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Historian: Hitler offered Churchill peace deal in 1941
Published: 27.09.13, 10:13
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1. Shamir and others Knew.
Zechariah   (09.27.13)
Shamir and the stern gang knew about this in some form and in truth the Eastern European Jews could have escaped to Western Europe.Churchill liked Jews but his egotism love of war and distrust of the Nazis plus jealousy at a huge Nazi and German Empire.He felt Guilty true but his ruthlessness in Bengal in India revealed his Hardness.the Jews and the Slavs suffered enormously real martyrs against Mogol Hun Genocidalism.
2. Makes little sense
Tomek ,   Poland   (09.27.13)
While Hitler did seek an alliance with the Brits, he wanted the free hand on the Continent in return for the British Empire to continue undisturbed. In the letter he left behind, Hess specifically promised Hitler not to reveal anything about Barbarossa. The claim that the drunkard Churchill made a "moral choice" by rejecting German overtures is laughable.
3. Concensus of opinion
Sagi   (09.27.13)
is that Hess came of his own accord, there are no records to show otherwise. Let's presume, for the sake of discussion, that he indeed was an emissary of The Reich. In August 1939 The Molotov Ribbentrop Agreement was signed, known as The Non Agression Pact. Hess flies to England in 1941 to inform Churchill that Germany is about to default on this agreement and attack Russia and in the same breath suggests to Churchill that he enter into an agreement with The Reich. Churchill was too astute a person to be duped, but in this case even a fool would not have considered the option. Hitler was too astute a person to even attempt to dupe Churchill. Conclusion is logical, he was a lone wolf and certainly not mentally stable.
4. # 2 Tomek
Sagi   (09.27.13)
Everthing you said is nonsense. You misunderstood the "moral issue". The decision that Churchill made, and was later compounded by FDR, was simply, no agreements, no appeasement, no concilliatory actions and no conditional surrender, but rather that Germany must be defeated and brought to her knees no matter what the cost. It was not Germany who was the enemy, it was the Nazi ideology which had to be destroyed. Instead of calling Churchill a drunk, you should be grateful for his steadfastness and sense of purpose.
5. stern and churchill
ruth ,   jerusalem   (09.27.13)
can you provide me with any more information about this statement and stern and his people. why do you say the jews in eastern europe could have escaped to the western europe.? i want to know what really went on at that time and not the pc official stories we have been sold for years. so much of what we once thought has turned out to be endless lies and cover ups. its time that the truth comes out. by the way our house in jerusalem was one of the many safe houses in the area where the lehi/etzel members used to come and hide in the time of the british. and shamir himself was hiding here in our house with his friends in the slick under the kitchen.
6. HIstory certainly repeats. Yes, it does and this is a repeat
Rivkah   (09.27.13)
of Chamberlain and Adolf Hitler since the Shmita year of economic destructions for the West is Elul 29, 5776 (2015) which happens after the final and complete fulfillment of Daniel chapter 8's higher horn on the ram being subdued (Iran defeated). So war with Iran is before Elul 29, 5776. What this is now is the peace and safety (prosperity) before sudden destructions. Iran will pull something to cause great anger in the West and a Gentile (Greek means Gentile) he-goat (U.N.) with a notable horn (USA) will attack the ram with two horns, the higher horn later (Iran after Iraq which are Persia and Media) in its final and complete fulfillment. The war with Iran may be the Psalm 83 war that greatly expands Israel's territories. Good thing the Jews are great administrators since they are going to need those skills after the Psalm 83 war and the Daniel chapter 8 war. Then there is WWIII and Ezekiel chapter 38 and Armageddon if the Ezekiel chapter 38 war is not Armageddon. The place of safety is under the wings of HaShem. Read His writings and study to show yourself approved of HaShem.
7. Hitler also offered Poland peace until the end of 1938
Albrecht ,   EU   (09.27.13)
Hitler's aim was to conquer the Soviet Russia, not the war against the West. Poland was the sole reason for the war against the West and finally for his defeat 1945.
8. #4
Tomek ,   Poland   (09.27.13)
Ouch. Churchill's primary goal since 1938 was to push the Germans into invading Russia. This way he could kill three birds with one stone - weaken Germany, weaken Russia, and keep the Isles intact. He could not make a deal with the Germans because the Americans would not allow it as they intended to enter the European theatre as soon as the other parties got sufficiently exhausted. Putting the words "Churchill" and "morality" in one sentence does not even look good. Firstly, he made the pact with the other Devil. Secondly, while Germans half-heartedly bombed selected targets in Britain, the Brits were saturation-bombing German civilian centres. Churchill even contemplated using chemical weapons but was overruled by other members of his cabinet.
9. # 5 Take a look at what you wrote
Sagi   (09.27.13)
"escape" from E. Europe to W. Europe. What sort of nonsense is that. All of W. Europe was under German control and Jews were being rounded up in every city, town and village. Great "escape" eh !
10. Nazi Peace Treaty
Jack Levi ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (09.27.13)
Nothing new here. Hitler needed to free up fighting divisions that ere tied up in Belgium and France, so that he could invade his állay' Russia, where there were valuable resources in food and oil and other raw materials needed in his war effort Churchill saw this ply for what it was worth and Hess was imprisoned for the rest of his natural.
11. Sign a treaty with us as we break our pact with Russia
Avi ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (09.27.13)
I wonder why Churchill didn't agree...
13. #1 Stern (Lehi group) offered Nazi Germany the support 1940
Albrecht ,   EU   (09.27.13)
Stern wanted to fight together with the Germans against the British. The Germans rejected this offer. How could he know about such confidential details between Germany and Britain? It is the same nonsens as escaping of the Jews from Eastern Europe to Western Europe for saving them. Last not least: Not the "Slavs" in generally suffered martyrs but some of them: the Poles as traditional "Reichsfeinde" for rejecting of the Hitler's offer of an alliance against the Soviet Union and the mostly slavic nations of the Soviet Union for being "Bolsheviks". Many Slavs fought on Hitler's side: Slovaks, Bulgarians, Kroats, Ukrainians.
14. stern gang
ky   (09.27.13)
Did not know anything. they were just a bunch of terrorists who only knew how to hit at soft targets. What action did they take against the Nazis? Ben Gurion was right about them. Thanks to Churchill with all his faults, and he was not a drunk but just liked a drink, we are here now.
15. Hess
Kenneth Margo ,   Israel   (09.27.13)
The reason must be the obvious one. If there really was an offer .Hitler couldnt be trusted to keep his side of the agreement ,given his previous broken promises.
16. "Palestinians" are mortal foes like the Nazis were.
Chaim ,   Israel   (09.27.13)
Thankfully Churchill had the guts and wisdom to refuse the Nazi "peace deal". It was deadly. Just like every proposed Israeli "peace deal with Palestinians". Israel needs leaders like Churchill. "Palestinians" are mortal foes, like the Nazis, and must be dealt with as such.
17. In 1941 Auschwitz was enlarging
Ezra ,   San Diego   (09.27.13)
In 1941 the order was given to build more structures at Auschwitz. That included enlarging and renovating the number of gas chambers and support buildings to handle the task. In 1941 my grandfather, a German architect, was ordered by the Nazis to report to his desk at Auschwitz, where he supervised the building projects from 1941-1943 until he escaped to Berlin. If the Britian would have agreed to this phony peace plan, the mass slaughter of Jews would have gone unabated for the next 10 years!
18. Total nonsense
Gee ,   Zikron Yaakov   (09.27.13)
Britain declared war for the invasion of POLAND. A peace treaty which allowed Germany to keep Poland would never be signed. Churchill knew that Germany would never keep a treaty - especially if they were willing to sign another to violate one they already made. The rest is moronic rants from delusional idiots
19. This Is Why Rudolph Hess Was Locked Away In Spandau ....
World Citizen ,   the world   (09.27.13)
Prison For The Rest Of His Life Because if the truth had gotten out Churchill would have been lynched by the English people. Hitler had no real animosity towards the British. That's why he let the their army "escape" from Dunkirk. As far as #7's comment about Hitler offering peace to Poland this is true. All Hitler wanted was what was taken from Germany after WW1. He wanted a corridor through what was formally Germany to East Prussia and the German port city of Danzig. That was to be his route through a neutral country to the natural enemy of Germany, the Soviet Union. Hitler saw the peril to Germany from Bolshevism. The communists were bitter rivals to the NSDAP in the 20s and 30s. His goal was to destroy the seat of their power. The reason Churchill rejected Hitler's offer is straight forward. The UK was guarding her imperial possessions and very worried, even envious of Germany's growing economic power and their ability to project that power through military force. Therefore Germany had to be destroyed. Million of people lost their lives, including many Jews, because of Churchill's and the British government's decision.
20. They can get over the fact that Russia defeated them all.
Miron ,   USA   (09.27.13)
But the most troubling fact is they still are fighting same war, and someone is using press, at least on the surface associated with Jewish state, to agitate sentiments of hate and revenge. The whole WWII was out of revenge for continued failure of white people to live in peave and make do with what they were able to produce. For lack of ability to live in peace. And for complete failure of the entire setting of life to produce tolerable living condition for majority of population. So, what the heck has changed, dudes. You got internet to vent your flames? Get the heck out of MY house. Do in in NY Times, please.
21. The sort of "history" as told by David Irving
Sean ,   Phoenix   (09.27.13)
Complete revisionist bull.
22. #19 Hitler wanted more less from Poland
Albrecht ,   EU   (09.27.13)
Hitler didn't want from Poland everything was taken from Germany after WW1. In fact he only wanted an absoulte minimum to allow him to start the war against the Soviet Union with Poland on his side. After the WW1 Germany lost Danzig, the "corridor", big areas like Wartheland and upper Silesia. Hitler only wanted Danzig (actually the 95% Germans living there wanted it) and a mini-corridor through the Polish corridor. Poland should have been compensated for it. But the Poles rejected this offer. Only therefore Hitler was forced to a war on two fronts which Germany couldn't have win.
23. Amazing...
Edwin ,   Canada   (09.27.13) the revisionists come out to play. Are we to believe Hitler really respected the Jews, Gypsies and others, but ordered their mass killings out of love?
24. #19 world citizen
ky   (09.27.13)
I can see you really know what you are talking about You state "Because if the truth had gotten out Churchill would have been lynched by the English people" . This must rate as the stone cold stupidest comment of the year. Any British Jew worth his salt knows the struggle that took place before the war with Moseley. and the leaning towards appeasement of Hitler by the majority of the British population . It was thanks to Churchill and his small band of supporters such as Lord Vansittart . who hated Hitler and campaigned unceasingly against him in the years whilst they were out of power. that a war against Nazism took place. There was no other politician on the scene in The UK who spoke out against Hitler so vehemently. both inside and outside of parliament
25.  #24 Of Course Churchill Wanted The War
World Citizen ,   the world   (09.28.13)
That is exactly what I am saying. Hess offered peace. Churchill rejected that offer. Churchill represented the people who had a vested interest in keeping the Crown colonies and the wealth they generated. They knew that a modern, industrialized Germany would challenge British supremacy in Africa, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. And you are correct about one other thing. The average British citizen never wanted the war. They had suffered enough during WW1. It was Churchill and the people exploiting the colonies that needed the war. That's is why I said that if the British citizenry had found out that Hitler had offered a peace agreement and Churchill had rejected it they would have hung him. I stand by my statement. Here's a little question for you to ponder #24. If the UK and France declared war on Germany after the latter invaded Poland then why didn't the British declare war on the USSR when they invaded the other half of Poland less than a month later? Fighting for Polish independence from the evil Nazis was a smoke screen. All wars are ultimately about money. WW2 was no different.
26. Deal or no deal?
Bikerwolf ,   London U.K.   (09.28.13)
Churchill was a product of and a believer in the British Empire. He also hated Nazism not the Germans. He was warning against Nazism from the beginning of the first Nazi election victories. The Germans didn't 'half - heartedly' bomb hundreds of British cities and neither did they 'let' the BEF escape from Dunkirk. Bombing our cities for nine months in a row with up to one thousand warplanes per sortie is hardly considered a ' half- hearted attempt ' eh, Tomek? Perhaps you there during the Battle of Britain, the Blitz or the hell of the V1 and V2 Ballistic missiles? All of my family were, except for the men who were away fighting in France, Italy and the Far East. And 'World Citizen' my grandfather could tell you how 'easy' was to get off the beaches at Dunkirk if he were still alive (after being rescued and suffering for 25 years with his wounds) But yes, a possible deal with Hitler is a known allegation to anyone who has an interest in the history of WW2. Did Churchill need a peace deal with Hitler in order to preserve the British Empire? Hardly. Churchill hated Bolshevism as much as Nazism. Two sides of the same coin. He was a democrat to his bone marrow albeit one with a 19th century understanding of colonialism, empire and class structure. Was a peace deal ever offered? Quite possibly. Our Royal Family is still 80% German ancestry and the former Duke and Duchess of Windsor well well known for their Nazi sympathies and it is alleged that they were also prepared to be King and Queen after a possible invasion. But hey Time Magazine had Hitler as Man of The Year in 1939 if I recall correctly and Joseph Stalin in 1938 or vice versa. The American Nazi Party was the world's second largest after the German one and neither the Left nor Right gave a damn about the Jews, Kristal Nacht or the crushing of the German Social Democrats. So if you ask me, being given the chance to let the two ugly sisters beat the hell out of each other while re-arming properly would have been a pretty tempting offer for old 'Cinders' Churchill.
27. Don't poo poo Winnie the Hero.
Bikerwolf ,   London U.K.   (09.29.13)
Oh and by the way, the fact that one of our greatest, non-combatant warriors liked to have a drink ( or needed one) is really a non- issue, however one looks at it. Please don't hold it against him. Try and imagine the enormous gravity of the situation at that time. The young, post -Depression, Western democracies of Europe had been suffocated by Nazism and Bolshevism. Hitler was winning and Britain was losing. Our first real victory didn't happen until 3 years into the conflict at El Alamein. We were close to starvation and almost wholly dependent on convoys from America and the Empire. Morale was on a knife edge despite what the newsreels were saying. Had Hitler not invaded his nemesis we'd have been invaded and neutralised. I know this to be true. Churchill also knew this, Empire or not. So what whatever may be said about him from the comfort and hindsight of EU peace and welfare, the man is our hero.
28. Details at last
Sherlock Holmes ,   London England   (09.29.13)
I have always kown that Hess wanted to make peace, and I've always known that Hitler admired the Anglo-Saxon Brits as part of his so-called 'master race' and wanted Britain on his side. The only thing new is that we know the terms of the proposed treaty. Churchill was no fool and certainly would have never believed Hitler, who had an alliance with Russia when it suited him and then proposed to stab Russia in the back.
29. Hess
Argyll ,   USA   (09.29.13)
This is very unlikely because, well, Hess would have said so. There was no reason for Hess to hide this as he lived another 46 years. Indeed, Hess left a letter for Hitler explaining his actions.
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