Bennett's great settlement bluff will be exposed
Shaul Arieli
Published: 14.02.14, 00:12
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31. response
Michael   (02.14.14)
We inIsrael love using slogans, however, rarely does any additional thought is used. What do I mean. A few weeks ago, Israel and the world marked Holocaust Day. There are many thoughtful and powerful quotes Elie Wiesel has said. I will paraphrase in the hope that it will give the author a moment to actually think intelligently and without his emotions. A week ago, they came for my neighbor who was a hungarian (jew). I did not worry because I am not hungarian(jew) I am a German (jew). 2 days ago, they came for my other neighbor he was Polish(jew). I was not concerned because I am not Polish. today, they came for me. Please do not be so naive that it is your rother and sisters in Judea and Samaria they are coming for. They are cooming for the chilonim as well. Whether you are in Ramat aviv or Ariel. So let us stop with the nonsense and actually learn lessons from the Holocaust to prevent another one.
32. Go Back To Geneva... Fool!
joe ,   Israel   (02.14.14)
33. Sam, Canada
Ed Codish ,   Pardessiya   (02.14.14)
The opportunity for peace doesn't "arise" it is created by men.
34. #4 don't insult Chamberlain
Chamberlain never sacrificed British interests, land or blood. Chamberlain sacrificed the Czechs and when he realized he was wrong, he quit.
35. #1 not mine.
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay, MN USA   (02.14.14)
36. no. 35 - 1 of course not yours. It is true unlike yours.
37. #21, Achmedele. When are you going on Hajj to Mecca?
Steve Benassi ,   Silver Bay, MN USA   (02.16.14)
38. "Check" Mr Arieli whilst there is yet time
rinah   (02.16.14)
before "check mate". Check your alliances.
39. What Ben Gurion really said..
Bandoo ,   Israel   (02.16.14)
When asked what was his mandate for declaring the New State of Israel, he said - The Tora is My Mandate..
FO ,   Belgium   (02.16.14)
By muddling up Herzl, Weizmann, Jabotinsky and Ben Gurion, you exposed your total ignorance. Jabotinsky was the heir of Herzl's doctrine which had as goal the salvation of the Jewish people with the mobilization of all Jewish means and resources, while Weizmann, Sokolov (that you forgot to mention, the one who disowned the Jewish State by pretending it never has been part of the Zionist program, and that Herzl's "Jewish State" was just a pamphlet!) and even Ben Gurion, till a certain extend, had as goal Marxist experiences, excluding Jewish middle-class and Jewish or foreign capital, but "financing" their goal by "schnor". Jabotinsky fought for an Independent Jewish State that could have been born in the years 1930, as Iraq, that belonged to the same "A Class Mandates"and became independent in 1932, a Jewish Independent State that would have prevented the Shoah. I hope, Mr. Arieli, that the rest of the story, the ferocious struggle, about this matter, of the Left against the Right, is not unknown to you, or is it? And last but not least, I'm "overwhelmed" by your writing that: "The attempt to divide the land since the Peel Commission in 1937 (of course you abstain from telling that a partition had already been made by the League of Nations in 1922, a decision that became International Law!) through the Partition Plan, the ceasefire agreements and peace agreements, was the result of an understanding that the goal of Zionism would only remain as long as we reduce the territory on which we establish the State". You know what Mr. Arieli? Reduce the State till Gush Dan! Sorry, keep also Caesaria, of course. Your article is stupid and shocking!
41. Time for counterbalance
PEM ,   Israel   (02.16.14)
G-d forbid anyone should post an opinion which does not fit into the right wing mantra of slogans "ancestral homeland", "G-d given right", "Our land" etc., and out come the rabid dogs to shred him/her to pieces. #27, Chris Rettenmoser, sitting in Germay passes judgement on a man who has served for over twenty years in the army, protecting Israel from all those who wish to harm it, with his body. By my count, that means he has served in Lebanon during at least two wars and Gaza at least twice, while Mr Rettenmoser goes to the theater in Germany and passes judgement on what is Zionism. That's rich. The truth in my opinion is that Arieli is correct. The obsession with settling in the West Bank and giving the enterprise messianic proportions, could bring Israel dangerously close to existential crisis. The axiom of "if you are a Jew and believe in G-d, therefore you must support the settling of the West Bank", is typically dogmatic of the right. Oh, and of course, anyone who believes the settling in the West Bank is wrong, MUST be a traitor and cannot at all be Zionist. Well, sorry, it just is not so. They do not have the monopoly of what is Zionism. Here is some food for thought for the right wing to consider: 1. The claim to the West Bank based upon the fact that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob passed through there, the historical sites like where Jacob fought with G-d, or Hebron, with the "deep connection" with Abraham, conveniently forgets the fact that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were all nomads. They never stayed in one place. To claim ownership to these lands based on the nomadic wanderings of our forefathers, who themselves never claimed to own these lands, goes against the teachings of those very same forefathers. Verily, they were so not connected to the ownership of the land that they abandoned it to go down to Egypt at the time of Joseph and stayed there for generations. Pesach, one of our most significant holidays bears witness to this. 2. The destruction of the Second Temple and the exile and dispersion of the Jews throughout the world is arguably the greatest calamity the Jewish People have ever known, and the source for 2000 years of suffering. The Romans came to the conclusion that these measures were the only way to impose order on this land, because of the fanatical acts and attacks of the Zealots at the time. The Zealots were an extremist, right wing fanatical group who committed acts of sabotage and terrorism, and bullied all Jews who disagreed with them into submission - much like these talkbackers try to do. So, it would seem, that the Zealots were directly responsible for the destruction of our Temple. Today's right wing fanatics are a modern day version of the Zealots and, in my opinion, their extremist acts are liable to drag all of Israel down to its knees, under the burden of diplomatic isolation and crippling sanctions - all for a piece of land. Since when did land become more important than people's lives and moral consciences? It is Faustian how we have sold our souls for the settlement enterprise. The fact that they don't see this and try to shut up anyone who thinks differently to them with cyber bullying, does not make this scenario any less dangerous. I would guess that they would be happy with Israelis living lagain like in the the days of Tzena, as long as we have the West Bank. I wouldn't.
42. #40 Your convoluted misrepresentation
On the Balcony   (02.16.14)
of history, and fact blended with pure fiction puts holocaust deniers to shame. Since I have provided you with objective links and references refuting your fantasies I can only conclude that You are either blinded by your "need to believe"or shameless. Get help.
43. So the author has his own view of Zionism...
MarcV ,   Miami, USA   (02.16.14)
...which is that the Jews who organized and settled the Mandate territory didn't really care if the new state was majority Jewish or not. But if they wanted it majority Jewish then it had to be as small in land size as possible. Ridiculous!
FO ,   Belgium   (02.16.14)
You NEVER provided, not to me, not to any other talkback writer any objective links or references, just trying to muzzle those who provide them. What's your aim?
45.  Naphtali Bennett
S.J. Melzer ,   Israel   (02.16.14)
Has anyone noticed how much Naphtali's toothy smile resembles that of Bugs Bunny?
46. #44 I support truth -even when it hurts.
On the Balcony   (02.18.14)
The Churchill White Paper which informed the League of Nation's vote on the Palestinian Mandate. Note the contemporaneous comments from C. Weitzmann --it puts the lies to many revisionist claims. The now unclassified legal analysis prepared for the Israeli government in 1967 by its legal advisor, Theodore Meron (now an international criminal court judge) concluding that civilian settlement of the occupied tterritories would violate international law/the Geneva Convention. The UNSCOP report underlying the Partition Plan which destroys fictions about Jordan or that the land between the sea and the river was intended only for us (Jews) Unanimous UN Security Coun. resolutions like UNSCR 465 condemning the settlements as "flagrant" violations of international law. The advisory "wall" opinion of the International Court of Justice. All of these documents, unabridged, can easily be found.
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