace act". You have to be drug tested to get jobs and those that can't pass turn to crime to support the habits they used to be able to support by having jobs. We have lots of problems here but they don't stem from law abiding people excercising their right to keep and bear arms.
45. Nr 39.
Arn. ,   Sweden.   (08.21.13)
Could we not expect the US doing what is right, The US who invented this UN And regarding the hostility against Israel and the Jews, is not the UK one of the Worst since the birth of Israel ? I dont think the UK or you yourself has any credibility speaking against Arrogance, as arrogans as you are. Bad by UK, Your Days are Numbered, Your Historical arrogance will be treatened severely. Arn.Sweden.
46. 39
arik ,   usa   (08.21.13)
You got it!
47. #44 " It is almost impossible to legally own
A ,   Belgium   (08.21.13)
an automatic weapon here. " Really? What would you consider the Bushmaster, the weapon that was used to murder 20 CHILDREN, a squirt gun? "There has never been a crime commited with a legally owned automatic weapon here." Well, how do you expalin this? America has long been a society of..."if I don't like you enough, I'll kill you". Lincoln, 2 Kennedys, Dr. King, Lennon. And none of that has to do with being "drug free", it has to do with an un healthy mentality. So really, as much as I support ypur pro-Israel attitude, I see nothing realistic in your defense of Americans carrying guns. Charleton Heston made me sick, but a piece of deer or boar or dove is nothing short of divine. See the the difference?
48. In agreement with you on this, #39
Cameron ,   USA   (08.22.13)
Biggest pack of prima donnas I ever came across. Would not say they are guilty of crimes, but they do cop an attitude that fully earns the foot in the arse that Obama delivers now & again.
49. US the Unmatured and ignorant -
Arn. ,   Sweden.   (08.22.13)
- and therefore arrogant and unreliable !. I Quote US arrogant and unreliable Op-ed: Egypt crisis finds US more concerned about nurturing image as champion of democracy rather than safeguarding interests of important Mideast ally Comment - In the Military, a Major does not interfere between a Capten and His Subordinates, but only commands the Capten. US on the Other hand, as a principle do this, and forces so called Democracy on the subordinates of the Capten. This is nothing less then Imperialism of Democracy, destroying the Principle of Authority/Subordination and Obediance and the result will be chaos. US is a young Nation, and the Usefull Idiots thereoff believe, that Mayority and Power is the One thing to decide everything. US Biggest in The World, has destroyed Her Prudence, and made Her a Usefull Idiot only, and I think Clinton and Obama of late, is the Personification to this. She Must understand that Israel is the Capten in the Mideast, and She should Confere with Israel in every Respect regarding This Region, and dont destroy the Rule of the Capten. Arn.Sweden.
50. An Israeli calling someone else arrogant is HUTZPAH!
Shachar ,   Eilat   (08.22.13)
The US wants to promote democracy everywhere believing it to be the best way to preserve peace and open trade options. In the middle-east the majority don't understand democracy and prefer a theocracy with clear rules. Nobody here yields power for any reason and everyone knows it. So it's going to be a long zigzag path of pragmatism versus ideology.
51. 41
memo ,   london/ england   (08.22.13)
u really love ur self so much that u think that u won all those battles by ur self , if usa or s a or those rich europian jews hadnt helped u would not boasting like a self deluded person
52. # 47 It's easy to explain..
Eaglebeak ,   Left Coast, USA   (08.22.13)
The bushmaster is a "semi-auto" weapon. It is not fully automatic. You must pull the trigger for each shot fired. There is reaon to believe that some or all of the people killed you mention were killed by people in the government. Lennon was anti war and supposedly thinking of getting into polotics during Viet Nam. He was a threat to people in the government who were profiting from the war. My statement on no crimes ever being commited with a legally owned fully automatic weapon is true. The fact that you don't like guns doesn't change that. As to Charlton Heston, if Germany would have had an NRA and more people like Mr. Heston perhaps history would be different. Tyrants like sheep because they are easy targets. They don't like Charlton Hestons.
SHELLY   (08.22.13)
54. #52 As I hinted previously, I have nothing against
A ,   Belgium   (08.22.13)
owning guns. My problem is with the people who use guns in a manner that they aren't meant to be used. There is no reason in the world that Charlton Heston would need to keep 5 loaded rifles in his home. After "Planet of the Apes", he was finished as an actor. So what was he afraid of...gorillas?. THAT is abusing the 2nd Amendment. I have a neighbor who is a hunter and a responsible gun owner, and if he is lucky (and WE are lucky) we might get a present, although my wife was not too pleased seeing a skinned hare hanging in the front hallway. And I didn't really like plucking and filleting 18 wood doves (big, fat pigeons in America, I guess) in the hot sun. But, hey...
55. #51. memo: what a disgusting crap you say
Tom W ,   USA   (08.23.13)
1. Israel was founded by Holocaust survivors and rich Jews did do anything for the survivors. Nothing at all. Besides all "rich European Jews" were exterminated at Auschwitz. 2. It was Stalin who supplied arms in '48 to beat the British because the US ordered a permanent arms embargo from '48 til '67. 3. Your Islamist mind is clouded by inveterate hatred. The darkness that dwell in Muslim head is astonishing.
56. Nr. 54. I Quote -
Arn. ,   Sweden.   (08.23.13)
My problem is with the people who use guns in a manner that they aren't meant to be used. Comment - Do you think everybody is Perfect ? . Must we take away the Freedom of the rightous because of the Unrightous ?. Your Wining is uninsightfull. All deacent people are against unproper use of Guns, and there is no Posibility to act against that, other than for the rightous to turn their Guns against the Unrightous. There is Both Good and Bad in the World, learn to accept that. Dont be an Usefull Idiot preventing the Freedom of the Rightous. Arn.
57. #56 Who asked you? Go back to your pickled sardines.
A ,   Belgium   (08.23.13)
58. Nr.57. Seems to be Unbalanced !
Arn. ,   Sweden.   (08.23.13)
Does not allowe the same freedom to others as the person takes itself. The Person seems to lack Prudense and needs Maturity of Understanding. Arn.
59. #55. Destruction of enemies' nukes also done in "isolation".
Chaim ,   Israel   (08.23.13)
#55 Tom. You can also add Israel's brilliantly successful attacks on our enemies' nuclear bomb plants to the long list of glorious deeds Israel did in "isolation". Israel need not fear "isolation". We do our most brilliant and glorious work in "isolation". What we really must defeat are the evil, despicable concessions lunatic leftists (and their enablers such as Bibi) want Israel to do to avoid "isolation".
60. #1, half truth
Steve   (08.24.13)
Israel remains a critical strategic ally to the U.S. The couple billion in aid that most simpletons whine about is dumped right back into the U.S. economy by way of defense contracts. The exchange of vital intelligence and advanced military as well as information technologies gives the U.S. serious bank for its buck. I would not worry too much as the portion of your pay which finds its way to Israel would not purchase a pack of gum, however you probably utilize several technologies daily which were born in Israel.
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